
Maxpowar | Joined since 2020-10-14

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2022-08-29 20:35 | Report Abuse

@Investmalaysiaa yeah he’s also another guy in there. Basically these are the few active ones la, they never dared to question old eunuch’s thinking rationale even if it means to discuss in a professional manner. As far as I remember, they would nod their heads to whatever this old eunuch says, the rest of the 1000 all quiet readers only. Very often it’s a blow water corner for these few jokers tok kok sing song only.


2022-08-29 20:32 | Report Abuse

Must also take into consideration the rising of other convenience stores like CU, emart24, 7-11, and gs25 coming up in Malaysia. No doubt family mart enjoyed their first hand advantage, but with the rising of other competitors, even if they remain as the most patronized convenience store, (take note I say EVEN IF)their market share will be diluted also, meaning they may be good, but people won’t avoid other stores if there’s no family mart nearby. Think TSLA and BYD, Volkswagen etc in the EV industry.


2022-08-29 20:26 | Report Abuse

Family mart is a business segment under QL. So if a person invests in QL, they’re also investing in their poultry,marine products and palm oil business- with single digit annual growth rate in these combined business, selling at PE 50+. No thanks.

Unless QL spins off family mart business as a separate listed company, then at the right price, I’ll bat an eye.


2022-08-29 17:46 | Report Abuse


Amazing old eunuch...I'm amazed at how many lies you're capable of telling and how good you are at twisting stories.

By now everyone who is reading this should be able to tell what a liar you are.

go on..keep fabricating stories out of thin air and see how many people buy your crap stories lol.


2022-08-29 17:27 | Report Abuse


Yes, I agree with you, they had enjoyed years of steadily increasing profit. But I'm afraid the storyline won't continue in the next 10-20 years.

I don't mean the glove industry is going to be dominated by any particular country.

But solely on the fact that there are just too many small to big, listed and unlisted public companies that are in the glove business now. These small companies don't have to go bankrupt, they just have to survive on this razor thin margin profit, that alone is suffice to take away a sizable portion of market share that was once held by the big 4.


2022-08-29 17:18 | Report Abuse

Old eunuch, just FYI, I can troll, I can pull your legs. But I sure know what I'm doing, so I don't make claims about you without a protracted period of observation in the way you interact with others.


2022-08-29 17:17 | Report Abuse

Feel free to disagree with me, but I've come to realize many if not most companies in bursa can't be held on forever. Reason being, most if not all companies in listed in Bursa do not involve in a global business that brings about disruptive changes like those in the USA. Most of the sectors that contribute to the country economy are involved in manufacturing which heavily relies on manual labour, in other words, low skilled workers. Without upskilling professions, the GDP will not increase in tandem with average household income. As a result, of course the KLCI index won't have breakthrough. This is the reason why S&P500 & Nasdaq have been increasing over the decades while the KLCI index can't even breakthrough 1800 that it achieved in 2018.

We can't argue with the fact on how those who bought pbbank during the 80's would've become millionaires now. Times have changed, Malaysian population growth rate has reached a plateau. Many industries which relied on population can't enjoy the profit it once had. Hence, one really needs an astute mind to know when to take profit and not blindly aim to hold a company for 10 years.

Feel free to disagree with me, I promise to not bite back like the old eunuch.


2022-08-29 16:18 | Report Abuse

Initially I didn't even wanna entertain this old eunuch regarding tguan since I don't gain anything from sharing my opinion, but since the old eunuch is so desperate to know my opinion on tguan (which I've already mentioned if you scroll up), I don't mind giving my views again, but this is not buy/sell call.


2022-08-29 16:15 | Report Abuse

Although I don't have a position in tguan now after selling in trenches around sept last year. But if I were to comment on company prospect between tguan and harta now, it's a no brainer tguan will definitely outperform harta in the short-mid or even long term due to change in business nature of the glove industry. Even technical analysis wise, tguan is on a steady uptrend with healthy pullback, fundamental analysis wise, latest QR record historical high revenue AND profit, net cash company trading a historical low PE with great future prospect with only one competitor which is scientex. You don't even have to agree with me old eunuch, give it 3-6 months you'll see I'm right. Don't worry, I'll be around to pull your legs when it happens haha


2022-08-29 16:10 | Report Abuse

@Investmalaysiaa If you're inside his group, you'll realize it's always the few person replying to him only, those who always lick his boot like "ryan superior", "jackyap". The majority of the rest are just silent readers, or those who do not disagree with him but don't dare to share their opinion because they're afraid of getting kicked from the group. When old eunuch kicks people out, there won't be notification, so you'll see people who used to be active suddenly just vanish from the group.'s because they have been kicked by this old egoistic man

@old eunuch philip why do you keep bringing up tguan? just scroll up you'll see I earned a almost 50% for holding 6 months. Not because I'm brilliant, but I know to take profit and not bag holding like you. Hypocrite like you like to talk about watching the paint dry, but the bigger problem is you don't know when the paint has dried, so you wait until rain pours and there goes your waiting..down the you keep waiting and waiting again in the name of having long term investing horizon. What a shame.


2022-08-29 10:57 | Report Abuse

Old eunuch needs to learn to walk the talk, don't put the word transparency by the mouth but on the other hand ignore others when he is asked to show his face, or write a book. Of course, he can choose not to do, but that almost immediately takes away his credibility.


2022-08-29 10:52 | Report Abuse

Exactly @CharlesT

The reason why he refused to answer your question is because he himself doesn't know.

Also, he holds the mentality that human becomes wiser as they age, but this isn't always the case. It's for this sole reason he keeps talking to anyone younger than him in a condescending manner.

He fires back at anyone that disagrees with him, thankfully this platform is open for discussion, otherwise he would've blocked everyone of us here, letting only few boot lickers stay.


2022-08-29 09:48 | Report Abuse

Regarding the glove industry, the whole business landscape has turned for the worse. IMO, it is irrational to blindly compare historical PE with current PE and deduce that the glove companies are undervalued.

In the past, they were given much higher PE by the market because of their steady growth with increasing demand, and the fact that Malaysia is the largest glove export country.

Unfortunately, covid has squeezed dry all the glove companies' future earning by the unprecedented glove demand.

Post pandemically speaking, the global market share in the glove industry has been snatched up by big and small, listed and non-listed companies in different countries.

So the question to ask now is will the malaysia public listed glove companies make a come back in terms of their earnings? YES, but will it grow consistently? IMO YES, but it's going to take god knows how many years for supply-demand to reach an equilibrium. Not apple to apple comparison, but take a good look at the real estate industry, they never came back since 8-10 years ago after the booming housing demand. More importantly, even if the big 4 glove companies make a come back, they likely won't enjoy the "monopoly" status they once had in the past, even many small glove companies will close down or get merged.


2022-08-28 23:18 | Report Abuse

All of the above statements are no brainers. Saying identify growth stocks with excellence and pay a fair price for it is like saying you need to earn money to become rich. Duh! You talk so much but first have a look at your current position, shameless claims really. Secondly, don’t bring others to Holland by asking them to concentrate buying, you don’t know their risk appetite so who are you to dictate how others should buy their stocks? One more thing, did you just write BET big? My goodness….just stop..


2022-08-28 23:03 | Report Abuse

It’s no wonder kcchongz is able to garner more respect, investment aside, he has class and knows when to shut his mouth. Unlike you, what have you got? A big fat mouth full of lies, and a sky high ego which no one appreciates.


2022-08-28 23:01 | Report Abuse

What an can’t understand English? Or you have can’t comprehend what it means by no one is obliged to show their portfolio like you did? You chose to show it then be ready to accept criticism. Old man sit infront of the computer fight with everyone the whole day yet trying to portray as someone who has portfolio size with tens of millions, totally shameless and ridiculous!


2022-08-28 20:49 | Report Abuse

You wanted to share your experience right? Do it like a man and don’t act like a coward.


2022-08-28 20:46 | Report Abuse

Not sure if you are blind or deaf, if you have balls then write a book like kcchongz did, show up in public and introduce yourself to the world. Don’t tell us crap like no incentive la no profit etc, if it were so then you shouldn’t be creating a portfolio here to begin with.


2022-08-28 20:42 | Report Abuse

Old eunuch, stop demanding others to show their portfolio. No one is obliged to do so. You decided to fabricate a fake portfolio doesn’t mean others should follow suit. Even if someone decides to share their portfolio here, it still means jackshet because there’s no accountability, such as yours.


2022-08-28 18:19 | Report Abuse

I’ve spent more than half a day being productive off the grid, just done busying and came to visit the thread here, only to find out the old eunuch almost never left his seat since morning, he has been arguing with people here the whole day..if that is not pathetic I don’t know what is lol..


2022-08-28 18:16 | Report Abuse

See, he is spending whole day here battling with EVERYONE who disagrees with him.

Just stop for a second and think, will a real successful investor sit infront of the screen whole day arguing with the world?

This is a give away, you don’t have to be a genius to realize that.


2022-08-28 18:14 | Report Abuse

Readers here should know: just because the old man records his transaction here doesn’t mean his stock positions and portfolio size is real. If you scroll up you’ll realize even before this whole dispute started, the thread has always been revolving around him proving and boasting to the world what a great investor he is or how any other stocks he doesn’t own in bursa are not worth investing. Unless you hold some of the stocks above, there’s no reason to butthurt in what I say because it is what it is.


2022-08-28 18:06 | Report Abuse

Totally agree with @arv18

Kcchongz is much more respectable in the sense he has the calling to write books sharing his investing experience. Also, he has what the old eunuch Philip lacks, which are courage and humility. Courage to show his face on YouTube to gain credibility, humility in accepting he may not be best investors in the world, but he shares what he knows and admits his short comings.(anyone interested can buy his book “the complete value investing guide that works”.These are the attributes the old man lacks and will never learn.


2022-08-28 09:27 | Report Abuse

Again, your transactions here means fak all because there is no accountability and no one to counter check. Based on the way you bad mouth about kcchongz, you seem to be jealous of him and freely assume you know about his total returns better than he himself knows.

You got no class at all, old man..


2022-08-28 09:22 | Report Abuse

someone who sprung out of no where in 2019 and claims to have invested in bursa stocks, it takes someone with dullard mentality as low as yours to believe in this load of bull crap.

how about this old eunuch, if you really want to help people, write a book, join youtube interviews to share your success and failure in a humble manner, not creating a fake portfolio and using peter lynch as profile picture(don't disgrace him by the way) and spend most of the day replying comments on i3.


2022-08-28 09:11 | Report Abuse

Nothing to defend right because you know I'm speaking the truth and calling you out for a reason. If anyone wants to learn investing/trading, they will always go to the reputable ones with good track record.

who are you?


2022-08-28 08:59 | Report Abuse

Out of 1000 people in the group, only 3-4 active users comment regularly, the rest are silent and I’m not even sure if you made them up too for god knows what reason. Those 3-4 people are the ones who lick your boot, in other times they’re the ones you use as puppet to scuttlebutt infos you want to know in their industry. Where are the rest one might wonder? Simple, they are all kicked out because they share a different opinion. If you can’t accept opposing views, it’s best to isolate yourself la old man.


2022-08-28 08:54 | Report Abuse

Having it tracked doesn’t make you any better as an investor, nor does it make it real when it’s not.

The more you explain the less credible you become. I hope people who read this thread will realize this thread is just a platform for an old eunuch to feed his ego. If anyone is keen to learn about investing, kcchong is a MUCH BETTER person to go to, rather than reading some cocky old eunuch talk about his past and offer no value to the society. One leg into the coffin already still acting like a child.

I think you will jump out from your grave when someone shares their bearish opinion on ql harta pchem haha..


2022-08-28 08:43 | Report Abuse

Whatever stories you make, you’ve lost a tonne of credibility as people start to realize you contradict yourself a lot.

On one hand, you claim no profit in showing your identity hence refuse to participate in any interviews. On the other hand, suddenly you become the generous person wanting to show the world what investing is all about? Come on laaaa..wanna lie also think deeper la

A person who is not willing to show his face would show his brokerage account details? You need urgent mental status assessment for real.


2022-08-28 08:19 | Report Abuse

For the record, kcchong has a better credibility and proven track record than you. That goes without saying.

At least he's got the guts to appear on shows/interviews and share his experience in investing.

Most importantly, he's not as cocky as you, shameless old eunuch!


2022-08-28 08:17 | Report Abuse

talk is cheap, anyone can create a portfolio and claim anything under the sky they want.

tom may say he bought dutchlady when it was at rm2

dick may say he bought nestle when it was at rm5

harry may say he bought vitrox when it was rm1

where's the credibility?


2022-08-28 08:13 | Report Abuse

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

You got balls then put your profile picture up and don't hide behind the grit. Don't even demand others doing the same because it's you who post a fake(until proven otherwise) portfolio.

shame on you old eunuch, where your balls at? did they grow inwards and got sucked into your pelvis or did they regress the moment you enter stock investing?


2022-08-28 08:10 | Report Abuse

Ladies and gentleman, just take a good look at this old eunuch going so far to once again create non-existent stories because his ego is struck.

just take a good look, he is boasting about his FAKE gains again (and yet he claims this page is only for SHARING purpose what a joke!)

it's not rocket science, someone with this portfolio size will NOT be posting online here in the name of sharing just because there is no profit in it, not to mention the time opportunity loss.

speaking about time opportunity loss, it's exactly what you suck at. Just look at your serbadk and now harta, anyone who follows your footstep surely is brought to holland.


2022-08-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

Old eunuch fails to learn it’s not about what you buy, but how what you pay for that determines return of investment.


2022-08-27 21:50 | Report Abuse

HARTA - this stock needs no more introduction haha..

6 years of business down cycle..good luck bag holding a potentially loss making company and call it watching the paint(you mean wallet) dry lol..

fun fact: JPMorgan predicted TG target price rm3.50 two years ago...indeed it realized and has fallen below their target price due to a change in business environment.. JPMorgan is giving rm1.20 target price for harta now, so good luck old stubborn eunuch hahaha


2022-08-27 21:46 | Report Abuse

There you go, some cold hard facts for you to swallow (pretty sure your ears are closed, being the hard-headed old eunuch).


2022-08-27 21:44 | Report Abuse

QL = VERY LIMITED UPSIDE WITH PATHETIC SINGLE DIGIT ANNUAL GROWTH(in fact profit has fallen due to high feedstock price), poultry industry has razor thin margin and highly reliant on feed stock price, the growth has stagnated and has reached a deflection point for downturn period.

convenience store sector has also become much more competitive with CU,emart24, 7-11 - a story that resembles the glove industy, to which the old eunuch happens to have a position in as well HAHA!


2022-08-27 21:37 | Report Abuse

Hey old eunuch,

Unlike the stewpid group full of boot lickers who don't know you're faking a portfolio and identity, here in i3 you can’t kick and ban those who disagree with you and refuse to lick your boot, HAHA!

Dah lah no brain and no balls, ego high as fak pulak. Ptui!


2022-08-27 19:34 | Report Abuse

anyone who jumps into pchem,ql now is digging their own grave, in contrary to what the old eunuch tries to deceive the public, these stocks have very limited upside regardless whether it's from investor/trader pov.


2022-08-27 19:30 | Report Abuse

hey old eunuch, people have their portfolios, they just don't shove their investment/trading philosophies down people's throat and try to convince the world the best stocks in bursa are pchem, ql, yinson.(WHICH THEY AREN'T BY THE WAY)

you should just close this whole "tracked portfolio" bullcrap, lest people will keep calling you out for deceiving others in their investment journey.

by the way i3lurker made a precise point, that apart from being egoistic, stubborn and deceiving, you are revengeful too for banning non-conformist(and i mean those who share different opinion than yours) in the group.

like i said, if you have balls then show your face, accept interview invitation and not hide behind some anonymous account with fake display pic and fake portfolio. (it proves fak all really)

Philip ( buy what you understand) So easy for those who don't have a portfolio to say that other people's portfolio is fake.

As usual it is easiest for those who have never achieved anything in life to criticize others to make themselves feel better so they can continue to be lazy trolls.

I should know better than to reply to under achievers in life.
27/08/2022 1:44 PM


2022-08-27 10:40 | Report Abuse

Close the portfolio la old man, with all the lies and stories you make up, you can sleep well at night meh? Ok lo if it makes you feel less pathetic in real life..


2022-08-27 10:39 | Report Abuse

He’s really stubborn and egoistic, even after multiple confrontation by many people here he still fights back at every person like a mad must been having a terrible life in person..I don’t see big retailers like cold eye, tian ge, harryteo engaging in dispute with people in the public..haha


2022-08-27 08:46 | Report Abuse

if you are unwilling to, then it's all fake. no need to defend for yourself, you liar! even using a fake portfolio, you have shown to the world how foolish your investment moves are, stop bringing people to holland!


2022-08-27 08:43 | Report Abuse

@arv18 exactly! if the portfolio is "tracked" it must be real haha.

hey old man, no matter how you like to spin it, a margin is a shortcut, period.

the reason why you garner so many opposing comments is because you are a cocky fellow, you just don't realize that.

reading from outsider pov, this thread is all about you boasting and lying about your so called investment philosophies, which is stewpid because you only use them to your convenience.

you keep daring others to show their portfolio, why should people do that? does showing portfolio legitimize it? you are the one who decided to create a fake portfolio, no one is obliged to follow suit.

from the comments you can already see many people don't buy your stories here. if you are so daring, don't create only a portfolio, put your face in the profile picture (and don't disgrace peter lynch pls), join real life youtube interviews/talk shows, then we talk.


2022-08-26 15:40 | Report Abuse

He's acting childish now because he's out of words to cover up his lies.

There's no need for ANY of us here to show our portfolio to the public, nor does any of us here claims ourselves to be good investors/traders.

However if anyone got guts to share his portfolio in the public, we'd expect the person to be open for criticism, unfortunately the old man is not coping well with the heat.

Come to think of it, why would anyone with portfolio of this size share his investment with the public? what profit is in it? will you go around telling people how much you have or earn in real life? the answer is clearly NO.

The fact that this old man stoops so low and has got whole day to reply us, really just further shows this portfolio is non-existent.

Old man just fabricate things out of thin air to draw public attention or feed his old man ego. Highly likely, in real life he's just another working class person/old man with pathetic career and personal life trying to gain attention to compensate his inadequacy in real life.

Just saying.


2022-08-26 07:21 | Report Abuse


Your stories can't be further from the truth.

The fact that you guessed it WRONG proves you either fabricate things out of thin air or you just kicked way too many people who disagree with your view that you can't tell who you are talking to.

grow a pair first old pathetic lonely eunuch.


2022-08-25 21:27 | Report Abuse

I'm calling you out here so people know how you utilize this platform to deceive others into believing your lies about stock investing!


2022-08-25 21:16 | Report Abuse

I reiterate, you are full of crap. Oh inviting people to have a phone call and chat you up?

you old man don't even have balls to show your face in the group (and here in i3), refused to join any interviews, meet up(by giving excuse of not having incentive to participate)

you are the LAST person who can talk about balls, eunuch!


2022-08-25 21:11 | Report Abuse

Talk about showing balls? You need to grow a pair first. The fact that you can't take criticism here and hit back whenever someone rebuke your point of view already shows what an ego maniac you are, and it further proves what I write above is truth.


2022-08-25 21:04 | Report Abuse

Just stop putting up a facade and trying to be the bigger person here la old man.

You think it's my first day knowing you?


So end up the group is full of members who lick your @ss for your senile ego boost

Shame on you old man!