
Mabel | Joined since 2019-02-11

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

Disclaimers :- All Mabel comments in i3 forum are based on my investment experience across the Globe by applying the Pareto principle. No buy or sell call on any stocks in i3 forum on all my comments. You are advised to consult license banker or Remisier for any investment.





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2022-12-13 09:37 | Report Abuse

Haha Dick pun sama..

Dia pong angkat Bakul Air Asia RM 4.50 ...Hahaha


2022-12-13 08:51 | Report Abuse

Meow Meow Meow Sifu scjm!


2022-12-13 08:48 | Report Abuse

Haha it's your call IK...

You choose what you what to believe. There's lot of missing shareholders in Huang's Cap Ayam data.

No wonder pmcorpes is dead


2022-12-12 22:55 | Report Abuse

BobAxelrod FYI
Sarifah = Longkang cat Mabel from Serba, TG, KNM, Parkson, Sapnrg and Dnex.
11/12/2022 8:18 PM


Let Mabel give you a lesson so that you don't end up hanging like Monkeys in Hibi,TG and KNM...

Whatever you buy, you must understand the "value" behind it.
What contributes value?
Why do people buy it?
What can it do for other people?

Once you have found the value factor behind, they are no longer just a piece of art or collectible. They become Masterpiece.

Since Blondi love to hang around here, let's talk what motivate Blondi to swing here swing there like Monkeys..

Pros of Swing Trading

Swing trading offers the greatest short- to medium-term profit potential as it takes advantage of market volatility. Due to the short holding time, swing traders primarily rely on technical analysis, which requires less analysis than a day- or long-term trading and simplifies the trading process. Sometimes they use their Cap Ayam software tools to help them to do better than Monkeys..

Moreover, swing trading is an effective strategy for different types of market conditions - uptrend, downtrend or sideways moving markets, as long as the price movement is large enough to generate a useful swing.

Cons of Swing Trading

Swing trading aims to profit from individual price swings where Monkey try to enter at the beginning of a new swing and get out when a pullback starts.

However, in doing so, they may miss out on a great stock that would have made more money if held as a long-term investment such as PChem, Dialog and Yinson.

And while swing trading incurs less cost compared to day trading, the costs can still easily add up and cause a dent in Monkey portfolio performance. This is especially so when Monkey compare to trend trading where one trade can last for many months or years.

In addition, successful swing trading means that Monkey have to constantly spend time and effort to monitor for the market swings. Each winning rates is also evidently lower and may take a toll on Monkey's emotions and mental capacity over time. That's why some Uncles become Kuku oledi while some like in the case of SD has been camping there 24x7 over the last 18 months.


Swing trading is about buying and selling stocks in a short period of time ranging from days to weeks. This method can be mentally draining because of the discipline needed in taking profits and losses instead of holding on for a better gain in the long run.

That said, it can also be very profitable if done correctly. The most important thing to take note for beginner traders is to set realistic expectations and do plenty of research before deciding to take the plunge and trade stocks...

Now you know why Mabel has oledi locked profits in SD in July last year and Dec the year before, the same with Hibi,TG and KNM Beaches..Why are you still there hanging like Monkey singing Hibibi?..

Here are the 3 Stooges latest record...

Haha Mabel's Icon Battleships gives Mabel better YTD return of 48% compare to Blondi's Hibi 39%..Mabel still don't understand why Blondi is still there hanging like Monkeys singing Hibibi when Mabel has oledi locked profit at RM 1.39

Same with Smelly's Ama. Armada only gives YTD return of -4%. Mabel also don't understand why Smelly is still there singing Amaama when Mabel has oledi lock profits at 55 sen...

Haha Huang pmcorpes is the best! -60 % Huang Huang Huang

Even in dead counter like pmcorpes still lose 60%...He should take lesson from Sifu Michael..

Thank you Sifu!

Mabel, the Good Gal..


2022-12-12 22:44 | Report Abuse

Haha Dick..

With these 3 Stooges if you are humble they nail you down..

Even SD cannot tahan with their bad mouth.. So Smelly..

Anyway happy that you also make some money in Icon..

Well done!


Dec 8, 2022 10:50 PM | Report Abuse

DickyMe 2.5 sen mari!
08/12/2022 9:06 PM

Haha are talking about your AA ke with NTA negative RM1.70? Sap even 3.5 sen many people complain hard to get..

Better follow Mabel invest in Singapore Airline. Never lost profit with such a strong country like Temasek..

Today Mabel Airlines Singapore Airlines is trading SGD 5.56 compare to AA 59 sen. Got nice divided some more compare to AA..

You missed FGV Lottery earlier...kesian..why not join Sap...can recoup your losses in AA..if you berani lah..

Buy before it shoot to Wah Seong prices..

Told you oledi Santa is cumming to town...


Santa Meow


2022-12-12 22:43 | Report Abuse

superrr DickyMe

Nenek Mabel suka masuk bakul dan angkat sendiri.
Lagi baik main jari-jari.
Itu nenek 60+ bukan sahaja bermain dengan jari, tetapi juga menggunakan mulut NON-STOP lah.....
Dia cakap nenek dia 60+,dan dia pun 60+.....Masalah otak problem....
12/12/2022 7:34 PM

Haha Dick pun same..

Dia juga pernah angkat Bakul Air Asia RM 4.50 ...Hahaha


2022-12-12 22:33 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi@Boobye@T77@T88' dan Huang
Jejaka Hibi dan pmcorp masih di sini
24x7 megutuk Dnex dan Serba setelah kehabisan wang
Mabel dan kawan2 di sini Goyang Kaki..

JR Erwing duduk di Jalan Gasing
Anak nya berambut Blonde bernama Mabel
Dnex, SE dan SD memang tidak asing
Sebab ramai ahli politik pegang counter yang di sayangi Mabel

Budak2 bermain gasing
Bermain gasing dgn Mabel
Alang2 kalau nak goreng
Biar sampai dapat tukar katil ke Stainless Steel

Jawab jangan tak jawab.

Let see how good you are with Bahasa Malaysia, our National Language..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 22:29 | Report Abuse

#scjm shifty one eyed jack ku ku cant read what is written....cant blame ku ku because he is just a peon working at axxcxx company serving foreign clients (that is what he himself said)...we MANAGE but ku ku SERVES...see the difference
27/06/2022 11:42 AM

scjm see my last posting last friday..dnex sideways but moving away from the bottom range ..mid point 77.5 to cross target 80 sen....the poen already bodoh cant even read what is written so bodoh one this ku ku
27/06/2022 11:45 AM

scjm triple ku ku servicing foreign client now.... sakit hingga tak terkata kah bodoh ku ku one
27/06/2022 11:47 AM

Haha everywhere Ku Ku goes kena marah...



Jun 27, 2022 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

#Mikecyc Haha why is kon Bobb leh :

1.) Use many aka id to promote stock : Trevor777 , Trevor888 , Dr Michael

2.) Used id image to Axe Capital CEO Billionaire BobbyAxelrod and New Boss Michael .

3.) posted in SD said will not recommend his best stock but is used so many aka id to promote stock .

4.) When ppl made a query on his promoted stock with Trading Software , replied is Dumb lah , Kid lah , n further with Suckk yr momm milk lah :

<Why don't they call for selling ALL at RM4.00 ? Are their algo trading software always that accurate.
Even in this counter as the shares have been speculated with huge increase hence their algo trading margin of error is small.

I only question him what wrong with TP RM2 .
Please explain?
2022-01-18 11:36 >


2022-12-12 22:28 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi how many skirts are you wearing?

Haha if you need more panties, be nice to Mabel hihihi..


2022-12-12 22:27 | Report Abuse

Fate of Blondi..


May 27, 2022 5:51 PM | Report Abuse

Understand Miau scad already. Every counter people who got conned by her miau miau skill now calling her Con Mabel.
27/05/2022 12:26 PM

Understand I think Bob also got Conned by Mabel. He see got leng lui. Leng lui say buy and miau say meow meow meow tq, so he follow. Then after that Leng Lui say no money leng chai, buy la. Bob think again, uhh leng lui call buy again, whoh...sweat.... Ok buy. After a few time got conned, BOB got no more money. He ask Leng Lui, no money dy how ahh.
Miau say , no money. Hmmmm. What's your name again.
And there after, BOB follow Mabel where ever she goes and then start calling Mabel all sort of name. To name Con Mabel, Akua...
.. buy at you own risk..
27/05/2022 12:53 PM


2022-12-12 22:27 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi@Boobye@T77@T88' dan Huang
Jejaka Hibi dan pmcorp masih di sini
24x7 megutuk Dnex dan Serba setelah kehabisan wang
Mabel dan kawan2 di sini Goyang Kaki..

JR Erwing duduk di Jalan Gasing
Anak nya berambut Blonde bernama Mabel
Jangan risau, Dnex, SE dan SD memang tidak asing
Sebab ramai ahli politik pegang counter yang di sayangi Mabel

Budak2 bermain gasing
Bermain gasing dgn Mabel
Alang2 kalau nak goreng
Biar sampai dapat tukar katil ke Stainless Steel

Jawab jangan tak jawab Pantun Mabel

Let's see how good you are with Bahasa, our National Language..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 22:25 | Report Abuse

..while Blondi is still hanging like Monkeys at Hibi...



2022-12-12 22:24 | Report Abuse

Huang has freezed like Corpes..


2022-12-12 22:24 | Report Abuse

Fate of the 3 Mongols

Jack has now become so Smelly..


2022-12-12 22:24 | Report Abuse

Unlike pmcorpes Mabel feel so safe and secured at SD....

Serba Dinamik bags “Best Oil & Gas and Most Sustainable Energy Company” Achievement Award 2022


2022-12-12 22:24 | Report Abuse

The itsy bitsy superr crawled up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the superr out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy superr went up the spout again.


2022-12-12 22:23 | Report Abuse

..only Mabel in the right forum..

She knows what she's doing...


2022-12-12 22:22 | Report Abuse

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the Stooges.

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..


2022-12-12 22:22 | Report Abuse

Haha 3 Stooges Wang to kill a Golden Goose?

Haha 18 months of hard work failed again and again..

Now all wear pink panties..hihihi

After changes of 4 PRIME MINISTER.. Serba is still standing...

Many Uncles have become Smelly singing Amaama, some Aunties follow Blondi hanging at Hibi like monkey singing Hibibibi while some has becomes corpes..

Mabel still standing with positive P&L on 7th Gear..

Dato Seri Mabel..


2022-12-12 22:21 | Report Abuse

Huang cum no use..still 2.5 sen


2022-12-12 22:21 | Report Abuse

Blondi cum no use...still 2.5 sen


2022-12-12 22:21 | Report Abuse

Smelly cum no use..still 2.5 sen


2022-12-12 22:21 | Report Abuse superr so busy with EPF...

Mau retire ke?

I thought you retired long time ago...hihihi


2022-12-12 22:20 | Report Abuse

Haha earlier superr was too busy calculating Mabel's age...

This is what happen.. Hihihi..

Haha Mabel's Icon Battleships gives Mabel better YTD return of 48% compare to Blondi's Hibi 39%..Mabel still don't understand why Blondi is still there hanging like Monkeys singing Hibibi when Mabel has oledi locked profit at RM 1.39

Same with Smelly's ..Armada only gives YTD return of - 4%...Mabel also don't understand why Smelly is still there singing Amama when Mabel has oledi lock profits at 55 sen...

Haha Huang pmcorpes is the best! -60 % Huang Huang Huang

Mabel, the Smart Clean Aromatic Investor and Trader..


2022-12-12 22:18 | Report Abuse

Haha Jack Superr is so free even on weekends..

More than 3000 post, almost all in SD..

Banyak ke rugi di SD? Hihihi...

Go and find Sifu Michael, learn some TA from him..

Both of us makes money in Bursa cum rain or shines..

Mabel, 9 A1 Student..


2022-12-12 22:09 | Report Abuse

What Fake. This is paid subscription information mah..

With or without the 3 Stooges SD so steady..

Haha today closed 2.5 sen..


2022-12-12 22:07 | Report Abuse

Haha this wang ke. In that case it is correct. Here are the Top 25 shareholders own 68.74% of the company

Ownership Name Shares Current Value Change % Portfolio %
Mohd Abdul bin Abdullah 1,177,199,080 MYR29.4m -15.01% no data
Abdul Bin Sahib 605,831,290 MYR15.1m 0% no data
Employees Provident Fund of Malaysia 185,084,600 MYR4.6m 0% no data
Kumpulan Wang Persaraan 168,850,970 MYR4.2m 0% 0.01%
State Financial Secretary 159,500,000 MYR4.0m 0% no data
Tiong Sii Huang 46,123,300 MYR1.2m 0% no data
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 37,410,834 MYR935.3k 0% no data
Global Success Network Sdn Bhd 30,000,000 MYR750.0k 0% no data
Permodalan Nasional Berhad 21,735,000 MYR543.4k 0% no data
Bintulu Development Authority 21,000,000 MYR525.0k 0% no data
LSV Asset Management 11,791,700 MYR294.8k 0% no data
Lembaga Tabung Haji, Endowment Arm 10,350,000 MYR258.8k 0% no data
California State Teachers' Retirement System 10,158,800 MYR254.0k 0% no data
Kwee Cheng Lee 10,000,000 MYR250.0k 0% no data
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 8,573,491 MYR214.3k -4.66% no data
Kok Tong Siaw 7,500,000 MYR187.5k 0% no data
Yen Woon 7,000,000 MYR175.0k 0% no data
Erwin Selvarajah 6,000,000 MYR150.0k 0% no data
Adam Bin Abdul Majid 5,850,000 MYR146.3k 0% no data
CIMB Group Holdings Berhad, Asset Management Arm 5,770,640 MYR144.3k 0% 0.01%
Huat Hin Tay 5,600,000 MYR140.0k 0% no data
UBS Asset Management 5,423,639 MYR135.6k 0% no data
Norges Bank Investment Management 1,706,355 MYR42.7k 0% no data
Abu Bin Uzir 1,000,000 MYR25.0k 0% no data
Eaton Vance Management 502,200 MYR12.6k 0% no data


2022-12-12 17:54 | Report Abuse

superrr Longkang Mabel prove your document that EPF still holding more than 4% of SD ? Don't keep using the old records to con ppl or what ever you like to say... ....
12/12/2022 5:12 PM

Haha superr

Can you show when did Mabel talked about EPF?

No money to buy big data ke?

Wang free info ke?



2022-12-12 17:03 | Report Abuse

2022 i3 Best Song of the Year

Song: Hibibibi...

Singer : Blondi

Record: Cap Ayam Software..

2022 i3 Best Movie of the Year

Movie : Corpes

Staring : Huang Huang Huang

Company : Pmcorpes

2022 i3 Best Melodi of the Year

Melodi : Amaama

Singer : Jack Smelly

Album : Sour Grapes Golden Hits


2022-12-12 17:01 | Report Abuse

Mabel is the best! I knew it..
15/07/2022 12:40 PM

Haha of course Mabel is the best..

Now you know why Blondi always loves to follow Mabel across i3 and walk 3 steps behind Mabel..

Keep pumping..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 16:59 | Report Abuse

#Mikecyc Haha kon Bob is Lost in TG ke ???

Bob post in TG

Posted by Alexrealdeal > 11 hours ago | Report Abuse
lapsap LOH KOK WAI,

go any counter, bring shit dai sai every counter

5 posts
Posted by Alexrealdeal > 11 hours ago | Report Abuse
price fall, come out talk corck 做跳梁小丑

price up diam diam play submarine hide under mammy pursseehh

just go back to your mummy drink milk drink nennen la

Posted by Loh Kok Wai W > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Loh Kok Wai W > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse
我是过来人。。。善意的提醒。。。你不接受劝告就继续 亏钱。

Posted by Alexrealdeal > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse

不懂事的uncle 就滚一边凉快去自生自灭别人赚钱亏钱 GLLDIU 咩不要鸡婆了

Posted by Alexrealdeal > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse


Loh Kok Wai W
2,762 posts
Posted by Loh Kok Wai W > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse
你老爸的地啊,还是你买的地 ?。。滚什麽。。。亏不起就不要投资股票。。。这里谁都可发表个人的意见,,,,你慢慢的抱你的股票吧。。。左三年,右三年。。没人可怜与同情。
27/06/2022 11:31 AM

Haha when comes to digging Sifu Mickey is the best !

Now Mabel rolling across the floor with this latest revelation.

Not only he loss so much in Hibi, he also loses his panties in TG..

This is so funny...hahaha

This confirm that his Cap Ayam Trading software really sucks!

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 16:57 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi how many skirts are you wearing?

Haha if you need more panties, be nice to Mabel

Don't be naughty


2022-12-12 16:56 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi also kena in Sap..


Jul 7, 2022 9:16 PM | Report Abuse

SinGor BoB No Hope...Why you worry? You are senior citizen with NO shares...Just Lepak here
07/07/2022 6:39 PM

Bob No Hope not only senior citizen, he is also a chicken in the Animal Farms...

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..



May 27, 2022 5:51 PM | Report Abuse

Understand Miau scad already. Every counter people who got conned by her miau miau skill now calling her Con Mabel.
27/05/2022 12:26 PM

Understand I think Bob also got Conned by Mabel. He see got leng lui. Leng lui say buy and miau say meow meow meow tq, so he follow. Then after that Leng Lui say no money leng chai, buy la. Bob think again, uhh leng lui call buy again, whoh...sweat.... Ok buy. After a few time got conned, BOB got no more money. He ask Leng Lui, no money dy how ahh.
Miau say , no money. Hmmmm. What's your name again.
And there after, BOB follow Mabel where ever she goes and then start calling Mabel all sort of name. To name Con Mabel, Akua...
.. buy at you own risk..
27/05/2022 12:53 PM


2022-12-12 16:54 | Report Abuse

Haha everywhere Ku Ku goes kena marah...



Jun 27, 2022 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

#Mikecyc Haha why is kon Bobb leh :

1.) Use many aka id to promote stock : Trevor777 , Trevor888 , Dr Michael

2.) Used id image to Axe Capital CEO Billionaire BobbyAxelrod and New Boss Michael .

3.) posted in SD said will not recommend his best stock but is used so many aka id to promote stock .

4.) When ppl made a query on his promoted stock with Trading Software , replied is Dumb lah , Kid lah , n further with Suckk yr momm milk lah :

<Why don't they call for selling ALL at RM4.00 ? Are their algo trading software always that accurate.
Even in this counter as the shares have been speculated with huge increase hence their algo trading margin of error is small.

I only question him what wrong with TP RM2 .
Please explain?
2022-01-18 11:36 >


2022-12-12 16:16 | Report Abuse

Haha you believe in Complaining Wong?

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges.

We are here to catch "Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..


2022-12-12 16:10 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi how many skirts are you wearing?

Haha if you need more panties, be nice to Mabel hihihi..


2022-12-12 16:09 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi@Boobye@T77@T88' dan Huang
Jejaka Hibi dan pmcorp masih di sini
24x7 megutuk Dnex dan Serba setelah kehabisan wang
Mabel dan kawan2 di sini Goyang Kaki..

JR Erwing duduk di Jalan Gasing
Anak nya berambut Blonde bernama Mabel
Jangan risau, Dnex, SE dan SD memang tidak asing
Sebab ramai ahli politik pegang counter yang di sayangi Mabel

Budak2 bermain gasing
Bermain gasing dgn Mabel
Alang2 kalau nak goreng
Biar sampai dapat tukar katil ke Stainless Steel

Jawab jangan tak jawab Pantun Mabel

Let's see how good you are with Bahasa, our National Language..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 16:08 | Report Abuse

Haha Boobye@T77@T88' dan Huang
Jejaka Hibi dan pmcorp masih di sini
24x7 megutuk Dnex dan Serba setelah kehabisan wang
Mabel dan kawan2 di sini Goyang Kaki..

JR Erwing duduk di Jalan Gasing
Anak nya berambut Blonde bernama Mabel
Jangan risau, Dnex, SE dan SD memang tidak asing
Sebab ramai ahli politik pegang counter yang di sayangi Mabel

Budak2 bermain gasing
Bermain gasing dgn Mabel
Alang2 kalau nak goreng
Biar sampai dapat tukar katil ke Stainless Steel

Jawab jangan tak jawab Pantun Mabel

Let's see how good you are with Bahasa, our National Language..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 16:06 | Report Abuse

#scjm shifty one eyed jack ku ku cant read what is written....cant blame ku ku because he is just a peon working at axxcxx company serving foreign clients (that is what he himself said)...we MANAGE but ku ku SERVES...see the difference
27/06/2022 11:42 AM

scjm see my last posting last friday..dnex sideways but moving away from the bottom range ..mid point 77.5 to cross target 80 sen....the poen already bodoh cant even read what is written so bodoh one this ku ku
27/06/2022 11:45 AM

scjm triple ku ku servicing foreign client now.... sakit hingga tak terkata kah bodoh ku ku one
27/06/2022 11:47 AM

Haha everywhere Ku Ku goes kena marah...



Jun 27, 2022 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

#Mikecyc Haha why is kon Bobb leh :

1.) Use many aka id to promote stock : Trevor777 , Trevor888 , Dr Michael

2.) Used id image to Axe Capital CEO Billionaire BobbyAxelrod and New Boss Michael .

3.) posted in SD said will not recommend his best stock but is used so many aka id to promote stock .

4.) When ppl made a query on his promoted stock with Trading Software , replied is Dumb lah , Kid lah , n further with Suckk yr momm milk lah :

<Why don't they call for selling ALL at RM4.00 ? Are their algo trading software always that accurate.
Even in this counter as the shares have been speculated with huge increase hence their algo trading margin of error is small.

I only question him what wrong with TP RM2 .
Please explain?
2022-01-18 11:36 >


2022-12-12 16:03 | Report Abuse

#Mikecyc Haha kon Bob is Lost in TG ke ???

Bob post in TG

Posted by Alexrealdeal > 11 hours ago | Report Abuse
lapsap LOH KOK WAI,

go any counter, bring shit dai sai every counter

5 posts
Posted by Alexrealdeal > 11 hours ago | Report Abuse
price fall, come out talk corck 做跳梁小丑

price up diam diam play submarine hide under mammy pursseehh

just go back to your mummy drink milk drink nennen la

Posted by Loh Kok Wai W > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse

Posted by Loh Kok Wai W > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse
我是过来人。。。善意的提醒。。。你不接受劝告就继续 亏钱。

Posted by Alexrealdeal > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse

不懂事的uncle 就滚一边凉快去自生自灭别人赚钱亏钱 GLLDIU 咩不要鸡婆了

Posted by Alexrealdeal > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse


Loh Kok Wai W
2,762 posts
Posted by Loh Kok Wai W > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse
你老爸的地啊,还是你买的地 ?。。滚什麽。。。亏不起就不要投资股票。。。这里谁都可发表个人的意见,,,,你慢慢的抱你的股票吧。。。左三年,右三年。。没人可怜与同情。
27/06/2022 11:31 AM

Haha when comes to digging Sifu Mickey is the best !

Now Mabel rolling across the floor with this latest revelation.

Not only he loss so much in Hibi, he also loses his panties in TG..

This is so funny...hahaha

This confirm that his Cap Ayam Trading software really sucks!

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 16:01 | Report Abuse

Hahaha keep up the good work.. Keep Swinging..

Haha Boobye@T77@T88' dan Huang
Jejaka Hibi dan pmcorp masih di sini
24x7 megutuk Dnex dan Serba setelah kehabisan wang
Mabel dan kawan2 di sini Goyang Kaki..

JR Erwing duduk di Jalan Gasing
Anak nya berambut Blonde bernama Mabel
Jangan risau, Dnex, SE dan SD memang tidak asing
Sebab ramai ahli politik pegang counter yang di sayangi Mabel

Budak2 bermain gasing
Bermain gasing dgn Mabel
Alang2 kalau nak goreng
Biar sampai dapat tukar katil ke Stainless Steel

Jawab jangan tak jawab Pantun Mabel

Let's see how good you are with Bahasa, our National Language..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 15:54 | Report Abuse

HuHuHu Today Hibi down to 1.05 sen..

Haha Anak manis jangan dibujuk
Sebab semua sayang kepada Mabel
Ingatkan Blondi sudah merajuk
Rupanya diam diam meminang semua janda Mabel

BTW Mabel has already locked in profit at RM 1.30 at Hibi, RM24 at TG, 30 sen at KNM why are you still hanging like monkey in Hibi, TG and KNM?..

Better throw your Cap Ayam Software Sdn Bhd for sales. Now Mabel has to make Goodwill impairment of 6.333 sen...



2022-12-12 15:52 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi also kena in Sap..


Jul 7, 2022 9:16 PM | Report Abuse

SinGor BoB No Hope...Why you worry? You are senior citizen with NO shares...Just Lepak here
07/07/2022 6:39 PM

Bob No Hope not only senior citizen, he is also a chicken in the Animal Farms...

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..



May 27, 2022 5:51 PM | Report Abuse

Understand Miau scad already. Every counter people who got conned by her miau miau skill now calling her Con Mabel.
27/05/2022 12:26 PM

Understand I think Bob also got Conned by Mabel. He see got leng lui. Leng lui say buy and miau say meow meow meow tq, so he follow. Then after that Leng Lui say no money leng chai, buy la. Bob think again, uhh leng lui call buy again, whoh...sweat.... Ok buy. After a few time got conned, BOB got no more money. He ask Leng Lui, no money dy how ahh.
Miau say , no money. Hmmmm. What's your name again.
And there after, BOB follow Mabel where ever she goes and then start calling Mabel all sort of name. To name Con Mabel, Akua...
.. buy at you own risk..
27/05/2022 12:53 PM


2022-12-12 15:50 | Report Abuse

Haha Blondi..

Let Mabel give you a lesson so that you don't end up hanging like Monkeys in Hibi,TG and KNM Beach like Blondi

Whatever you buy, you must understand the "value" behind it.
What contributes value?
Why do people buy it?
What can it do for other people?

Once you have found the value factor behind, they are no longer just a piece of art or collectible. They become Masterpiece.

Since Uncles like to hang around here, let's talk what motivate Uncle to swing here swing there like Monkeys..

Pros of Swing Trading

Swing trading offers the greatest short- to medium-term profit potential as it takes advantage of market volatility. Due to the short holding time, swing traders primarily rely on technical analysis, which requires less analysis than a day- or long-term trading and simplifies the trading process. Sometimes they use their Cap Ayam software tools to help them to do better than Monkeys..

Moreover, swing trading is an effective strategy for different types of market conditions - uptrend, downtrend or sideways moving markets, as long as the price movement is large enough to generate a useful swing.

Cons of Swing Trading

Swing trading aims to profit from individual price swings where Monkey try to enter at the beginning of a new swing and get out when a pullback starts.

However, in doing so, they may miss out on a great stock that would have made more money if held as a long-term investment such as PChem, Dialog and Yinson.

And while swing trading incurs less cost compared to day trading, the costs can still easily add up and cause a dent in Monkey portfolio performance. This is especially so when Monkey compare to trend trading where one trade can last for many months or years.

In addition, successful swing trading means that Monkey have to constantly spend time and effort to monitor for the market swings. Each winning rates is also evidently lower and may take a toll on Monkey's emotions and mental capacity over time. That's why some Uncles become Kuku oledi while some like in the case of SD has been camping here 24x7 over the last 13 months.


Swing trading is about buying and selling stocks in a short period of time ranging from days to weeks. This method can be mentally draining because of the discipline needed in taking profits and losses instead of holding on for a better gain in the long run.

That said, it can also be very profitable if done correctly. The most important thing to take note for beginner traders is to set realistic expectations and do plenty of research before deciding to take the plunge and trade stocks...

Now you know why Mabel has oledi locked profits in SD in July last year and Dec the year before, the same with Hibi,TG and KNM Beaches..

Enjoy your swing

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 15:49 | Report Abuse

Mabel is the best! I knew it..
15/07/2022 12:40 PM

Haha of course Mabel is the best..

Now you know why Blondi always loves to follow Mabel across i3 and walk 3 steps behind Mabel..

Keep pumping..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 15:48 | Report Abuse

Just accept the fact that you’ve been lied by your Cap Ayam Software Technical Analysis. It will NOT make you a profitable trader and can even mislead you to make the wrong decisions (like buying when you’re supposed to be selling).


Because what you’ve been taught by your Cap Ayam Software Technical Analysis is totally WRONG.

For example:

You “blindly” trade the patterns and strategies from Jack and Huang

You think Technical Analysis is a “crystal ball” that can predict the future

You buy just because an indicator shows “oversold”

Technical Analysis used past prices (or volume) to make your trading decisions. However since Jack and Huang past track record is no so good (Jack sink in Titanic and Huang lose 60% in pmcorp), your Cap Ayam Software Technical Analysis capture this data and make lose consistently...

Fortunately, Mabel was smart enough not to fall into this trap as Mabel buy based on value. Now you know why Mabel has oledi locked profits in SD in July last year and Dec the year before, the same with Hibi,TG and KNM Beaches..

Meow Meow Meow


2022-12-12 15:40 | Report Abuse

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is.

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..


2022-12-12 15:39 | Report Abuse

Blondi got Smashed alot in DNEX for singing too much..

His song Hibibi was so smelly... What do you expect from Cap Ayam Promoter. Garbage in Garbage out just like Huang. Soon he will freeze like Monk at pmcorpes..

Mabel, the Wise Gal


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2022-12-12 15:22 | Report Abuse

Haha 3 Stooges Wang to kill a Golden Goose?

Haha 18 months of hard work failed again and again..

Now all wear pink panties..hihihi

After changes of 4 PRIME MINISTER.. Serba is still standing...

Many Uncles have become Smelly singing Amaama, some Aunties follow Blondi hanging at Hibi like monkey singing Hibibibi while some has becomes corpes..

Mabel still standing with positive P&L on 7th Gear..

Dato Seri Mabel..


2022-12-12 14:08 | Report Abuse

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges.

We are here to catch "Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

Stay out..