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2015-10-12 14:59 | Report Abuse

suggest not to buy aemulus yet, i think its possible to drop lower, more downside than upside so profit is limited if it does rise.

2 cents


2015-10-12 12:02 | Report Abuse

how did you ascertain 60sens


2015-10-12 11:40 | Report Abuse

Morning everyone, anyone else think CI gonna rebound for the day? region still in C?


2015-10-12 09:29 | Report Abuse

alot of old stories sure, but i dont see any reasonings or logic behind what your saying sheep. just alot of ghost stories, people who've listened earlier would have already made healthy gains. Buy this counter but obviously trade at your own risk and be ready to cut when you have profited. This should be obvious to all traders.

rather than just ghost stories haha


2015-10-09 11:50 | Report Abuse

he means they are ruthless, very volatile market.


2015-10-09 10:45 | Report Abuse

WC and mother yes, probably stay away from WB, low vol + high premium


2015-10-09 09:53 | Report Abuse

no one would want to accumulate something if prior to an EGM for the purpose of losing money. The signs are infront of you all. Already said above


2015-10-08 09:53 | Report Abuse

thanks for that capt, appreciate it. short punt, stringent cut loss. appreciate the TP


2015-10-08 09:41 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone, thanks capt for the technical update, i greatly appreciate it every morning.

i went in for a small punt on HSI-HQ, feel like hang seng should retrace a little from 700 pts up yesterday.

Also, in AA, Mpay and Instaco as well


2015-10-07 11:36 | Report Abuse

anyone else read the news about AA wanting to go private? Usually will rally towards it if so (although it will be ahwhile from now considering they will have to raise quite alot of funds, although makes sense if they think they're own stock is undervalued) . Ringgit tracing back against the USD to around 4.35~ also helps AA cause its debts are denominated in USD as well. Brent Oil to 52USD /barrel also helps.

Hopefully it goes higher.


2015-10-07 11:25 | Report Abuse

let those who want to take profit do so, can happily accumulate more at lower price. What happens to a company's stock price after a turn around , ask yourself


2015-10-06 12:31 | Report Abuse

SS1967, im currently in both other warrants, WB is a little harder due to its large premium compared to the others. But i think you should be able to exit 0.045/0.050


2015-10-06 12:19 | Report Abuse

SS1967, since you've held for a year already, suggest you be patient and wait till close to end of the month. May yield surprising results.

AGM also on 21 OCT


2015-10-06 12:14 | Report Abuse

walt, take note of the T-3's as well. Should be earlier holders taking profit. Value of SELLS 1.437 million compared to 1.062M of BUYS for johotin


2015-10-06 11:50 | Report Abuse

yesterday already rose nearly 30%, it cant constantly rise so much so fast, it will be a constant rise towards the AGM, if not will also get UMA


2015-10-06 10:01 | Report Abuse

AGM on 21st will be good news, suggest to accumulate before then. no joke


2015-10-06 09:30 | Report Abuse

congrats to johotin holders!


2015-10-05 16:10 | Report Abuse

Congrats to the believers!


2015-10-05 16:09 | Report Abuse

no problem, i expect it to go higher

3 cents worth more than 2 cents


2015-10-05 10:58 | Report Abuse

should close above 0.2 , spike in volume and technical accumulation.


2015-10-02 16:00 | Report Abuse

The more i research into MPAY the more i like about it (hint, private placement from a certain prominent banker) duit, good call. Have also invested slightly later at 0.260. IMO should be able to ride stocks for close to a month before the next FOMC meeting in late OCT for uncertainties to come once again. Will probably remain invested in MPAY slightly pass 0.290 however but thats just my personal choice.

Will also hold AirAsia, though i do not reccomend buying into it now as i feel that can probably get a better entry soon enough. Still trading above the MA and its dripping off its overbought positions. Am fine with holding for Medium-Long term for now.

Have made profit several times on Aemulus , sold slightly early yesterday at 0.530 from 0.470 . Overpriced ATM, should be a selldown. Overall however i think the Company will show continuous growth in the future.

currently looking at some other company warrants that are in accumulation mode.

my 2 cents ramblings


2015-10-01 10:07 | Report Abuse

trustme do we still expect the medium long term trend to fall lower to test 1582 by OCT 15 still? or has that been revised and pushed back to early NOV


2015-10-01 09:55 | Report Abuse

think AA should trend a little higher today, at a glance seems like has solid support


2015-10-01 09:17 | Report Abuse

good morning everyone, was not able not monitor much yesterday, missed out on that AAC25 as well unfortunately, congratulations on the gains! and thank you rchi for always letting us know !

capt.. thanks for todays update (along with indicators for the data) v useful


2015-09-30 09:34 | Report Abuse

thanks for todays update trustme932 and i agree with you region, i also want to jump into AA, but at a lower price if possible.


2015-09-29 12:27 | Report Abuse

rchi.. yes exactly


2015-09-29 12:06 | Report Abuse

rchi... actually completely agree, pretty dark times ahead unfortunately. Just feel that the 20B is overplayed, but it really is a drop in the ocean as you said when put in comparison to FF holdings of malaysian bonds. something like 55%? or so? cant remember off the top of my head, but its pretty serious indeed.

twobits; i just talk alot, i really appreciate you morning technical updates , very insightful

duit and dunknow; haha you two, the real humble sifu's


2015-09-29 11:47 | Report Abuse

Anyways, my view is valuecap is not in for many reasons. So we can agree to disagree on our opinions


2015-09-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

thats the psychological side of the market sentiment, if on the financial side, when i mentioned before in my other comments, where can the money for the valuecap come from? 20B cant just appear from nowhere (unless u take from duit or rchi maybe) ananda krishnan also already have to loan 2B to 1MDB , expect another 18 ?! haha


2015-09-29 11:34 | Report Abuse

coldrisks.. make no mistake that the people in the industry are sharks, this 20B is not inclusive of the defending already being done by public funds such as EPF, if you include in local insti's as well.. realize that they are just defending the market.. not boosting it, you can see from the inflows/outflows, local insti is always a little bit lower or on par with foreign outflows and vice versa.

the government already had a huge media exposure over 20B.. 20B ..20B everywhere. The effect it had is as they wanted it to be, change market sentiment for the better even if slightly. If they really put in EVEN 1B, you would hear about it soon enough because they would want to RETAIN and IMPROVE a good market sentiment.

defending and sustaining cost less than "boosting" a market from a low position.

If you want a case study example; see CHINA. said they were gonna inject 3 times in the last few months, after the first 2, traders dont longer believe it. remains to be seen if they really have injected on the third attempt

So yes, these are my reasons .


2015-09-29 11:08 | Report Abuse

sorry for the long link, but i couldnt seem to post earlier, CHINA and HK traders follow the CSLA chart fervently (under non extreme market conditions ofc) so it usually becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


2015-09-29 11:05 | Report Abuse

ALSREIT losing steam, doubtful itll go high


2015-09-29 10:29 | Report Abuse

DUIT.. TQ for compliment sifu, just sharing my 2 cents, hopefully it has some worth


2015-09-29 10:27 | Report Abuse

rchi & connie.. i actually agree with both, window dressing prop up into late OCT problems. China & HK traders follow the CSLA chart very religiously also, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, could be slight recovery in china/hk stk market during mid OCT , and that also makes it easier for yellen to raise rates.

give or take a week la ok, im not god haha


2015-09-29 10:23 | Report Abuse

trustme932... mentioned in one of my prev posts but here's the extract, hope it helps

"this 20B injection has to come from somewhere, valuecap owned by 3 gov key funds, Khazanah Nasional Bhd, pension fund manager KWAP and fund manager Permodalan Nasional Bhd. So a scenario where gov uses public funds for the injection and then prop up mkt but fail will mean further 20B hole of public debt. Even if Valuecap issues bonds for the 20B it will increase exposure to Khazanah, KWAP and PNB furthering debt risk of 20B. "


2015-09-29 10:19 | Report Abuse


"This is to enable ValueCap to invest in undervalued Malaysian companies."

they paint the story as they like ofc, they can just as easily say for "emergency" but do you still buy what they are selling :P



2015-09-29 09:48 | Report Abuse

Good morning CC house, just came in to offer some food for thought(or to eat if hungry), DOW took a big hit yesterday as many of you know, GLENCORE slid off -31% taking commodity rout to start looking like a crisis, very significant.

and also take note for CALL warrant buyers not to solely rely on valuecaps "promise". Heard that the 20B will only be invested part by part over a period of YEARS. In my opinion currently mkt being propped up by local institutions NOT valuecaps 20B which in my last posting already explained their situation. Also take into account 3qt result out, and everyone loves to do some window dressing.

just my 2 cents , happy trading everyone!


2015-09-28 11:24 | Report Abuse

connie.. haha you made a mistake, buying IDEA meaning "maybe can buy" did not buy into IDEAL unfortunately, wish i did. only trade i made was taking profit in IFCA at 0.960 after buying at 0.855 previously for ~12%


2015-09-25 16:46 | Report Abuse

Check out IFCA guys , took profit, hoping for a lower entry once again, happy trading and have a good weekend !


2015-09-25 12:19 | Report Abuse

coldrisks, haha who knows what will happen


2015-09-25 11:48 | Report Abuse

also buying IDEA, i expect IFCA to go a little higher than what its currently trading at. Possibly hitting close to a TP of 1.00 in a space of 2 weeks. Note that its highly in the overbought zone from its RSI, money is still in daily and going strong. Volume is a little volatile but still pretty healthy considering current market sentiment, and a general uptrend finally touching the clouds once again.

feel its still fairly undervalued. But this is not a quick trade call ya.

DISCLAIMER: I have a stake in this and have bought earlier at a entry of 0.855 , mistake not to buy earlier at maybe 7 haih

Just sharing, hopefully if it drops lower may provide better entry


2015-09-25 11:38 | Report Abuse

Threat is official, US and Australian consulates have already informed their respective citizens/tourists. Actually heard the new 2 days ago from embassy source so be careful this weekend in KL. If something really happens, our ringgit will take a hit, and this is right after MIDF have just forecasted 4.40-4.50 to USD year end forecast


2015-09-25 10:51 | Report Abuse

Bonarda, i've actually been following various threads for a long while before signing up previously, have also prev read FBMKLCI-HK threads where AJ was very active in as well. Do not want to jump to conclusions and simply start fire so always give people benefit of the doubt , in CC house i feel we all should help one another, just wanted to point out that AJ FBMKLCI-HM recommendation was EXTREMELY close to expiry , could be a mistake/typo from bro AJ .


2015-09-25 10:42 | Report Abuse

thank you tsy.. thought it was a weird recommendation from AJ haha.. maybe mistake


2015-09-25 09:32 | Report Abuse

could be pushing higher for a trap, buyer beware and be cautious.


2015-09-25 09:31 | Report Abuse

Good morning hawhaw, i myself looking for an entry into AA, won't be going in right away though, am thinking probably can get it at a better entry price, RSI shows that its strongly overbought, so will prob wait abit. after a small consolidation i do believe there is further upside for AA


2015-09-25 09:08 | Report Abuse

AJ and others.. please note that FBMKLCI-HM is 5 days from maturity hence 0 volume. :P

Posted by alphajack > Sep 24, 2015 11:56 PM | Report Abuse

next few days only two ways to make money

a. put warrants (HM recommended)

b. GOB (cash play, upside 20-25% again)

good luck


2015-09-23 16:07 | Report Abuse

no problem connie, and thanks steve great site


2015-09-23 10:53 | Report Abuse

add to note they DO have/had liquid 3B cash (FY2013)