Blog Posts
2020-10-19 10:58 | Report Abuse
Orlando MahSing analysis on rubber gloves future demand reinforced KAREX analysis of continued high demand in future that KAREX can gain from
16/10/2020 10:47 AM
Orlando KAREX wit its experience in gaining approvals for its condoms worldwide can comply wit regulatory requirements faster thn MahSing
KAREX more likely to succeed and wil succeed sooner thn MahSing
16/10/2020 10:50 AM
2020-10-19 10:57 | Report Abuse
Karex strong like me
All natural not artificial
2020-10-16 11:55 | Report Abuse
At personal level I m using a dozen condom a week
2020-10-16 11:08 | Report Abuse
Same bank HLIB has a FV 1.20 for KAREX but only 0.85 for MahSing
2020-10-16 11:02 | Report Abuse
Malaysia already labour problems shortage of workers n problems wit US how MahSing goin to find workers
KAREX Thai facilities no such problem
Thailand is must b afrer very carefully deliberations by KAREX
2020-10-16 10:51 | Report Abuse
Should buy KAREX first thn only changed to MahSing later
2020-10-16 10:50 | Report Abuse
KAREX wit its experience in gaining approvals for its condoms worldwide can comply wit regulatory requirements faster thn MahSing
KAREX more likely to succeed and wil succeed sooner thn MahSing
2020-10-16 10:47 | Report Abuse
MahSing analysis on rubber gloves future demand reinforced KAREX analysis of continued high demand in future that KAREX can gain from
2020-10-15 15:43 | Report Abuse
Orlando Wil all Malaysian rubber gloves companies goin to face d kind of social audit on labour practices like wat Karex has gone thru last time?
Karex is ok now bin there done tat
Karex rubber gloves in Thailand is goin to b ahead of all Malaysian rubber gloves
15/10/2020 3:40 PM
2020-10-15 15:42 | Report Abuse
Orlando Wil all Malaysian rubber gloves companies goin to face d kind of social audit on labour practices like wat Karex has gone thru last time?
Karex is ok now bin there done tat
Karex rubber gloves in Thailand is goin to b ahead of all Malaysian rubber gloves
15/10/2020 3:40 PM
2020-10-15 15:40 | Report Abuse
Wil all Malaysian rubber gloves companies goin to face d kind of social audit on labour practices like wat Karex has gone last time?
Karex is ok now bin there done tat
Karex rubber gloves in Thailand is goin to b ahead of all Malaysian rubber gloves
2020-10-15 15:24 | Report Abuse
Thailand has no forced labour problem
Karex goin to catch up
Karex oso earlier thn Mah Sing
2020-09-27 08:39 | Report Abuse
Notion cash 1st b4 delivery order from France highlight d stil very strong demand for rubber gloves
Karex price wil move up wit news n announcement on d progress made in d construction of its rubber gloves facility in Thailand
It is jz a matter of time
Based on d timeline given by KAREX shows KAREX knows wat r involved to set up a gloves facility as such very credible
2020-09-25 08:57 | Report Abuse
Malaysia properties r stil d cheapest among countries in tis region
2020-09-25 08:55 | Report Abuse
BM is not catered for small fly ppl like u it is for Fortune 500 cos
2020-09-25 08:23 | Report Abuse
“This is a Government-to-Government pro-
2020-09-25 08:22 | Report Abuse
Bandar Malaysia is the largest project in the One Belt One Road initiative and with the partici-
pation CREC — one of the Fortune 500 companies
2020-09-25 08:21 | Report Abuse
The give away is the R in CREC is Railway
2020-09-25 08:19 | Report Abuse
The success of Bandar Malaysia is not only key
for Lim but, equally so for the country. In the words
of Lim, “This is a Government-to-Government pro-
ject. Bandar Malaysia is the largest project in the
One Belt One Road initiative and with the partici-
pation CREC — one of the Fortune 500 companies
— it can attract other global top companies to set
up their regional offices there.”
2020-09-25 08:18 | Report Abuse
The appointment was set at
10am but by 9.45am, Tan Sri
Lim Kang Hoo had the Edge-
Prop Malaysia team ushered
into the modest-sized and
unassuming meeting room
in his office in Gombak, Se-
Waiting to greet us was a relaxed-looking Lim.
Clearly, the executive chairman of Iskandar Wa-
terfront Holdings Sdn Bhd (IWH) and chairman
of Ekovest Bhd, was ready and even eager to take
questions on his most ambitious project yet — the
RM140 billion Bandar Malaysia
2020-09-23 14:11 | Report Abuse
Political uncertainty for even 3 days is enough...
2020-09-23 14:02 | Report Abuse
Syndicates politically well connected
Knew abt Anwar so last pump n lari d?
2020-09-23 08:48 | Report Abuse
Syndicates pushed to .91 and left d?
2020-09-22 15:30 | Report Abuse
All d -tive shouting eventually u r too scared by ur own shits n missed d rebound strong rebound
2020-09-22 11:14 | Report Abuse
BM is d jewel to LKH
LKH wants more of BM thru Ekovest
That is why sell 40% to Ekovest
Stil control big stake
2020-09-22 11:09 | Report Abuse
Ekovest shares wil b issued at abt 0.90 close to its NTA to LKH for d 40%
2020-09-22 11:08 | Report Abuse
LKH wil get tons of cash from IWH IPO doesn't want anymore cash
Ekovest purchase of 40% wil be paid by shares no pp ri maybe a bit of borrowings
2020-09-19 17:22 | Report Abuse
The Edge says Ekovest wit or wit out BM jz so so
2020-09-18 17:43 | Report Abuse
No walk, no fly, BORING SHOW, no high hope. Follow sink.
2020-09-18 16:38 | Report Abuse
Ths days if it ain't happen on d 1st day it ain't goona happen at all
2020-09-16 17:09 | Report Abuse
Orlando Tis is wrong
40% in IWH not IWH-CERC
According to Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo, Ekovest is expected to pay RM1.5bn for the proposed 40% acquisition in IWH-CREC Sdn Bhd (IWH).
16/09/2020 3:31 PM
2020-09-16 15:31 | Report Abuse
Tis is wrong
40% in IWH not IWH-CERC
According to Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo, Ekovest is expected to pay RM1.5bn for the proposed 40% acquisition in IWH-CREC Sdn Bhd (IWH).
2020-09-16 15:13 | Report Abuse
WOW!! WOW!! WOW!!!
Do u get it?
2020-09-16 15:10 | Report Abuse
LKH is a smart fella
Put BM in IWH nnnnnnnnn oso in Ekovest
The BM optic n sound bite alone is enough to make IWH huge IPO a success n Ekovest to limit up a couple of times
2020-09-16 15:00 | Report Abuse
RI LKH has 30+% in Ekovest LKH has cash for RI?
2020-09-16 14:57 | Report Abuse
Place 8b worth of IWH shares to get 1.5b loan?
2020-09-16 14:39 | Report Abuse
he said, adding that the potential share sale values IWH at more than 20 billion ringgit, he said.
2020-09-16 14:17 | Report Abuse
LKH says no worries all IWH shares is backed by lands all 4000 acres of lands in Johor
2020-09-16 14:05 | Report Abuse
IWH going for RM 20b IPO Ekovest pay jz RM 1.5b for 40% in IWH?
2020-10-19 10:58 | Report Abuse
Orlando Same bank HLIB has a FV 1.20 for KAREX but only 0.85 for MahSing
16/10/2020 11:08 AM