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2022-02-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

Not SBB, do not worry.
How much money can Supermax allocate for SBB? Even if Supermax SBB, that is just as little as can. As usual, it is a smokescreen only. The more you buy, the more you cry.


2022-02-23 08:54 | Report Abuse

Had been a toothless black panther for so long.
Even the US' expansion is just a mere briefing these days without details. Can Supermax please share more details please?


2022-02-22 20:28 | Report Abuse

What makes you be so confident with Stanley?
Will one terang terang tell you how he/she syphon the money out? No, right? Till you discovered that, it is too late already. Many of you had been hinted long ago, but refused to accept the truth.


2022-02-22 19:30 | Report Abuse

Once again proven to glovers that glove's theme had long gone.
This time jaw dropped the most. Those stuck high above got to find their way out.


2022-02-22 15:33 | Report Abuse

Please refer back my earliest comment dated 12 Jan 2022. You could have saved a lot money if you did not rush in earlier.


Jan 12, 2022 10:37 AM | Report Abuse

Why buy now if you can buy low sooner later?
Imagine for every 200k units you buy later can saved you about RM80k, it is still worth.
But of course your money, your call. I do not see this price attractive yet.


2022-02-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

You rich, financial free so nothing to worry of.
Many who ignored the downtrend and went in earlier now stuck above. Imagine they could have done a lot of thing with that money.


2022-02-22 09:32 | Report Abuse

If Supermax really worthy, this kind of sell down would not happen long ago, plus SBB would had long initiated. Be prepared for RM1 incoming. No one knows.


2022-02-22 09:19 | Report Abuse

No support and another new low hit again.


2022-02-21 17:11 | Report Abuse

Those who stuck high above really have to find their way.
I am not rubbing salt on your wound but hope you could flee from this trap. Long terms wise, not sure how long you can escape.


2022-02-21 09:43 | Report Abuse

1.13 been triggering for a few times, new low coming again. Be prepared for the next down.


2022-02-18 09:25 | Report Abuse

Yes.. Bad result is within expectation. Same goes to share price moving low and keep hitting new low but would not rebound much.
Many expecting something bad is coming too.


2022-02-15 16:56 | Report Abuse

Sure you can add more and cheaper coming soon. Maybe you can even get a 10% discount cheaper price by next month, nobody knows.
What I see is no fund wants to buy yet. Or maybe no fund buy at current price, but a more cheaper price later. If only Supermax worth it.


2022-02-15 09:55 | Report Abuse

Keeps getting this kind of bad charm because of their silliness.
From last time Stanley Thai's histories to now the whole operation. Which is why many had been advised to stay far from this counter.


2022-02-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

New low 1.15, break new low again and again.
Those who still hope for Supermax SBB can forget about it. As I have said earlier, stingy Supermax will not bother to buy back. After all, they are throwing their tickets to you, why should they buy back at current price?


2022-02-14 15:15 | Report Abuse

The more you buy now, the more you cry later.
Why not wait at cheaper price later? Supermax without support will continue to break the 52 weeks new low.


2022-02-14 11:42 | Report Abuse

I doubt stingy Supermax will share buy back at current price. Maybe retailers the one who will buy.


2022-02-11 15:46 | Report Abuse

True. That is indisputable.
Up 2 days, down 3 days.
Down 2 weeks, up 3 days again.
Repeating until 52 weeks new low keep hitting new low again and again.
But still many stubborn refused to accept this fact.


2022-02-11 09:16 | Report Abuse

Same play style to trap again.
Morning let you be happy, noon trading later can cry.


2022-02-10 17:06 | Report Abuse

Bad result is expected.
But what soon let you jaw dropped is the share price plunge to a lower level. Low dividend (or no dividend due to the expansion) could not even covered your losses. You are stuck at a higher floor where you do not know when only can exit. Till then, you realise the future is not as cheerful as how your imagination.
Moreover, if you recall the past histories of this company, you will even get sadder. But of course, your money, you decide.
Not bad mouthing here, just to remind many of you the trap still around.


2022-02-10 16:50 | Report Abuse

Even the issuance of Quarter Report (just a matter of time only) also cannot save it from rising anymore. In fact, will accelerate the share price to dip even more.


2022-02-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

Supermax wayang kuat to improve their workers' welfare also cannot save the share price from continue dipping. Downtrend is still the destiny of gloves so far.

Once bitten twice shy.


2022-02-08 09:09 | Report Abuse

Trap and gone as usual.
The chart of this counter, whether short/ long term also not compromising.


2022-02-03 15:15 | Report Abuse

Of course everyone has a different perspective. Like what you said, management cannot do anything if big boys want to push it down.

But from the point of view by many of those big boys, Supermax management has not been proactive in tackling many issues. As if something been hiding too. Which is why, till date it has not gained any interest from many fund.

Once bitten twice shy. If only the board or management could be swift action handling many issues, else this counter with unpleasant histories will still not gain interest by many.


2022-02-03 11:43 | Report Abuse

Do not expect anything from this cancerous counter. The management has decided not to do anything but to let it deteriorate. This will accelerate the process with the upcoming quarter report. Which is why Supermax has no announcement till date. You shall witness it later.


2022-01-28 15:26 | Report Abuse

Drop faster than rise. At current so called low price by many, funds also do not want to accumulate. And even Supermax also has not share buy back till date.
Insiders knew something retailers do not know. So better be wary..
Till you realised their game, it is too late already.


2022-01-27 12:09 | Report Abuse

Good luck to glover who has just bought lately.
Seems like it is going another new low again. This counter never fail to disappointing it's supporter. As I have said before, new low is the norm of this counter for now.


2022-01-26 15:28 | Report Abuse

Do not be happy too soon until closing later.
Still no funds want to buy, how to survive?


2022-01-24 16:09 | Report Abuse

Supermax without hesitation as usual, targeting the daily highest drop percentage.

The Board of Management soon reveal their true color. The US' expansion must be hitting the wall again.


2022-01-24 09:13 | Report Abuse

New low shall be the norm of this counter till it reached where it belongs.


2022-01-21 16:45 | Report Abuse

TS LWC support so what? So many share issued into the market, ended up got bashed so hard. Tropicana is a very good example of how the confident ended up with disappointment.


2022-01-21 09:43 | Report Abuse

1.20 could reach anytime today. About 5.5% cut from the previous new low of 1.27.
Down trend plus no support. Funds do not want to buy. Supermax do not want to buy. Retailers been buying this cocked up counter.


2022-01-21 09:27 | Report Abuse

RM1 or lower maybe. No one knows..
The company should be proactive in tackling this kind of issue, but never. Slow reaction ended up screwed up. Bravo..
This led to Supermax die hard fans to accumulate low now, but still need to think twice before pressing the buy button.


2022-01-20 16:54 | Report Abuse

1.27 the lowest closing of 52 weeks. Cocked up counter. Going back to where it belongs.


2022-01-20 10:33 | Report Abuse

Better stay far from this kind of cancerous counter. The management is inactive. The expansion in US sounds good, but not until the end when you realized something fishy, that is too late already. Cash on hand may seems a lot, but how well how efficient it being use is another problem. This reminds me when Supermax on hold the SGX dual listing.


2022-01-19 16:23 | Report Abuse

52 weeks lowest, 1.27 first hit was on 14 December 2021. Almost a month ago.
Second hit was a day later, on 15 December 2021.
Logic sense if based on current situation, third hit could be anytime in these few days. If Supermax's US expansion deemed good, foreign funds could have caught an eye on this and buy low. But, none yet so far.
So, get ready for another new low incoming.

Good luck to those who are still awaiting Supermax share buy back.


2022-01-19 09:39 | Report Abuse

Many here have been doing good since almost more than a year ago, been reminding the trend, yet still got denial who refused to accept the fact that Supermax had long gone case.

If you want to buy, just buy quietly. Stop spreading how good how undervalued this counter is. You pick it up but the management screwed it, you get no medal for this. You have been hinted about this long ago.


2022-01-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

Once bitten twice shy.
Many investor stay far from counter that has unwanted past histories.


2022-01-17 16:19 | Report Abuse

What good result are you expecting when US bars imports from Supermax & Canada terminates outstanding contracts with Supermax Healthcare Canada? Be truthful, do not pluck figure from the sky.
Why is Supermax till date still do not defending and taking prompt action against all these allegations over labour abuses if Supermax is innocent?

Read the Canada news and understand the paragraph. "The Press has learned that the Ministry of Public Services and Supply has still not received the results of the audits which had been promised to clarify the allegations that the Malaysian company Supermax Corp used forced labor . These audits were to be submitted to him at the end of November."

I apologize for writing such a long essay. Invest wisely, not blindly.


2022-01-14 16:53 | Report Abuse

Be very wary with this up 1 cent, down 10 cents counter. No fund wants to buy.
Do not listen to those who call buy for Chinese New Year angpau. You do not get angpau till then but seeing the share price in red.


2022-01-14 09:14 | Report Abuse

@rocky_88, I do not have TP for this. Based on the current situation, whether you believe it or not, the downtrend still intact. Many would say the current share price does not justified, but that is how those big players play with it. Like some said, who would want to push up the price for those who stuck high above to escape? Instead of averaging down, why not wait for some time?
My comment is not destructive, just to remind many of the trap.


2022-01-13 15:55 | Report Abuse

The Edge's article tough came out late, but factful. This is truly a double edged sword. While "hailing" them, kills them too.
I like the phrase, "Thai, who is used to acquiring other glove manufacturers, cannot be ruled out buying other players in the coming year."


2022-01-13 11:54 | Report Abuse

The other top 3 had seen their counter stabilized more or less, especially when Kossan stands above 1.90.
As for Supermax, up 1 cent, but down 10 cents trend still intact. This has nothing to do with accumulation. No fund is collecting.
So, why buy now when you can get a cheaper price later?


2022-01-12 16:33 | Report Abuse

Your self delusional had reached an indescribable level. I like your self confidence.
IBs been collecting? Since Aug 2020 till now, from the peak to the current and yet still got people think IBs collecting.
Let me tell you the truth I've been observing so far, no fund is collecting. :)
Reality hurts. Soon Supermax will pull a bigger gap apart with Kossan.


2022-01-12 10:37 | Report Abuse

Why buy now if you can buy low sooner later?
Imagine for every 200k units you buy later can saved you about RM80k, it is still worth.
But of course your money, your call. I do not see this price attractive yet.


2022-01-11 16:49 | Report Abuse

Not going to rub salts on your wound but I do not understand how you define the share price as supercheap. Maybe you are considering P/E ratio, NTA, cash on hand etc., who knows? Any bad news later, this counter could be a dead duck. After all, it is already deteriorating.

What I see is no fund wants it so far. Someone experienced can please enlighten me. Thank you.


2022-01-11 14:34 | Report Abuse

Deemed healthy correction if dispose and acquire is almost proportionate.

But this one is unhealthy, plus not correction. Huge dumping. Some one is playing obviously.


2022-01-11 09:52 | Report Abuse

RM1.44, the panic alarm been triggered and reaching a new low soon.
Be wary as the trap moves on. This counter cocked-up.
Funds and Supermax do not want to buy.


2022-01-10 10:34 | Report Abuse

Funds and Supermax do not want to buy, let retailers buy.


2022-01-06 11:05 | Report Abuse

Those keep calling buy by saying how cheap how undervalued must be a part of the manipulator. If green, buy la buy la. If red, who to blame? Last time RSS, now IDSS? Or profit takers?
Glove is still the biggest trap so far be it fundamentally good. Manipulator make use of retailers' greed.