
Jembo91 | Joined since 2020-11-06

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2020-12-27 19:15 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow limit down. Will go back at 0.16


2020-12-26 15:59 | Report Abuse

This nob kaunter very sohai
Ni wonder la.. madcow is here

From 0.17 to 0.13

Very veey sohai, pp completed also no use


2020-12-25 21:34 | Report Abuse

Wkwkwkwkw lembu gila mau spend lobster..

Go spend abba. He is going to lose money next werk


2020-12-25 21:07 | Report Abuse

Abba84. I dont need ur sorry. Disgusting
U will be sorry instead by next week.
If u enter lower that is good enough can earn some profit.

But if u just join the race. Well u r fukced. Wjwkwkw


2020-12-25 21:01 | Report Abuse

Wkwkwkw so many atian supporter here

Get ready to.lose ur money next week
0.3 tp?

Masuk 0.2 also pancit wkwkwkw


2020-12-25 19:41 | Report Abuse

Wow long time no see lembugila babi


Another trap set by ATIan club as well as management

See this monday dropped back to 0.165

This stock is really trash pump and down


2020-12-23 07:33 | Report Abuse

Today is the day 0.15 incoming


2020-12-22 12:46 | Report Abuse

By the end of this weekend, it will go down to 0.155
Or mybe tomorrow

Hahaha mark my word


2020-12-22 12:42 | Report Abuse

Another con statement is

"Where to find glove counter which is cheap at the moment below 20c"

"Last chance to buy below 20c"


Usually this one is stucked at penthouse. Hahaha


2020-12-21 17:56 | Report Abuse

Hajahaha khatulistiwa u bipolar is it?
Bemillion nob want to trap newbie this one sure drop 10 cent

Tomorrow gap down


2020-12-21 17:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah oskchoon you are correct, anything go down will go up.

Many atian stucked at 0.25/0.3. later when the price fly toward 0.25/0.3. i bet another second wave of selling to take place.

There will be no profit for u guys then. Hahaha

But how to say, u all sudah kena brainwash by atian admins. Payah sudah nk cuci balik.

Im sure later if price going further down. The atian group will be more quiet, there will be another nasihat like trade at your own risk, dont chase high bla bla bla.

No more people ranting limit up gap up fla etc. Hahahaha

Dont know la what happened to the group recently is it still active? Or the admin is butthurting with each other currently?

Any atian can comment? The group is too disgusting for me to enter back hahahahhahaha

Listen to me, this counter is going for deep correction before it can rebounce back.

Many passenger need to be washed out 1st

From what i can predict, it will touch 0.15 by this week.
Those who enter around 0.18. set cut loss now

Hahaha just a piece of advice which u cant get at ATian group


2020-12-21 17:34 | Report Abuse

Hajahaha khatulistiwa u bipolar is it?
Bemillion nob want to trap newbie this one sure drop 10 cent

Tomorrow gap down


2020-12-21 15:29 | Report Abuse

Pity oskchoonn. I hope AT management will pay u for ur great effort in promoting their counter

I can say AT management is fkd up.
They keep silent, at least news/progress bgtahu la supaya investor/retailer yakin.

Hahaha come cutloss 1st
We enter at 0.15 ok


2020-12-21 15:09 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha come cut loss
We join together at 0.15

0.15 is the strongest


2020-12-21 14:54 | Report Abuse

At this rate, i really pity to those who bought above 0.25
If At fly also later when price reach 0.25/0.3.
they still cant get profit.

Hmmm pityyy


2020-12-21 14:42 | Report Abuse

Lembu mana lembu


2020-12-21 14:42 | Report Abuse

Padan la muka semua percaya sgt ama Atian. Wkwkwk


2020-12-21 14:41 | Report Abuse

Baik rugi seribu dari rugi 5ribu wkwkwkkwkw


2020-12-21 14:39 | Report Abuse

Why stay when u can enter lower?
Dulu 0.2 suruh stay sikalang udah 0.170 udah.

Udah yg masuk 0.18-0.19
Cut loss dulu

Nnti 0.15 kita masuk yaaaaaaaa


2020-12-21 13:29 | Report Abuse

Bemillion mana? Sudah cut loss ke wkwkwkwk


2020-12-21 10:58 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha very noob khatulistiwa


2020-12-21 10:48 | Report Abuse

0.175 strong support?


0.17 already.

Later atian will say 0.17 is the strongest support.



2020-12-21 09:24 | Report Abuse

Literally what oskchoon means is

Today 0.175 will breach to 0.17

Later if still no news will go down till 0.155

Newbie dont try to enter AT at the moment.
No momentum at the moment

Jan 2021 incoming yet still no news by AT
I berani cakap 0.155 is confirmed. If no today mybe at the end of this week.

Mark my word!!

I wonder where all the guy who keep supporting AT currently.



2020-12-20 16:43 | Report Abuse

If broke 0.175 next week. I suggest cutloss.
With current trend wif no news this one should fall to its next support 0.155.

Why stay high when u can enter lower, unless u already stucked high.

Trust me aTians


2020-12-20 00:57 | Report Abuse

Hahaha khatulistiwa ketum isnit?


2020-12-18 21:15 | Report Abuse

Well, i think AT is far more convincing compare to INiX.
At least the atian still can wait/hope for the glove produxtion.

iNix? Haiyaaa even worse, goreng kaw kaw


2020-12-18 21:08 | Report Abuse

U stucked at 0.4-5?
Dont be so sour.

Dont try to trap newbie here
With current theme not in favour healthcare anymore
A bit risky to enter now.

Remember inix fly due to glove sentiment.
All big 4 already dropped. U think this one can fly?
Look at AT, even the factory is there, the price never fly.

What i see is this INix can go below mybe reach 0.2 by next week


2020-12-18 18:58 | Report Abuse

0.5 till 0.37 hahaha this one goreng kaw kaw
Those who chase high never learn the history.

INiz is con stock . Haiyaa


2020-12-18 12:56 | Report Abuse

Pak tua where?

I rather make small profit dari rugi besar. Hahaha
Okla dapat rm500 je xbnayak pun


2020-12-17 13:23 | Report Abuse

Dont blame AT la if you were stucked at high price. Why chase high.

Im already made 200% profit with AT thanks to KYY.

Nevertheless, at the moment AT is a downtrend stock.
Im just annoyed/irritated with the ATian who were actually refuse to receive the bad thing of the counter

Whoever cakap bad thing which is actually the truth regarding AT must be query by them and later kena ban. Hanya mau dengar yang baik baik sahaja. Pala otak lu.

Iam actually dont want to create fear but me also need to protect my capital. Kesian la newbie yg masuk terpengaruh semua. Lol

Look at other counter, all fly with ease, got small profit u take. More fun compare with just waiting hoping price will fly but the truth is going down slowly.

With all PP/esos /sis making this counter heavy. Difficult to naik laa unless KYY changes his mind and join the bus haha which i think impossible haha

But ur money is your money. Not mine.

Bye all, i should singgah again once the counter above 0.2
Gud luc all


2020-12-17 11:17 | Report Abuse

Price fly after pp completed : Failed
Price fly after production start : lets wait 1st eventhough they said in mid december. Well today is 17th December already.



2020-12-17 09:55 | Report Abuse

They said after PP price will rocket high.


2020-12-16 23:23 | Report Abuse

This heavy counter will never fly unless kyy masuk lagi sekali


2020-12-16 23:22 | Report Abuse

Haha westdoor probably stucked above 0.25 hahah


2020-12-16 22:08 | Report Abuse

Wait for tomorrow. Cant wait to laugh again


2020-12-16 19:33 | Report Abuse

Another false hope. Poor atians


2020-12-16 17:58 | Report Abuse

This Atians have no clue.
If u wanna invest go for other counter who r promising. Look at MrDiy.

This one is for goreng only.

Noob counter


2020-12-16 17:32 | Report Abuse

I wonder where is lembu now?
Missed him already


2020-12-16 16:17 | Report Abuse

I told y aready. This is hopeless counter

Pp sis everyday never end. Listen to me
Cut loss now and enter lower next time.

Mid january already, news regarding production?
Zero. Only pp/sis/esos listed.



2020-12-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

Wkwkwkwk atian butthurt


2020-12-16 12:47 | Report Abuse

Come drop at 0.15


2020-12-16 12:46 | Report Abuse

Wkwkwkwkwkwkwkw AT
When other glove stock rebound.
This one still senyap


2020-12-16 10:20 | Report Abuse

Wkwkwkwkw. They say investing in AT require patience.
Patience ur head. Nearly 1month, nothing ATians can get.

Lol. Why so nob one
At price is not moving up for the past few weeks
Going down yes.

While other counter already fly within the period.

And today u can enter AT at lower price than previous week.

Trust me, today will be another pp/esos/sis listed.
AT became heavy. Price wont hike. Lol


2020-12-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

Hahahahahaha 0
0.30 they said.

To break o.20 pun cannot.
This counter is heavy asssss


2020-12-16 09:18 | Report Abuse

Topglove/supermax/careplus more convincing.


2020-12-16 08:52 | Report Abuse

Ok fly pleasee. Today 0.3 lu


2020-12-15 22:17 | Report Abuse

At is kukuciao. That is all.


2020-12-15 15:16 | Report Abuse

Hehehehehehe nice huaann
Manage to grab this morning nearly 2k profit