
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2021-05-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

Nasib baik hari raya. He He.
Apasal geram sangat dengan saya ni.
Fasal kebanyakan post saya ada fakta ke?

Naysayer punya cakap semua cakap tuduhan tin kosong.

Minta fakta, MELOPONG. He He


2021-05-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

zzzzzzz Enhanzcap semua announced cerita kuat saja sampai sekarang tin0

No offense. Should be on Raya mood...


2021-05-13 10:08 | Report Abuse

enhanzcap Lost hope on Nexgram. Announced many projects but not reflected in quarterly report

Will you please refer to this article to answer about quarterly report issue. The link is:

News & Blogs

2021-05-13 08:21 | Report Abuse

@oppstar. To see the real prospects on this businesses to Nexgram, we can see the efforts by Nexgram to strengthen the services related to TracAPM - SafeTravelPass by recruiting more workforce for the jobs. These facts can be seen on this links:





Other new job creation related to Nexgram's Healthcare and IT expansion programs can be read @:


News & Blogs

2021-05-13 08:09 | Report Abuse

oppstar Have you attend the AGM?
Do you know how much the charge of the register safetravelpass?

I missed to attend the AGM.
But as I understand, the charge to download TracVirus APP and using the SafeTravelPass is FOC - Free of Charge.

The real revenues for the company which operates the systems are from the related services to the systems related to COVID-19 tests, quarantine accommodation arrangement and other fees or commissions charged to every travelers passing Malaysia airports and borders who use vaccine passport services and other digital services.

ALL TRAVELERS are REQUIRED to register with TracAPM (which was integrated with SafeTravelPass), therefore the SafeTravelPass system The official booking web site for Covid-19 check-in, health test and quarantine facilitation recognise by TracAPM. (Please refer:

Let us imagine the business opportunity grabbed by Nexgram, as per 2019 statistics, there were around 26.1 million border traffic passing Malaysian borders.


2021-05-12 21:52 | Report Abuse

Selamat hari raya aidil fitri kepada semua kawan-kawan yang merayakannya. Maaf zahir batin.


2021-05-12 21:50 | Report Abuse

@zzzzzzz. Nanti selepas raya jawab. He He

News & Blogs

2021-05-12 21:01 | Report Abuse

Q1: What is this SafeTravelPass?

All Malaysians and Non-Malaysians (foreigners) are required to register with TracAPM and make early payment for quarantine and PCR test before travel.

SafeTravelPass (STP) (

SafeTravelPass is travellers registration, COVID-19 tests and quarantine accommodation arrangement service approved by government of Malaysia. This service is open to both Malaysians and non-Malaysians, to achieve safe, fast and convenient experience for travellers coming into Malaysia. Upon registration and completion of payment, travellers will be provided with the TracAPM QR code that is used by Government of Malaysia for entry verification.

Travellers can make online payment, and Cash-on-Arrival service is provided for government payments upon arrival in Malaysia.

Travellers can register or download mobile application (iOS, Android, Huawei) before coming to Malaysia, or at the Point of Arrival at all borders including KLIA and KLIA2 in Malaysia.

To know more about Malaysia travel information and procedures, visit


2021-05-12 21:00 | Report Abuse

Q1: What is this SafeTravelPass?

All Malaysians and Non-Malaysians (foreigners) are required to register with TracAPM and make early payment for quarantine and PCR test before travel.

SafeTravelPass (STP) (

SafeTravelPass is travellers registration, COVID-19 tests and quarantine accommodation arrangement service approved by government of Malaysia. This service is open to both Malaysians and non-Malaysians, to achieve safe, fast and convenient experience for travellers coming into Malaysia. Upon registration and completion of payment, travellers will be provided with the TracAPM QR code that is used by Government of Malaysia for entry verification.

Travellers can make online payment, and Cash-on-Arrival service is provided for government payments upon arrival in Malaysia.

Travellers can register or download mobile application (iOS, Android, Huawei) before coming to Malaysia, or at the Point of Arrival at all borders including KLIA and KLIA2 in Malaysia.

To know more about Malaysia travel information and procedures, visit


2021-05-12 14:35 | Report Abuse

@8dragon. At least give reasons... why???

News & Blogs

2021-05-12 00:22 | Report Abuse

MZM2511 Excerpts from:

.....However, MQ Research’s channel checks among industry players revealed that no tender or request for information has been called so far.

I want to confirm whether this info is TRUE concerning the Vaccine passport services in Malaysia..

Please check these portals as the government has approved their TracAPM systems which integrated with Nexgram's TracVirus SafeTravelPass as their official system for vaccine passport services and other digital services in Malaysia airports and borders.

Sources: 1.


2021-05-11 21:20 | Report Abuse

POST SAYA KE DALAM GROUP MyEG di I3investor. Saya sudah kacau group Nexgram's competitor di I3Investor, MyEG. Harap tidak mendatangkan masalah. He He
MZM2511 Excerpts from:

.....However, MQ Research’s channel checks among industry players revealed that no tender or request for information has been called so far.
I want to confirm whether this info is TRUE concerning the Vaccine pasport services in Malaysia..

Please check these portal links as the government has approved their TracAPM systems which integrated with Nexgram's TracVirus SafeTravelPass as their official system for vaccine passport services and other digital services in Malaysia airports and borders.



2021-05-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

Thank you UncleFollower for reminding us about the 'substantial share holders' issue. TERBAIK

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconT Other issue/issues like wat?
To be frank with you, I think the main issue should be related to the disposal of shares from ICPS conversion by Nexgram's ex-creditor in bulks. If you want a better understanding on this issue, you shall do some research on it. He He.

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 16:05 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconT Best case scenario get in n get out of GN3 within 3 to 6 months
Bukan seperti yang awak fikir ini. Sangat sedikit maklumat yang awak ada tentang Nexgram. Perlu selidik banyak lagi sebelum boleh cakap dan buat keputusan.

Untuk mengurangkan kenaifan anda, kalau rajin boleh baca melalui link di bawah ini tentang isu MUGC, GN3 yang diberi relief kepada Nexgram dan bagaimana berlaku selepas tempoh relief:

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 15:57 | Report Abuse

@OrlandoOilSemiconT. Sekali lagi saya harap kalau awak rajin awak semak balik betul atau tidak fakta-fakta yang saya berikan berkaitan GN3.

Untuk pengetahuan awak, officially sekarang Nexgram tidak dilist dalam senarai GN3 kerana telah diberi relief. Selepas masa relief, Nexgram akan dinilai semula dan jika ia tiada lagi dikenakan MUGC, maka ia boleh lepas dari di list dalam senarai GN3.

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 15:52 | Report Abuse

Nexgram tak akan listed as GN3 kerana:
1. Capital reduction telah lulus, boleh membantu kerana tiada lagi accumulated losses dalam akaun.

2. Nexgram's share holders equity on consolidated basis of its shares (excluding treasury shares)
pada QR2 2021 sudah semakin baik dan berada pada 56.27 %. Tiada lagi MUGC baru pada tahun kewangan 2020 sehingga kini kerana Nexgram's share holders equity on consolidated basis of its shares (excluding treasury shares) telah melepasi 50%, dengan itu Nexgram boleh terlepas dari GN3.

3. QR2 2021 sudah positif, harap-harap QR seterusnya positif dan ianya akan meningkatkan lagi


2021-05-11 15:23 | Report Abuse

@BestOne. Yes. Nexgram is very lucky because the company successfully engaged with APM, a department under Prime Minister Department. TracAPM - TracVirus SafeTravelPass deal is a massive good and guaranteed potential earnings for Nexgram.

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 15:14 | Report Abuse

OrlandoOilSemiconT Recent drop due margin forced selling b4 classification as GN13?

I'm sure its not caused by GN3 fear, but it should be related to other issue/issues.

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 15:10 | Report Abuse

@OrlandoOilSemiconT. Its GN3 and not GN13.
You better find more infos about this issue. Better get true infos based on what happened recently to the company after the company triggered with MUGC (GN3/PN17 listed issuer) but has been given relief.

There are several developments relating to this GN3 issue up to now, but for me, its non-issue anymore for Nexgram.

Their FA getting better, not triggered any MUGC (GN3 listed issuer) in FY2020 until now and the proposed capital reduction has been approved to make sure Nexgram will be free from GN3 when the company's relief period lasted.


2021-05-11 14:23 | Report Abuse

Tin kosong pun masih ada nilainya brader.
Saya berusaha untuk menyebarkan berita tentang isi-isi yang telah dimuatkan dalam tin yang awak katakan kosong itu.
Kalau ada yang tak betul dan faktanya salah, berikan komen secara baik.

News & Blogs

2021-05-11 14:21 | Report Abuse

Tin kosong pun masih ada nilainya brader.
Saya berusaha untuk menyebarkan berita tentang isi-isi yang telah dimuatkan dalam tin yang awak katakan kosong itu.
Kalau ada yang tak betul dan faktanya salah, berikan komen secara baik.


2021-05-11 13:21 | Report Abuse

@zzzzzzz. Kalau awak rasa dengan menyebarkan berita yang buruk tentang sesebuah syarikat tanpa fakta yang betul adalah betul bagi awak, persilakan.


2021-05-11 12:19 | Report Abuse

8dragon MZM2511 serupa recycle bin, selalu memutarbelitkan cerita lama untuk mengelilukan pelabur runcit ....

zzzzzzz Betullah ingat sendiri ialah cikgu macam hari-hari post sama punya cerita Pui Pui pu
Betul ke post sama. Baca betul-betul.
Kalau ada salah fakta, tolong kemukakan di sini.
Jangan duduk komen kosong saje.

.....Maklumlah, kedua-duanya (jika sebenarnya bukan orang yang sama) adalah
peminat saham tin kosong. He He


2021-05-11 10:05 | Report Abuse

@Singapore88. Kawan jangan dengar cerita buruk tentang Nexgram dari orang yang memang 24 jam naysayer tentang Nexgram iaitu OKU_2020 = 8dragon = DONJUAN


2021-05-11 10:01 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 WHO Cares...? ada sapa kisah ini TIN - 0

Saya ada kisah. Saya ada pegang saham dalam. Awak sedang haga apa sini. Jolok Nexgram supaya jatuh yeee. Tin kosong pun ada harga la kawan.


2021-05-11 09:56 | Report Abuse

Ada orang kurang siuman sedang tunggu nak beli kaunter yang dikatakan nak masuk GN3. Begitu tekun sekali menunggu. Berita ini belum luput dan sedang berlaku sekarang. He He


2021-05-11 09:34 | Report Abuse

Sudah dapat ke 3 sen? Tin kosong pun ada harga beb. He He


2021-05-10 21:56 | Report Abuse

The good announcement came while the weather is not so good. Hard to sail..
Just my opinion. He He


2021-05-10 20:59 | Report Abuse

1. The Proposed Disposal is expected to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2021.

2. Net Gain on disposal RM20,527,500

3. Net profit attributable to shareholders after tax for FY2020 RM22,125,209

4. EPS for FY2020 should be RM0.043.


2021-05-10 20:49 | Report Abuse

@OKU_2020. Tak ada apalah OKU wei. Biasa dah.
Harap esok masih ada support @4 sen.


2021-05-10 18:08 | Report Abuse

@zzzzzzz. Saya bukan penganalisis saham berlesen. Tidak ada lesen profesional untuk buat cadangan sell atau buy. Apakah awak ada lesen profesional untuk memberi nasihat jual kepada pihak lain? Kalau tiada, boleh kena saman woooo.


2021-05-10 16:54 | Report Abuse

Betul. zzzzzzz = OKU_2020. Perangainya sama. Tunggu @ 3 sen. The funniest naysayer.


2021-05-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

8dragon Jatuh kerana ada sesuatu yg tak betul berlaku dlm kompeni.... biasa lah asalkan duit masuk poket bod/ozura ditanggung oleh MZM2511
Betul. mesti ada isu disebalik apa yang berlaku. Tapi perkembangan positif dalam syarikat bagi saya tetap perkembangan positif. Risiko tanggung sendiri.

Sebagai pelabur runcit biasa yang terperangkap dalam kaunter ini, saya rasa saya perlu berusaha sedaya mungkin untuk bantu harga saham Nexgram naik, jangka pendek atau jangka panjangnya. Buat masa sekarang belum terpikir untuk CUT LOSS.


2021-05-10 16:21 | Report Abuse

zzzzzzz No call buy only happy post. Hahaha
Okay. You boleh browse tengok post saya yang lepas kalau awak rajin.
Forward balik di sini mana-mana post yang saya "directly" cakap buy call atau beli untuk kaunter Nexgram.


2021-05-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 menjelma balik sebagai zzzzzzz. Adakah teori ini betul. Is it a fact ???


2021-05-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

Ya. Fact is fact. Info dan pandangan yang diberikan berkenaan pospek atau risiko berkaitan Nexgram pun kebanyakkannya berdasarkan fakta dan ada rujukan.


2021-05-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

@zzzzzzz Tapi u hari hari post hari hari call buy
Seingat saya, saya bukan directly buat call buy. Just beri info atau pandangan berkenaan prospek Nexgram. Risiko tanggung sendiri.


2021-05-10 16:00 | Report Abuse

Macam mana tak nak post. Hari-hari ada orang seperti OKU_2020 = zzzzzzz = 8dragon = DONJUAN yang duduk naysayer supaya saham Nexgram jatuh.
Mesti jawab punya. He He


2021-05-10 15:55 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 menjelma balik sebagai zzzzzzz. Okay,

OKU_2020 = zzzzzzz = 8dragon = DONJUAN


2021-05-10 15:52 | Report Abuse

zzzzzz. I know you are OKU_2020.
The funniest ever naysayer in this forum. He He


2021-05-10 15:29 | Report Abuse

It's Ozura's. The ex-creditor.


2021-05-10 15:10 | Report Abuse

Call sell pun ada orang hari-hari cakap.


2021-05-10 15:04 | Report Abuse

Bagus. Lagi meriah. He He


2021-05-10 13:44 | Report Abuse

zzzzzzz Marilah mari 0.035 habis wayang

Ada awak rindu sama itu OKU_2020 tak. Saya ada TERBAU dialah....


2021-05-10 10:24 | Report Abuse

Tak apa. Sekurang-kurangnya kerana post hari2 untuk lawan geng naysayer 8dragon = OKU2020 = DONJUAN, harga Nexgram masih boleh bertahan.


2021-05-10 05:58 | Report Abuse

More articles and infos related to this competitive aspects will be served to us in the future.

But as for Nexgram, I'm eagerly to see the incoming quartely report of Nexgram to evaluate the company results on this healthcare business.


2021-05-10 05:57 | Report Abuse

More news about Nexgram's expansion programs especially related to healthcare and IT businesses related to healthcare can be seen in this site


2021-05-10 05:57 | Report Abuse

Your role includes working with our regional work team under open source open platform environment, prepare modules for cross-country, cross-language system integration, including China, Indonesia, South Korea, as well as team from UK, Netherlands and Canada. International time zone coordination is a culture to join the dream team to build a better future for humanity.
