
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2024-06-25 15:55 | Report Abuse

I am expecting for the next cycle of GORENG for Kanger......
For me the price should not fall much below than 5.5 sen... If they want the PP successfuly done.
Better now or soonerr!!!



2024-06-25 15:50 | Report Abuse

Base on my BRIEF study on the QR2 2024 of Kanger:

The company
A: Sitting on negative reserve.

B. Recorded net loss for the last TWO consecutive quarters.
QoQ, revenue down and net loss widened.

C: Not a cash rich company.

D. Total assets > Total liabilities, Total current assets > Total current liabilities: Means still has a low indebtedness risk.

E. Has nil non-current liabilities: Means has more oppurtunity to take a loan to finance its future project / investment.


1. NTA 31 sen (down from 45.1 sen @ last QR1 2024).
2. NOSH 731.58 mil.

Share Capital RM 433,234,000
Reserves / (accumulated losses) (RM 206,530,000)
Shareholders’s equity RM 226,704,000
Non-Controlling Interest RM 0
TOTAL EQUITY RM 226,704,000

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent:
Cash and bank balances RM 560,000

5. Assets:
Current Assets RM 36,431,000
Non-current Assets RM 204,544,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 240,975,000

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 14,271,000
Non-current liabilities RM 0

7. QR2 2024 results :
- Revenue RM 9,969,000 (down from QR1 2024 of RM20,691,000)
- Gross profit RM 1,985,000
- Net profit / (loss) (RM 1,464,000) (up from QR1 2024 loss of (RM382,000)

Note 1:

Revenue decrease by RM13.3 million in current financial quarter ended 31 March 2024 (“Q2 2024”) as compared to the corresponding quarter ended 31 March 2023 (“Q4 2023”) which was mainly due to significantly decrease in the sales generate from Sung Master Holdings Sdn Bhd on trading of building materials. Besides, Q2 2024 has recorded loss after taxation of RM0.7 million as compared to the profit of RM1.6 million in Q4 2023. This was mainly due to loss on disposal of motor vehicles which has contributed a total of RM1.1 million in current financial quarter.

Note 2:

The Group recorded loss after taxation of RM0.7 million as compared to profit after taxation of RM0.6 million in Q1 2024. The loss was recorded in Q2 2024 was mainly due to non-recurring expenses such as loss on disposal of motor vehicles of RM1.1 million.


2024-06-19 22:28 | Report Abuse

Stabilising @19.5 - 20.5 sen....


2024-06-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

I am expecting for the next cycle of GORENG for Kanger...... Better soon or never!!!



2024-06-17 21:03 | Report Abuse

Wow.. is coming back from the cave!!!
Goyang jangan tak goyang dik...

I am expecting for the next cycle of GORENG for Kanger...... Better now or never!!!



2024-06-16 10:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by MZM2511 > 2 months ago | Report Abuse

Not necessary... It's up to the company's insiders objectives or depend on how they want to play a game. For me the price should not fall much below than 5.5 sen... If they want the PP successfuly done. TAYOR.


2024-06-13 18:57 | Report Abuse

Nearer... Getting nearer for a party???? TAYOR


2024-06-10 23:43 | Report Abuse

Monitoring next few days trading volume... Also waiting for any announcement. The cloud will look more clearer. TAYOR


2024-06-10 22:28 | Report Abuse

@BE_GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDY... Good! Very positive vibe..

I think the next cycle of GORENG is nearer.
The market condition is more conducive... The price of PP share has to be determined.



2024-06-10 16:44 | Report Abuse

Just a guessing... Hope not!!!

Hope it's only the operator activity...
Whether to closed their fund @Itronic or


2024-06-10 15:16 | Report Abuse

Looks like big brother disposing shares??


2024-06-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

Fajar performances based on its last three quarterly reports: All are uptrending!!!!

F.Year Quarter Revenue PBT N.Profit EPS Div NTA QoQ(%) YoY(%)
30.6.24 QR3 24 142,647K 29,123K 27,188K 3.67 0.50 0.563 UP42% UP1324%
30.6.24 QR2 24 126,793K 24,409K 19,193K 2.59 0.00 0.523 UP585% UP1177%
30.6.24 QR1 24 72,977K 3,391K 2,801K 0.38 0.50 0.499 UP114% UP42%


2024-06-08 15:26 | Report Abuse

The Construction segment of the Group remains dedicated to ensuring the efficient and timely completion of our ongoing projects. These encompass a diverse range, including high-rise residential buildings, apartments, retail complexes, golf club house, and the redevelopment of military facilities. We anticipate that these projects will contribute positively to the Group's future earnings and net assets per share, starting from the financial year ending 30 June 2024, and extending thereafter. Currently, our order book stands at approximately RM1.10 billion, with RM117 million consists of internal development projects. We are actively pursuing new construction opportunities through tendering processes in both the private and government sectors, with a combined value of RM4.8 billion.
Have to read the info entirely... For me about the construction sector prospects, we can read the important statement by the company.

"We anticipate that these projects will contribute positively to the Group's future earnings and net assets per share, starting from the financial year ending 30 June 2024, and extending thereafter."



2024-06-08 15:22 | Report Abuse

Property Development segment reported revenue of RM99.05 million and profit before tax of RM33.40 million in the current quarter, compared to revenue of RM17.70 million and profit before tax of RM5.57 million in the preceding year corresponding quarter.
The surge in revenue and profit before tax in the current quarter were mainly contributed from Vierra Residence @ Kinrara development project where it showed incremental growth in the development work progress as compared to preceding year corresponding quarter.


2024-06-08 15:21 | Report Abuse

Construction Segment
Construction segment reported revenue of RM40.08 million and loss before tax of
RM3.06 million in the current quarter, compared to revenue of RM28.42 million and
loss before tax of RM2.76 million in the preceding year corresponding quarter.
Higher revenue registered in the current quarter was mainly due to the newly awarded projects had started to progressively contribute revenue to the segment. The loss before tax in the current quarter was mainly due to higher operating expenses as compared to preceding year corresponding quarter.


2024-06-08 15:20 | Report Abuse

The Group recorded revenue of RM142.65 million and profit before tax of RM29.12
million in the current quarter, compared to revenue of RM46.66 million and profit
before tax of RM3.30 million in the preceding year corresponding quarter. The higher
revenue was mainly contributed by Property Development and Construction segments,
whereas, the profit before tax was mainly attributed by the Property Development


2024-06-06 23:18 | Report Abuse

@Iwillbeback. I'm new here @ this counter. Feel interested lately after the company reported its stellar QR3 24.
Do some research and joined the counter....


2024-06-06 21:11 | Report Abuse

EPS (TTM) only @ 4.00.
For peer to peer comparison: Median PE @ 8.06


2024-06-06 20:45 | Report Abuse

Stabilising @ 5.5 - 6.5 sen...
Be patience... The time will come...


2024-06-05 19:32 | Report Abuse

-ve + +ve = Spark BOOOOOOM. He He he


2024-06-05 10:28 | Report Abuse

Furthermore, Kangers's balance sheet is better than Permaju's.


2024-06-05 10:27 | Report Abuse


Look at this comment on Permaju..

Syer consolidation coming... 100:1---> rm4.50 hahaha

1 week ago


2024-06-04 08:25 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 @Pon danman always come to "Goyang-Goyang".

Jom Dangdut... Ah Ah Ah


2024-06-02 15:30 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 @Pon danman and JJPTR always come to "Goyang-Goyang".

Jom Dangdut... Ah Ah Ah


2024-06-01 14:18 | Report Abuse

Gross profit / (loss) (RM 1,516,000)
Other operating income RM59,306,000.... (Fuyyooo.. At last.... This item is a magical figure from the art of accounting. He He He)

Note: If not BPuri will continously recorded a big loss such as shown in their last every 14 consecutive quarters.


2024-06-01 07:00 | Report Abuse

Note 1:

For 1Q 2024, the Group posted revenue of RM9.585 million mainly contributed by the orders delivered from the manufacturing segment of medical/ healthcare beds, medical peripherals and accessories. Geographically, the local market remains as the largest revenue contributor at RM8.391 million or 87.54% of the group revenue where the remaining revenue of RM1.194 million or 12.46% of the group revenue was generated from exports, mainly from other Asian region for the 1Q 2024.

The Group reported a gross profit of RM3.773 million and gross profit margin of 24.54% for the current financial period.

The Group posted a LBT of RM7.227 million for the current financial period mainly due to losses in the fair value on investment in quoted shares of RM5.186 million, depreciation and lease expense of RM1.755 million and interest expense of RM0.414 million. In addition, the pharmacy operations incurred a loss before tax in the current quarter of approximately RM0.937 million. However, excluding the effects of losses incurred by the pharmacy business and the fair value loss of quoted investments, the Group generated positive EBITDA of approximately RM1.065 million for the current quarter.

Note 2:

The Group’s revenue for the current financial quarter under review decreased as compared to preceding quarter, from RM15.940 million to RM9.585 million, due to lower sales of medical peripherals and accessories due to lower project sales in the current quarter.

The Group registered a loss before tax of RM7.227 million in the current financial quarter as compared to profit before tax of RM4.147 million in 4Q 2023 which was mainly due to fair value loss on investment in quoted shares of RM5.186 million. On the contrary, the preceding quarter recorded a fair value gain on investment of RM3.769 million.

Note 3: Prospects

Despite all the challenges and difficulties faced by the Group, we are committed to ensuring the Group’s long-term growth by continuously exploring and pursuing available opportunities that are prospective in increasing shareholders’ value. Looking ahead, the Group strives to improve the sales volume by expanding and offering a wider variety of medical devices to our customers.

The Group continues to leverage its long-term strategic relationships with the existing and potential business associates and partners that would improve the business process efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The Group also continues to pursue progress in its joint venture arrangements to meet its objectives.

Broadening our distributorship scope, we believe the existing engagement with SECA and MEDITOP’s products enables us to further introduce more medical devices to the market. We strive to build a more resilient organisation, upholding operational efficiencies and sustainable initiatives to navigate through business challenges, thereby reinforcing our position as a reliable, one-stop solutions provider to the medical and healthcare industry.


2024-06-01 07:00 | Report Abuse

Base on my BRIEF study on QR1 2024 (The latest QR) of LKL:

(Note: A comparative info from QR4 2023 included)

The summary on the company from QR1 2024:

A: The profitabilty of this quarter compared to the last QR4 2023 substatially dropped.

B. Still sitting on a negative reserve.

C: A cash rich company with RM 25,014,000 cash and cash equivalent.

D. Total assets > Total liabilities (Reduced total liabilities), Total current assets > Total current liabilities: Means still has a low indebtedness risk.


1. NTA 42.0 sen _ , QR4 2023 @ 44.0 sen
2. NOSH 388.06 mil _ , QR4 2023 @ 388.06m

Share capital RM 240,262,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM240,262,000
Merger deficit (RM 29,580,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ (RM29,580,000)
Accumulated losses (RM 46,253,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ accumulated losses of (RM 39,021,000)
Equity attributable to owners of the Company RM 164,429,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 171,661,000
Non-controlling interests ( RM 633,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ (RM 638,000)
TOTAL EQUITY RM 163,796,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 171,023,000

4. Cash and cash equivalent:
Fixed deposit with licensed bank RM 20,534,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 20,380,000
Cash and bank balances RM 4,480,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 16,190,000

5. Assets:
Non-current Assets RM 122,855,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 115,876,000
Current Assets RM 69,041,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 97,952,000
Assets included in disposal
group classified as held for sale RM 5,913,000 ¬_ , QR4 2023 @ RM 11,811,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 197,809,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 213,828,000

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 25,583,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 34,138,000
Non-current liabilities RM 8,430,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 8,666,000
TOTAL LIABILITIES RM 34,013,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 42,805,000

7. QR1 2024 Results
Revenue RM 9,585,000 _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 15,940,000

Profit before tax / (Loss) (RM 7,227,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 4,147,000

Net profit / (Net loss) (RM 7,232,000) _ , QR4 2023 @ RM 44,000


2024-05-31 21:30 | Report Abuse

A ten years of BPuri history told us:

1. Before this, BPuri have won projects worth billion, but BPuri have lost four years in a row.
2. Since 10 years ago, BPuri's NTA from RM1.00 has become 2.2 sen... BPuri's management is not good in making money for BPuri...
3. Continously, BPuri was good at making losses and increasing NOSH only.
4. To maintain financial and operations stability, BPuri did private placements and RI.
5. To be safer from the risks of PN17, BPuri is proposing to do a share consolidation exercise.


2024-05-31 18:53 | Report Abuse

One thing obvious is after that 145m rgt purchase, Kanger cash had been below 1m for few qtrs, there were qtrly loses, how did Kanger manage to do another 15 new purchases recently?
This announcement is dated 7 November 2023

Still can't see any info about the completion of this proposed acquisition...

As per this announcement...

"The obligations of the parties under the Agreement are in all respects conditional upon the following being fulfilled on or before six (6) months from the date of the Agreement or such other extended as may be agreed between the parties (hereinafter referred to as the “the Cut-Off Date”):–
(a) Purchaser having obtained the approval of its shareholders at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened for the sale and purchase of the Purchaser Units. Within five (5) business days after the conclusion of Purchaser’s extraordinary general meeting, Purchaser shall obtain and forward to the Developer’s Solicitors three (3) certified true copies each of Purchaser’s members’ resolution authorising Purchaser to enter into the Agreement and its execution and performance of the Agreement and all the other relevant documents pursuant to the Agreement or otherwise pertaining to the transactions contemplated by the Agreement; and
(b) any approvals, waivers or consents from any relevant authority or parties as may be required by law or regulation or deemed necessary by the parties to facilitate the sale and purchase of the Purchaser Units (if required).
If any of the conditions set out in Clause 3A(1) are not satisfied by the Cut-Off Date (not due to a default of any party), then either party will be entitled to issue a notice of termination to the other party and thereafter whereupon the Developer shall refund all monies paid by Purchaser to the Developer for its account as part of the Total Consideration Sum free of interest within thirty (30) days from the date of notice of termination.

The Agreement shall become unconditional on the day upon which the conditions have been fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement or on such other date the Developer and/or Purchaser confirm in writing that the conditions have been fulfilled, whichever shall be earlier (hereinafter referred to as the “Unconditional Date”)


2024-05-31 11:33 | Report Abuse

Jus for dear friend SincereStock..


2024-05-31 10:43 | Report Abuse

@JJPTR (the naysayer)... You better search for the news yourself.
Changed the tune after been caught to be spreading the false information... Yeah


2024-05-30 22:14 | Report Abuse

Sell on news mentality... He He He


2024-05-30 22:10 | Report Abuse

Dividend of 0.5 sen per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2023 has been paid on 26 March 2024.


2024-05-30 21:12 | Report Abuse

Base on my BRIEF study on the QR3 2024 (The latesr QR) of Itronic:

(Note: A comparative figures from QR2 2024 included)

A: Sitting on negative reserve / accumulated loss widend to RM 8,046,278.

B: Not a cash rich company.

C. Total assets > Total liabilities, Total current assets > Total current liabilities, and has a small non-current liabilities only @ RM 1,089,007 – Means still has a low indebtedness risk.

D. Revenue up tremendously from the last quarter and the gross loss and net loss were decreased.


1. NTA 5 sen _ , QR2 2024 @ 5 sen.
2. NOSH 707.59 mil. _ , QR2 2024 @ 707.59 mil.

Share Capital RM 43,472,963 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 43,472,963
Reserves / (accumulated losses) (RM 8,046,278) _ , QR2 2024 @ (RM 7,735,583)
Shareholders' funds RM 35,426,685 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 35,737,380
Non-Controlling Interest RM 0 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 0
TOTAL EQUITY RM 35,426,685 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 35,737,380

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent:
Cash and bank balances RM 4 ,517 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 1,441,030

5. Assets:
Current Assets RM 74,109,474 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 73,506,067
Non-current Assets RM 15,224,293 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 15,301,611
TOTAL ASSETS RM 89,333,767 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 88,807,678

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 52,818,075 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 51,924,835
Non-current liabilities RM 1,089,007 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 1,145,463
TOTAL LIABILITIES RM 53,907,082 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 53,070,298

7. QR3 2024 results - Revenue RM 16,881,800 _ , QR2 2024 @ RM 6,962,162
- Gross profit / (loss) (RM 485,678) _ , QR2 2024 @ (RM 2,111,163)
- Net profit/(Net loss) (RM 2,161,615) _ , QR2 2024 @ (RM 3,360,151)

Note 1:

For the current quarter and year-to-date period ended 31 March 2024, the Group reported revenue of RM16.88 million and RM54.06 million respectively. Among these RM54.06 million, 99.31% was generated by the Hong Kong subsidiary, which primarily engages in the sales of watches. Malaysia operation which focusing on electronics & system integration operation, contributed RM0.12 million for the current quarter and RM0.37 million for year-to-date ended 31 March 2024.

For the current quarter and year-to-date period ended 31 March 2024, the Group incurred a loss before tax of RM2.16 million and RM5.00 million, respectively. The higher losses for the period ended 31 March 2024 primarily due to increased operating expenses resulting from accounting adjustment, particularly the recognition of an unrealised loss of RM2.13 million on outstanding debts owed to creditors. In addition, finance cost amounting to RM0.97 million mainly from third parties borrowing, have further increased overall loss
impact on the Group's financial performance.

Note 2:

The Group experienced a significant increase in revenue, rising from from RM6.96 million to RM16.88 million, reflecting a growth of RM9.92 million or 142%. This growth was primarily attributed to improved sales from watch operation. The Group recorded a slightly higher loss before tax of RM2.16 million compared to RM2.11 million in the preceding quarter mainly due to a decrease in profit contribution from associate, which amounted to RM0.01 million for the current quarter as compared to RM0.09 million in preceding

Note 3: Prospects

The Group anticipates that its performance for the financial year ending 30 June 2024 will be satisfactory in view of the improved sales performance in the watches trading segment. The Group will continue to focus on improving its e-commerce platform to deliver better user experience and increase customer satisfaction.

The Group intends to penetrate into new markets by establishing Halal Food & Beverage restaurants and Halal Convenience Stores in Hong Kong. Addtionally, the Group has entered into a Project Management Contract to serve as the Project Management Company for the proposed development of hotel and golf course in Pulau Langkawi. The Board believes that these business will generate positive cash flow for the Group and contribute to enhancing shareholders' value.


2024-05-30 12:43 | Report Abuse

Look at this report:

Diversified into new construction business aimed at deriving
synergy with the property investment and management segment.
• Acquired 51% stake in building materials supplier, Sung Master
Holdings Sdn. Bhd. for RM94.8 million. Acquired 126 units of
service apartments at Antara @ Genting Highlands for RM142.87
• One of the new subsidiaries, Kanger Medical International Sdn.
Bhd. is making inroads into the healthcare industry by sourcing for
face masks and Covid-19 vaccines.

Note: Please refer Kanger Annual Report 2023 - Page 6.


2024-05-30 12:35 | Report Abuse

BUTT lately Kanger announced only buy 15units of Antara condo..

This 15 units Antara condo proposed to be bought is the additional units of condo.


Please be noted:
"The Developer has agreed to sell and Purchaser has agreed to purchase fifteen (15) parcels of units with vacant possession in the proposed Block A of the said Development more particularly described in “Annexure D"


2024-05-30 12:28 | Report Abuse

Some details about the terminated contracts of contractors..

Is it the contract completely supposed to build Antara Condo foundation? If not, it's a false information created by YOU.

5. A Collaboration Agreement between Kanger Ventures and Multiple Novation, relating to a multiple constructions works.

Progress of the agreement:

a) Based on an announcement at BURSA dated 15 January 2021

The Board of Directors of Kanger International wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kanger Ventures Sdn Bhd, had on 15 January 2021 entered into the following Collaboration Agreements.

a) Qbeez Holdings Sdn Bhd and Kanger Ventures in respect of Letter of Award dated 6th July 2018 for construction of main building works of the project of development of three (3) blocks of affordable apartment on Lot 52957, Jalan Desa, Taman Desa, Mukim Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan (“Qbeez Project 1”);

b) Qbeez Holdings Sdn Bhd and Kanger Ventures in respect of Letter of Award dated 28th December 2018 for construction of building and external works for the project of development two (2) blocks apartment on PT 15659, Jalan Indrahana 3, Mukim Petaling, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan (“Qbeez Project 2”);

c) Lead Pinnacle Sdn Bhd and Kanger Ventures in respect of Letter of Award dated 28th October 2019 for construction of piling and foundation works of the project of construction of a temporary gallery on PT 23923, (H.S.(D) 18603) Genting Highlands, Mukim Bentong, Daerah Bentong, Negeri Pahang (“Lead Project 1”);

d) Lead Pinnacle Sdn Bhd and Kanger Ventures in respect of Letter of Award dated 7th July 2020 for construction of foundation and main building works for the project of a mixed development of two (2) blocks of service apartment on PT 23923, (H.S.(D) 18603) Genting Highlands, Mukim Bentong, Daerah Bentong, Negeri Pahang (“Lead Project 2”);

e) Deseo Engineering Sdn Bhd and Kanger Ventures in respect of Letter of Award dated 13th April 2018 for construction of main building works for the project of a development of two (2) blocks of affordable apartments and two (2) blocks of apartment on Lot 55121, Jalan Jujur, Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur (“Deseo Project”);

f) Enduring Power Sdn Bhd and Kanger Ventures in respect of Letter of Award dated 1st June 2019 for construction of main building works for the project of a development of two (2) blocks of service apartment on Lot 1351 & 1377, Jalan Padang/Jalan Padang Walter Grenier dan sebahagian simpanan Jalan, Seksyen 67, Bukit Bintang, Bandar Kuala Lumpur (“Enduring Project”).

- Any approval required from the relevant authority and shareholders in a general meeting of the Company to undertake this collaboration herein contemplated;
- The Parties shall fulfill the above conditions within 90 (ninety) days from the date of these agreements or such extended date as shall be mutually agreed in writing by the Parties (Cut-Off Date).


2024-05-30 12:17 | Report Abuse

JJPTR... Don't talk nonsense.
1. Now latest i read Kanger terminate the contractor who is supposed to build the foundation for the Genting condo project, --- Answer... Are you sure the contract is supposed to build the foundation of ANTARA CONDO project?
2. BUTT lately Kanger announced only buy 15units of Antara condo...
My answer. Please notify your source. As I know, the company even propose to buy more condo @ their latest announcement about the Antara condo purchase.


2024-05-29 21:53 | Report Abuse

Base on my BRIEF study on the QR2 2024 of Kanger:

The company
A: Sitting on negative reserve.

B. Recorded net loss for the last TWO consecutive quarters.
QoQ, revenue down and net loss widened.

C: Not a cash rich company.

D. Total assets > Total liabilities, Total current assets > Total current liabilities: Means still has a low indebtedness risk.

E. Has nil non-current liabilities: Means has more oppurtunity to take a loan to finance its future project / investment.


1. NTA 31 sen (down from 45.1 sen @ last QR1 2024).
2. NOSH 731.58 mil.

Share Capital RM 433,234,000
Reserves / (accumulated losses) (RM 206,530,000)
Shareholders’s equity RM 226,704,000
Non-Controlling Interest RM 0
TOTAL EQUITY RM 226,704,000

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent:
Cash and bank balances RM 560,000

5. Assets:
Current Assets RM 36,431,000
Non-current Assets RM 204,544,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 240,975,000

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 14,271,000
Non-current liabilities RM 0

7. QR2 2024 results :
- Revenue RM 9,969,000 (down from QR1 2024 of RM20,691,000)
- Gross profit RM 1,985,000
- Net profit / (loss) (RM 1,464,000) (up from QR1 2024 loss of (RM382,000)

Note 1:

Revenue decrease by RM13.3 million in current financial quarter ended 31 March 2024 (“Q2 2024”) as compared to the corresponding quarter ended 31 March 2023 (“Q4 2023”) which was mainly due to significantly decrease in the sales generate from Sung Master Holdings Sdn Bhd on trading of building materials. Besides, Q2 2024 has recorded loss after taxation of RM0.7 million as compared to the profit of RM1.6 million in Q4 2023. This was mainly due to loss on disposal of motor vehicles which has contributed a total of RM1.1 million in current financial quarter.

Note 2:

The Group recorded loss after taxation of RM0.7 million as compared to profit after taxation of RM0.6 million in Q1 2024. The loss was recorded in Q2 2024 was mainly due to non-recurring expenses such as loss on disposal of motor vehicles of RM1.1 million.

Note 3: Prospects



2024-05-29 21:22 | Report Abuse

Base on my BRIEF study on the QR1 2024 of Zelan:


The company

A: Sitting on positive reserve of RM70,837,000.

B. Recorded net profit for FOUR quarter of last FIVE latest quarters.

C. Not a cash rich company.

D. Total assets > Total liabilities, Total current assets > Total current liabilities,

E. In the process of settling the PN17 issues.

On 2 May 2024, Bursa Securities granted an extension of time of six (6) months up to 31 October 2024 to submit its regularisation plan to the relevant regulatory authorities. The Group is in the process of formulating the Proposed Regularisation Plan for submission.

The Group is of the opinion that the Proposed Regularisation Plan once formulated and implemented after obtaining the approval from relevant authorities, will enable the Group to generate sufficient cash flows to meet its obligations and continue sustainable and viable operations.


1. NTA 19 sen (up from 18 sen @ last QR4 2023.)
2. NOSH 844.92 mil.

Share Capital RM 84,495,000
Reserves / accumulated profit RM 74,252,000
Shareholders’s equity RM 158,747,000
Non-Controlling Interest (RM 331,000)
TOTAL EQUITY RM 158,416,000

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent:
Cash and bank balances RM 3,068,000

5. Assets:
Current Assets RM 325,653,000
Non-current Assets RM 430,359,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 756,012,000

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 207,602,000
Non-current liabilities RM 389,994,000

7. QR1 2024 results :
- Revenue RM 7,321,000
- Gross profit RM 4,445,000
- Net profit RM 4,070,000

Note 1

The Group’s revenue of RM7.3 million for the current quarter ended 31 March 2024 was lower than the
revenue of RM9.7 million registered in the same quarter of Financial Year (“FY’) 2023 by RM2.4 million. The lower revenue is principally due to reduced revenue from local projects.

The Group reported a profit before zakat and taxation (“PBZT”) of RM4.8 million in the current quarter under review compared to a PBZT of RM2.3 million in the corresponding quarter of FY2023. The improved performance is mainly due to lower interest expenses of RM6.2 million (Quarter 1 FY2023: RM 7.1 million) and higher unrealised foreign exchange gain of RM3.7 million (Quarter 1 FY2023 : RM 1.2 million).

Note 2

In the current quarter ended 31 March 2024, the Group reported higher revenue of RM7.3 million compared to the preceding quarter revenue of RM4.2 million. The higher revenue of RM3.1 million for the current quarter is principally due to higher revenue from local projects.

In the current quarter ended 31 March 2024, the Group reported lower profit before taxation of RM4.8 million compared to the preceding quarter profit before taxation of RM48.7 million. Included in the preceding quarter results is the reversal of accrued bank borrowings interest of RM55.1 million arising from the rescheduling agreement dated 15th December 2023.

Note: Prospects

The Group is in the process of resolving the ongoing PN17 issues. The Group is continuously looking for projects/contracts via tendering and is cautiously optimistic of the future prospects of the Group.

The Group is in the midst of evaluating and formulating its proposed regularisation plan to streamline its financial conditions and improve the Group’s performance.


2024-05-29 20:56 | Report Abuse

Haiyahhhhh. Still pon danman kah BOD????


2024-05-28 20:11 | Report Abuse

Improved its revenue, profitability and NTA.

Revenue PBT Net Profit EPS NTA QoQ(%) YoY(%)
34,700K 5,572K 4,248K 0.77sen 24sen Up 4% Up 2444%


2024-05-27 23:19 | Report Abuse

Want to see its incoming QR results... Has a power or not?


2024-05-26 01:56 | Report Abuse

The Group expects performance for the financial year ending 30 June 2024 to be satisfactory in view of improved sales performance in its trading of watches business.
This statement by the company will be tested next week through its incoming QR3 2024. Hope for the best...


2024-05-24 20:22 | Report Abuse

The incoming QR1 2024 at the end of this month... Hope will see a good results...


2024-05-24 12:05 | Report Abuse

Base on my BRIEF study on the latest QR3 2024 of FAJAR:

A: The company is improving its profitabilty.

B. Still sitting on accumulated profit of RM179,368,000 (80.9% of its share capital)

C: A nett cash company (RM 92,219,000)

D. Total assets > Total liabilities, Total current assets > Total current liabilities,

E: Project oderbook is sufficient as currently, the company order book stands at approximately RM1.10 billion for the continiuing operations and generating revenue for short term.


1. NTA 0.5631 sen (up from 0.523 sen)
2. NOSH 744.69 mil.

Share capital RM 221,534,000
Treasury shares (RM1,655,000)
Warrant reserves RM9,535,000
Other reserves RM1,110,000
Fair value reserves RM8,037,000
Foreign currency translation reserves (RM305,000)
Retained profits RM179,368,000
Equity attributable to owners
of the Company RM417,624,000
Non-controlling interests RM 17,055,000
TOTAL EQUITY RM 434,679,000

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent:
Fixed deposit with licensed banks RM 9,429,000
Cash and bank balances RM 82,790,000
Total RM 92,219,000

5. Assets:
Non-current Assets RM 197,803,000
Current Assets RM 410,999,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 608,802,,000

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 154,625,000
Non-current liabilities RM 19,498,000

7. Last QR result- Revenue RM142,647,000
Gross profit RM 36,329,000
- Net profit RM 27,188,000

Note 1:
The Group recorded revenue of RM142.65 million and profit before tax of RM29.12 million in the current quarter, compared to revenue of RM46.66 million and profit before tax of RM3.30 million in the preceding year corresponding quarter. The higher revenue was mainly contributed by Property Development and Construction segments, whereas, the profit before tax was mainly attributed by the Property Development segment.
Note 2:
In the current quarter ended 31 March 2024, the Group posted a revenue of RM142.65 million and profit before tax of RM29.12 million, which is an increase of 13% and 19% respectively from the immediate preceding quarter ended 31 December 2023.
The increase in revenue and profit before tax for the current quarter were mainly due to higher work progress at Vierra Residence @Kinrara from the Property Development segment.

Note 3: Prospects

In March 2024, our Group's Construction segment successfully secured a contract from Tanjung Nakhoda (M) Sdn Bhd ("Tanjung Nakhoda") for the construction of Johor Golf & Country Club ("JGCC"), valued at RM120.82 million. In the same month, the Group also attained a Delivery Phase (Early Works) contract from the Australian

Department of Defence, valued at RM11.04 million. This recent achievement further bolsters our Group's involvement in the design and construct infrastructure project to redevelop military facilities at the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) Base Butterworth, Penang. Consequently, the cumulative value of contracts secured by the Group for the RMAF project now stands at RM23.34 million.

Currently, our order book stands at approximately RM1.10 billion, with RM117 million consists of internal development projects. We are actively pursuing new construction opportunities through tendering processes in both the private and government sectors, with a combined value of RM4.8 billion.


2024-05-24 12:01 | Report Abuse

For me, it has a good fundamental and has a very good prospects. TAYOR


2024-05-22 20:36 | Report Abuse

@LY Hoh. Yes. Agree. Especially for those who want to play for midterm investment.
I'm a newcomer here. Bought some @6 and 6.5 sen.


2024-05-20 23:30 | Report Abuse

Peram dulu. Holding it tightly. Add more if the price drop to 5 sen and below.