
Mabel | Joined since 2019-02-11

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

Disclaimers :- All Mabel comments in i3 forum are based on my investment experience across the Globe by applying the Pareto principle. No buy or sell call on any stocks in i3 forum on all my comments. You are advised to consult license banker or Remisier for any investment.





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2022-12-20 11:01 | Report Abuse

Wah so many queue to buy..


2022-12-20 10:59 | Report Abuse

superrr This is the counter to con-inexperience bilis that who are buying....As we can see longkang Mabel tua old old Japanese cat is just an accomplice of karam, since gone case is confirmed still keeps promoting with nonsense talks...
19/12/2022 7:04 PM

Haha Smelly the message is loud and clear..

Stay out from this counter..

Banyak ke you rugi?

Told you since last year oledi don't play with this counter.


2022-12-20 10:58 | Report Abuse

LuoWencai Recently, I was studying a teacher with ten years of experience in stocks, which gave me a lot of feedback in the stock market. I will share them with you, hoping that you will not lose a lot of money in the future like me. 0148940019
16/12/2022 7:24 PM

Thank you Luo!

Huang please engage yourself with Luo..

Hate to see you lose your panties all the times..

Mabel the Compassionate Gal..


2022-12-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

Mabel so apy today...

Finally after a long wait, some nice Uncle and Aunties matched Mabel's waiting price for Mother at Wang Sen..

Now Mabel is putting more que for 0.005 sen...

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

Mabel is here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..

Captain Mabel Meow


Dec 19, 2022 9:55 PM | Report Abuse

On top of the above Mabel also invest in MCHI iShares MSCI China ETF China ETF. This week this MCHI: iShares MSCI China ETF declares semi-annual distribution of $0.7115

Life is so beautiful when you are smart

Mabel, the Wise Gal


2022-12-20 10:56 | Report Abuse

Just accept your losses and move on...


2022-12-20 10:56 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 LOL.. gibberish ConMabel finally show head.

Since u already planned to be private investor, 1c u cannot afford to buy??

Pure gibberish
20/12/2022 10:43 AM

Haha Huang caught lying again... talking about you ke?

Serba must have made a big impact on you. All, your posting are attacking Serba..

Haha thought you only lose 60% in pmcorpes...based on the latest revelation SD is also on your losing list..

Poor Baby...

Better go and join Luo..

You really need help...


2022-12-20 10:53 | Report Abuse

Mabel is unstoppable, courageous, joyous, bold, valuable, visible, moving with intension, serene, magnetic, She's free, Unshakable, Grateful, feminine, beautiful, badass, smarts, fantastic, courageous, bold intention, shinning, winners, confident, competence..

Totally the opposite of the 3 Barbaric Mongols..

Princess Himari Ichimuku Meow


2022-12-20 10:53 | Report Abuse

zoizai Those bising here are losers Serbadk dinamik shareholder. Hahahaha
13/12/2022 9:32 AM

Haha they are all lonely senior citizen, insecure chicken with massive unlimiting believes, totally blocked and lonely, anxiety, angry, losers, defensive, depressed, over thinking, victim, lonely, rejected..Total Losers!

Money already kena control by their home ministers.

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..



2022-12-20 10:52 | Report Abuse

Mabel so apy today...

Finally after a long wait, some nice Uncle and Aunties matched Mabel's waiting price for Mother at Wang Sen..

Now Mabel is putting more que for 0.005 sen...

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

Mabel is here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-20 10:51 | Report Abuse

Haha if delisted no issues.. Already on 7th Gear mah..

2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrant is free mah..

Warrant can never be negative. Even now still profitable. Serba is and has very good to Mabel. Its only bad those that lose money like the 3 Stooges buying from RM 1.60..

If delisted so be it..

Do you know that there are some companies that has been on Pn17 since 2019 still trading?

Potential upsides is equally good. You think all those top 25 shareholders will just follow without giving a strong fight? .

Just stay out until the regulation plan is completed..

By that time many Uncles and Aunties will be chasing again..

Mabel still here because Mabel still has stake in SD..



2022-12-20 10:49 | Report Abuse

Mabel could have sold Mabel's 2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrants in 2019 at 60 sen..

But Mabel decided to keep it. It's a Gift from DK as SD is already a Profitable Counters.

This Free Warrants keeps Mabel motivated to be in touched with brings new hope as SD for Mabel is a life long journey..

Many Sotongs has become Hermits following Huang because they only see money$$$$ not value..

Mabel the Wise Gal


2022-12-20 10:48 | Report Abuse

Haha now SD is back to 1.5 sen ...

See how easy to make profits with SD...

Let's hope Karim and Team will be able to resolve their outstanding issues cum friday...

Mabel, the Wise Gal..


2022-12-20 10:45 | Report Abuse

Haha … Didn’t know Mabel still has secret admirers here.

Did you all slept like a baby?

Mabel wake up very late today...sleep like a baby...Mabel had a sweet dream that many of us were on the Spacecraft rocketing towards Mars. We meet many aliens along the way. They come in many different opinions...

Mum used to say Life is like a Boomerang. You reap what you sown. As you can see most of the Naysayers has now transformed themselves into Kalim. All Opposing views were flagged and consequently deleted...

Confucius 孔子said :
Two things in life that are difficult to achieve:-
1. To plant your idea in someone's head.
2. To plant someone's money in your own pocket.

~ Those who succeed in planting their idea in someone's head - we call Lao Shi(老师)(teacher)
~ Those who succeed planting someone's money in their own pocket - we call Lao Ban (老板)(boss)
~ The one who succeeds in both - we call Lao Meow (Investor and trader)

Those who don’t understand this message - we call Lao Lang (老人)(Old Person)

Karim and his team should be able to resolve this before Mabel's 2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrant expires in Dec 2024. If not delisted,2-3 years from today, Serba should be back on her feet again. Touch wood, by that time, Mabel should be laughing HoHoHo all the way to the Bank.

Till then there are many other more handsome counters to dance with. Some even has 6 macho...For your information, all Mabel’s Biofuel Plantation closed Green on Friday and almost all Mabel’s Fossil Battleships, Super tankers and Jet Fighters closed Green. Life is so beautiful. So don’t waste your precious time here..

To Our Success

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-20 10:44 | Report Abuse

serbatipu Mabel on leave today until 2023 ya. actually mabel is guy i guess, bawah 2 biji dia da kecut
20/12/2022 10:18 AM

Haha Mabel thought only Huang and his 3 Sooges are interested what panties Mabel is wearing ....

Rupa nya Mabel got so many admirers. Otherwise you wont see people like Blondi and Fifu Mickey Mouse following Mabel across i3..hihihi...

Mabel, the Sweet Innocent Gal..


May 27, 2022 5:51 PM | Report Abuse

Understand Miau scad already. Every counter people who got conned by her miau miau skill now calling her Con Mabel.
27/05/2022 12:26 PM

Understand I think Bob also got Conned by Mabel. He see got leng lui. Leng lui say buy and miau say meow meow meow tq, so he follow. Then after that Leng Lui say no money leng chai, buy la. Bob think again, uhh leng lui call buy again, whoh...sweat.... Ok buy. After a few time got conned, BOB got no more money. He ask Leng Lui, no money dy how ahh.
Miau say , no money. Hmmmm. What's your name again.
And there after, BOB follow Mabel where ever she goes and then start calling Mabel all sort of name. To name Con Mabel, Akua...

.. buy at you own risk..
27/05/2022 12:53 PM


2022-12-20 10:37 | Report Abuse

Vicky Stay calm. Wait till friday. Company suspend trading. If annual report is released it will resume. Do not panic. Serba directors and auditors are working on it.
20/12/2022 9:38 AM

Ya lor..we wait lah..

Worst case scenario Mabel will become a Private Investor lor...

You see when Mabel purchased Serba in 2019, Mabel purchased the business, not the stock. Serba completed Captain Mabel Armada Fleet of E2E Battleships, Super Tankers, Missiles and Jet Fighters Supply Chain to fight the Mongols War on Terror...

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-20 10:35 | Report Abuse

Whether delisted or not, we will know this Friday. Mummy always said, Never bite the hands that feed you. Still got time to sell if you want to sell. Just accept your losses and move on...


2022-12-20 10:34 | Report Abuse

Haha so many rindu ke?

Mabel so apy today...

Finally after a long wait, some nice Uncle and Aunties matched Mabel's waiting price for Mother at Wang Sen..

Now Mabel is putting more que for 0.005 sen...

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

Mabel is here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-19 22:29 | Report Abuse

Yawn...Mabel so sleepy oledi. It has been a productive day..

Whether delisted or not, we will know this Friday. Mummy always said, Never bite the hands that feed you. Still got time to sell if you want to sell. Just accept your losses and move on...

Here's a nice bed time story to all Serba Loyal Supporters..

Once upon a time there is country name Sebadak. It was ruled by a King named Indera Karing. His favourite passion is cockfighting. Because of that, many people in his country like to waste time gambling with cockfighting.

At the end of the forest, live a poor couple named Pak KPGG and Mak Bursiah. They live in humble house made from Chop lot. One day Pak KPGG wants to try his luck to fight his cocks with the King's cocks. Pak KPGG told his wife to make a shirt out of paper. Because he wanted to be ready quickly, Pak KPGG asked Mak Bursiah to stick the parts for the shirt only.

In the court where the cock was slaughtered, the King saw Si Jutawin, the cockerel belonging to the poor Pak KPGG. The king persuaded Pak KPGG to exchange Si Jutawin which he said to be unlucky with Si Naysayur, his cock. Without thinking long, Pak KPGG agreed. Pak KPGG then mortgaged his hometown to the king with 35 sen as bet money.

The match begins. There were many Supporters for the King and Pak KPGG. Lots of Hu Ha from both sides. Many scary movie scripts was created to badmouth Si Jutawin. Pak KPGG was very happy to see Si Jutawin's fighting with flying colours. He felt like he is already flying into Space.

As expected, Jutawin finally won. Pak KPGG who forgot that Si Jutawin, who was not his, jumped for joy until he did not realize that his paper shirt had been torn. Pak KPGG finally ran home. When he got home, Pak KPGG was scolded by his wife, Mak Bursiah.

Kesian KPGG Supporters...until today badmouth Si Jutawin non stop..

Meanwhile the King Supporters sleep like a baby and live happily ever and after....

Good Meow everyone..


2022-12-19 22:19 | Report Abuse

Haha whether is Bear Market, Bull Market, or even Kangaroo Market, you still can generate consistent CashFlow & Multiply Your Returns!

Mabel is unstoppable, courageous, joyous, bold, valuable, visible, moving with intension, serene, magnetic, She's free, Unshakable, Grateful, feminine, beautiful, badass, smarts, fantastic, courageous, bold intention, shinning, winners, confident, competence..

Totally the opposite of the 3 Barbaric Mongols..

Princess Himari Ichimuku Meow


2022-12-19 22:19 | Report Abuse

zoizai Those bising here are losers Serbadk dinamik shareholder. Hahahaha
13/12/2022 9:32 AM

Haha they are all lonely senior citizen, insecure chicken with massive unlimiting believes, totally blocked and lonely, anxiety, angry, losers, defensive, depressed, over thinking, victim, lonely, rejected..Total Losers!

Money already kena control by their home ministers.

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..

Captain Mabel Meow


2022-12-19 22:18 | Report Abuse

Haha talking to the 3 Stooges is like trying to explain to a baby that the White Team (Morroco) are from Africa while the Black Team (France) are from Europe...

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..


2022-12-19 22:17 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang, Blondi and Smelly the evil heart.

So happy to see many people lose money..

So unpatriotic to bash an upcuming Malaysian company


2022-12-19 22:17 | Report Abuse

pmcorpes shares more want to SELL than buy

Mabel SD shares more Wang to BUY than Sell

Can some expert explain this phenomena?


2022-12-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang always telling people to talk about Fact?

Let's talk about fact..

Mabel invest in PN17’s Barakah made 800 %

Huang invest in Non PN17’s pmcorp lose 60 %

Which is better?

Huang Huang Huang no wonder no hair.. Botak.. Hihihi


2022-12-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

Please stay away from this counter ...

Hate to see you lose money like Huang in pmcorpes...


2022-12-19 22:14 | Report Abuse

Still got time to sell


2022-12-19 22:14 | Report Abuse

The 5 Stooges should be happy with this tails wind..

Let's see if they can bring down to Wang Sen


2022-12-19 22:14 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang Huang Huang..

Let see if Mabel can collect Wang sen this week...

7th Gear Mah..


2022-12-19 22:13 | Report Abuse

Haha so funny Blondi now wang to be lawyer. Huang wang to be politician, Smelly wang to be a Producer, Sotong wang to be auditor, Complaining Wong wang to be teacher..

Ya lor change in career is always good after loosing so much is stock market..

Mabel as usual relax aje..

Purse always full...thanks for not freezing like Monks during the previous rally..


2022-12-19 22:13 | Report Abuse

Finally Huang dream cum true to get SD delisted..


2022-12-19 22:13 | Report Abuse

Fantastic achievements.. Walla...


2022-12-19 22:13 | Report Abuse

All the corpes should be proud of Huang..


2022-12-19 22:12 | Report Abuse

Haha Hung so apy to see a Malaysian company delisted ke?

So unpatriotic..


2022-12-19 22:11 | Report Abuse

Haha better follow Blondi...

He is now hanging on Hibi tree happily ever and after singing Hibibi...


2022-12-19 22:08 | Report Abuse

Just accept your losses and move on...


2022-12-19 22:01 | Report Abuse

From the Grapewine - This will be one last pump n dump as whale or funds want to exit take profit if there is asap before being delisted


2022-12-19 22:00 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang wang to challenge Mabel

Dec 2020 - Mabel won 1-0
July 2021 - Mabel won 2-0
Nov 2022 - Mabel won 3-0

Total waste of time talking to an old man..


2022-12-19 22:00 | Report Abuse

Wah Smelly how many share you bought today?


2022-12-19 22:00 | Report Abuse

Wah Huang how many share you bought today?


2022-12-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

Wah Sotong how many share you bought today?


2022-12-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

Never bite the hands that feed you

Serba has been a great company until the Mongols came

Princess Himari Ichimuku Meow


2022-12-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

#Huangbk72 Poor Pitiful Deranged ConMabel

Please post you asking people to stay away from this counter since June 2021 till March 2022..

Caught lying again...
17/12/2022 8:52 AM

Haha Huang Huang Huang caught lying again..Looks like all the Stooges are buying..

Mabel the Honest Gal


Dec 17, 2022 9:34 AM | Report Abuse


Dec 29, 2021 9:28 AM | Report Abuse

#InvestorKING To all panic shareholders here:

Why you all need to worry? Coldeye sifu and KYY ams their counterparts also waiting to buy at this historical low price. I am getting ready to buy as well despite so many unverified negative news.
29/12/2021 8:59 AM

Cheers my KING!

When there's crisis, it open up for tremendous new opportunity...

Let me reiterate...Serba is not for everyone...

Just stay out from this Stock until it's clear of the current shortcoming..

To Our Success !



2022-12-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

Hohoho you all still buying ke?

Kata delisted..


2022-12-19 21:58 | Report Abuse

Does anyone knows why?

4 more days to be delisted, why is everyone still buying?

More than 20 million mother shares traded after trading open this morning..

More than 25 million daughter shares traded..

pmcorpes only 140k shares traded..


2022-12-19 21:57 | Report Abuse

Haha delisted counter...

Why many are still buying?..


2022-12-19 21:57 | Report Abuse

#Huangbk72 Poor Pitiful Deranged ConMabel

Please post you asking people to stay away from this counter since June 2021 till March 2022..

Caught lying again...
17/12/2022 8:52 AM

Haha Huang Huang Huang caught lying again..

Mabel the Honest Gal


Dec 17, 2022 9:30 AM | Report Abuse


Jan 3, 2022 9:52 PM | Report Abuse

#Sarawak32 There are many shorties here and there are some with hope. I believe this counter is the most active in i3investor. It is a good sign that why so many hater. Keep it up.
03/01/2022 7:57 PM

#Sarawak32 Ha, to me it is more of deceiver than truth seeker.
03/01/2022 8:09 PM

Sarawak32 is real sharp and smart..Mabel adore smart man..

Mabel engagement with Serba goes back as early as 2019. Those days, Serba was trading above RM 4..It's a Blue Chip Battleship Stocks. Naturally, Mabel has positions in Serba at different levels.

1st Batch of Missiles has already been fired from all Captain Mabel Armada Battleships and Super Tankers when Brent breaches USD 50.

2nd Batch of Missiles has already been fired from all Captain Mabel Armada Battleships and Super Tankers when Brent breaches USD 60.

3rd Batch of Missiles has already been fired from all Captain Mabel Armada Battleships and Super Tankers when Brent breaches USD 70.

4th Batch of Missiles was fired from Captain Mabel Armada Battleships and Super Tankers when Brent breaches USD 75 in the recent rally. Now Mabel only has a handful of mother shares plus the 2019 Free Virgin Warrants (After the RI, this warrant was trading at 60 sen and was heading towards RM 1 before all the shorties started swamping this counter).

You see when Mabel purchased Serba, Mabel purchased the business, not the stock. Serba completed Captain Mabel Armada Fleet of E2E Battleships, Super Tankers, Missiles and Jet Fighters Supply Chain to fight Mickey Mouse War on Terror.

Brent is currently trading Brent Crude at USD 77.61 from last week's circa USD 80..

Summing up..

Investors and traders have different time horizons and expectations. They also follow different metrics. Investor take a long-term approach to the markets. That's why they can sleep like a baby

Traders involves short-term strategies to maximize returns daily, monthly, or quarterly. That's why they are very uptight, very aggressive and always cry like a baby.

Investors are more likely to ride out short-term losses, while traders will attempt to make transactions that can help them profit quickly from fluctuating markets.

There's no right or wrong approach. It all depends on how deep is your pocket. However, the best players are the one who can master both by riding the wave...

All Captain Mabel Fossil Battleships and Super Tankers are name after the ships in the Pirates of the Caribbean. These Armada Fleet of Battleships will be Air Supported by AirAsia and Singapore Airlines Jet Fighters.


Captain Mabel Sparrow


2022-12-19 21:56 | Report Abuse

Positive promoter vs Negative promoter.

Positive promoters > Negative promoters, price goes up
Negative promoters > Positive promoters, price goes down

Trading 101..


2022-12-19 21:56 | Report Abuse

#Huangbk72 Poor Pitiful Deranged ConMabel

Please post you asking people to stay away from this counter since June 2021 till March 2022..

Caught lying again...
17/12/2022 8:52 AM

Huang Huang Huang you want to a politician ke?

How many times you caught for lying and twisting facts with your cemetery star stories..

See below

Mabel the Smart Gal..


Feb 13, 2022 1:44 PM | Report Abuse

#yappenghung Hello.

What is your explanation now?
12/02/2022 7:28 PM

Haha … Didn’t know Mabel still has secret admirers here.

Did you all slept like a baby?

Mabel wake up very late today...sleep like a baby...Mabel had a sweet dream that many of us were on the Spacecraft rocketing towards Mars. We meet many aliens along the way. They come in many different opinions...

Mum used to say Life is like a Boomerang. You reap what you sown. As you can see most of the Naysayers has now transformed themselves into Kalim. All Opposing views were flagged and consequently deleted...

Confucius 孔子said :
Two things in life that are difficult to achieve:-
1. To plant your idea in someone's head.
2. To plant someone's money in your own pocket.

~ Those who succeed in planting their idea in someone's head - we call Lao Shi(老师)(teacher)
~ Those who succeed planting someone's money in their own pocket - we call Lao Ban (老板)(boss)
~ The one who succeeds in both - we call Lao Meow (Investor and trader)

Those who don’t understand this message - we call Lao Lang (老人)(Old Person)

Karim and his team should be able to resolve this before Mabel's 2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrant expires in Dec 2024. 2-3 years from today, Serba should be back on her feet again. Touch wood, by that time, Mabel should be laughing HoHoHo all the way to the Bank.

Till then there are many other more handsome counters to dance with. Some even has 6 macho...For your information, all Mabel’s Biofuel Plantation closed Green on Friday and almost all Mabel’s Fossil Battleships, Super tankers and Jet Fighters closed Green. Life is so beautiful. So don’t waste your precious time here..

To Our Success

Warren Heavenly Young Meow


Mar 4, 2022 9:47 AM | Report Abuse

SD is freezer oledi...already profit from it...will come back when she ready to dance...

SE now very attractive and she has joined Mabel's collection of Battleships, Supertankers and Jet Fighters to fight this war on terror...

To Our Success

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-19 21:55 | Report Abuse

How much is USD to RM these days?

Thanks God I'm a Country Gal...


2022-12-19 21:55 | Report Abuse

On top of the above Mabel also invest in MCHI iShares MSCI China ETF China ETF. This week this MCHI: iShares MSCI China ETF declares semi-annual distribution of $0.7115

Life is so beautiful when you are smart

Mabel, the Wise Gal