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2020-12-17 07:45 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri LSC acquired more than 6m shares 5 days consecutively from 7/12-14/12. Good indication


2020-12-14 10:11 | Report Abuse

Why think so much, like woshigushen said, Hoooot 99 eeeee


2020-12-13 19:31 | Report Abuse

By Oct 2023, Conversion rate should be 1.35 not 1.28. Anyway, 1.35+0.275 is only 162.5 or just 3.5% premium for almost 4 years expiry. A normal healthy company’s warrant should have at least 15-20% premium for 4 years expiry. Is a real fire sales of the decades


2020-12-13 19:24 | Report Abuse

Heard currently Potential Investors for SMC stake is carry out due diligence. Hope can conclude soon.


2020-12-11 23:07 | Report Abuse

YES, Sunway PA will only enjoy fix dividend of 5,25 cents for first 4 years. CGS-CIMB offer 100% margin for Sunway but only 80% margin for Sunway PA.


2020-12-11 21:54 | Report Abuse

Add more today, waiting to harvest at above RM1


2020-12-11 19:52 | Report Abuse

@trader808, what clue you need? The world is funny, most people only want to chase high but scare to buy cheap. when the price drop, they start to feel panic. These people are usually ignorant and will panic sell at unreasonable low price without knowing the reasons. Most likely some group leads the sell down so that they can buy in later. For me, I’ll wait and see how low these people will sell and will starts buying when ever I have spare fund. After all, I wish I can sapu everything but too bad I can’t afford.


2020-12-11 16:41 | Report Abuse

Sorry wrote Top Glove here, but WealthSoWonderful try to Misleading readers here. So I wrote something to tell him don't waste time


2020-12-11 16:41 | Report Abuse

Sorry wrote Top Glove here, but WealthSoWonderful try to Misleading readers here. So I wrote something to tell him don't waste time


2020-12-11 14:58 | Report Abuse

@ Ali Baba, yes, price will adjust accordingly after receiving Dividend. But, normally before dividend Ex, price will also move up. So, it will not have any significant effect unless Sunway is using Reserve to pay dividend but not Current profit to pay dividend.


2020-12-11 14:41 | Report Abuse

Top Glove before pandemic, Quarterly profit after tax is just 110m+. After Pandemic, very likely PAT will be lower than Pre Covid level cause demand for glove will slow down, over stocking and too many production lines. But, let assume Top Glove can still play the magic and can make 227% times higher that pre covid level. Then quarterly profit Post cover will be 2.27x110m = 250m. 1 year will be RM 1bn. Sounds a lot?

When Profit grow is slowly down, Valuation also drop and PE of 20 is consider highly expensive. Let's assume Top Glove still can get PE 20. Then, market capitalisation will RM 1bn x 20 = RM20 bn. At current Top Glove price at RM6.90. The market capitalisation is RM56.5bn. That means , the potential drop is RM36.5bn or drop 64.6%. The potential optimistic price of Top Glove Post Covid will be RM2.44. So, Think twice or even 20 times before you invest in Top Glove now


2020-12-11 14:41 | Report Abuse

Top Glove before pandemic, Quarterly profit after tax is just 110m+. After Pandemic, very likely PAT will be lower than Pre Covid level cause demand for glove will slow down, over stocking and too many production lines. But, let assume Top Glove can still play the magic and can make 227% times higher that pre covid level. Then quarterly profit Post cover will be 2.27x110m = 250m. 1 year will be RM 1bn. Sounds a lot?

When Profit grow is slowly down, Valuation also drop and PE of 20 is consider highly expensive. Let's assume Top Glove still can get PE 20. Then, market capitalisation will RM 1bn x 20 = RM20 bn. At current Top Glove price at RM6.90. The market capitalisation is RM56.5bn. That means , the potential drop is RM36.5bn or drop 64.6%. The potential optimistic price of Top Glove Post Covid will be RM2.44. So, Think twice or even 20 times before you invest in Top Glove now


2020-12-11 14:30 | Report Abuse

@ Ali Baba, paying dividend to Sunway PA does not affects the Sunway Share price.


2020-12-11 14:28 | Report Abuse

Before the Ex date for Sunway PA to entitle for Dividend of 5.25. Sunway PA is call Cum dividend 5.25 cents. At Ex date, the Sunway PA is call Ex dividend. That means Sunway PA price will adjust by 5.25 or 5.5 cents after Ex dividend. No adjustment to the Sunway Mother share.

@ Ong Yee Hor
when sunway pay dividend to sunway FA i think sunway mother price also will be adjusted right? Thank you


2020-12-11 14:04 | Report Abuse

Currently WB conversion price is RM1.56 but will reduce 7 cents per year. By Oct 2023, the final conversion price is Rm1.35. So, if you buy WB at 0.27 today and just need to top up Rm1.35 after Oct 2023 but before Oct 2024 expiry date to convert into Sunway mother share

@maxx papa
is the "exercise price" on warranty refer to conversion price before expiry date? So if we buy WB at 0.27, our cost on conversion will be 0.27 + 1.35 = 1.62 (base on your example above)? Thank you!


2020-12-11 00:27 | Report Abuse

last year 11/12/19, Sunway is 1.69. Sunway WB 0.355 and final conversion price in Oct 2023 is 1.44. Premium to convert is 0.105 or 6.2%. This year 10/12/20, Sunway is 1.54. WB 0.27 and final conversion price adjust to 1.35 in Oct 2023. Premium reduce to 0.08 or 5%. Sunway WB is getting cheaper looking at expiring date is still 46 months away.


2020-12-10 23:52 | Report Abuse

Most important CPO ASP is going up and no signs of turning back yet


2020-12-10 23:51 | Report Abuse

When Careplus director sold at RM1.36, price goes up to RM1.9. When sell again at RM4.04, price goes up to RM5.7. That's how the Goreng Kaki works


2020-12-10 23:49 | Report Abuse

Mouse, sell share to Goreng partners is normal. Kpower CEO sell million at shares at RM4.8 - 5 few days ago, now RM5.35. EPF sell Sunway at 1.4+ two days ago, today 1.54. EPF sold millions of CIMB at below RM3.6-3.8, now RM4.28


2020-12-10 23:48 | Report Abuse

CPO now 3702, price up unstoppable


2020-12-10 16:50 | Report Abuse

Conversion price for Sunway WB will reduce to 1.35 from Oct 2023 onwards. When Sunway cross 1.6. Sunway WB will follow closely


2020-12-10 16:48 | Report Abuse

Luckily I still keep all 3 Sunway, Sunway PA and WB


2020-12-10 11:39 | Report Abuse

@memorylanr You are fast. I though of doing that too but I love my Sunway too much. Instead of Selling Sunway , I still looking at what other share to sell in order to switch to Pa


2020-12-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

PA at 113 and Sunway 146 makes PA very attractive after considering possible higher dividend from Sunway. 33 cents of different makes PA gets extra average 7.33 cents per year. Sunway has to declare on average 12.25 cents yearly to match PA value now.


2020-12-09 22:45 | Report Abuse

@Jolly, Dick felt very disappointed because he has no money to buy TDM.


2020-12-09 21:44 | Report Abuse

@Ong Yee Hor, Check this Prospectus dated 6th Nov In Appendix II under “Adjustments to the Conversion Price”. Is clearly stated that The Conversion Price is subject to adjustment if there are any alteration to the share capital whether by way of rights issue, bonus issue, capitalization issue, consolidates, subdivision or capital distributions. The conversion price will be adjust accordingly


2020-12-09 10:04 | Report Abuse

0.5 cent dividend


2020-12-09 09:57 | Report Abuse

Major shareholder already control 60% and 72% Sunway WB. He only committed to subscribed his 60% ICPS. Is no good for him to buy all ICPS. Not good for market liquidity

@Ong Yee Hor

those who apply Excess are very lucky cos major shareholder not apply it.


2020-12-09 09:55 | Report Abuse

Exactly, Sunway is one of the most diversify and premium business with growing income company. With recovery economy soon, Sunway price will not fall below current price. Invest in Sunway PR to earn minimum 13% per year and upside is highly expected. This is not just as safer than FD (FD is a losing investment due to Inflation is higher than interest) but with lucrative return.

> yesAH SCENARIO (1) SUNWAY remain unchange @ RM 1.46 after 5 years (2025)

You will make an AVERAGE (approximately) 69.0% over 5 years or 13% gain per year on your investment

SCENARIO (2) SUNWAY share = RM 2.00 after 5 years

You will make an AVERAGE (approximately) 123% over 5 years or 24% gain per year on your investment

.SCENARIO (3) SUNWAY share = RM 2.50 after 5 years

You will make an AVERAGE (approximately) 173% over 5 years or 35% gain per year on your investment

WHAT is the current Bank FD rates ?


2020-12-08 23:16 | Report Abuse

Normally refund to your register bank account.

>@junetan11 ask ask, when buy excess, if not successful, how to get back the money?


2020-12-08 23:13 | Report Abuse

TA shows bullish


2020-12-08 23:11 | Report Abuse

In the market, most PA are always sell at discounted price cause they are share without voting right and can’t enjoy higher than fix dividend before it is convert to mother shares. Bear in mind, Sunway used to pay 8 to 9.1 cents per covid and dividend growing every year. Looking at likelihood of economy recovery next year, I believe Sunway will continue to pay higher in 2021 onwards. If Sunway pays higher dividend, total dividend receive by Sunway for 5 years will be higher than total dividend pay for Sunway PA. Therefore, if there is no price discount for sunway PA, then the big fishes and people like me would rather buy Sunway mother share. In this case, current discount between 0.2-0.3 is justifying. I’ll opt for Sunway PA if the discount more than 0.3. But, the discount shall reduce as it gets closer to the conversion date. Cause the chances of Sunway receiving more dividend than Sunway PA is reducing. I expect the discount for PA will not be more than 10 cents after 3 years.

> @sbsoo111 wonder why if everyone said it is very cheap for sunway, why the PA still dropped 20%+ cheaper compare to mother share? the excess just 6% extra, if it is so easy money, why not the big fish snap in to buy up?


2020-12-08 22:54 | Report Abuse

Actually, priority is given to all who owns more PR anode more Sunway shares during Ex ICPS Right. I applied quite high Excess for all 3 accounts. And I got 100% allocated. But one of my friend who bought 5,000 PR from market and applied 800 excess, he only allocated 200.


2020-12-08 15:19 | Report Abuse

@ dragonie, always not too late to learn. Sunway is still extremely undervalued. This year is golden opportunity of the decades to invest in superb undervalued recovery stock like Sunway, Sunway WB or Sunway PA. Just buy and keep. You will see the value soon.


2020-12-08 15:15 | Report Abuse

No one can know whether Sunway or Sunway PA is better. For me, I keep both for simple reason. Superb Undervalued....


2020-12-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

Only disadvantage to PA now is if Sunway declare more than 5.25 cents dividend base on normal operational income. PA can't enjoy more than 5.25 cents


2020-12-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

If sale stake of 20%-25% SMC successful. And special dividend issue to Sunway due to the sale. The Conversion price for Sunway PA will also will adjust according. This is because selling SMC to distribute involve capital reduction. So, it doesn't matter PA not receiving special dividend but will enjoy lower conversion rate.


2020-12-08 15:06 | Report Abuse

add more at 0.35


2020-12-07 21:02 | Report Abuse

If Crude Oil up, means PE & PP price will also goes up. LCTitan has plenty of stock. Sure will benefits from increase selling price.


2020-12-07 20:50 | Report Abuse

Total number of ICPS Right holder applied, 946,934,431 or 96.85%. Total Excess ICPS Applications 37,278,846 or 3.81%. Oversubscribed is 6,433,926. That means out of total 37,278,846 excess ICPS Application, only 30,844,920 will be allocated and 6,433,926 will be rejected. Total Excess successful rate is 82.74%


2020-12-07 16:23 | Report Abuse

No need to guess, tomorrow will know


2020-12-07 16:23 | Report Abuse

or using the closing price of PR + RM1


2020-12-07 16:22 | Report Abuse

Just Talking/wonder about whether Sunway PA listing at Reference price of 1.28 or higher


2020-12-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

No more adjustment


2020-12-07 15:57 | Report Abuse

with current positive news on Sunway. Unlikely tomorrow price will drop


2020-12-07 15:34 | Report Abuse

If you don't subscribe by topping RM1, your PR will burn and will be given to people like me who apply Excess.


2020-12-07 10:38 | Report Abuse

On the Ex date of Sunway ICPS right. Adjustment price for Sunway is 1.28. Therefore, Reference price for ICPS right was 0.28 on listing date


2020-12-07 09:24 | Report Abuse

Add more at 0.61


2020-12-07 09:20 | Report Abuse

Tanjung Rambutan make a mistake to discharge Mickey Mouse....