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2020-10-05 16:19 | Report Abuse

Looking good for a strong close :)


2020-10-05 16:08 | Report Abuse

Looking at the tape reading, it will try to test 9.80 level again..whether breaks or not, up to the operator/ big players.

Holding VERY well within striking distance of 9.80, after moving up quite a lot today. Good sign.


2020-10-01 21:43 | Report Abuse

Check the date of these articles: July 2020

Oct 1, 2020 8:53 PM | Report Abuse

MCO to be re-enforced if covid -19 cases escalate - health ministry DG

But now already 3-digits!!!

Better don't wait until 4-digits!!!


2020-10-01 11:28 | Report Abuse

It would be irresponsible to call for GE now. Look what happened in Sabah..spike in Covid cases, and even spread to Peninsula Msia.
Therefore it is unlikely for now. Later on..can't be ruled out, of course.


2020-10-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

Overall market sentiment weak..CI down 12 pts.
Some interest now switched to tech stocks..which might be a good thing ironically lol
Accumulate on weakness & hold. Contra trade not advisable.
Fundamentals will prevail in the medium to long term.
Keep the faith :)


2020-09-25 17:07 | Report Abuse

Yes, bonus is free & number of shares does increase..but this does not mean VALUE is diluted. That's why we have EPS (earnings PER SHARE), for eg, to value it.

Simple is fine, agreed..but must have LOGIC!

Ok I'm done feeding the troll for today lol. Cheers.

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 25, 2020 4:47 PM | Report Abuse

Calculation, need not be complex.

BONUS is FREE, yes given or alms for beggars holding the stock.
However, it increases # of shares, which dilutes the stock value.


2020-09-25 16:40 | Report Abuse

I have seen many anjing also much smarter than this!


2020-09-25 16:32 | Report Abuse

What nonsense calculation is this lol

You're basically saying that if there is a 2 for 1 BI, the 2 bonus share are worth zero. (Just take the peak and divide by 3. Huh?)
Load of BS!

Posted by DickyMe > Sep 25, 2020 4:04 PM | Report Abuse

Last high RM 29.30

Considering bonus issue which spiked the number of shares, what is the possible value of this stock?

RM29.3 - ( RM29.3 × 66.66% ) = RM 9.76862.


2020-09-25 10:53 | Report Abuse

Don't forget that Harta & Kossan havent split their shares.
When TG is up 30sen, it actually means up 90sen since u have 3 times the number of shares (if you want to compare to Harta n kossan)


2020-09-25 08:26 | Report Abuse

I think EPF is under pressure to deliver decent returns for its holders.

In the present uncertain economic & market environment (with banks suspending dividends for now, other co's with low dividends,etc), they had to buy in more into glove stocks like TG (which has a 50% dividend payout policy). If not, very hard for EPF to deliver 5-6% returns this coming FY.

That is why when TG brought fwd the ex-date for div payout, EPF had to rush in and start buying this week.
Just my view.


2020-09-24 16:34 | Report Abuse

New Bursa ruling:

You can only buy TG at RM4 if you have a 4 inch di#k


2020-09-24 14:47 | Report Abuse

Market must be real hot due to TG. My system also hang already lol.
No worries..already loaded up and just watching the show.
No immediate plans to sell either :)


2020-09-24 12:20 | Report Abuse

Higher highs. Trend is clear today.


2020-09-24 11:12 | Report Abuse

To all the naysayers, gloom & doom guys, "glove is over" idiots...If you have money in EPF, you are now also TG shareholders.
So don't talk bad about your own investment ;)


2020-09-24 10:30 | Report Abuse

Nice movement. Higher highs.
Buyers look serious today.
Hold tight..don't try to be cute and 'sell & buyback', etc.
Just my opinion :)


2020-09-23 22:08 | Report Abuse

22 lots ESOS also they want to use to scare investors lol (facepalm)

Posted by mf > Sep 23, 2020 9:55 PM | Report Abuse

23-Sep-2020 Additional Listing ESOS - 22,300 shares at 4.25


2020-09-23 14:55 | Report Abuse

Guys..dont listen and be distracted by all the 'noise'. They have ulterior motives.
Stay focused..set a target price and execute it when the time comes.

This is for the people who can hold btw. For trading, there are obviously other risks. I hardly trade on TG n hold.
(There are other more 'speculative' stocks if you HAVE to trade).


2020-09-22 11:48 | Report Abuse

Better to have a backup system, just in case.
That is, if you're using hp, have laptop backup..and vice versa.

I'm using HLe. Had some problems before, but lately ok thankfully.


2020-09-21 16:41 | Report Abuse

Congrats to those who managed to add ;)
Green Green Grass of Home :)


2020-09-21 16:38 | Report Abuse


The only thing black is your heart


2020-09-21 16:35 | Report Abuse

So many people concerned about my well being and my funds. How nice.
I feel sooo lucky hahaha


2020-09-20 22:09 | Report Abuse

These "Glove Is Over" jokers really make me laugh sometimes.
Ok..if you think glove stocks play is over, that's fine. I don't agree..but you have a right to your opinion.

But if really "Glove Is Over", shouldn't you be researching other sectors or stocks to buy? What are you still doing here in the TG forum?? Maybe you're 'concerned' about others losing money? Ok..I may believe that reason if you mentioned it once or twice. But if you say it 10-20 times a day, and spend HOURS in this forum..then there must be some other motive, right?

Hallo..people are not that stupid lah. You guys are just being a nuisance and making fools of yourselves. Find more productive ways to spend your time, ok? This is really pathetic.

Advice for everyone: Just scroll down when you see the usual culprits spouting their nonsense lol. Ok, rant over :)


2020-09-19 21:46 | Report Abuse

I doubt it was a margin call. Margin calls are done based on closing price I think (never have had a margin a/c actually). Anyway I read that broking firms are very conservative with margin given for glove stocks these days, bcos they are so volatile. But this is a good thing..would take a massive drop to trigger margin calls on glove stocks.

No, I think these were just intraday traders/ contra players..when they saw price dropping on announcement, they also sold (whether profit or loss). The big seller (whoever that is) killed the mkt sentiment.
Btw 10.94 was the limit up price for that day, if I'm not mistaken. Shows you how bullish some people were. would have been a very good day!


2020-09-19 21:05 | Report Abuse

Like many people , I was watching the market open after lunch on the 17th (after QR release). I don't pay much attention to pre-mkt quotes, so I can't comment on that. (Ppl key in crazy prices for that!)

But I do remember the opening traded price was around rm8.40 (when mkt closed at 8.71 before lunch, as your screenshot shows).
Now if this was an institution/big player or whatever, trying to take profit..what would they do? Well, in a bullish market (after record earnings announced), you would slowly sell on the way up, right?
Maybe sell some at 8.80, 8.90, rm9.00 and above, etc. You get a better average selling price. Simple logic.
Here the seller keyed in huge volume to sell at lower price. ie they wanted to 'kill' the bullish sentiment and force the price down. Other people then also scared to buy lol.
We all know who wants to see lower prices, and are even prepared to spend (lose) money to see lower price...


2020-09-18 22:03 | Report Abuse

Good post. Agreed.


2020-09-18 21:50 | Report Abuse

Ya..a lot of "loopholes" were exposed during the 08-09 financial crisis.
Remember one of the IBs (JP Morgan, I think) was selling the sub-prime mortgages..then buying insurance against it from AIG (ie. they knew it was going to fail, and yet they continued to promote them!) That's how AIG got fcuked lol


2020-09-18 21:32 | Report Abuse

Although I never trade in CW, I was aware of them. But usually, CW are just used as a trading tool, and almost *always* they are "out of the money" (ie. no value at expiration date & IBs make money). With the glove counters, IBs miscalculated..they never expected the mother share to go so high. That's why they face this problem now (have to settle cash with investors who bought the CW at low prices).
But I think it's a grey area whether what they (IBs) are doing is *illegal* (definitely unethical imo)


2020-09-18 21:12 | Report Abuse

On a general note, I noticed that the *style* of trading is slowly changing. I think most (not all) of the newcomers to the market in the last few months are intraday *momentum* traders. ie. they buy when the price is already moving, ride the momentum, and then sell (the 'buy high, sell higher' trade). When going up they panic buy, when drop they panic sell. Hence, the big swings in prices.

But this type of trading is becoming less successful lately, especially with TG. (It may still work with those penny stks/ goreng counters).
This is good news for TG imo. While we all like to trade a bit and take a punt sometimes, I'm sure most of us medium to long term investors would prefer a "slow and steady" upward movement. This is a better and faster way for the stock to reach its "fair value" or equilibrium price...which the results clearly suggest is much higher than the current price.

There are other factors, of course, like the CW issue (which I admit I did not foresee, as I only trade in the mother share, not CW)..but these are temporary factors (albeit a frustrating one lol). Investment requires some patience :)


2020-09-18 11:38 | Report Abuse

Top Glv MD on CNBC now.

Speaking mainly about HK listing


2020-09-18 10:38 | Report Abuse

Agreed Bounty.
I have respect for CIMB Research and a few others. Even though they have CW issued, the research team is honest and gives a true analysis based on results.

By right, there is supposed to be a "wall" between the Research and Trading arms of IBs. One is not supposed to be influenced by the other. But nowadays, in the "win at all cost" mentality, this practice is not followed by most IBs anymore, sadly.

Posted by BountyOfTheBourse > Sep 18, 2020 10:26 AM | Report Abuse

But IBs like CGS-CIMBResearch & Maybank Research I think are cool

They don't simply throw downgrading reports with visibly wicked intentions


2020-09-18 10:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, our suspicions about IBs pushing down prices yday is most likely true. Was wondering the same thing yday: Who would sell so much? (Even with the 'sell on news' strategy).

Retailers don't have *that* much..and institutions won't sell with that high volume when results are that excellent (beating even most bullish estimates).

So for now, it's going to be retailers/institutions/SBB vs. IBs haha.
Long term players can use the opportunity to accumulate slowly on dips.
And as I mentioned yday, buy with your own funds (contra & margin will put time pressure on your trading. Not advisable).


2020-09-17 15:54 | Report Abuse

Eventually, long term, the share price will return closer to or at the fundamental value. Maybe now too much speculation going on.

Posted by berational> Sep 17, 2020 3:24 PM | Report Abuse

guys, i know out of you might knowledgeable but please understand now many players are newbie. they dont see fundamental, just sell on news.


2020-09-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

Ppl should be thankful that there is a dividend at all, considering TG can be classified as a 'growth' stock (with high 'Beta')
Just check how much dividend those tech stocks give you.

If you're looking for dividend yield, perhaps this isn't the stock for you..


2020-09-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

They are trying to shake out the contra players. Or perhaps IBs trying to press down due to the CW issue.
Doesn't bother me either way. Those who have holding power (not contra or margin), it's a good buying opportunity imo.

Using forward PE (which I don't usually, but in this case we can becos ASPs haven't peaked yet)..even at 15 times PE (ie. VERY conservative), price should be around rm9.50.
Ppl usually use 20 times PE..=> rm12.60.

Btw the dividend is actually 25.5 sen (since you now have 3 times the number of shares).


2020-09-15 10:37 | Report Abuse

Ya..we need to be brave. Don't be an 'Octopussy' lol

9300 posts
Posted by Mabel > Sep 15, 2020 10:29 AM | Report Abuse

#JBond007 Stay invested, all must believe 'Diamonds Are Forever' & ' Tomorrow Never Dies'. Do not play contra as in 'Casino Royale'.


2020-09-15 10:28 | Report Abuse

Every other day, we hear about 'vaccine hope'. Don't get spooked. They are just in Phase 3 trials (some just starting phase 3 now).
Will take a few months at least before they even discover a safe vaccine. Then..have to get approval; then have to administer it.
6 - 12 months at the very earliest (best case scenario)

Anyway I think glove usage will be part of the 'new normal' going fwd..demand ain't gonna drop for quite awhile. Definitely safe to hold glove stocks for at least next 2-3 quarters imo (Can review the situation after that).
Just my 2 cents.


2020-09-15 09:40 | Report Abuse

There are some extra shares being listed today..not that much, but their cost is very low. So they will probably sell.

It's ok, let them sell first. Operator will let them clear first, then push up again later.
Anyway some profit taking is it won't be too 'over-bought'.
Those traders that sell will buy back later, most probably at higher price lol


2020-09-11 09:43 | Report Abuse

Share buyback usually means that the owner/management feels their share price is undervalued. TG sent a clear message yday with the 2 announcements. Agressive SBB; and QR on 17th (ie. Results will be very good). Have to read between the lines.

*How* the mkt reacts to those numbers..that's another story.
But for now..the price is (was) grossly undervalued, based on next 2 to 3 quarter results.


2020-09-11 09:24 | Report Abuse

Whether SBB or not, the buyers look serious tdy. I think we may have seen the lows for this round :)


2020-09-08 16:15 | Report Abuse

whether buying or selling, try not to queue at "round" figure (eg 7.50, 8.0, 7.0). Long queue there. 'Pay' the 1 or 2 sen more and queue at 7.51 or 7.52 (or if selling 7.98 or 7.99). Better chance to get matched. Just my opinion.