
Hangseng | Joined since 2019-05-31

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2020-02-04 11:03 | Report Abuse

Dont be a dichead/dumcunt and pretend, Sardine has already left this forum and will never comment here.


2019-11-28 13:32 | Report Abuse

True, sometimes Lucifer can be framed as being the evil. Not all things are as black and white as you see it. And then out of nowhere you have a dead singer MJ tut tut that comes back to haunt you.


2019-11-28 13:15 | Report Abuse

We need both Sardine and Masterkevin to balance things up, just like Yin and Yang, Lucifer and God.


2019-11-28 12:55 | Report Abuse

Even though a hardcore fan with a do or die average of 0.21 with continuous topping up, sometimes we have to be rational. Supporters should be aware and Management should address the huge exchange and hedging losses of over 100M. Investors do not like these negative surprises and unexplained figures. Despite many contracts awarded, revenue increased, gp n ebitda improved, whatever gain they made has been almost wiped out by that 100M loss. If this is just a prudent provision, then theres a chance of a recovery. But if it is an actual write off, then theres a concern that it will happen again or worsen in Q4. Judjing from last nights reaction, No doubt if u compare everything to last year, everything is Rosier. But this year everyone else is also doing better than expected, so KNM must not only be good, but Better and exceed expectation. But then most of the time, we mortals here on earth dont really know what is going on down there, theres also a possibility to bring down and then up to average the price in order to call a rights issue or private placement or some M&A action that is brewing.


2019-11-27 19:52 | Report Abuse

Sardine, im also in for the long term instead of FD, my average now has gone up to 0.21 with the latest buy in at 0.36, just need to fully understand whats with the comprehensive loss before i jump in to average up further.


2019-11-27 19:25 | Report Abuse

Sardine, you saying Lee hide the profits by investing into projects and also avoid paying higher taxes. Lets say he managed to get away with the tax authorities worldwide, but then if those profits are being camouflaged, should we be seeing an increase in assets or work in progress?


2019-11-27 18:55 | Report Abuse

Sardine, when you look deeper into the report, can you please do an analysis of the huge comprehensive loss for the period? Think thats the reason why profit has been so low despite huge increase in revenue. Or perhaps is fake losses done intentionally by Lee?


2019-11-27 18:04 | Report Abuse

Maybe im wrong, if Sardine has anything to correct.....Whatever profit it has hard earned from the projects has been lost through inefficient hedging by the management.


2019-11-27 17:59 | Report Abuse

Is there a reason to cheer? Look at that huge comprehensive loss!


2019-11-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

Doesnt matter small or big amount, a court case implies something must have gone wrong in the process. That huge case with Lukoil has been stuck for years, think of the opportunity cost. Small cases also has opportunity cost and reputation to consider.


2019-11-20 14:55 | Report Abuse

But shouldnt court case mean that cash has been spent and any WIP has been held up thus causing indefinite delay? We not even considering the opportunity cost....


2019-11-20 13:29 | Report Abuse

Court case perhaps reflect the mismanagement of project that leads to loss in revenue and further delay.


2019-11-02 10:17 | Report Abuse

Everything is about risk and reward. But calculated and manageable risk is good for KNM. Others will overtake if its being too conservative. As Lee has suggested, they need to find a great partner to help them explore the full potential of Borsig. Right now, KNM is simply short of cash and big projects to grow as Lee has admitted himself. The world market must have worth a Trillion US$ of work. By getting just a Billion in Ringgit is nothing to be proud of. The manificent assets of Borsig is vastly under utilised. No point having something great and not put into good use. Is just like driving a Merc with just 1 litre of petrol in its tank on the highway, as compare to a full tank in a Proton.


2019-11-01 22:44 | Report Abuse

Im very glad that it shot up to 45c range which means my investment since March has more than doubled. But Im being realistic, and to be honest, MYR600M might sound a lot in Malaysia, but if you look at it in USD150M, it is very very low in International standard. By looking at the youtube videos with that kind of extraordinary machineries and advance out of this world engineering techniques, we should be seeing at least a Billion in Euro. Or else it appears that these magnificent assets are being UNDER UTILIZED. That is the reality now I hate to say. Yes, we see contracts every month, but isnt this just to keep the company on a lifeline. Quarterly revenue of less than USD85M is still very low. Thats why i think Lee should get his act together now, by hook or by crook, something huge with consistent performance must happen in order to win back our confidence.


2019-11-01 19:05 | Report Abuse

Actually im more puzzled by why theres still buyer of WB, or rather still holding something that will become zero in April. Unless theres something that they know that we public dont.


2019-11-01 18:26 | Report Abuse

Lol i know. I just dont understand why these people keep bragging about that contract list of 600M. It is actually an embarrassment if you compare to other multinational companies with similar engineering capabilities in the world. Lee has already acknowledged that they have the capabilities, but he also admitted they lack cash to take on more jobs or to complete the big ones on hand. To see Rm3, we must see something really huge and joint venture with other big players.


2019-11-01 18:12 | Report Abuse

Current price of 45c should have reflected all the news that we public know so far. By constantly posting such list is useless. What we need now is to see major contract to be awarded. Not only that, KNM must also show that it has the ability to carry out and complete the contracts with revenue and cash increase. 45c should also be the current fair value of this year's anticipated eps of 3c. To move higher, there must be some major news or catalyst. Borsig engineering must be able to take in billions of work each year and not just anchovies type of miscellanous contracts here and there. Or else it will just be an under utilization of Borsig manificent equipment and engineering capabilities.


2019-11-01 17:38 | Report Abuse

Someone must have just returned from Planet Uranus...


2019-10-29 20:35 | Report Abuse

Forget about all those tp of 23c, 50c, 60c, rm3, rm300. The main show that everyones been waiting for and whats guaranteed will be wb becoming nought in April.


2019-10-23 15:28 | Report Abuse

My average stands at 20c, but if i want to see Rm3 like what you suggested, we need to see continuous huge and small contracts totalling 3 to 4 billions every year. Borsig has capabilities of others like Benz and Siemens. But whats their annual revenue like? So Borsig 1billion (in Ringgit), is actually an embarassment. We need that to be in terms of Euro and not in Ringgit.


2019-10-23 15:16 | Report Abuse

Sardine, With Borsig marvellous history and capabilities, why arent we seeing something big thats similar to Peterborough projects being awarded in Germany or other EU countries?


2019-10-23 15:12 | Report Abuse

Construction starts 2020 so it will take at least 2 to 3 years before we see any recurring revenue


2019-10-23 15:01 | Report Abuse

Sardine, you think KNM has any asset utilisation percentage report? We see it owns massive land and machineries. But 1.5B of revenue seems very little which means the utilisation rate could be very low and a lot of wastage.


2019-10-23 14:52 | Report Abuse

Any real update of Peterborough as of todate? What you said are just what was mentioned during the last AGM, the same thing that was said during the previous AGMs.


2019-10-23 13:58 | Report Abuse

With 175 years of remarkable history and massive world class machineries, KNM needs to win huge major contracts of at least a few billions every year. Or else those mini contracts of 600+M (out of Trillions of potential business) announced during the year means nothing and is only giving it a dull lifeline just like a breathing support system. We not only need to see something major like Peterborough, but also manage to finish the project and not see delay of almost 10 years. We need to see huge contracts and not just look back at its history with all those youtube videos propaganda. Common KNM show us that you can win BIG with your Borsig!


2019-10-21 17:24 | Report Abuse

Sardine, the more I look at Borsig website and those youtube videos, the more I feel that those great machineries are vastly under utilized. RM1.5b being generated is just an embarrassment.


2019-10-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

Yes Borsig is very impressive with the history, but once others went ahead of you. You will in fact become History. Its just the revenue doesnt make sense for a world class company with top class engineeting capabilities. We should be seeing something like USD10B. Somemore the now 1.5B is in worthless Ringgit. Someone should address this to the management in the next AGM.


2019-10-21 16:42 | Report Abuse

2.5B ringgit might sound a lot in the near future if it ever happens, but then International wise, that is still very small. Looking at Borsig massive equipments, and the market share in Trillions, Im concern that Borsig is only getting little odd jobs here and there to just stay alive. But why it has not been more aggressive in winning projects, time will not wait, your competitors will move pass and ahead, and you will be caught in the dust.


2019-10-21 16:07 | Report Abuse

Sardine, whats the market share of Borsig? Becoz for an International famous company like Borsig, 1.3Billion (in Ringgit) annual revenue seems to be on a very low end. Only USD300M is just peanut if you compare to other famous companies.


2019-10-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

If they can give out such info, they will need to hire 10 operators just to answer these phone calls. But then again, they may just as well post it here in this forum.


2019-10-19 09:43 | Report Abuse

Listing? Please dont let power gets into your head so soon. We still need to see a lot of recovery in their operations. Dont start counting chickens before they are hatched. A slow and steady price appreciation with continuous good operation is what we need. Not some wild guessses, rumours and wild price fluctuations.


2019-10-16 12:05 | Report Abuse

Sardine, if ever theres a takeover by the malays, do you think that will spell the death of KNM and Borsig as the cronies will ultimately destroy whatever they lay their hands on.


2019-10-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

@HLOL, i suppose KNM could be named as sub contractor onced the WTE projects gets a go ahead?


2019-10-16 11:45 | Report Abuse

What then is the update on this tanah merah project? So is this delay a reason why KNM is not part of any of the latest WTE projects announced recently in Malaysia?


2019-10-16 11:00 | Report Abuse

Sardine, with world class engineering, how is it possible that cypark is teaming with others for the WTE projects instead of KNM? Could it be possible that KNM screwed up the 2015 project that is still delayed until now. Or are we missing something here....


2019-10-09 08:28 | Report Abuse

Sardine, KNM has already announced the huge Peterborough award in 2010 and it has been delayed ever since. Do you think they will announce it again when it finally start work?


2019-10-03 14:54 | Report Abuse

Sardine, from where you see that Peterborough is already approved and ready to go?


2019-10-03 12:58 | Report Abuse

Bearbear, she did not swallow them instead the labour is so hard that she shat on their heads. Thats how you get shithead. Pardon my language.


2019-10-03 12:20 | Report Abuse

Im sure all local and international investors are aware of the Peterborough hiccup. Because looking back at the historical chart, ever since that announment, the price shot up with so much hope and then went on a downward spiral. Yes it could be bad luck for the company or good luck for us to be able to get it at 10c and average it up before the spike to 30+c. The current price is fairly safe and should be able to sustain with all the contracts announced to date. All we need is some major catalyst now to kick start the share price.


2019-10-03 11:51 | Report Abuse

Yes indeed, so next year will still be next year, you cannot expect price to factor in what will happen next year. Investors need to make sure it doesnt get delayed again. Failed promises are Peterborough. In fact, ever since that contract announcement in 201(?), there has been no progress even though every AGM they claim it will be next year, so every year theres a next year. Also ever since that, there has been no major contract awarded. My average is at 18c and I believe the company has turned around and has shown improvement this year. But i still believe the current price is reflecting the current situation. Like i said, we need a major catalyst to see any upward movement and be able to sustain it. Lets hope for the best.


2019-10-03 11:07 | Report Abuse

Sardin, your intention is good, but please stop saying Impress 500l/d. They only acquire fund in June, they still need to construct and production of the second phase 300l/d will only start mid next year as planned and if it doesnt get delay again like the first phase. So the current price will have reflected the current situation. Perhaps you think that those dumb local investors are not rushing in to buy, but the smart international investors are not rushing in too. So there must be a reason. There has been a lot of failed promises in the past. All we need is any major catalyst, then all Tom, Dick and Harry will rush in.


2019-10-02 20:54 | Report Abuse

Agreed. The next catalyst will be Peterborough. By the way, is the second phase of Impress (knm owns some 70+%) already up and running? I thought the private placement in April is to start build the second phase?


2019-10-02 20:04 | Report Abuse

Everything that we already know as announced be it Ethanol and others are already factored in the share price now. Or else those conglomerates would have snapped up this penny stock. Unless there are some regulations that prevented them from doing so.


2019-10-02 18:02 | Report Abuse

Please do not get carried away by these projects here and there, the share price has already been factored in during the last price hiked from 18c to 38c. Gen Lee knows best. All we need now is to see major contract, Peterborough and Litigation outcome. Borsig is just here to give KNM a lifeline for the time being. Without Borsig, this company is basically worthless. If Borsig is a sure thing as most of you have led to believe, it would have been taken over long ago by conglomerates all over the world. It will not be here for us to put TP here and there and make a total fool out of ourselves. Remember, Gen Lee knows best and in total control. We just need huge catalyst(s) now. These projects here and there are just to maintain the going concern of a company of this size. Just remember that Borsig alone is not an absolute guarantee. It is not invincible. It can still go bankrupt if badly managed and runs out of cash. But i strongly believe Gen Lee has made an effort to steer this company out of the hardship. If everything gpes well as planned, Share price should rise gradually from now onwards. Dont expect price hikes or miracles. So please have patience and be sensible in making Tp.


2019-10-02 14:56 | Report Abuse

To regain confidence, Peterborough has to start and a favourable verdict on the litigation. Despite having International 175 years of Bosig, there are too many failed huge project promises in the past. There will also be no takeover show as speculated in the past. However, the only spectacular show will be to see WB price when it comes April.


2019-09-25 09:31 | Report Abuse

No need to compare kampung or worldclass technology, simply by looking at these investors forum, we Malaysian have already shown that we are a bunch of idiots talking nonsense everyday


2019-09-20 16:06 | Report Abuse

Sardine, despite great assets, i believe what has spooked investors are the continuous delay of mega projects like Peterborough and others. If you have any updates on these delays, please let us know.


2019-08-30 06:34 | Report Abuse

Revenue, Cash and Comprehensive Profit improved and increased so should be a healthy sign.


2019-08-29 12:57 | Report Abuse

Selling of the subsid will not be reflected in Q2 for sure and is just a smoke screen. But one thing for sure, do expect some thundering on a bright clear sunny day.