
Lion88 | Joined since 2016-12-23

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2019-05-03 14:37 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55 and Lion188,

Do you mean Alfred Cheng? Thanks.

By the way, there is no point arguing in this forum, firstly Parkson owner Net worth is US$ 520 Million, no matter how much the investor lost their savings through the purchase of their shares.

No point knocking on their doors or attending their AGMs.

The Chengs are still big player in the Retail Industries through Parkson and Sogo.

The rich will always get richer through many ways. We can wait in silence only


2019-05-03 11:16 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55
Are you having some long-standing feuds with Parkson and its management or even William Cheng's Family?
Those negative comments are coming from you frequently and it seem that you are able to predict the drop in price.
Are there any conflicts within the Parkson Family/Team/Community that you are aware of and any consolidation of power and shares within several members within?
It seems that you belong to someone close or within the Parkson Group that is trying to destroy Parkson for some interests.
It's always easiest to destroy someone or something when they are at it weakest and most vulnerable.
Thank you.


2019-04-30 15:38 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55,

If only, we are able to load photos and print screen of the buy & sell with the real time in this forum, then we are able to justify and show the similar price movement in those url links on our past conversations.

It is extremely disappointed that Parkson allows this kind of price movement to happen. Thanks.


2019-04-30 10:50 | Report Abuse

These Bangsats have acted again by pushing the price of PRA from 0.016 to 0.013 (decline of 18.75%) with 100 shares ($1.3) this morning.

Who in the right mind will use $1.3 to push down the price, when the brokerage fee is around $30 one way?

Who have shares and are willing to let go at such miserable price and incur additional Brokerage fee and lost of 18.75% of overall value?

What is the purpose? Anyone has been investigating or Study on Parkson recently? Thanks.


2019-04-18 10:52 | Report Abuse

These Bangsats (Internal or External) have acted again by pushing the price of PRA from 0.02 to 0.015 (decline of 21.05%) with 100 shares ($1.5) this morning.

Who in the right mind will use $1.5 to push down the price, when the brokerage fee is around $30 one way?

Who have shares and are willing to let go at such miserable price and incur additional Brokerage fee and lost of 21.02% of overall value?

What is the purpose?


2019-04-16 14:36 | Report Abuse

These Bangsats are there to create confusion, frustration and irrational believes to retailers.

Corporate Social Responsibility versus the Lost of Multiple Investors' Saving or Even Leading to Casualties like Broken Families, Job Losses, Health Concerns, Lost to Social Activities, if any.

According to the basic Sanskrit definition of karma, it simply means “action”. Laws of karma are all about the positive or negative valance of our words, thoughts, and deeds. In essence, everything we do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to us in some form or another.

Hopefully those reaping the benefits from these listings understand the meaning of "everything we do creates a corresponding energy that comes back to us in some form or another."


2019-04-16 13:36 | Report Abuse

Quoted from Ks55:

How come you don't know PRA going to be delisted in next 6 month?
PRA is the holding company for all the Parkson Stalls in Malaysia.
Now only worth 1.5 cent.
15/04/2019 11:21 PM.

How did Ks55 manage predict that PRA is worth 1.5 cent at 11pm last night and it fell to 1.5 cent only this morning?

Who is Ks55? Is he related to the troubled Parkson Core Team or Some Fund Houses that are manipulating the stock prices with negative news in multiple forums and holding substantial shares to be able to move the prices, since the volume is low.

Whatever it is, till today, nobody knows who is Ks55.

A Retailer will not garner so much information and does not require to waste his or her time in Forums to spread negative news.

Any CSI to investigate Ks55 here?


2018-04-25 17:07 | Report Abuse

PRA fell around 15% towards the end of trading.
Any big news coming?


2018-04-09 16:27 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55.
What is going wrong with this counter?


2018-03-29 16:48 | Report Abuse

Can anyone explain the recent fall in PRA price?
>10% decline in price from 62 cents to the current 55 cents in 5 days.
Totally unbelievable when the retailers are trying hard to push up the price, someone at the other end is pushing it down hard.


2017-09-08 17:52 | Report Abuse

Require I.D. like yourself to prove my assumption are wrong.

We can learn from this open forum to improve our analytic skills.

The mistakes that I have made are true and hopefully this will help this forum followers.

Challenging in forum does no help investors to think rationally.

We are trying to analyse and discuss fruitfully.


2017-09-08 17:35 | Report Abuse

Assuming that Lion Group is channeling all their resources to:

Looking at the prices and volume of PHB and PRA, there are pretty much no movement from the management treasury or fund houses.

Significant daily gaps between the buy and sell price at opening prices are like carnivorous plants that are waiting to bounce on both short and long term investors that will eventually be taken by surprise, provided the master make a direction to allocate the resources back to Parkson, the volume will not increase.

Not sure if some of the I.D.s and Analysis here are created to generate false hope of revival for investor to jump in.

Prediction: As long as LionInd is on the bull run, do not expect Parkson to recover.

Hopefully I am wrong.


2017-08-24 13:19 | Report Abuse

Hi Newbie.

Please monitor the Volume traded in PRA that causes the increase in price.

The Gap between the buy and sell price was 0.73 and 0.80 (10%) this morning with extremely low Volume.

Check the Traded Volume of PRA from the day the ex-CFO was removed and replaced by the new CEO and acting CFO (Approximately Apr 2017).

Be Cautious.


2017-08-24 11:27 | Report Abuse

Hi Limch,

Have been writing till my lost from PRA accumulated to more than RM150K.

A lumpsum of my saving still stucked inside.

No dividend and Price continue to fall. The feeling of being fool by PRA management is extremely painful.

Wrote many times to them and both Chelsea and Tara replied. However both are not even from Parkson, they belong to a consultant firm called Bell Pottinger.

Chelsea Phua / Tara Wong
Bell Pottinger
Phone: +65 6333 3449
Email: /


2017-08-24 10:18 | Report Abuse

It seem that they are waiting and accumulating at low price.

Hopefully its not another case of Amsteel.

LionInd price is a critical indicator.


2017-08-23 16:44 | Report Abuse

Extremely disappointed with Parkson; expecially PRA.
Wish all best of luck with Parkson.
Stop parking your money inside.
The son will never pay back.
It will kill your life savings away.


2017-08-22 09:50 | Report Abuse

Hi Royce,

Are you able to perform some correlation between Lionind and PHB/PRA chart?

Thank you.


2017-08-21 16:40 | Report Abuse

Hi Royce and Ks55,

Are those fund houses or brokers that are deceiving retail buyers.

Thank you


2017-08-17 10:29 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55,

What is the Meeting held by Parkson Management today for?

Do you have the details and timing of the meeting?

Thank you.


2017-08-11 13:46 | Report Abuse

Hi Royce,

Are there any cross relationship between LionInd and PHD share price?

Thank you.


2017-08-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55, your analysis have been impressive.

Regretted to leave out all your advice earlier.
The lessons learnt are too costly.

You seem to know the way Parkson have been operated over the years.

I have been writing to them and they have not given any concrete recovery plans and price just decline with no return.

Those ways that they are treating loyal investors are beyond word of sadness.

Wish them success.

Parkson has to remember that those money invested are hard earned sweat money.


2017-08-11 11:26 | Report Abuse

The reaction is for the management.


2017-08-11 11:17 | Report Abuse

Hi Ks55 and Joetay,

What is happening to PHB, PRG and PRA prices?

Cannot believe that the management is not doing anything to support the price?

We will require their support and recovery plan.

Where are they when the investors require them most?

Please react.

Thank you.


2017-08-10 17:02 | Report Abuse

God Bless Parkson for a better Friday !!!


2017-08-10 12:12 | Report Abuse

Hi Limch,

Why is PRA and PRG declining today?

Any chance of revival?

Have been waiting for years.

Thank you.


2017-08-10 09:30 | Report Abuse

Why are PRA and PRG declining so fast today?
Management, please support the price up.
Thank you.


2017-08-08 19:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks Ks55.
It has been a tough time.
No clear direction from Parkson so far.
Totally in doubts.
Nothing announced on Q4 result release yet.
Wish all success.


2017-08-08 14:45 | Report Abuse

Thanks Ks55.
Have been reading this post for awhile.
It seem that you have been analyzing Parkson movement.
Why isn't the Parkson Group doing anything and where do they get the funding to build more stores?
They seem badly hit in sales and stock price.
However they are able to get funds to startup more stores and recruit a new batch of management team.
Hopefully those fund houses will see something in Parkson and start to invest in them again.


2017-08-08 14:00 | Report Abuse

Thanks Joetay.

Just hope that Parkson is able to revive the share price.

US and Hong Kong stock markets have been hitting 52 weeks high continuously. As for Parkson, it is hitting the other way.

When are they able to make the U-Turn?

Will William Cheng and Team make a difference this year?

With so many new opened shopping Centres in K.L. (Velocity, Mytown etc), The results and recovery have to be there or investors like myself will continue to bleed.

Hope that things will be better this year.

Thank you.


2017-08-08 11:50 | Report Abuse

Hi Joetay,

I already lost RM60k by selling last month.

Who are the bankers? Seriously, everytime I try to push up the price, someone behind will lower it further.


Cannot believe the William Cheng and Lion Group are not reacting to the low price.

We need their support to safe those people hard earned savings.

Thank you.


2017-08-08 11:22 | Report Abuse

Hi NikiCheong and Joetay,

There seem to be limited movement in all Parkson related stocks like PRGL and PRA.

Are there any cash flow issues in the Group or Country?

It seem like there are bare minimum activities coming from the group to revive the share price, looking at the minimum buy back.

Have realised lost close to 60k ringgit. Still got a lump sum of shares stuck.

Please advice.

Thank you


2017-08-04 12:08 | Report Abuse

Hi All,

What is happening to Parkson?
Are there serious underlying issues in Parkson?
They are celebrating 30 years Anniversary.
What is the shoppers mood there?
Have Velocity, Mytown improved the overall situation?
There are only downward movement in terms of share price and volume so far?

Please advice.

Thank you.


2017-08-02 15:27 | Report Abuse

Can anyone explain about the recent low trading volume and drop in price?
How is the current shopping mood and crowd in Malaysia, especially Parkson?
Thank you.


2017-05-19 19:10 | Report Abuse

There are no stores in Singapore.
However they are listed here.
Started investing in PRA approximately 5 years ago, long before ecommerce was established effectively.
Everytime I write in, they will tell me that they will improve.
Thank for your concerns.


2017-05-16 13:50 | Report Abuse

Can someone please save PRA?

It has been dropping from 0.123 to 0.102 in 4 days. 17% drop.

What is seriously happening?

The New CEO and CFO are not using their treasury funds to buy back and support the PRA prices.

Are there any recovery plans?