
OpporturnityHunter | Joined since 2021-03-22

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2021-10-15 09:37 | Report Abuse

if today price remains at 0.385 leh, both of you shake hand and stop battle first leh, next week baru fight leh, hehhehehe


2021-10-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

next week is long for us, we more worry today price, wuwuwuwuw, cry cry


2021-10-15 09:35 | Report Abuse

@Cn21, aiyoyo, announce on the last day of this month leh, already inform leh leh


2021-10-15 09:32 | Report Abuse

if raise leh, i mean for today, FSX123, apologize to killshorties, if today drop leh, killshorties say sorry to FSX123 leh, hehehheee. Next week punya harge, next week baru cakap leh. You guy gamble again next week leh for next week price, ehehehehe


2021-10-15 09:29 | Report Abuse

both of you just relax first, both got their own points and both very firm firm leh. hehehehe. So, i cannot wait to see the result at 4.50.01, cheers,


2021-10-15 09:28 | Report Abuse

lai lai lai, we open our eye see whether FSX123 or killshorties, who is correct. Hehehe, see end of today to conclude. Both gentleman, we see see who is right at 4.50p.m today , ehehehehehe


2021-10-14 22:09 | Report Abuse

hehehe@killshorties, should ask Kenanga, hehehehehe


2021-10-14 22:01 | Report Abuse

This kind of see wind drive boat report, you know how to write , i also can leh


2021-10-14 21:55 | Report Abuse

if tomorrow raise to 0.60, you may see the below leh leh :

With that, from a technical standpoint, the stock could climb to test our resistance thresholds of RM0.75 (R1; 17% upside potential) and RM1.00 (R2; 26% upside potential).

my opinion leh, hehehe


2021-10-14 21:54 | Report Abuse

hehehehe, just read and judge your own loh. Sometimes leh, most of the so called financial institution, when they see God, they will talk in God language. God will say you are right. When they see ghost, they will talk in Ghost language leh. Ghost will say you are right leh. a month ago, you see their statement, , different kind leh, hehehehe. See wind drive the ship leh, hehehehe


2021-10-14 20:42 | Report Abuse

Donald Trumphss said No one know banking better than I do. Hunter said No one know SD better than I do, hehehehe. sure raise one


2021-10-14 20:39 | Report Abuse

sure will raise one, i want to buy more lot but sad sad no money to buy 1 more lot, raise raise leh


2021-10-14 20:36 | Report Abuse

tomorrow raise raise raise to 0.41, but I have strong feeling tomorrow will sure break 0.435, so happy leh


2021-10-14 20:34 | Report Abuse

if raise to 1.60, I can buy my first ever car i.e. viva second hand cheers


2021-10-14 20:33 | Report Abuse

lah lah lah, lah lah lah, pity i got 1 lot only, sad sad and cry cry


2021-10-14 17:25 | Report Abuse

tomorrow up up up to 0.41 leh


2021-10-14 17:24 | Report Abuse

@dickyMe3, later you kena scold , you baru tahu , hehehehe


2021-10-14 17:20 | Report Abuse

Aunty, no no, we are not fighting, we are just making fun here leh, No fighting no fighting leh


2021-10-14 17:14 | Report Abuse

lai lai lai, tomorrow raise raise raise raise to 0.41, cheers


2021-10-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

Uncle Lim and Aunty Jane , hehehehe


2021-10-14 17:12 | Report Abuse

@solomolo, thank you for your drink leh, very kind of you leh


2021-10-14 17:11 | Report Abuse

u see , i always say something all ppl like to listen, they happy, I happy , everyone happy, hehehehe


2021-10-14 17:08 | Report Abuse

@AuntyJane, sorry loh, i always trust you but I cannot say I trust you , later many ppl come to scold me loh, wuwuwuwuwu. In this world, ppl only like and love to listen to good thing leh. So Aunty Jane, you just said something ppl like to listen loh, hehehehehe


2021-10-14 17:02 | Report Abuse

i get trap, Sir, i stay at 10 floor and above Sir


2021-10-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

@pearlwhite, tak faham leh, what you try to tell, can explain a little little

ǷearlꙌhite .
RM45million profit from Genetec is good track record.

Good track record people, don't make error in investments.

RM45 million can buy >100 million shares of SD.

150% profit from SD how leh? if TP1.00

14/10/2021 4:56 PM


2021-10-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

@pearlwhite, you see, I said i trust what he said, like that you also so fast cakap me, sad sad loh


2021-10-14 16:55 | Report Abuse

@aiyoyo, pearlwhite, dont like that. I didnt scold him leh. i admire him and want to make him as my contoh leh, dont worry oh, i will not scold ppl one leh


2021-10-14 16:53 | Report Abuse

@interfund, you are my contoh, I will follow you , follow you to the sky, cheers


2021-10-14 16:52 | Report Abuse

I guess guess leh, you said break 0.365 game over, i trust you, it will drop below 0.365 and then drop to 0.305 leh then you will say good thing, price will raise again to 0.41 and then you sell again leh, memang bijak leh , I admire bijak guy leh leh


2021-10-14 16:50 | Report Abuse

cry cry with no tears


2021-10-14 16:50 | Report Abuse

@Interfund, i notice that you are super excited today even price drop leh, we are all here super sad wor


2021-10-14 16:47 | Report Abuse

@investing_Bursa, we go for kopi oh, enjoy today show here, hehehehe


2021-10-14 16:45 | Report Abuse

Now, I believe all here know you easy to get angry like a little women leh, calm down and be steady leh leh. I pity you buy Sd again and you are not at the right time to re-buy loh. Next time, must listen to what old say yeah, listen to FSX123


2021-10-14 16:43 | Report Abuse

my lovely armadatuah, dont like that. Just teach you , dont show ppl you are angry leh. really不是成大事的料, hehehehehe


2021-10-14 16:42 | Report Abuse

@Auntylee, SD suddenly become ikan masin , cry cry


2021-10-14 16:41 | Report Abuse

Let your little kids teach you 1), dont show your angry so easy - no EQ leh 2). be patience - no patience how to do big thing , ehehehehehe, so easy to get angry, lalalalalalah. Dont act like women, may be you are a women leh, hehehehe


2021-10-14 16:39 | Report Abuse

@ my lovely armadatuah, I suddenly think that you are suitable to come here as this platform very suitable for you leh, if in real world world, hard lah , you , hehehehehe


2021-10-14 16:37 | Report Abuse

hhahahahah, lah lah lah lah. So easy to get angry , 难成大事 leh, hehehehe


2021-10-14 16:36 | Report Abuse

@Really no father teach guy, the main purpose for me to kacau you hehehe is enjoy to see you angry and mengamuk leh. As far as you get angry and use those words, my motive is achieved leh, hehehe, very enjoy to see you mengamuk, hehehehe


2021-10-14 15:47 | Report Abuse

but dont worry, you punya geng kata counter ini akan naik di long term leh, hehehehe


2021-10-14 15:46 | Report Abuse

Biar saya teka teka huess guess, ada seorang, kata dia beli 1.60 and jual 0.90. suddengly marah kerana orang jual , taka dia beli jua lagi at 0.40 - 0.41. sekali beli, harga terus jatuh, tu sebab dia mengamuk lagi leh, ehehehehe. Armadatuah, my guess berulkeh, hehehehe


2021-10-14 15:42 | Report Abuse

diam diam sahaja, nanti you fall in the category of momkeys leh, hehehhe. But still better than ular and tikus dalam satu nest leh , hehehehe


2021-10-14 15:40 | Report Abuse

Tapi hairannya nampak ada geng pula, perpatah cina kata ular dan tikus dalam satu nest lah. Dulu saya tak faham, sekarang faham liao, hehhehehehe


2021-10-14 15:38 | Report Abuse

@Really got father but no father teach, have to put really, all word from this guy mouth , selain marah orang, masih marah orang, tak ada satu sentence tak marah orang, hehehehehe. Barbarian betul , hehehehehe


2021-10-14 15:37 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo, pandu 1, u said you know this counter will raise in long term, hehehehe. Who dont know that, hehehhe. share share something which is we all dont know leh, hehehehe


2021-10-14 15:33 | Report Abuse

@pandu1, yaloh, you know how to ask ppl you nak beli you beli loh, the same to you leh. You just mind your own business loh. PPl nak jual ppl jual, you nak beli you beli loh, aoyo , ada mulut cakap orang tak ada mulut cakap diri loh, alamak, am I talking to another one kind , ehehehehe


2021-10-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

Semua Monkeys, semua also include you lah, For other who never say anything, you also come out to make noise leh. you are one of the monkeys too, just less noise leh
Pandu1 Pls check d 1 month graph. Lowest 30sen n highest 42. Baru turun 3 sen semua monkeys sudah bising lo.
14/10/2021 1:04 PM


2021-10-14 13:01 | Report Abuse

@Got father but no father teach, why you scold ppl beggars leh, ppl have right to sell whenever they wanted to. Oh, you are a rich guy must be, rich guy why come here lah, go to Nestle, here SD is for poor guy leh, you go to Nestle loh. dont beat your face and then tell ppl you are a fat guy leh , eheheheh


armadatuah2017 only poor beggars will start cutloss....they hope for high return and minimal risks...so they will cutloss.
14/10/2021 12:55 PM


2021-10-14 12:55 | Report Abuse

seem that 0.305 - 0.410 trend happen again, cry cry with no tear


2021-10-14 12:50 | Report Abuse

Why Kader so easy to get trapped leh, didnt study good good before buying leh, It is always the case that one who can trao you is someone that you know well leh, hehehehe

newtrader1989 Hahaaha awang trapped abdul kader and people thought it was just a DBT. Lolzzz
14/10/2021 12:40 PM