
Ikmal_hamid | Joined since 2021-02-03

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2022-02-28 18:14 | Report Abuse

Korang gaduh2 la dulu ye. Saya relaks je, sebab average RM0.30


2021-03-25 16:36 | Report Abuse

Go go Dnex. Rise and Shine on this gloomy and rainy day.


2021-03-25 16:35 | Report Abuse

Ok roger Breakbad/Rotipet. Miss your comeback with Ongkawkaw. Hahaha.


2021-03-25 16:16 | Report Abuse

Whatever huat ahh. Feel free to post your comment or your so called 'analysis' here.

Yeah, I pay attention to your posting, because i dislike you the most here.

Btw, to reply to someone, dont have to copy what the person just posted. Many people find it annoying and not interested with your 'analysis'.



2021-03-25 15:55 | Report Abuse

Hello guys. If you want to reply, just reply. Dont have to copy again what the person just posted.

Damn annoying.


2021-03-25 15:54 | Report Abuse

Yes Anis. I noticed huat ahh and justiceserver keep doing that.

(Or may be they are the same person, always reply, agree to each other, same topic, same language style)


2021-03-25 15:47 | Report Abuse

To reply to someone, do you really need to copy again what the person just posted?

Annoying la, scroll panjang2, tapi baca komen reply, siap copy semula apa orang srbelum tu tulis.


2021-03-23 12:09 | Report Abuse

Why la, whenever a counter down, there will be lalat, langau keep commenting here, acting luke they really care about other people's money.


2021-03-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

You go shut up better Baby Shark


2021-03-22 08:45 | Report Abuse

Noted, Tuan Capital.


2021-03-17 10:28 | Report Abuse

Bursa market is small. If most of investors/traders/gamblers concentrate on one counter (currently Dataprep), then other counters have difficulty to move.


2021-03-17 10:01 | Report Abuse

Boring day for Dnex, today.


2021-03-13 06:23 | Report Abuse

First, he give questions. Then, he will evaluate or comment on any response given, like some 'smart ass' he is. Perasan much.

Then, he will give his own opinion for the question, acting like his opinion is the best answer.

Just like teacher giving assignment to students. Perasan bagus much this feller.

He used to condemn any posting here that he considered as not up to his 'standard'.


2021-03-13 06:18 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. Somebody tried to act as moderator, AGAIN. Give topic to be discussed. But nobody wanted to entertain. People come to i3 to discuss for fun la.


2021-03-12 14:17 | Report Abuse

Only Kelantanese speak Kelantanese. People from other states, in their right mind, will not speak Kelantanese.


2021-03-12 14:10 | Report Abuse

See Kelantanese. Your already bad reputation is further tainted.


2021-03-12 12:01 | Report Abuse

Tuan capital is right. This week reach RM1.


2021-03-10 16:43 | Report Abuse

Better this way la. Rise slowly and steadily. I dont understand the obsession with limit up. Must be coming from short term player.


2021-03-05 09:52 | Report Abuse

Calling all fish species here. Babyshark!!! Dorinemo!!! Ikan Bilis!!!. You are boy fish or girl fish???


2021-03-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

Lets just hope the deal is signed before the election. M'sia has the reputation of deal changes after government changes.

Just look at HSR. Involving Singapore. The new government dont care, they rather pay compensation.

Just look at SKIN, prestariang scandal.


2021-03-05 00:41 | Report Abuse

I really cannot brain why a company selling household items, where the market is only in Malaysia and maybe South East Asia, can have share price this high.

Dont get me wrong, I love Mrdiy. Shop there often, almost buy the IPO, but missed it.

But I really dont understand the price.


2021-03-05 00:20 | Report Abuse

Goodboy, yes. Dont over do it. Everyone here have the rights to comment. Dont judge or criticise other people too often.


2021-03-04 23:58 | Report Abuse

Hahaha. Huat ahh really cannot tahan without commenting. What happen to the, 'disappear for good, adios, sayonara'. No consistencies, huh.

Btw, feel free to comment la huat ahh. This is a free forum. Can expect your review letter about other comments. He will act like a moderator in this forum, judging other people's comment.


2021-03-03 17:06 | Report Abuse

To appear smart in i3, give long reply with perfect English.


2021-03-03 15:49 | Report Abuse

This counter really give opportunity to buy-sell, buy sell, many rounds.


2021-03-03 11:06 | Report Abuse

Sekarang ni, macam mana la perasaan orang yang panic jual pagi tadi kan. Hahaha. Lagi2 kalau dia jual dalam rugi.


2021-03-03 10:54 | Report Abuse

Current price is like giving big fat middle finger to those who sold this morning.


2021-03-02 17:01 | Report Abuse

Dnex. What happen to you. Its ok la. This counter is for long term play.


2021-03-01 19:22 | Report Abuse

Poor Iris. I made much money from Iris, ride on the swing high and low many times. Lucky I was not in Iris after Niis announcement.


2021-03-01 17:32 | Report Abuse

Goldberg is correct. PauLiew created new account today, just to give one comment on right issue.


2021-03-01 17:23 | Report Abuse

Soon that someone will be like ikan bilis or louise. Chow2, run, lepas tu datang balik. No consistencies.

He said he will disappear, quit. Esok2 dia ada balik. Hahahaha.

Dia je la paling bagus, paling pandai kat sini. Komen2 orang lain, semua dia ulas balik.


2021-03-01 16:30 | Report Abuse

No response yet from PauLiew. May be it is just pure speculation from him.


2021-03-01 15:44 | Report Abuse

Eh kata nak disappear for good. Ada balik pulak. Hahahaha.


2021-03-01 14:37 | Report Abuse

PauLiew? Where do you get the information? Any source?

Please Dnex. Dont give right issue. Will result in share dilution.


2021-03-01 11:28 | Report Abuse

Hari ni macam berat la. Come on Dnex.


2021-02-27 22:31 | Report Abuse

Boleh mereput nak tunggu price drop to 0.50 cent.


2021-02-27 19:10 | Report Abuse

I know what sucks. Anything bad that happen in US, we in Malaysia will feel the impact or tempias.

As a newbie, I can only hope Dnex will have China backing that can cushion any impact from US situation.


2021-02-27 16:14 | Report Abuse

Sorang ni dah berapa kali chow dah. Lepas tu datang balik. Macam louise dulu. 'Run, run'. Lepas tu datang balik.


2021-02-27 14:48 | Report Abuse

I used to be a silent reader, commenting once in a while. Been here long enough to know that Dorinemo is a Dnex true supporter.

Verygoat, Ongkawkaw are with the split personality. Kejap sokong, kejap kritik. Haha.

Do not really enjoy reading the comments now. Mostly just Huat ahh replying to almost every comments. He tried to appear to be the smartest here, in vain......


2021-02-23 20:09 | Report Abuse

Bullish. Why keep on promoting the telegram group? Do you think when many retailers actively discussing about Dnex, will help the price to go up??


2021-02-23 19:49 | Report Abuse

Where's the 2000++ telegram members? Cannot support the price to go up???

Retailers discuss so much no use la. Price will move up/down will be determined by operators action (sell/buy).


2021-02-20 14:04 | Report Abuse

Pang1998. If you read the article until the end, the tone of the article is not really in support of Dnex.


2021-02-20 10:55 | Report Abuse

@Alifhafid. No offence to your telegram group. But most of the comments will be something like this:

Aahh, aku sangkut kat pucuk. Sape hold lagi Dnex ni? Boleh hold lagi ke Dnex ni? Stock dah cross tu. RSI dah cross tu. Dah overbaught. Dah oversold. Yay, Dnex felai.


2021-02-20 10:44 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the updates, @ sca lix. Keep 'em coming please.


2021-02-20 08:54 | Report Abuse

Khal drogo. Bought volume exceeding sold volume???? Are you totally that clueless???

Volume of buying and selling will always be equal. For something to be sold, a buyer is needed.

The difference is in the buying or selling pressure. Whether the buyer/seller agree at lower/higher prices.


2021-02-20 08:42 | Report Abuse

I joined the telegram, quickly left. Just a bunch of noob and newbie traders discussing.


2021-02-19 17:01 | Report Abuse

Nak tengok interview tu kena bayar :(

Siapa2 join dan tengok, cerita kat sini ye :)


2021-02-19 16:58 | Report Abuse

Asri Ahmad interview Syed Zainal tomorrow. 20 Feb. 9 am.



2021-02-19 14:29 | Report Abuse

Bahai4453 has not stopped with the argument that oil is sufficient for Dnex. You are totally noob if you dont know the potential of semicon sector.