
Icon8888 | Joined since 2013-07-25

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2019-01-01 21:08 | Report Abuse

Tone down a bit lah. I want to chat with you, but you so combative I also no mood

News & Blogs

2019-01-01 21:01 | Report Abuse

CarlesT why you recently become so argumentative ? I missed Murali

News & Blogs

2019-01-01 19:55 | Report Abuse

exactly the same argument I use for advocating buy on Jaks WB instead of Jaks

most see high conversion premium, but OTB and I see that as academic if the mother shares appreciate substantially

(in the 2019 stock pick contest, I pick Jaks instead of WB because I am not allowed to sell before end 2019. There is a chance that if market turns bearish, the premium will dissipate. In real life, I can always switch, but in the stock pick, I can't)


2019-01-01 18:36 | Report Abuse

All evidences suggest that our expectation of strong IPP construction profit for Jaks is reasonable and achievable.

The only thing that can screw us up is if there is a fraud. For example : the Vietnam IPP project is a hoax, or the major shareholders are siphoning money out, etc.

Only time can tell


2019-01-01 18:32 | Report Abuse

According to FY2017 annual report, in 2016, MFCB's power project generated revenue and PBT of RM437 mil and RM123 mil respectively. This translates into PBT margin of 28%

In 2017, the power project generated revenue and PBT of RM723mil and RM180 mil respectively. This translates into PBT margin of 25%.

In the 9 months ended September 2018, the power project generated revenue and PBT of RM489 mil and RM130 mil respectively. PBT margin of 27%.

Looked like Jaks PBT margin for Vietnam IPP of closed to 25% is not outrageous.

News & Blogs

2019-01-01 16:20 | Report Abuse

plane and I are now one happy family

Both bottom dwellers


2019-01-01 16:07 | Report Abuse

I am surprised by Mr Ooi's picks for this competition

Not that I have much issue with the stocks. They are ok

The only problem is that you are not allowed to sell to lock in gain. So if oil price is bad by end of 2019, the portfolio will suffer

News & Blogs

2019-01-01 06:05 | Report Abuse

At least KC give ideas. You only know to criticise

News & Blogs

2018-12-31 20:08 | Report Abuse

MBM Resources 30%
3A Resources 20%
Jaks 10%
YTL Power 10%
Cypark 5%
Ecoworld International 5%
Johotin 5%
Oriental 5%

News & Blogs

2018-12-31 19:31 | Report Abuse

qqq3 place your bet for 2019 stock picks. I want ideas

News & Blogs

2018-12-31 16:35 | Report Abuse

Damn bloody long article. Talk mountain talk sea. At the end don't know what is the actionable item


2018-12-29 21:12 | Report Abuse

That is something new. You mean the Chinese did all the work, then give them the cash as profit, and then wait for them to inject the cash back to the project ?

What a weird arrangement

Posted by abang_misai > Dec 29, 2018 07:42 PM | Report Abuse

Because the money Jaks made in the EPC was already brought back to Malaysia and spent. This simply means it will have no money to subscribe the 30% equity. The management is worse than a fox if you know what I mean


2018-12-29 19:37 | Report Abuse

Why he ceased to have faith in Vietnam IPP ?


2018-12-29 18:21 | Report Abuse

Sorry I still don't get it : what is the reason that caused kYY to sell down ?

News & Blogs

2018-12-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

Gut feeling in psychological term is called heuristic


2018-12-29 11:32 | Report Abuse

At the end of the day, the only viable strategy for ikan bilis like us is to keep exposure small and wait for events to unfold

That is the only way to ride this wild horse


2018-12-29 11:30 | Report Abuse

Because of that, Instead of believing fully the story he sold us, I continue to wonder "What the hell is going on ? "


2018-12-29 11:29 | Report Abuse

This is something that really baffles me .


2018-12-29 11:28 | Report Abuse

With this kind of innovativeness, adaptability and shrewdness, how can the old man be so wrong to mishandle the situation until he lost 64 mil


2018-12-29 11:26 | Report Abuse

From helicopter visit to jayatiasa , he has evolved into surf rider based on Koon bee system , and now has evolved into controlling stake with direct access to the Board room and CEO


2018-12-29 11:24 | Report Abuse

They are still mocking his iOS1 mistakes but he is already operating iOS 10


2018-12-29 11:23 | Report Abuse

Yes kYY learn very fast

Those people that continue to mock him of his jayatiasa Mudajaya xiquan mistakes fails to recognise that he has evolved beyond recognition


2018-12-29 05:28 | Report Abuse

As recent as 4 August 2018, Uncle Koon was aware that property market is bad (read his article below), and yet he called for people to buy Jaks on dip

Of course as we know, he now is bearish because he believed Jaks property division will drag the group into losses over next few years

Between August and now, nothing much has changed as far as Jaks property division is concerned. Why the sudden change of heart ?

If you really believe in everything Uncle Koon said, which one should you believe ? The Uncle Koon in August or the Uncle Koon in December ?

I am confused by his stance, why are you not ?


Jaks is on Cheap Sale - Koon Yew Yin
Author: Koon Yew Yin | Publish date: Sat, 4 Aug 2018, 11:08 AM

From the company announcement, you can see that my wife and I have bought more than 150 million Jaks with margin loan. Due to the depressed property market and the bad publicity of the legal battle with Star, many shareholders are dumping their shares. When the price plunged, we have to sell to meet margin call which is a vicious cycle. Forced selling will depress the price lower which will create more forced selling until more buyers come forward to support the price.

I was too bullish and bought too many Jaks. It is like I drank too much XO brandy until I vomit. It is not that XO or Jaks is not good, but I had too much of the good thing.

I am ashamed to admit my mistake. This is my worst mistake in share investing in my life. I must remember this mistake and learn from my mistake.

As you know, there is always some risk in buying any share. I was so bullish because I thought I could make money as I did in Latitude, Lii Hen and VS Industry, all of which had gone up a few hundred percent within 2.5 years.

My main reason for buying Jaks is its 1,200 MW power plant, generating electricity for the Vietnamese Government. I was so sure that the consortium of 3 Chinese national banks would have examined the power purchase agreement thoroughly before they would finance Rm 7.76 billion for the project. It is like the banks are guaranteeing profit for Jaks.

All smart investors should be able to see that the price has been plunging in the last 3 months and take advantage of this cheap sale to buy.

Cheap sale is quite rare and you are lucky. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.


2018-12-29 04:36 | Report Abuse

By right Uncle Koon's info should be very credible as he has the privillege of full access to top management

But Uncle Koon first bought into Jaks in January 2017. If things are really that bad, Why did it take him a full two years to figure that out ?

Don't tell me he only started asking questions to management few weeks ago

This is the part that makes me not fully accept what he said


abang_misai You better believe what Mr Koon has advised. He has met with management and examined their accounts.

News & Blogs

2018-12-28 20:38 | Report Abuse

on top of laziness, Stockmarket punting also has another side effect - it makes me didn't bother to fight to climb corporate ladder. In my entire career, I was relatively insulated from office politics. Just couldn't be bother about promotion etc... I just need a steady income and more free time, so that I can make extra from the market

when I was thirty something, I paid cash to buy a car. The salesgirl said he never see young man like me did that before

Posted by Up_down > Dec 28, 2018 07:56 PM | Report Abuse

Laziness attitude that pushing us hard to think further and planning ahead...hahaha. I used to haved a laziness attitude in the office...I worked very hard to figure out and implement a proper systems to monitor staffs for the first 3 years. Not an easy job and until my white hairs came out during that period. The returns for the next few years is I was able to koyang kaki and spending 70% of time learning to trade in share market.... Lolz

News & Blogs

2018-12-28 20:30 | Report Abuse

dont mean to boast, during good year, the money each of us made is actually more than MOST PLCs

don't believe me ? go check Bursa announcements - easily 70% of them were loss making

News & Blogs

2018-12-28 20:22 | Report Abuse

Fully understand what Yiu mean

Same thing crioss my mind many times before

Not only that. My thought extends to cover businesses. When I saw people working so hard running their small businesses , my portfolio changes in few days can be their entire year revenue

Posted by probability > Dec 28, 2018 07:12 PM | Report Abuse

yesterday i realized something....while at office....observed all my colleagues who seems to be very professional and extremely hardworking...

just for a small monthly income...

i feel i can never work like them till retiring....

the daily/weekly fluctuation on my stock investment value ...is almost the same as the whole savings we make in a year...

look at the amount of time and effort people place to earn? they spend their whole life learning new things everyday...send hundreds of mail...presentation and reports..drive to work..send kids to school etc..


we investors are completely different than these people...

i think most of us have some kind of inherent defects these people dont have (some kind of laziness or gambling attitude)...this defects are the one that pushes us to make money from the market...

its like a blessing in disguise..

perhaps this answers why we have so many abnormal people in i3...

News & Blogs

2018-12-28 18:27 | Report Abuse

And he was overjoyed when disaster hit poor countries but make his stock profitable

News & Blogs

2018-12-28 16:54 | Report Abuse

Do you have integrity ?

Posted by calvintaneng > Dec 28, 2018 04:27 PM | Report Abuse

It was Warren Buffet who said there must be talent, intelligence and integrity

A person with talent and intelligence without integrity is no use.

3iii has talent and intelligence but no integrity.

That is why he cannot be trusted

News & Blogs

2018-12-27 17:44 | Report Abuse

Too long !!!! Make it shorter lah

(I have yet to read)


2018-12-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

This stock good ah ?

News & Blogs

2018-12-26 21:48 | Report Abuse

they brought in a lot of poor Indons and give them PR

Now everyone of us had to chip in

News & Blogs

2018-12-26 14:56 | Report Abuse

ET will transform Calvintaneng Ito a cow

News & Blogs

2018-12-26 14:49 | Report Abuse

I strongly believe ET exist


14 posts
Posted by mach10 > Dec 26, 2018 02:45 PM | Report Abuse

I strongly believe ET not god created human in seven days.the god mentioned in the bible is actually an ET.

News & Blogs

2018-12-26 14:15 | Report Abuse

Nope....Because it is spread by the most powerful and rich group of people

News & Blogs

2018-12-26 12:52 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng eat shxt !

(my contribution to religion debate)


2018-12-26 12:17 | Report Abuse


emil FLASHING ALERT!!! Be prepare for mass program selling across Bursa counters amid US DowJones waterfall towards 18K and something not right on World Financial turmoil couple with Oil price tumble down..
25/12/2018 22:32

News & Blogs

2018-12-25 18:39 | Report Abuse

Very typical republican presidency

Open with a big bang, and then followed by bear market

Bush did that as well

News & Blogs

2018-12-24 12:40 | Report Abuse

I am with you bro

merry xmas


2018-12-24 12:39 | Report Abuse


Posted by moneykjtwin > Dec 24, 2018 12:38 PM | Report Abuse

apolloang is a fraud


2018-12-24 11:26 | Report Abuse

The immediate step is to lower cost through Auric VSS


2018-12-22 15:40 | Report Abuse

My point is : if you want to defraud people, cook up receivables

Nobody cook up payables to defraud people


2018-12-22 15:39 | Report Abuse

I wouldn't worry too much about payables

i will worry more if it is receivables

Receivable got scope for fraud. For example : cook up a construction contract and make it a receivable from third party. That will be good for P&L (construction profit can be booked in). Later on says that receivable has turned bad and have to write it off

Many fraud cases happen like that

But payables ? Why worry about payables ?


2018-12-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

Somebody mentioned that there might be another private placement in 2019

I actually welcome it

This is because Jaks has abundant earnings in the next one to two years (not interested to argue about this point. Just my belief), and at the same time it is not so well capitalised

So, a private placement of 10 to 20% not a bad thing. It puts it at stronger financial footing

The earning is strong enough to absorb it (once again, my belief)

After the 10% to 20% placement, there should still be plenty of upside for EPS and therefore, capital gain


2018-12-22 14:56 | Report Abuse

But even if they use the money to pay star, I am ok with that

It is a minor event


2018-12-22 14:55 | Report Abuse

Of course they can't say it like that, so they have to cook up some excuse like "expediting the work"

As mentioned by DK66, the entire job has been subcontracted to China party. So , what is there to expedite ?


2018-12-22 14:50 | Report Abuse

My guess is that the actual purpose of the proceed is to pay the RM50 mil BG to Star

They probably haven't budgeted for it


2018-12-21 18:23 | Report Abuse

I dont know why you guys spent so much time in i3 mocking and criticising people, and wishing people ill

I never do that (go ahead and check my comments)

doing so doesn't make me a dime richer

it is a waste of time


2018-12-21 18:05 | Report Abuse

Thanks, I am fine. Bought additional batch at 19.5 sen the day it was listed.

Lets wait for 2019. Time will tell whether we are right or wrong.


Dec 20, 2018 09:13 AM | Report Abuse

bought more at 19.5 average


2018-12-20 09:50 | Report Abuse

cheap at current price

worth at least 4.00