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2017-03-23 11:45 | Report Abuse

i3gambler, you kept asking people to buy LA, but you are quick in and out too. This time probably for real .. Buy back again ?


2017-03-21 16:18 | Report Abuse

pineapple123, if you can't read Chinese. Nowadays can use google translate App to translate


2017-03-21 13:13 | Report Abuse

PocketRocket, I think you can save your energy asking BigBull99, he is either wanted to sell his Malton and keep saying there is merger and now want others to sell down so that he can collect. Or he is one of Syndicate agent. A merger deal is confidential. How could he know merger is on and now is said is cancel.


2017-03-21 09:47 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett used to said, "I look at how much profit I can make in 5 years "(not in a month). Bigbull99, sorry if i'm wrong but you sounds like a syndicate. Cause when I sell, you asked why i sell so early. But now, you ask everyone to sell! Don't worry, Malton is a good company, I'm not like Warren B who look at 5 years. I look at next year RM1.5. So, I'm waiting right timing to go in.


2017-03-17 09:43 | Report Abuse

Solo, your dealer should help you to get the form and maybe fill for you. If he/she can't serve, then change Remisier.


2017-03-16 18:39 | Report Abuse

Ya Bigbull99 I confused, is i3gambler sold to me! Anyway, you have fantastic Sailang on WB, i don't dear to bet on WB. Wish you make Kaokao..


2017-03-16 17:11 | Report Abuse

Anyway, i3gambler also return back. We are all still in and hope for the best.


2017-03-16 17:09 | Report Abuse

Bigbull99, remember you sold all your Malton LA to me ? I'm still in, but LA now... Just amazed they can absorbed so much and price keep going up. I believe the group behind it still hold them. Chances some good news are high.


2017-03-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

After 4 days Sell off , final batch of Malton sold at RM1.37. What a busy and fruitful week. Tomorrow onwards I can only just sit by screen to Malton goreng! No more Malton to sell...


2017-03-15 13:21 | Report Abuse

Glove industries are adjusting price up to cover increasing material cost. Soon, all will be back to normal margin.


2017-03-15 13:18 | Report Abuse

Bigbull99, you sounds like insider or sit close to insider. I don't have that access and purely base on own judgement. If there is something kick off soon, let's anticipate early celebration ..


2017-03-15 10:33 | Report Abuse

As I know, if there is a deal. All parties have to sign a undisclosal agreement. It can be CBT case if disclose. So, no one will know the details, just guessing. Anyway, when price up to what you satisfy, just sell it. No one can sell at highest and buy lowest. Don't have to bother whether there is a deal


2017-03-15 09:57 | Report Abuse

Very likely there is something between Malton and WCT. WE shoot up 40% when WCT stays tune...


2017-03-15 09:53 | Report Abuse

Well Bigbull99, I also hold quite a bit of Malton too. My initial target as I mentioned earlier is Rm1. Achieve much earlier than I though. Now 1.2+ is a bonus. I need to thanks i3gambler sold 2 batches of 404 to me so that I can disposed my Malton at higher price. My final target for Malton is >Rm1.5 by June 2018. So, chances may achieve this year.. Let's cheers for us..


2017-03-15 09:14 | Report Abuse

Just test to sell WE at 0.265, 10 second sapu! interesting....


2017-03-15 09:08 | Report Abuse

The way WE hike, surely WCT will catch up..


2017-03-15 01:14 | Report Abuse

i3gambler, perhaps you are the one who place 404 at 1.14. Your shares likely end up with me. Whether price up or down next, I still thank you. Just wish me good luck then.


2017-03-15 01:08 | Report Abuse

My advise is to just ignore those immature comments. We are here to share opinions, knowledge and most important make some pocket money if not wealth. I follow WCT, WC, WE for 1 1/2 years. It did give me more than pocket money. I sold some WE at 0.215 and 0.22 today. Surprisingly well absorb, it make me feel that WCT may soon due for hike.


2017-03-14 16:14 | Report Abuse

agreed, the administrator should remove those don't have intention to have healthy discussion.


2017-03-14 11:35 | Report Abuse

value_invest total agree with you, I bought some when it was low yesterday. Arbitration cases taking 10 years to settle are very common. Furthermore, the total claim can be set off by te case they won earlier. So, 2017 financial year are very very likely will not be affected by the Arbitration case. To me, this is more to create "Bad News" so that, either can buy cheap WCT or more people will sell WCT WE and WD. Hope we are right..


2017-03-14 01:02 | Report Abuse

A lot people asking me why today WCT drop so much but WE went up. To be franck, i'm asking the same. Anyway, i'm always end wiinner since last year. Trusted my instincts, bought in more WCT due to bad news (arbitration case) and WE kept going up...eventhough WE is at very high premium. One reason i could think of is probably WD is about to expire this year. They pull down WCT price so that can buy in WE at low price. Nevertheless, WCT is solid counter, one day will see the yeilds.


2017-03-10 09:20 | Report Abuse

Temasek is the indirect major owner of Ascott and the major owner is 100% own subsidiary of Temasek. Ascott was voted best reit in Asia in 2015. So, nothing bad news but just rights issue will dilute DPU for now.


2017-03-10 00:22 | Report Abuse

3311, Ascott announces 482 million Right issue at 0.919. 29 Rights for every 100 units. The fund raised is for Ascott Orchard Singapore , AOS (381m) and balance to purchase 2 properties in Germany. The expected return (Ebitda) for AOS is around 4.5% and for German property is 5.4-5.6%. The expected reduce in income is more than the discount given (Right issue price of 0.919). Therefore, forecast DPU for 2017 may reduce to S$0.072 and after transaction complete S$0.0743 which is lower than S$0.0827 now.

To take note here is, The right issue only for eligible CDP account holders, which mean you must have a Singapore address where they can inform you by mail in 3 days. That means either you have personal account in Spore with Spore address or with Nominees account in Singapore (if you but Ascott from Securities firm in Msia then you should have the right issue). So, check with you dealer, whether you have right issue for Ascott. Here are the important dates to remember. 17th March is the first trading day of the right , 27th March is the last day. 31st March 5pm is the last date for acceptance Right issue application. if your acccount is with Msian securities company. Decide early to subscribe. or even can buy more cause the DPU still yeilds 7% if the price is 1.06 after Ex. Most of Msia Reits now are less than 6% and majority are less than 5%. One plus point for this exercise is , the fix income has increase from 42% to 46%. the German and AOS are also good asssts which will appreciate.

If you are into Spore Reits, I mentioned earlier, Sabana Reit is hugely under value. I bought in January at S$0.35, today close at S$0.46. DPU per quarter S$0.0088, which will increase to around S$0.01 around 3rd quarter. current NTA S$0.66


2017-03-07 10:29 | Report Abuse

From past records, Malton don't push up so fast but slow and steadily. They need drums to fill up for different price level. Once out of support , the price couldn't stays. In short, fast up and end up fast down. For now,Above RM1 should not be a problem as the sentiment starts build up... Cheers for those who long ..


2017-03-04 23:45 | Report Abuse

is for 17 days not 1 quarter


2017-03-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

is 0.003459, cash flow for 17 days start 15th Dec - 31st Dec .


2017-02-25 11:32 | Report Abuse

as expected The last 17 days income of 2nd quarter records 0.3459 translate to about 7.43 before withholding tax. This is equivalent to about 5.6-5.8% yields after withdholding tax if base on yesterday closing price of 1.19, which is still the highest yields among Msian Reits. NTA after dilution increase to 1.3857 which means Australia assets have appreciated mia lh due to A$ at 3.42+ now. Current gearing now reduce to around 40% from high of 55%. This allow the company to have additional low interest borrowing when its has new target acquisitions in mind.
Maybe, Majestic Hotels are next in mind...


2017-02-25 11:12 | Report Abuse

Past history shows 99% of the speculators don't make profit or break even in a period of 10 years or more of speculating. 1% of less will be all time champion of the run. These 1% group are likely the fund managers or institionals, which means they are the minority.

Kudamuda, maybe not a bad thing when most people ask to avoid this counter. In every run whether is little or super bull, everyone is another Warrant Buffett, most of shares he/she buy will likely make money unless is really bad luck. Ask around your friends, how many involve in share market and stilll shows profits for a period of 10 years. Perhaps, think as minoroty may bring you good luck.


2017-02-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

Past data never lie. If you look trace back. 99% of speculate will eventually loose or dont make. But 99% of investors will make. Of course, if the counters you choose are investors graded.


2017-02-14 12:15 | Report Abuse

BornToSpeculate , you don't sounds like speculator! Good comment. I have the same though. Wish us good luck.


2017-02-13 22:36 | Report Abuse

I started collecting Malton and La since 2011. Looking at past trend , I strongly believe RM1.5 by mid next year as Malton-WE will expire in June 2018. Good luck to those are Long and believe in this counter.


2017-02-07 21:13 | Report Abuse

What's risk to hold Malton? I believe is calculated risk and relatively low compare to many others. Malton consistently declared 0.025 to 0.03 dividend yearly and currently NTA is 1.66. which is still 47% below Par. In December 2014, the Private Placement 20 million take place at price of RM1. Last month, the ESOS at RM1 also announce. That means, RM1 will be the bench mark for Malton. Malton - WB is currently trading at 0.26 will expires in 29th June 2018. This is 17 month away from now. The conversion rate is RM1. Maybe, should look at who is the major holders of Malton-WB. Then, Malton above RM1.5 by July 2018 isn't a dream!

Moneycashrich, you are likely make a right decision.


2017-01-15 00:48 | Report Abuse

I sold some at Rm1.3 due to over bought with no intention to buy back. 1.30 is ex 1st Oct- 15th. Dec DPU price. There is another 0.5 cent dividend to pay out end next month. To drop back to 1.23 after CNY really needs miracal or major correction.


2017-01-09 00:57 | Report Abuse

Recent ration of PP is about 28% of total capital at RM1.06. If the valuation of the properties remain the same like Nov 2016. The NTA after PP will be around RM1.36.


2017-01-07 01:20 | Report Abuse

Sabana used to performed very well, due to economy down turn, DPU drop from 2.2 cents per quater to last quarter only 1.2cents. Mainly due to Sabana reit is shariah compliance reit, a lot of restrictions plus slow demand in the market. The DPU has drop consecutively for the last 6 quarters, i.e. 1.8 cents to last quarter 1.2 cents. DPU drops are basically due to rental revise downwards to retain tenants plus 20% assets not renting out. Why I think it is good now!
Basically, I believe the rental are stabilise, in November 2016, a 1 year vacant warehouse also successfully divested with 10% profit on book. 3 new tenancies sign in same month. so, the DPU is expected to improve in the coming quarter. But, why the share price still drop sharply!
This is due to last month, Sabana REIT announced 3 acquisition of new assets which requires to issue right issue of 42% at price of 0.258 (42 right for every 100 units)or 80 million capital to buy cash as the company gearing is too high plus bad rating to get cheap finance. During share performance is bad. A lot of unit holders will get out when you call pay up more capital. From the agreements signed for 3 acquisitions, with effect from mid 2017, all 3 are rental guaranteed for 3 years to 10 years with around 6-10% rental base on purchase price. So, I believe at price of 0.34-0.35, the DPU will be around 0.033 or 9%+, in 3rd quarter 2017 onwards when the income from the 3 acquisitions are in. The DPU could be 12-13% base on price of 0.35. The best thing is, current price is about 40% cheaper than NTA.


2017-01-06 00:35 | Report Abuse

Only different between Mreits and Sreits is, the price for Spore are very much more volatile due to higher liquidity. From past history, counter like Suntec price range from SGD 0.60+ to SGD 2. But the DPU still very steadily increase. During last recession in 2008, Suntec price was SGD 0.68 and the DPU was around SGD 0.09.


2017-01-06 00:21 | Report Abuse

For those more advantageous, Spore margin financing also relatively much lower. With good relationship with bank, you can get around 2.8% interest per annum or even lower if your vol is big, short term loan with auto roll over of 1.25-2.15% per annum. Normal leverage for relatively big reit counter like Ascott is 60 to 70%. With 50% leverage, you can get 7.3% + 4.2%= 11.5% tax free return. Worth to explore while Spore market still superb cheap.


2017-01-06 00:13 | Report Abuse
Log in to share,
this is example of Ascott, 2015 top reit in Asia. DPU around 8.2-8.4 cents or 7.3% yearly. Very similar to YTL REIT but better potential.
This is Suntec REIT, similar to Sunreit but higher yields around 6%, DPU SGD 0.1
This is Sabana, similar to Atrium Reit, DPU approximately 9.6% and potentially move up to 12% after 3 properties acquisition complete in June 2017.

The best thing is, Spore offer tax free for individuals investors, whether local or foreigners


2017-01-06 00:05 | Report Abuse

to trade Spore reits, either you sign a consent letter with your existing broking house to trade Sreits. Terms & conditions varies from one to another. Commission can be from 0.27% to 0.6%. Some offer online and some don't. Or go to Spore to open an account to trade, commission is cheaper, varies from 0.1% to 0.27%.


2017-01-05 00:39 | Report Abuse

Today's advances indicate selling pressure for those who subscribed Private placement maybe over, and the price getting normalise.Perhaps the soon to announce balance DPU maybe good,


2016-12-29 01:33 | Report Abuse the payment is for up to 15th Dec. Private placement proceed mainly is to acquired Menara Shell. DPU will still at least more than 6% after PP. good to invest more if you looking for more than 6% return if the price not more than 1.23


2016-12-20 23:54 | Report Abuse Msia Reits getting expensive, I had disposed most of them but still remain Mqreit and YTL REITS where the cash flow still stable and good. if you like Reits, perhaps should starts look at Spore Reits where currently are on superb sales due to recession, some with very stable income still offering 6-9.5% yields and NTA 15%-35% undervalued. Like Voted Best Asia REIT in 2015 Ascott REIT , SGD 1.14 DPU >0.08, NTA 1.32. SABANA (high yields, and improve stabilize revenue) SGD 0.45 DPU 0.048 NTA 0.81, SUNTEC (occupancy 98%)1.645 DPU 0.105 NTA 2.10......


2016-12-20 23:45 | Report Abuse PP normally offer to wealthy account with the appointed Marchant banker to issue pp.


2016-12-20 23:42 | Report Abuse Grab the opportunity to invest with low price when is still available


2016-12-20 23:39 | Report Abuse PP for YTL REIT with 9.25% discounted price @RM1.06. These people who sell mainly are those who wants quick profit but not genuine investors. Of course, some of them also panic sellers sold when the price suddenly drops.


2016-12-18 12:27 | Report Abuse

Last DPU is to clear cash flow retain before Placement for acquired Menara Shell and is up to 16th Dec. Mqreit will still have cash flow from 17th till 31st Dec. Therefore, likely end January will declare some distribution
18/12/2016 12:23


2016-12-18 00:15 | Report Abuse

By the way, their cost 9.25% discount at 1.06, which make more than 4 cents.


2016-12-18 00:14 | Report Abuse

No wonder foreigners don't like to invest in Malaysia. Big fish eating small fishes ...


2016-12-18 00:13 | Report Abuse You are right. Not just Merchant banker, the YTL reits management also irresponsible people. Simply offer to public who have Wealthy accounts with merchant banker but not truly long term YTL reit investors. I'm one of the long term YTL reit collecting YTL reit from RM0.735 since 2009 to highest RM1.22 in Nov 2016 try all methods just can't have the change to apply for the private placement. This is not fair to existing long term investors.


2016-12-18 00:04 | Report Abuse

Reits DPU doesn't depends on P&L but depend on Cash Flow. Not realise P&L will not affect the cash flow therefore, Reits with Losses still able to give distribution as long as there is positive cash flow. YTL reit make losses mainly due to Aussie borrowing for Australia assets. Borrowing became more due to AD appreciate against RM but at the same time the Australia assets also appreciate due to AD and asset appreciation. This is why when YTL reit make losses, they still can give 100% distribution and at the same time NTA also increase to 1.4+ from 1.3+.