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2014-04-05 07:37 | Report Abuse

Depends ,If it is a piece of good news -buy or more to levrge


2014-04-05 06:58 | Report Abuse

Based on kelvin the priced plunged as investrs wary about the stock being assigned as designated stock by bursa as quoted by TAanalyst. TA remark in this article that 'datsonic could be become a designated stock ' had spooken investrs heart n resulted in heavy -selling...it had all started after bursa issued a caution warning but dsonic price quickly recovered next dayon wednesday aftr a droped of 14 cnts..thursday it had dropped 1 ct.still no heavy selling on dsonic n appears to be calm.then yestrday the winds of chnge turn into hurricane as heavy selling occurred n dsonic slumped 3.64 .
My quetion :why all of sudden this shre drped so much yestrdy n Was it due to TA remrked of possible designated stock even though bursa had not even 'think'about it yet.this is an exggeration of opinion n belief byTA in the report drawn negative signals n raised alrm bells louder?
speculations n thoughts earlier before tis dropped tragdy centered on dsonic bonus proposal not approved by bursa n dsocnic may not get another extension of mykad contract by NKD?perhaps this two fear factors building up slowly but was it enough to spook invstrs heart when not even an inch of evidence surfaced! It was all academic n theatre like drama show but nothing justify yet to confirm TA analyst story.
Had TA writng n article and 'no bonus n iris winning the bid 'fears contributed to dsonic Slumped.In my own words why the needs to dicuss n talk about branding designated stock when that really could have sent negative signals to stock holders?Secondly ,cautions warning by bursa had not indicated anything of designated status n bursa merely wants to investigate of any counter wrong doings if matters arise.
In fairness to all dsonic invstrs the rally of dsonic prices justified n had merits based on a number of company positive annoucments ;its solid financial,business growth,bonus intentions etc.either a jealous party could be trying to jeopardise dsonic path of success ,also possible.
Forget about PE 40 when invstrs want to ride on a wave of dsonic growth n success ,please read rhb report earlier when it raised TP to $4.08.
What shall dsonic invrts do now , either they could complaint to bursa security Or taking matters to highest level if their consumers freedom n rights breached .


2014-04-04 17:41 | Report Abuse

If iris senses they get the job. Surely their shares on the rise strongly already,while dsonic dropped...should make sense...


2014-04-04 17:37 | Report Abuse

Looks likely dsonic is o t charged now with tis new contract...perhps new mykad contrct on its way too...


2014-04-04 17:20 | Report Abuse

Optimus2: what is yr advised on tis monday...sell dsonic or,holds...sine u are able to predict,quite well...


2014-04-04 17:14 | Report Abuse

Optimus :since mngmnt holding shres quite a lot ,they might want to push up price ,next week...


2014-04-04 13:17 | Report Abuse

Pavillion what contract is this ,is it a renewal of mykad?


2014-04-04 08:50 | Report Abuse

Mykad renwal - ,any leads ?


2014-04-04 08:42 | Report Abuse

Lim ..forign fund buying tday...where u get tis info...?


2014-04-03 16:22 | Report Abuse

Price movments with positive corprate announce. Maybe justifiable..kelvin..


2014-04-03 16:10 | Report Abuse

Joel : a new cotrct secured ? what country? No announcmnt todate...


2014-04-02 17:03 | Report Abuse

Joel ...so sure ke ...how ?


2014-04-01 23:27 | Report Abuse

The offer of 1:1 is smething irresistible n why invstrs keep pouring their money on dsonic.a couple of other spate of good business news adds to the value of dsocnic..
A couple of good corporate announcment is more than enough to insulate dsonic frm UMA -otherwise- UMA given with basis! Its is only a warnings not UMA n bursa securty acknowledegd they bellieve that bonus issuse n other business are factors that spiked the price ; its an organic fundmentals that grow not artificialyy created K


2014-04-01 20:22 | Report Abuse

Bursa malaysia is also aware that the spike in the dsonic price is due to the corporate announcment ,particlarly in relations to its 1:1 bonus n other announcment..in my view the surged in its prices is justifiable n nothing to fear about as investors reacted strongly to good strings of news ,


2014-04-01 19:54 | Report Abuse

Its just an advise of caution or a reminder to investrs to be careful...


2014-04-01 12:32 | Report Abuse

If dsnic hit $8 -9 ,after exdate,it could hit possible split ,to liquidate given mangment generosity,last year...


2014-04-01 12:01 | Report Abuse

Adam siow...surely u are entitled to tis bonus if y buy now before of its xdate .xdate will be annouced after EGM meeting..but. Resolution on bonus has to be passed first...n approved..


2014-03-31 22:49 | Report Abuse

Something mut be brewing behind the curtain that pushed up dsonic price n that can mean ,an extension of mykad contrct.


2014-03-31 18:12 | Report Abuse

dosnic invested heavily on laser engraved technolgy machinry to create a foolproof ,no forgery ; all names ,numbers ,chips are laser engraved n on the cards. N this is a no joke tasks ,you have to congratlate their manament on their farsightedness, bringing in best technlogy money can buy...


2014-03-31 18:01 | Report Abuse

Asamlaksa: its latent values now driven perhaps by good news upfront n particulaly its Mykad business !renewal of tis contrct mean big business too!


2014-03-31 17:11 | Report Abuse

,a highly sensitive business n involves national security n interest ,


2014-03-31 09:50 | Report Abuse

Tonylim : , how possible on earth 23.00?


2014-03-31 06:46 | Report Abuse

Femaw: dsonic alredy crossed its4.08 TP ,lst week;are u refering tt revise n new TP?


2014-03-29 11:59 | Report Abuse

Dsonic ca wrrnts is a cash rewarded upon its maturity ..provided mother share grows higher n higher...to ensure gains ...Ambank may want to unlock the potential of mother share values as this stock seems to stun everone last year...its price skyhigh driven by many factors : excellent mngment ,leadesrship ,quality of their laser enhraved techno...clients confidence of its products ,reliabilites etc. etc-whatever good things you want to say about dsonic..the CA thing will ride upon goodness of datasonic n when dsonic jumps so will its Ca..people just want to catch the train loaded with goodness as the engine is piloted by mother shares.by calcuationsn tdays conversion if we buy now its Ca ,we would not get anything-close to profit becoz mother shres is still in developmnt stage ,it has to attain ,minimun $7 or more...at crrnt ca ,0.54
This is where Ambank lays down its gripped on the tracks putting faith on he fact donic enter new face of grwth ,prhaps a repeat or,even better...thn last year...another thing !if the mother is islamic n shariah compliant why cnt its CA Bimb also issues CA ,a number of them ,dont tell me these are unislamic when its mother Bank islam....


2014-03-29 07:39 | Report Abuse

Abdnce : i read that u mntiond. Iphone launching in may in china ,is this one of dsonics new prjects ,waiting to be announced too?


2014-03-27 11:04 | Report Abuse

Sscheng : mother shres needs to score ,$ 7-9 closing price ,giving a conversion value of 2-3 or,>


2014-03-27 07:30 | Report Abuse

Read article ,goes to show all the ingredients of good moving frward company...To be where it should be ...kcsc thanks n good article fr sharing about dsonic...


2014-03-26 18:05 | Report Abuse

Tewnama, i belief there will be no adjust.on dsonic warrnt shres after bonus 1:1 exdate ; only mother shres reduces to half? Is this correct?


2014-03-26 17:03 | Report Abuse

168: cn buy anytime n sell any timeif you dont wnt to convert to cash...bfre maturity...


2014-03-26 15:13 | Report Abuse

Perhaps renewL contrcts fr dsonic alredy done deal n price tday....jumped....


2014-03-26 12:07 | Report Abuse

Good news brewing ,mybe ..mykad contrct renewal....


2014-03-25 18:15 | Report Abuse

Dsonic Made significant jumped n was the best stock in 2013..AMMB is right on its wrrntCA debut ,banking on $10.00 trget price tis year...whether it will materailise or not,history does not lie...


2014-03-25 11:39 | Report Abuse

zoom ....looks plausible ..on runrate timeline...need to be supported by new dimnsions of business growth ...e.g.new mykad orders or contrcts,software provision in medicals for hospitals ,pharmacies...etc...dsonic ca wrrnt has to hold to 3.72 after bonus n as mother shares needs to carry more weights( more business ) to achieve $7.50 or ,more...


2014-03-25 11:08 | Report Abuse

Zoom... Viable prediction at rm 7.50...how ?


2014-03-23 09:02 | Report Abuse

mre .projects receivables in pipeline fr dsonic to come?


2014-03-22 22:03 | Report Abuse

Buying sprees by dirctrs of dsnic goes t show their confidence about the company s future...should we buy more n adds dsonic to our portfolio. ...any thoughts....?


2014-03-21 17:29 | Report Abuse

In tis world ,nothing seems impossible u dressed like a zombie ,drops yr point in this forum n disaappear...or, behave like a gentlmen on the pretext of sweet gender n vaporises...too....


2014-03-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

Someone collecting cocoa beans knowing good news coming...


2014-03-21 16:58 | Report Abuse

Suddenly Price a bit up twrds d end ; good news on d card ,next monday ,POo?


2014-03-20 12:50 | Report Abuse

Thank u pavillion ; well said of dsonic capabilites and raised mynbeliefs that Iris still much in desire to improve whatever that need to be done..on their prices ,quality produced...this is a task of high national interest n national security and with MH 370 coming into mind, one could only imagine it this is no ordinar job ......


2014-03-20 07:16 | Report Abuse

Anything possible bantan,and customers seem to benefit most..with cheaper offering but not neccesarily better ..products...i sincerely belief that Iris factr has been inclusive in all aspects of this mykad business dealings by dsonic , a sort of healthy rivalry between 2...as to why mykad contract business given to dsocnic in 2010 from Iris ,this may exhibit clues that tilted in favor of dsonic; its business models ,designed capabilities,security chips compliances,readiness delivery ,business policies,visions n missions n organasional cpabilities etc,..
Perhaps ,Pavillion could shed more infos....


2014-03-19 19:53 | Report Abuse

Perhaps dsonic has customised its mykad businesss to suit govt specification n meets govt interest...you don want differen comapnies to do mykad as this entails a highly classified requiremnts busness plan and models n that designed are foolproof n lasting n no forgery...in my opnion its not only about pricing startegy to win contract , creations of sustainable confidence to give reliable reassurances to its clients by which dsonic had succsfully proven fr last 4 years...giving another compny coul spell a costly mistake in my opnion...


2014-03-18 16:02 | Report Abuse

A tactical play by their dirctrs which is psitive fr th stck.in tndem with its forwrd ,growth n earnings...


2014-03-18 05:30 | Report Abuse

Next time u wake 2 find ur unifi phne /cutoff / cnclled 4 whtever resons all possble ,with TM using a preprogrammd datasonic software....!


2014-03-17 08:27 | Report Abuse

....at home in russia anti war sentiments had begun ,reportedly growing to 50000 rally against Putin policies...but this is russia ,a one -man ruled by putin n his autocratic policies ...let the west sanctions them until such time they realised n regrett mistakess....


2014-03-14 20:45 | Report Abuse

RHB has high faith on tis stock...n they cannot be wrong!


2014-03-07 11:29 | Report Abuse

Zoonboom:from todays movment,can it close above 3.78 ,after sniffing its previous high 3.77....


2014-03-07 08:08 | Report Abuse

Dsonic revised their annual financial rprt.to decmber,strting 014..meaning its 1st qtr 014 annoncment will be in May ,014


2014-03-07 08:02 | Report Abuse

Alfarabi: if a few cnts.up ,inshallh today,consdered Alhamdullah......


2014-03-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

The contarct t supply mykad to NRD expires 31 december 2013...
Any news on renewal of tis contractby NRD ?