GHOSTVISION | Joined since 2021-08-02

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

The Ghost is a We, we are not 1 view, we are a group of spirits and souls with long lost background in sniffing out deals, news and orchestrating the movements of selective and buddy partners/organizations. We thrive to make sure we have enough shits because in hell, its getting overcrowded.





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2023-03-04 17:29 | Report Abuse

The Ghost.
We went to ipoh and back to scout for information. Many interesting theories for disclosure and discussion… hahahaha….
1. There is a theory that the company may consider selling its business to Ancom Nylex… the Daigo in the industry. Let’s take the PAT for the last 3 years and average, you have an average of RM10.5m. PE 12x (assumption) @ 126m. Existing properties value about 21m. Add in some premium (IP etc) about 160m.

Let’s say the deal is 160m. Hexza would have 77m+148m+160m = 385m. This 385m will be distributed to shareholders, not all but I think mgmt may retain 35m as expenses and to buy another business like what SCGM did.

So 350m for CASH distribution 350/200m shares = 1.75 per share.

The major shareholder owned 47% of 200m shares = 94m, so 94m x 1.74 @ 164m
Plus they still control the listed entity (maybe worth 20m).

All in all, 164m cash in the pocket + 35m in company to build another business + 20m for the shell listco.

We as shareholders, what do we get? Capital (entry) 73cents – Cash offering 1.75. This amount is seem to be the initial privatization offer price of RM1.80 many years ago.

We can double our capital… ok la…
Bila mau announce and jalan? Tunggu official annoucement
2. Theory No 2 – will share later… need to validate the conspiracy theory… hahahaha

Hope the GHOST’s supporter will enjoy suspense and speculations, makes your life more enjoyable once you get into any company by buying their shares.

Happy Ghosting.


2023-03-02 11:09 | Report Abuse

The Ghost.

Latest comment by a user @ other forum;

Market Cap is 146m, owners owned 46%.... pressing down the price means CHEAPER to privatize the company to secure total RM255m cash (belum kira operating business valuation). NTA RM1.19 & Cash per share RM1.275. Shareholders will be at their mercy..... this may look like a corporate raid....

The Ghost is of the same opinion, owners owned 46% @ RM67m... if their offer to privatize at 90cents, they need to fork out RM97-100m. The lower they press the price, the better their offer deal to shareholders....

So with capital of 67m+100m = 167m, they can have access to the company's 77m piggy bank and 148m quoted securities. Plus the operating business + NTA + etc..... pretty good deal, as a matter of fact, superb obscene deal....

damn, we Ghost also don't get enough.... buy 73cents - sell 90cents .... 17cents sahaja @ 20%+... short thrill

Need to force them to offer higher price... minimum also NTA @ 1.19.... which we think they are still ok. Let us Ghost be correct this time.

The Ghost.


2023-03-01 23:59 | Report Abuse

The Ghost,

While cruising along Qr numbers reported by companies, we stumbled upon this unique company that do not have many published info for potential shareholders. Some quick available commentaries;

1. Been accumulating this counter slowly below 80cents. Rightfully, they have RM80m in cash and zero debt. Cash generating company with yearly dividend since 2001. Consistently paying out... the last 22 years. Foong family is truly remarkable. Out of the 200m shares, only 93m @46% are controlled, 107m shares are up for grabs. What's the target and why? follow me closely... kiasu and buy some whenever you can below 80cents.

2. decent qtr numbers, best news is ethanol production normalized... means better revenue and bottom line for next quarter...

3. be more specific Total Assets 253,643m vs Total Liabilities 6,388m.... means peanuts or as good as nominal

4. Cash per share doesn't determine the stock price, cash per share tells us the percentage of a company's share price available to spend on strengthening the business, paying down debt, returning money to shareholders, and other positive campaigns.

5. Total Liabilities 6,388@ 6.4m ÷ 200m share is 0.03, vs Cash 0.387 = Net Cash 0.357 per share

6. At non current asset there still have 114,143m for investment. If that's like stock investment than this company is damn rich.

7. pls read the notes for 114,143m for "Other Investment"... it is liquid cash, the mgmt invested the amount @ equity shares (20% in Malaysia stock market & 80% in foreign stock market)..... this company is crazy f?uk!ng damn rich, 77m in their piggy bank and 114m in stock market = 191m cash.

8. Hexza have 77m cash + 114m investment in share market (refer note 16&30 from 2022 AR) = MYR191m cash. Simple calculation: cash 191m / 200m shares... it's whopping 0.955 cents! Minus liability of 0.03 cents... you have net 0.925 cents per share......those looking into this counter, pls read their Qtr notes. Its amazing investor don't see this....

9. today's announcement means 77m cash + 148m quoted securities = 255m. Cash per share 255/200 : 1.275 cash per share

So it seems to us GHOST that this company is riding on "Cash is King" old skol concept and is doing pretty well along the way.

Diam-diam ubi berisi, every quarter make couple of million, not too much, not too little, just to satisfy shareholders... excess cash go and invest in quoted securities... meaning stock market la... we think 80% in foreign stock market... we hope its US and stocks like Tesla, Berkshire, Airbnb, Roku etc.

But how come share price so cheap and drop somemore ? if Hexza ada MYR255juta, sebiji share is 1.275 cash... itu is extraordinary.

We the Ghost think some shareholders are disgusted with the management for not putting enough money into the business and generate more operating profits. Rather, for safe play, use interest earnings & dividends from the investment and declare just enough as Dividend for the shareholders.

The Ghost will investigate more... and we incidentally invested some at 73cents recently too.... hahahaha

Will vomit more info as we roam around IPOH for data about this company.

The Ghost.


2023-02-22 17:22 | Report Abuse


The Ghost is back! Let us answer questions from users lain;
RX350 - RI maybe no need la, company making almost 10m
Eaglenest - We think the company will drop it.
INAR12 - If need also, Year 2034
joni - hahaha, investor like you sell la if you don't believe penny stock. we curse you too coz we are a bunch of ghost with nothing better to do then to kacau human like you.

Great stuff should be coming along, company should be announcing their Q results this week....based on the assumption 2 months ago...
The Ghost vision the company to make untung bersih of between RM2-3M this Q. Then next Q is same for the next 6-8 Qs la.... so this year will close untung bersih RM9.95juta.

DFX will fly to 15-20 cents la, hopefully.... if not, the Ghost will revisit them... hahahaha

The Ghost.


2022-12-31 02:48 | Report Abuse

The Ghost Predicament @ MUH @ 2023....

Baby Observations -
1. Market Cap - RM33mil
2. Shares - 57mil
3. Receivables, Deposits, Bank & Cash Balances - RM34.5mil
4. Debt - RM5.8mil
5. GP Margin - 50%
6. Growth Rate - 17%

Main Shareholders - Mr Ang KC/father, Mdm Cheong/mom, Mr Ang HC/son & Ms Ang AW/daughter
- Ang Family controls about 38% of the company
Top 30 Shareholders - controls 60.83%
Free Float - 39% @ 22.2mil shares
Total shareholders - 2,200 + (why so many?) - 22.2mil shares/ 2,170 shareholders = 10,244 per shareholder.
based on RM580 per share / so each shareholder is holding RM5.9k.

Historically - movement of about 3m-5m shares/daily = Increase in about 5-20cents.
- so roughly daily 300-500 shareholders will be trading to increase share prize value.

Next Direction - TA
2020 - rangebound 30cents
2021 - exciting - from 30cents > almost RM1!
2022 - rangebound from 45cents to 65cents
2023 - rangebound from 55cents to 75cents (because lots of ppl got stuck @ 70cents region in
2021, they will cut loss or just eventually even to get out)
- TARGET - HIT RM1 again

Potential to go RM1 again? or former glory RM2.10 in 2014?
The Ghost will share more as we move into 2023..... need to have more dinners with the Ang's family.

Always remember - the company is doing pretty good, cash pile almost equivalent to its market cap and the share base is so small.

Raiders whom have RM15mil will get Ang's family scared... why?
Assumed 1lot of share is RM700 (since many stuck at that price range)
To buy 1m shares will cost me RM700k.
To buy 10m shares will cost me RM7mil and you get 17.55%
To buy 20m shares will cost me RM14mil and you get 35%

With just RM15m (SGD only 4m+), you can potential takeover the company - access to its cash of RM35m, landbank, say RM15m, listco entity value RM30m @ Total in the region of 80m. Declare bonus (1for2 etc) and dividend. Drive up the share prize.
Cost at 70cents > share prize shoots up to RM1.4. Your investment double from RM15m to RM30m. Your RM80m will continue to adds up.

Simple mathematics and actions. That is why the controlling shareholders MUST drive up their share prize to make the RAID harder. If not, bye bye to their hardwork.

Signing off 3am
The Ghost.


2022-12-29 21:47 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is revisiting sleepy counter again....this time, entries from 40+-50+ cents. Many investors are angry with the old shareholders, not giving way to younger generations to lead and make this company exciting and great again....

Shall i jampi-jampi and visit the key shareholders and make them jump? They would love to meet me when their time is up...

The Ghost.


2022-12-20 01:31 | Report Abuse

The Ghost.

Chúng tôi sẽ đưa tin về công ty thú vị này vào năm 2023. Tôi nghĩ công ty này sẽ mang lại số tiền lớn cho các cổ đông.

Ghost chúng tôi có thể đến Việt Nam bất cứ lúc nào!

theo dõi
Con ma


2022-12-20 01:23 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is at it again....

We would like to close duakosongduadua on a great note...... ada baca buku dan report...
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa DFX akan menukar arah ke atas keuntungan untuk tahun 2022.
Dalam kesimpulan yang boleh direbuskan;
1. Kontract TM bahagi 2 -
Satu - RM33.8juta untuk pemasangan dan lain-lain. Dijangka purata keuntungan 25% iaitu RM8.45juta untuk 2022.
Kedua - RM38.02 juta untuk mantain alat-alat. Dijangka purata keuntungan 50% iaitu RM19juta untuk 14Tahun
iaitu RM1.36 juta setahun.
2. 2 company yang dibeli awal tahun 2022 memberi keuntungan pasti kalao pembacaan betul iaitu RM3Juta setahun. Tapi 50% baru dapat RM1.5juta keuntungan pasti bersih. Boleh lah.

So, kalao tidak silap, keuntungan penuh bersih untuk kita.... adalah RM8.45juta+Rm1.5juta @ Bersih RM9.95juta.

So glad the Ghost studied when we are still alive, after death, still can use the skill and summarize some basic financial terms... hahahahahaha.... hohohohoho....

So tip ANG POW sekalian - BUY la. Trust the Ghost 50% also you will get RM5m for 2022, lagi apa mau.

Pantun Penutupan The Ghost;
Dimana ada kemahuan,
Kesana kita menuju kejayaan,
Dimana ada keuntungan,
Kesana kita mengaut kebersihan.

The Ghost


2022-10-27 19:37 | Report Abuse

Pray more and get rewarded!

The Ghost prayers went to heaven and came back positively. Didn't realized that God gave bonuses...
ingat dapat twenty juta sahaja...

Tujuh puluh juta is tiga kali lebih from our expectations. M.Cap baru 56juta...
impressive work by the company. Like this, rights issue also no need to do la.... bagi bonus better.

looking at their timing, the latest AR will come out soon... either this week or next week. Tambah-tolak all the quarterly numbers, this should be their turnaround year... must be making money.

The ghost will continue to smell around BSC, MV and all the places that TS/DS/Daigo goes. Mesti dapat hidu lebih-lebih sikit informasi dalaman untuk kawan-kawan hantu sekalian.

Yang Tertidur
The Ghost.


2022-10-04 22:47 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is Back!

After a watery session with the 9 Emperor Gods, finally they let us have some free time to mingle with my earthly predecessors.

The tweety little bird told the Ghost that there will be something big happening soon to this sleepy company.
The so called major project will soon be a reality.

My cousins, namely God of Thunder & God of Lightning will be making heavenly noises soon to celebrate. We at Level -18 will be granted attendance to climb up and witness the gradual collection of millions of shares.

This will be our million dollar joss paper for 2022. Pray hard and be rewarded. We dare you.

The Ghost.


2022-05-08 23:44 | Report Abuse

The Ghost think we need to guard Samuel's house and haunt him every day.

No choice already, need to scare and wake him up everyday.

Who is with the Ghost?

The Ghost.


2022-05-04 22:30 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is looking at 8 being the elastic point of support/break.... crossing over to May... this month end will show how Samuel is treating his pet company.

He said he allocated SGD30juta on capex, still waiting for more information. Or being a nuisance, just announce to pull back and saves the piggy bank cash.

We, the Ghost, we are watching closely at you, Samuel Lim. Very very close....

The Ghost.


2022-04-18 14:41 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is seeing visions forming on this company...

Its blurry, messy and undecided.... I think the management is rather jittery and not sure what to do next.
Best move is not to move at all.... but the Ghost is against it.

Next quarter would be interesting to decide what's next.... either you come to L18 hell with me or create events to move around.

If not, the Ghost will visit En Samuel Lim... his hairstyle attracts us, its nearer for us here in Singapore to visit him.

The Ghost.


2022-04-08 22:31 | Report Abuse

INAR12 - I'm ghostly sure
Landy23 - I think you studied the ghostly legends - don't think H1.00 is possible, potential 30cents is yes.
scjm - sharp sharp cun.

The Ghost was tipped that this counter is going to get min. 20m worth of work from a big conglomerate in MY. The Ghost is going to visit this company soon. Wait for the good news.

The Ghost.


2022-04-04 18:54 | Report Abuse

This month is my month.

Seems like Insas is accumulating shares due to its value, as mentioned during the EGM. Quarterly earnings is making a gradual return.

The Ghost wants to bet that this share price will double by end of 2022. How? will share in bits and pieces.

The Ghost.


2022-02-24 21:50 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is back at this... good Q to Q results, Y vs Y, share cap only 56m. The Ghost is never wrong, this will go back 65cents region. Company need to raise funds to finance it's property development projects, so rights issue with free warrants is on the way. With it's cash pile above rm15m, possibility of bonus issuance as well. You need a couple of million to bring yourself into a major shareholder and ask for board seat. All for the taking.

The Ghost.


2022-01-25 00:21 | Report Abuse

Tom85, nothing is wrong with this counter, fundamentals remained unchanged. Every quarter you have steady revenue and within range PAT.

Everyday, you get to see one to two million shares get transacted. These transactions are done just to keep the volume active.

If you monitor it closely enough, you can see a trend of left hand to right hand & vice versa. No big movements that will alert the big makers.

Downtrend it goes south for a few cents, uptrend it shoots up for about 10-20cents. The spark will come when Petronas announce some goodies. In addition, you get to see some fanciful corporate proposals soon.

44cents is good entry? why not, you don't get to see this every now and then. Get some and be patient.

The Ghost.


2022-01-10 15:53 | Report Abuse

Sandlejepon, bisa menjelaskan makna "hidung darah lama" hold.

Kami desak penjelasan ikhlas dari kamu.

The Ghost.


2022-01-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

A good week for Uzma,

Next week may cross 50cents and stay within the 50-60cents range before the next phase up.

Stay put for some development news before end of March2022.

Its hearsay and the Ghost was painted an impression that they will get favorable deals soon.
Don't put too much thought on it, just ride the momentum.

Oil & Gas will make a comeback in 2022.
In hell, we are always cold, we need heat and warmth to keep us lively and enjoyable lot.

Should get a good return for Raya.

The Ghost.


2022-01-02 14:50 | Report Abuse

Mirage 2000E - Buyback shares doesn't mean much, few key activities - not much was bought, if bought also put in treasury. Unless its cancelled or given out as bonus, if not no impact.

Interesting recent appointment. Very charming and versatile background - linkage to other PLC also raising eyebrows. I think strategic corporate proposals will come soon. Bumpy and speedy headway for UZMA.

The Ghost with many other friendly ghosts have lock in more shares at current attractive price level. Will spill out more beans as we progress into 2022.

May the Year of the Tiger roar loud loud for energy industry companies....

The Ghost.


2021-12-14 14:56 | Report Abuse

Aiya.... the Ghost made a mistake.

9/7/21 - Uzma Kuala Muda SB - renewable energy services
- Uzma Energy Venture Sarawak SK433 SB - geoscience & O&G engineering
15/7/21 - Uzma Nexus SB - renewable energy services
16/7/21 - Uzma Solar SB - renewable energy services
29/7/21 - Uzma Production Enhancement SB - pump solutions services
- Uzma Well Services SB - repair & maintenance of petroleum wells

Counted left/right... up/down... inside/outside... still 666

No more Magnificent 7, got Super 6 only. Nonetheless, later on will share Super 6's potential.

The Ghost.


2021-12-13 00:57 | Report Abuse

Mirage2000E, register and login to view the AGM. You will see us.

Counter is staying low but yet visible to many. Read their AR2021 (yes, hantu pun boleh baca & faham kandungan - hanya interpretasi yang mengelirukan ).

Look at the 7 newly formed companies AND ITS NAME. Anymore or that's it?

Would it be the Magnificent SEVEN (7) or its just a fairytale story of 7 Dwarfs? Paid up RM2.00 sahaja for some.

How many have been identified & used for projects and how many aren't? The ghost is still listening to whispers from little-little birds and crickets along the corridors in Uzma Tower.

Pick some and you will remember the Ghost. Follow the Ghost and you will never "Pandang Belakang Lagi".

The Ghost.


2021-11-30 16:45 | Report Abuse

The Ghost have registered online to attend the AGM, have you?

Don't be alarmed if you managed to observe a 3rd kind.... We are unbelievably cheerful and dynamic.

Dec 2021-Mar 2022 - Where all the actions congregate.

The Ghost.


2021-11-26 17:46 | Report Abuse

The Ghost is picking up lots of Uzma at current level.

The lower and faster it falls, the rebound would be greater and higher it goes.

We are confident in hell. Cry for me Argentina.

The Ghost.


2021-11-25 16:28 | Report Abuse


The Ghost gets its sources from the grave, right where it all started. Even before the news comes out. You believe, you stay on earth, if you don't come visit me at Level -16.8. I welcome and show you your truth.

The Ghost.


2021-11-24 23:26 | Report Abuse

The Ghost seldom talk about oil & gas because in the underworld, we fly ourselves everywhere. Kind of interesting to know that this UZMA is a hidden joss stick, ripe for burning.

After PP, straight drill down. Looking at the ghostly selling pattern, these are just automated sell tickets to Level 18 in hell.

However, what goes down must return up, harder and higher... reincarnation, a beautiful cycle....Amitabha.

The Ghost.


2021-11-24 20:49 | Report Abuse

Whispers are true, seems like the company is on the right track.

The Ghost.


2021-11-17 09:00 | Report Abuse

The Ghost heard a little fairy bird that an exciting event will be coming your way soon. Stay with me and you will be rewarded.

The Ghost


2021-10-31 21:08 | Report Abuse

999 - we are always here.

limontea - jangan pandang belakang, kami ada didalam bayang kamu seumur hidup. jumpa nanti.

The Ghost is busy orchestrating another beautiful counter.

The Ghost.


2021-10-17 21:29 | Report Abuse

The Ghost guestimate that this week is going to be a long candle with blessed Joss stick.

The Ghost


2021-10-11 23:18 | Report Abuse

The Ghost are sensing what you see and we believe it is true. Foreign ghost are true to us too.

The Ghost.


2021-10-05 10:19 | Report Abuse

Dear All,

I will take this opportunity to stop at this juncture and let everyone whom have read and supported me enjoy the rolling profit (as of now and beyond).

Those who listened to our whispers, should be enjoying now. Those who curse us, no worries, we are here waiting for you.

We are not KKY, OTB or someone special, we are The Ghost.

We will continue to roam all the -18floors and source for new potential leads. So far, we have a few others but we need to conduct an operation before The Ghost will reveal it indirectly.

Please continue to provide us offerings and to the other souls & spirits, you can sleep better.

The Ghost.

** Ride the story and you will be rewarded handsomely.


2021-10-04 21:39 | Report Abuse


Take it out whenever you are happy and satisfied. The Ghost practice risk based approach, how much risk your profile can tolerate is how much you want to make. The Ghost do not have emotion and have extreme risk tolerance. We will usually go all out, that's why we are The Ghost.

The Ghost.

** The appetite is just building, finish your meals once you are full. Don't overeat and don't leave the table early.


2021-10-04 12:55 | Report Abuse

End of October 2021

The Ghost believe that an eventful list of activities will float by the end of the month. Musim Tengkujuh will begin in November, plenty of rain and thunderstorm. For us, we will be wet and cold all the time. Don't be scared if you see us rolling the streets.

We welcome contribution to make our suffering better.

The Ghost.


2021-10-01 09:04 | Report Abuse


Seems like salads are served first for those hungry spirits. Eat all you can buffet spread. The real turkey dinner is not out yet.

The Ghost


2021-09-29 22:13 | Report Abuse


The Ghost agree with you on this.

The Ghost.


2021-09-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

Potential Business 4 - Project Development

Again, the management didn't elaborate much on this premise when the Malaysian Turnaround Team 2 was exploring its direction in its latest quarterly report. The Ghost, being the busynobody would like to throw some darkness into this interesting proposition.

1. Project Development - related to Property? this is the most disastrous uneventful business/industry that even The Ghost is afraid to venture. In our homes below -18, more spirits are staying at home now with nothing much to do. For the last 2 years during C.M., we did not get our supposed offerings and it was depressing. Nonlife was difficult. Imagine the latest news @ China @ Everxxxxxx..... Eye opener. This is like 1997 all over again .......

2. Project Development - related to Construction? this is as bad but hey... not everything is home/office related... building highways, dams etc is still construction related and its maintenance.
The Ghost may not have any more input in this proposition because we do not really know the business well enough.

3. Project Development - ICT infrastructure, this could be an interesting proposition if, only if the company would like to deep dive. Data/information is swelling every seconds as we type and read. Data needs to be stored and analyze. Every bits counts. Development of 5G and so on infrastructure is mandatory for natural automation, be it business, personal consumption and growth. Every damn thing in the world needs automation. China being China have so many business companies with these kind of technologies and since their Govt is going tough to crack them down (more like enhanced enforcement), maybe the better avenue for them is to expand through a neutral place like Malaysia? Best example is Alibaba via Alipay with CIMB in TNG E-Wallet. Money well spent and in 18 months, became No 1 in Malaysia. Another will be Japanese companies.

Who is the next multi-million MYR/RMB investor in Malaysia? only Cnouhua will know.

The Ghost.

** A China Giant taking over any company out of China is not as easy as it seems, need to get principal & regulatory approval. Lots of governance issues. Chouhua seems to be the perfect bridge for this purpose right? The Ghost being the Ghost is just highlighting the obvious. Do your own human study. The Ghost cannot study, we talk/murmur among ourselves to get information.


2021-09-24 15:18 | Report Abuse


The time must be right and soon it will come.

Must consume sufficient buffer before any actions. Understand their shareholders matrix;

1. 60+ % are controlled by their Top 30 shareholders.
2. Key/Cornerstone investors has about 20% from this 60%.
3. Float in the market +-35 to 38%

Current shares - 668 million shares @ 1million @ 5 cents @ MYR50k.

You need around 20% shares @ 134 million shares @ 5 cents @ MYR6.7m to start any reasonable actions.

Not enough sellers are surrendering 5cents and below, so need to wait. Accumulate enough, plus great storyline + positive news from their property acquisition.

These are just our humble opinion, do not buy based on what we say. Buy at your own risk.

The Ghost.

** just imagine, invest MYR6.7m, you get 20% of the company and have access to RMB120m value of their property, PPE in China, goodwill & a Listco entity/shell with minimum value of MYR25-30m. Exceptional value.


2021-09-23 19:05 | Report Abuse


The Ghost have many friends and network, few million shares are just pocket money.
-18 floor, we have trillions to go around.

I repeat, when it moves, you can't catch it.

The Ghost.


2021-09-23 16:12 | Report Abuse

Shareholder supporting the share price, don't think can see 4 cents.

The Ghost


2021-09-23 12:50 | Report Abuse


The Ghost hope so too, the Ghost want to buy now.

The Ghost


2021-09-20 21:29 | Report Abuse


The Ghost think so too

The Ghost


2021-09-20 15:26 | Report Abuse

The Ghost are pretty excited that sellers are feeding the market maker.

Sell more please, we are hungry here too.

The Ghost.


2021-09-17 15:45 | Report Abuse


The Ghost commentaries are for long term investors to read, review and understood the impact and consequences if they decide to hold some shareholdings in the company.

It is not a buy call, do not trust The Ghost, trust yourself always. Investors would like to know what is happening to the company's heartbeat and flow of its bloodstream.

The Ghost.


2021-09-17 00:52 | Report Abuse

Potential Business 3 - Fintech Platform

The management didn't elaborate much on this premise when the Malaysian Turnaround Team 2 was exploring its direction in its latest quarterly report. Nonetheless the Ghost can shed some light into this interesting underground tunnel of light.

Fintech relates to financial technology (literally what the banks are offering and you want to grab a piece of the bank's business la) and if the company would like to get involve in this business direction, there are a few "need to" worth pondering parameters.

1. Regulatory licenses/compliance - either the company acquire an existing licensee or they go and apply the licenses/permission themselves. This will take time (longer then you expect), skilled staff strength and cash to burn. Even if you are admitted, you will be in a sandbox. Your hands and legs are tied with very little movement for enjoyment. Further down the road, you need to have your little points of presence in other countries to serve and offer your services (remittances, multi currencies, payment gateway etc). Without a region, you ain't going nowhere horizontally but surely vertically -18 and meet me.

2. Products or Communities - do you drive a community first or create a super app first. Take a look at Grab & Shopee, in my underworld, we have humans burning what we need, not what we want. Creating the use cases can be draggy and it burns money like how you burn for us. Just keep doing it. If you don't have your community, you burn shit all day round. If you have a community but a shitty model, users will stray away.

3. Margins and profitability - deep pockets are a necessity in this game. The bigger e-wallets have burnt substantially to reach where they are today but they can't sustain. There aren't sufficient recurring revenues and PAT. Every Tom, Dick & Harry claimed that there are money to be seen (not made), yeah, some cash flow but where is the real deal? The only possible deal (maybe) is microfinancing... the ah long businesses... started since 0000, still growing strong, be it barter trade, cash, cashless, crypto etc. Lately are the insurance giants....

Unless these 3 main criteria's are visited and discussed, its going to be a long long journey for the company.

However, hearsay that some existing & established competitive players are keen to work out a solution. We will see how it goes, don't trust us please. Trust yourself.

The Ghost.


2021-09-15 00:57 | Report Abuse


We think just one price drop would not cause the whole family to fall dead. Even if it does, we are happy to receive and take care of them. We are a happy lot.

Feel free to tinkle us when you are coming. Thank you.

The Ghost.


2021-09-15 00:55 | Report Abuse


The Ghost is happy that you have sold your holdings. This way, you will reach inner peace and happiness.

If you would have notice, the selling was well absorbed. Wish more retailers would dump their holdings.

Someone is very happy to take it them over.

The Ghost.


2021-09-13 16:10 | Report Abuse


The Ghost recommend that sell your holdings in the company. Better for you mentally and emotionally. Potong kerugian sekarang lebih baik dari dicucuk belakang kemudian.

The Ghost.


2021-09-09 10:32 | Report Abuse


In our underworld, operators do not work in that manner. There are typically 3 things that you must observe, it could be more but since you are unskilled, look out for these.

1. Who are the individuals who have the most shares? monitor their shareholding and their network
2. How many shares are floated in the market and how much to gain control or rather a need to inform their Board as deemed necessary?
3. What are their current hidden values and what is their forward story.

We are always excited when Hell King makes announcement for our wellbeing. As such, for this to work, they need to build up item 3.

The Ghost.

Extra Ghostly Commentary - What will happen if they announce a RTO from a Durian Plantation owner? A China fintech provider acquires controlling stock so that they can expand in South East Asia? many possibilities because why? understand the 3 items above.


2021-09-08 19:39 | Report Abuse

Potential Business 2 - Export of King of Fruits "Durian" to China

The management have highlighted that they are studying this business in more detail. They will deep dive to get more information on the regulatory requirements, logistics guidelines, certifications, pricing etc.

1. Asia-Pacific has dominated the market of fresh durian, with Thailand and Malaysia contributing to the significant share in the total production in the region. Thailand exported a total volume of 496,915 metric ton of fresh durians in 2018, which shows a considerable increase compared to 486,730 metric ton in 2017 and 402,660 metric ton in 2016.

2. The Malaysian durians had continued to be a massive hit in China, mainly driven by the strong demand and consumption from the Chinese. The market was picked up quickly as soon as the pandemic in the republic was successfully controlled. This is mainly because durians from Malaysia are one of their favorite fruits in China. Durians are often sought after by buyers as a special present for the Chinese’s families and friends.

3. The import of durian from Malaysia accounts for a tiny percentage of the market share in China, approximately 10%. Malaysia’s durians are only available in certain major cities in China, such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Beijing, or online platforms. According to the Embassy’s statistics, China had imported 3,200 tonnes of frozen durian pulps and pastes from Malaysia — which amounted to USD 41 million in 2018.

4. The durian industry in Malaysia shows a huge market potential due to its high demand for both raw and durian-based end products, not only in Asia but also among western countries. Despite the global pandemic, we can see that the market is fairly unaffected and is expected to grow alongside the trend. The market today is profitable, and investors should jump into it if they can.

Based on common available public information above, this food business is a real direction that should be generating interest both in China & Malaysia.

Fyi, we are not Durian lovers. It may look like us, sound like us and smell like us, but its not us.

The Ghost.