
OldReader74 | Joined since 2023-09-19

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2023-09-21 20:08 | Report Abuse

Even login, these certain people read non sense questions also lazy to answer. Time is money and also better spend with children, parents and not some maniac in public forum. Hehehe


2023-09-21 20:07 | Report Abuse

Be humble and ask politely and you may get answer. But then not everyone willing to spend personal time in public forum. You see, people busy with life, work, children, traffic jam, friends. This forum for certain ppl, they login whenever they remember and have time


2023-09-21 14:52 | Report Abuse

Sorry, got life outside. Don't know about you, doctor sslee aka sawa. Haiyah, kesian, correct kah? Betul. Hehehehe

Good for repost
Top 6 Reasons Insas Not A Good Stock
1. No volume, no liquidity
2. See the trend. Stuck long long
3. Time is cost and opportunity
4. Main shareholders do not care for minority
5. Look at other with liquidity. You can sit 10 years here
6. You want to best inflation. That why invest in stock market and not fd


2023-09-21 13:03 | Report Abuse

Hehehe. Doctor sslee, are you 100% sure that you never gave wrong inf, wrong interpretation and misled people? Look at the mirror and ask yourself again. You been caught for misleading, selective prosecution, wrong info again and again.

From COVID-19 acting like professional healthcare personnel and wrong advice. Repeat wrong advice until today. You just don't change your behaviours.

You know, there is reason why you stuck insas long long. Karma.......hehehehe


2023-09-21 12:38 | Report Abuse

You know karma. It's sslee karma to get stuck insas from all his wrongdoings. Hehehe


2023-09-21 12:36 | Report Abuse

Look I dont want whacked him kaw kaw. He losing again and again. Hehehe


2023-09-21 12:35 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee always want to be everything and act smart although he tak tau langsung. Doctor sslee full of hatred, bias and selective prosecution punya.

You sendiri baca he posted AirAsia Japan filed bankruptcy bla bla but omitted this

Proven doctor sslee a full hatred, bias, dengki, jealous person. Hehehe


2023-09-21 12:30 | Report Abuse

Haiyah, Doctor sslee losing again and caught for act smart, but tak tau actually. Give him face and don't hentam so kaw


2023-09-21 12:29 | Report Abuse

Good points. How to identify and recognise stock bad for investment. Hehehe

Top 6 Reasons Insas Not A Good Stock
1. No volume, no liquidity
2. See the trend. Stuck long long
3. Time is cost and opportunity
4. Main shareholders do not care for minority
5. Look at other with liquidity. You can sit 10 years here
6. You want to best inflation. That why invest in stock market and not fd


2023-09-21 12:21 | Report Abuse

Fact. Good to repost. Hehehe

Top 6 Reasons Insas Not A Good Stock
1. No volume, no liquidity
2. See the trend. Stuck long long
3. Time is cost and opportunity
4. Main shareholders do not care for minority
5. Look at other with liquidity. You can sit 10 years here
6. You want to best inflation. That why invest in stock market and not fd


2023-09-21 09:44 | Report Abuse

Another good point to sell Insas. Look at how complicated the whole process and waiting time. Everything is let say let say by sslee alternate ID.

We buy stock and sell higher. There are many stock with liquidity and give higher return in short time.

Example CapitalA and watch the trend .You can gain more than FD in shorter time.

Top 6 Reasons Insas Not A Good Stock
1. No volume, no liquidity
2. See the trend. Stuck long long
3. Time is cost and opportunity
4. Main shareholders do not care for minority
5. Look at other with liquidity. You can sit 10 years here
6. You want to best inflation. That why invest in stock market and not fd


2023-09-21 09:10 | Report Abuse

Nice point, doctor sslee. Exactly for readers to know. Buy Insas is like FD. You want to earn only 2-3% from stock market? Why you buy stock, of course to earn higher and best inflation.

1. No volume, no liquidity
2. See the trend. Stuck long long
3. Time is cost and opportunity
4. Main shareholders do not care for minority
5. Look at other with liquidity. You can sit 10 years here
6. You want to best inflation. That why invest in stock market and not fd


2023-09-21 09:04 | Report Abuse

Good stock tips for readers here. Sell insas sebab strong reasons below

1. No volume, no liquidity
2. See the trend. Stuck long long
3. Time is cost and opportunity
4. Main shareholders do not care for minority
5. Look at other with liquidity. You can sit 10 years here

Remember time is money


2023-09-21 09:01 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...you know you losing again


2023-09-21 09:00 | Report Abuse

I have fun rebutting wrong info from you, doctor sslee. Wear mask, breathe hard, train your lung stronger


2023-09-21 08:55 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee already alternate ID early morning. Did you wear mask today, can continue to train your lung. You said you know.... breathe hard


2023-09-20 20:28 | Report Abuse

Your insas, bila mau tulis surat complain to
Malaysia newspapers
Singapore newspapers
Bursa IR
Dow Jones IR
Police department
Makcik Kiah

Make noise la, or you want hold insas at current price for the next 20 years? Hehehe, halo don't be chicken ok


2023-09-20 20:25 | Report Abuse

That's why sslee made the loudest noise. You know how the saying goes, empty can tong tong tong. That's sslee.

Your insas, bila mau tulis surat complain to Malaysia newspapers, Singapore newspapers, Bursa IR, Dow Jones IR complaining that you kena stuck long long time and Nadi long term fixed depositor. Hehehehe


2023-09-20 20:23 | Report Abuse

Sslee act pandai again....zzzz...always act smart but kena tangkap empty tin


2023-09-20 12:23 | Report Abuse

Kekeke....afk...let doctor sslee bang wall with alternate ID dulu... wahahaha


2023-09-20 12:22 | Report Abuse

Sslee advice was wrong. Garbage in garbage out. Wrote blog wrong info for what......hmmmm must be stressful and frustrated holding insas long long


2023-09-20 12:02 | Report Abuse

Because no factor can drive insas upwards except major shareholders but the owner tak peduli minority.

Minority cannot do anything unless they control 50.1% shareholdings. Hehehe. So tunggu and trap long long in insas like doctor sslee. Wahahaha


2023-09-20 12:00 | Report Abuse

John, doctor sslee aka ular sawa tak boleh answer factor to drive insas price upwards. Why ah?


2023-09-20 11:59 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee proven to act smart but wrong, gave sky picked theory advice. Wear mask, breathe hard, train lung strong advice. WHO or any professional healthcare never issue wear mask made you breathe harder and train your lung function to be strong.

All SSLee self imagination created theory, apa la. Tak tau jangan act la

Seriously, sell insas la


2023-09-20 10:48 | Report Abuse

Ok seriously why buy insas? Tengok pun tak boleh naik...wait until neck long....no volume, no catalyst, no main shareholders generous towards minority, dividend worse than fixed deposit

Ini macam good? Sell la, jual la


2023-09-20 10:46 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee tak boleh answer why he deleted wear mask, breathe harder and train lung stronger blog/posts? Hehehe


2023-09-20 10:29 | Report Abuse

Wear mask, breathe harder and calm down, doctor sslee.... hehehe


2023-09-20 10:29 | Report Abuse

Sslee alternate ID is ularsawa. Aiyahhhh, macam ini pun boleh


2023-09-20 10:26 | Report Abuse

But doctor sslee why you deleted your wear mask, breathe hard and train lung stronger blog? Your ego kena crushed, so you feel shamed?


2023-09-20 10:24 | Report Abuse

Still seeking answer why sslee recommended wear mask, breathe hard and train lung stronger during COVID time.... challenge people with sky picked theory...wakakaka


2023-09-20 10:23 | Report Abuse

Kekeke....in life we will meet people think they are pandai but not...their ego blind them like sslee


2023-09-20 09:53 | Report Abuse

But but but his stock investment still koyak..look at insas...hmmmm


2023-09-20 09:52 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee is an artist now...wohoooo....sslee from wannabe doctor, scientists, accountant and now geng artist....upgrade


2023-09-20 09:49 | Report Abuse

Helllloooooo insas shareholders. How it feels to have return worse than fixed deposit rate.....ask doctor sslee....he know better than anyone


2023-09-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

Time to visit insas forum....wahahaha


2023-09-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

You got memory loss or feel shamed for your past postings and choose not to remember..... hehehe


2023-09-20 09:46 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee. First rule is wear mask. Second rule wear double mask....your sky picked theory


2023-09-19 17:20 | Report Abuse

Just like your wear mask, breathe hard, train lung stronger theory....doctor sslee plucked from sky, ocean, tree, klcc and air. Now he plucked something for AirAsia.....laugh die me show ssLee part2


2023-09-19 17:19 | Report Abuse

Wowwwww doctor sslee copy paste long long but but he tak faham what he doing..... hahahaha laugh die me


2023-09-19 16:41 | Report Abuse

doctor sslee, your self delusion masih belum ok. Do not angry okkkkk....breathe slowly 1....2.......3


2023-09-19 16:40 | Report Abuse

Munch munch. You sure or not doctor sslee, last time said wear mask, breathe harder and train lung stronger...simply create your own self imagination theory


2023-09-19 16:05 | Report Abuse

Doctor sslee Masih holding insas...waluehhhhh geng no wonder so emooooo


2023-09-19 15:55 | Report Abuse

Lee soon sheng why ah why you love to delete post, blog that are looking stupppeed...why ah boleh answer


2023-09-19 15:52 | Report Abuse

You losing badly sslee....hehehe..morre wayang show


2023-09-19 15:52 | Report Abuse

Lena whacked by forumer kaw2. Of course he already deleted the blog...he think he is doctor and gave advice .....kakakaka


2023-09-19 15:50 | Report Abuse

Lee soon sheng ingat dia pandai tapi hahahaha. He think he is everything like last time......wrote a blog and tell ppl wear mask, breathe harder and train lung stronger....hehehe


2023-09-19 15:45 | Report Abuse

You lost badly to me in COVID-19 time. Come do not lose again this round. Hehehe


2023-09-19 15:44 | Report Abuse

Haiyah come come fight more. Let us laugh you like long ago


2023-09-19 15:43 | Report Abuse

Been reading this forum for long....Munch munch biscuits......sslee is losing badly, so emotional. exactly got caught by seninvesting, one text and 2 replies with 9 minutes. Come come do more, don't lose...munch munch