Blog Posts
2022-10-07 09:21 | Report Abuse
All in lah What you waiting for
Hoot9E .... 0.04
Jit Pai hoseh liao......
2022-10-06 12:59 | Report Abuse
All in lah What you waiting for
Hoot9E .... 0.04
Jit Pai hoseh liao......
2022-09-28 15:43 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
All in lah What you waiting for
Hoot9E .... 0.04
Jit Pai hoseh liao
2022-09-28 15:33 | Report Abuse
Fear or no feel
Buy on fear lah
2022-09-28 15:00 | Report Abuse
Fear or no feel
Buy on fear lah
2022-09-28 14:58 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
All in lah What you waiting for
Hoot9E .... 0.04
Jit Pai hoseh liao
2022-09-28 14:51 | Report Abuse
World Bank ups Malaysia’s 2022 GDP forecast
Dirty dealings. Corporate battles. Consumer woes. Here are five things you need to know today.
1. The World Bank has raised its 2022 economic growth forecast for Malaysia to 6.4% from 5.5% previously.
2022-09-22 16:43 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
Where are you
Should come out burn fire cracker shouting now
Come come come
2022-09-22 16:37 | Report Abuse
Common baby
Let me match my 0.035 fast fast.
I’ve been waiting for you for so long
Have also 0.03
You fear I no feel
2022-09-07 17:13 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
I still couldn’t match more at 3 cents
Why you not work harder enough
2022-09-07 17:11 | Report Abuse
No big deal 20%
Tomorrow same same can go up 20% as well mah
Piece of cake
No fear at all man
That’s the difference buy now rather than bought at 4.50
Say what you like to mislead
No one care
2022-09-05 15:17 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
Why lah keep no close shop as your wish yet
Or at least touch 3 cents
2022-08-30 10:16 | Report Abuse
Uncle run run run where are you.
Got collect lap sap Ura or not
Don’t want collect lumpsum collect lah checkit checkit
The world is so beautiful
2022-08-24 14:44 | Report Abuse
Like this chance to grab Sebadk liao
See also steam steam
2022-08-23 09:57 | Report Abuse
Like that today surely uncle all very quiet
Thought can recollect at 4 cents
Wait till neck damm long
Uncle runrunrun
I’m begging please sell more if you have, please lah sell all at once
Work harder, convince more to sell
Lai lai lai
2022-08-11 21:00 | Report Abuse
Don’t run
Sleep like baby ok
2022-08-09 09:01 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun must be too sad to read this as he was once stuck too high to recover.
Once bitten so high now forever shy and siao liao
Kesian kesian kesian
Diam membisu beralas alam
Lamunan asa kian tenggelam
Dalam semerbak aroma malam
Hingga hening berteman kelam
Ketika jiwa terasa mencekam
Datanglah sang penghuni kalam
Beraksara hiasan langit hitam
Terlantun melodi nyanyian seram
Gejolak jiwa terbuai gelombang
Hilang ditelan bayang-bayang
Sejenak diam dalam bimbang
Terlamun hati kian mengambang
Mengambang sepi bertabur sunyi
Terus terbuai angan hati
Kala jiwa berpangku sanubari
Di ruang hampa tak menepi
2022-08-05 15:18 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
Dimana kamu dimana di sini bukan
Kemana kamu kemana ke sini bukan
Katanya pergi sebentar ternyata lama
Tahukah aku sendiri menunggu kamu
2022-08-04 17:56 | Report Abuse
Shall be part of the criteria for the CEO agreeing the offered annual numeration in exchange
These shares shall not be sold for whatever price as long as he’s still a CEO in the company.
Risk taken !!!
2022-08-04 17:42 | Report Abuse
1M Share by CEO Mohd Anuar Bin Taib
Nicely done
Seriously brewing
2022-08-04 17:00 | Report Abuse
`Where is Uncle? today uncle no kerja, wearing pink panty busy chasing his wife?
Uncle runrunrun running around in school lah as his fav phrase was NO SCHOOL KA
Diam membisu beralas alam
Lamunan asa kian tenggelam
Dalam semerbak aroma malam
Hingga hening berteman kelam
Ketika jiwa terasa mencekam
Datanglah sang penghuni kalam
Beraksara hiasan langit hitam
Terlantun melodi nyanyian seram
Gejolak jiwa terbuai gelombang
Hilang ditelan bayang-bayang
Sejenak diam dalam bimbang
Terlamun hati kian mengambang
Mengambang sepi bertabur sunyi
Terus terbuai angan hati
Kala jiwa berpangku sanubari
Di ruang hampa tak menepi
2022-08-03 18:11 | Report Abuse
Nicely done
Seriously brewing
Brurp brurpp brurppppp......
Uncle Runrunrun
Jangan minum banyak beer
Sikolah tarak ajarkah
2022-08-03 15:28 | Report Abuse
#TalkNumberOne Mabel, 1 uncle quiet already what happen? You gave him money to buy some pink panties?
03/08/2022 7:58 AM
Haha Jackpots..
Mabel's favourite colors..hihihi..
No wonder all sold out at Mabel's Parkson...
Now Mabel understand..hihihi...
Uncle runrunrun went to school la.....
2022-08-03 11:39 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
Up a bit still aroundlah
Up a little more, bang balls
Up somemore, hang himself la
2022-08-03 11:34 | Report Abuse
Clearly uncle runrunrun simpan dendam yang sangat mendalam because got sangkut above RM2 RM1 otherwise where got keep suggesting people run but still stay so long observing the price.
2022-08-03 10:20 | Report Abuse
Uncle runrunrun
Jangan sedih duit habis stuck kat harga atas2
Dulu itu dulu
Sikalang ada Peluang
Bukalah hati bukalah lembaran baharu
Diam membisu beralas alam
Lamunan asa kian tenggelam
Dalam semerbak aroma malam
Hingga hening berteman kelam
Ketika jiwa terasa mencekam
Datanglah sang penghuni kalam
Beraksara hiasan langit hitam
Terlantun melodi nyanyian seram
Gejolak jiwa terbuai gelombang
Hilang ditelan bayang-bayang
Sejenak diam dalam bimbang
Terlamun hati kian mengambang
Mengambang sepi bertabur sunyi
Terus terbuai angan hati
Kala jiwa berpangku sanubari
Di ruang hampa tak menepi
2022-08-03 09:39 | Report Abuse
Nicely done
Uncle Runrunrun
Jangan minum banyak beer
Sikolah tarak ajarkah
2022-08-01 07:48 | Report Abuse
The usual sing gar diam memyepi seribu Bahas Sa
So, please don’t stop entertain the group here
We need you in here to run run and run
Dontlah be so quiet
No meaning
2022-07-29 23:16 | Report Abuse
B E L O W 4 C E N T S ?
Then how you expect a PN 17 with huge debt will perform just cz looking for assistance?
How long you expect it can recover when have >10 billions debt excluding coming interest?
M A N A ?
Itu belum out lagi the 2 very bad news.
B I L A ?
2 bad news otw meahhhh!
MY Bursa so exciting
2022-07-29 19:06 | Report Abuse
Engine started
To all season runners or pelarian tak kenal pasal, don’t emo during the weekend ya, maybe PNB just averaging .....
2022-07-18 16:42 | Report Abuse
I once had guinea PIG lah, also same like this
Very hard working
Runnnn only
Bangun tido, runnnn
Lepas makan, runnnn
Jatuh bangun, sambung runnn
Tapi last last tak kemana pun
2022-07-18 16:36 | Report Abuse
Lepas jatuh, bangun mau sambung Runnnn lagi sebab mau jaga muka punya pasal
2022-07-18 16:33 | Report Abuse
Nampak api saja berteriak lari lari lari sampai jatuh pik pok piak
Apa menda ni
Itu cahaya lampulah pakcik bukan api yang boleh bakar rumah
“If it is a sure front door on fire,you run through back door.
You no need to wait for bomba.”
2022-07-04 12:48 | Report Abuse
Betul kah bilis got stuck for next 12 mths
Or bilis is rich and don’t know what to do with the extra money, just sailang punting on Saprng
Who can guarantee in Bursa?
Damm kepoh for what
Mind your own moneylah dear uncle & auntie
The questions is you dare or not even if you afford ma, right?
Pop corns nyomnyomm
2022-06-28 10:14 | Report Abuse
Everyone know
Mother is woman
Father is man
Keep on shouting don’t buy don’t buy
Suddenly now said sell on news
You no buy what you want to sell leh
2022-06-27 22:53 | Report Abuse
Yabaa double do
Siapa sakit hati tu
Everyone know
Mother is woman
Father is man
Why no let me average down at 3 cents
2022-06-24 15:59 | Report Abuse
Merah mata
Hitam hati
Putih kocek
Kuning otak
Hijau Sapnrg
Everyone know
Mother is woman
Father is man
Comment benda baru lah wei
Jangan asyik repeat benda semua orang sudah tau
2022-06-23 22:44 | Report Abuse
Yang beli tarak susah hati, hari hari tidur lena
Yang tarak bola beli, manyak susah hati sentiasa bising sebiji maciam tat ayam
Everyone know
Mother is woman
Father is man
2022-06-23 22:41 | Report Abuse
Don’t know it’s coincident or not
Dnex, Hibi & Nestcon I sold all mine with some profits and increased my stakes in Sapnrg
SD cut lost around 80cents (-20%) and never touch after that
As for Sapnrg, I start buying beginning of last year when the price around 12 cents and it gone up to 16cents shortly. I hold and never sell.
So, why should I sell it now
I keep on continue average down from time to time.
Appetite so strong to do so again if it really touched 3 cents
2022-06-23 21:48 | Report Abuse
Everyone know
Mother is woman
Father is man
Comment benda baru lah wei
Jangan asyik repeat benda semua orang sudah tau
2022-06-23 21:47 | Report Abuse
#masalahnya apsal diorg ni concern sgt sampai siang malam ratip benda sma? dpt duit ke?
Kalah Di masa dulu dulu.
Masa harga atas siling RM1 RM2 RM3 pun ada.
Tak boleh move on sebab pajak harta benda, gadai harta, rumah porak peranda nyaris -nyaris masuk keranda.
Kini umur pun dah tua, jantung dah tak kuat, lemah semangat.
Maka siang malam pun tak boleh nak tidur bimbang tiba - tiba Sapura meroket
Amat Kesian pada mereka -mereka ini
2022-10-11 08:25 | Report Abuse
All in lah What you waiting for
Hoot9E .... 0.04
Jit Pai hoseh liao......