
Kawkaw | Joined since 2017-10-30

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2017-11-27 19:58 | Report Abuse

huhh..11.00 line perimeter still not breach ma..
Still intact n solid my 42 hrc army..


2017-11-27 12:41 | Report Abuse

Hmm..otb taiko.
Very impressive flexible figure..waiting for..15.00 only


2017-11-26 22:52 | Report Abuse

Let focus for tomorrow loo..
No argue n fighting maa..hrc 11.00..


2017-11-26 22:20 | Report Abuse

Just him fahmi aside. He doesnt contribute anything for petronm..
Let him play with his ball...


2017-11-26 21:32 | Report Abuse

Huuh..currently so many comment over hrc.
Some of you didnt show up before..may be something brewing for hrc.
Some look like negative n other like positive side. Foreseen in healthy manners. Keep it up..good for informative n leisure reading. For me..will keep hrc as i mention till q report out. We march to north..huhh..hu


2017-11-24 18:03 | Report Abuse

Mohd. Fahmi any significant justification for you to recommend sell...
Share ma...dont keep for yourself..


2017-11-24 17:59 | Report Abuse

42 hrc army still securing perimeter line between 10.70 to 11.00. Did pushing to max level of fighting n firing between 2 hills. Troop hardly to pass through line 11.00.
All land mines in range were deactivated and prepare for maneuver to line 11.00 next week.


2017-11-23 23:02 | Report Abuse

Buy lo...no need to explain..everything you need already here..ma..support hrc..mean support your financial expenditure loo..
Good luck to me..which securing perimeter hrc 11.00.


1 minute ago | Report Abuse

42 x hrc army no worries..fighting and firing will be continue tomorrow @0900hr. Confidence will passing red line perimeter@11.00. In addition ration supply sufficient for next 2 weeks.


2017-11-23 10:19 | Report Abuse

U buy back..of course a bit higher price..petronm is not good but very good for me. I did earn alot n enter..renter 4 round.
Also bought n hold when it was 12..


2017-11-23 09:29 | Report Abuse

hrc x 42 army still securing safe line perimeter n march forward to line 11.00
Currently..no Heavy resistance reported
still in the battleground sir..
roger n out


2017-11-22 17:42 | Report Abuse

Yess..asb will stop selling about 2 weeks of dec.
See..what will happen after 30 nov n 15 dec.
After air strike from General Raider..My 42 hrc army will securing perimeter at about xx.80.


6 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Currently..my hrc 42 troop still securing at odinit 11.00 n waiting for air strike. Will deploy strategic fully once passing red line 11.80


2017-09-25 20:22 | Report Abuse

I..I...sir...waiting for air borne supply.....message copy and out


2017-11-19 21:10 | Report Abuse

Jack the nangka..if you do not have fully story better..dont let your self down n look stupid here..all sifus were trying hard to expose all related information n data for hrc. All the sudden..you want spoil everything..


2017-11-18 21:28 | Report Abuse

Pak tua..
Your old song seen like needs respect n appreciated from this forum. Sorry to say. I was may be like you fighting konimis including perak jungle. We were raining by bullets between 2 hills. Wound n bullet still in my left leg. I never beg like you. Give always positive ideas. Dont let people down even you win some money.
Lesson learn from incident..help other ..like i draged my peer from battleground. We still friends till now..
Open your head as your open your magazine.
One bullet one musuh..


2017-11-25 20:16 | Report Abuse

Enjoyed wind of change by scorpion...kawkaw..


2017-11-25 20:15 | Report Abuse

Old man no really brave n bold enough.
Previous experiences old ma doesnt apply.
Smal gain talk like big mouth. Old man like kominis in perak jungle
. Stay behind gun when peer need assistance.
Old man..paktua..no integrity n bold for pak tua.


2017-11-17 22:42 | Report Abuse

My dearest non believer HRC..risk in hrc cought be considered as calculative risk. All such risk assesement being study hard by our several high qualified sifu like General n others. Being loss of your hard earning money being very min. Only patience n time will tell you. High integrity n displince people will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
This not to notified you to buy..


2017-11-25 20:12 | Report Abuse

Excellence General raider..
air support n striking on asb battle ground will be deployed next 2 weeks. Kaw2 troop was trapped at odinate hrc x 42 x 10.20 ave n petrnm x 5 x 12.00. Ration enough for next 3 weeks. Mission..SAR hrc 1st battalion armies and..Clear land mine n proceed to line odinate hrc x 12.80... Message copy... Roger n out...tut..tut..Good luck General raider


2017-11-17 17:54 | Report Abuse

General raider develop n construct your battle ground strategic effectively for next week.
Asb will stop selling between 2rd to 3nd of dec17.


2017-11-17 00:35 | Report Abuse

Market sentiment much more excited pre ge 14. Suppose u miss this opportunity pre ge. No guarantee u will once. Make monies as u see sun n moon. Enjoy ur lifetime..


2017-11-17 00:30 | Report Abuse

Buy more tomolo..what price 10.45? Ok warmup n door open price ma...


2017-11-16 22:46 | Report Abuse

Got change hengyuan will fly...let duit


2017-11-16 22:26 | Report Abuse

Asb will continue to offloading till mid of Dec. Get monies grap.. no monies only read text through forum.


2017-11-16 12:53 | Report Abuse

Which one correct..one said 27/11 report will be established. Other said 17/12 ...wooh..which one sifu for reports reliased.


2017-09-25 17:33 | Report Abuse

Waiting at 37.60...let see the show n catch fallen knife..n bleeds


2017-11-14 00:11 | Report Abuse

Kaparseng when qr3 will be exposed...pls share..


2017-11-13 22:25 | Report Abuse

When Q3 will be exposed...give guessing date ma..


2017-11-25 16:45 | Report Abuse

Earthquake in Iran n dead toll more than 300. President urge to min producing oil n focus on SAR. This will shorted of oil n the price will increase.


2017-11-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

My 4 cycles for this hrc.already bought...
..hopefully can make more money


2017-11-13 00:28 | Report Abuse

Already sold hrc n earn 50x papa said I am good boy. Give profits to family business.
Papa has classic memories for hrc n petronm. He went school near this 2 refeneries last decade ago.
Papa asked to buy @9.25. Don't know can get or not. Wait papa instructions loool


2017-11-11 15:45 | Report Abuse

Abctypo. ...any price to suggest to buy pmetal on next Monday onwards. I want to buy looo


2017-11-11 00:12 | Report Abuse

Hai sifu I am new in kesm..what price I shall parking for.


2017-11-10 17:37 | Report Abuse

Go smiles to the bank n settle all related bills. Sold sweet lady. Still keep petronm partially
Thank you to all sifu for booster me to buy hengyuan.


2017-11-09 15:17 | Report Abuse

Bursaman..until what price do you think the bull will exhausted


2017-11-09 15:15 | Report Abuse

Any potential to go further sifu. Bought @ 8.35 ...advise please


2017-11-08 22:26 | Report Abuse

TP between range 10.50 to 15.00 is quite logic for short term period. Any way let see the show on how the price dance.


2017-11-08 18:15 | Report Abuse

What price you forecast for friday.


2017-11-08 00:13 | Report Abuse

Pumping hrc to 9.60 tomorrow n will through loll for bil payments. Like other said plan for un plan


2017-11-06 19:59 | Report Abuse

Hopefully will continue uptrend...enjoy to read the writeup from forummers.


2017-11-06 19:55 | Report Abuse

Ohhh....yeee...my first target almost reach @9.45. Hopefully will sell on thursday 22 lot for utilities bils


2017-11-04 18:24 | Report Abuse

Ask them to stop selling hrc utill reach 9.45 loo...needd monies for settle bil maaa...


2017-11-04 17:25 | Report Abuse

Asb fund manager..hrc share stop selling for the while untill it reach 9.45 or 1st week of dec 2017. After that sell till feb 2018.


2017-11-04 14:03 | Report Abuse

Asb will continue to dispose mid nov to end of 2017. Appear again at mid feb 2018.
Prepare your money to buy cheap hrc.


2017-11-04 08:27 | Report Abuse

Understanding chinase business principle..they would not protect local or minority investor. Yours idea 635..is totally unliable n not working at all.
To see hrc fly with the eagle. We have to trigger n inaciate ourselves. Did anticipated last wed myself


2017-11-03 22:52 | Report Abuse

Called for sifu..
general raider..paper..alex..musang..ahseng..probability..n..related forummers let sapu remaining.
Let dream come true lol...
Let materialise n speedup our inspiration ma..


2017-11-03 09:46 | Report Abuse

Target shall be realistic n reachable within time frame. Support with creditable scenario.


2017-11-03 09:22 | Report Abuse

Vinc..now your brain open. Other forummers till seal off. All along blaming asb. Buy on weak loo


2017-11-03 06:53 | Report Abuse

Aji will dive to the nose of 14 - 15