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2021-06-02 18:56 | Report Abuse

Disposal in the open market. Seller and buyer match. KWAP sells? Who is the buyer { not retail or funds} this is interesting


2021-06-02 11:15 | Report Abuse

It's a bumiputra entrepreneurs develop program initiated by the government to encourage Bumiputra participation in the O&G industry. KMPG naive not to fathom and deep understanding of Malaysia business initricaies interwink with political play. Can KMPG itself kick out
the Bumiputra agenda. The bigger question can Bursa handled the fallout


2021-06-01 21:39 | Report Abuse

We need to know what really transpired between KPMG and the Serba management. Without prejudice to any parties. The question why KPMG went directly to see the ind directors and not the management is certainly food for thought. In most business conventional practices if the company management notify the retiring auditor that their services are not extended { and to be replaced by another one } most companies would be agreeable and not raise a bubble. Unless KMPG feels they are irreplaceable. Unless it's boils down to personality issue.


2021-05-28 08:07 | Report Abuse

The chips shortage is hitting all industries real hard. Apart from cars manufacturers, computer production, smart phones and even dryers and other household kitchen products. Chips the little one components lurk beneath hoods of a numbers of products we never heard of. Demand for chips is to outstrip demand for many years to come.

China companies hit by the sanctions imposed by the US is hording their stockpiles of indemand chips is making others even more tougher to get the supply.

Samsung, LG { Korea} chip shortage is hitting television and appliances production. DELL, Hewlett Packard is facing the same issues. Not forgetting Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Volkswagen even the US automakers are harder hit compared to the others.

DNex acquisition of silltera is really good fortune and right timing. Many chip companies are eyeing a stalk in the Dnex owners. Look at TSMC { world largest contract chip maker } said the chip shortages will persist over the next 3 years.


2021-05-25 20:48 | Report Abuse

BP used to be great dividend stock. Paid dividend every qtr after announcement. Except for year 2019 & 2020 when CPO prices hit rock bottom


2021-05-21 09:51 | Report Abuse

Brent crude have dipped from their high of usd 69 to 65-66 price per barrel in the last few days


2021-05-21 08:16 | Report Abuse

you can lock in the forward sales in March with any buyer at a contracted fixed price { 3 months ahead } to be deliver in eg. April, May & June. The sales are only taken up or recognised in your books after the shipment is delivered. But the price is already contracted or fixed in March. But the export duty levy is based on the actual date of shipment to be deliver in April, May and June respectively. Now lies the danger. In a uptrend market your contracted price in March is lower compared to the average export price in eg. If April, May or June. You will be paying a much higher tax but your sales price is substantially lower. In Indonesia trading are tough. Is a volume game, if your Mill is stand alone without any volume. You are squeeze by the buyer in terms of pricing { lack of tank space} but you ends up paying higher tax on the export but a lower sales price


2021-05-20 17:14 | Report Abuse

no Parliament sittings as long covid cases - straight forward answer PN


2021-05-20 08:42 | Report Abuse

Hiew kiong peng - agreed with you. average CPO selling price reported is {$3,010 per ton} lower versus market spot prices { qtr on qtr} likely contributed by forward sales position. What is disturbing is the increase in their Indonesia tax levy paid. From 10.29 million jump to 52.6 million. The Indonesia tax levy is hitting hard on the planter's bottom line. All the companies operating in Indonesia have to paid the levy structure based on CPO export price scheme. Higher the price higher and sharper is the tax contribution. indirectly means the Indobesia government grab part of the higher CPO price as tax


2021-05-20 08:22 | Report Abuse

Looks like Gpacket in the same sinking boat like Prestariang. Margin calls and forced selling on certain shareholders.


2021-05-20 08:16 | Report Abuse

Dissapointed Rsawit not moving despite higher CPO prices for the past 1 year. Prices seem lock in between 26 - 30


2021-05-19 20:47 | Report Abuse

Cpo prices { at some point of time will eventually retraced back some of the gains} and reflect the demand and supply of edible oils in the open market vs prices of other competing soft oils. Currently SBO {Rotterdam} is around USD 1,650, Indonesia CPO {FOB} is at USD 1,290 vs Malaysia CPO {FOB} at USD 1,270 per tonne. The price premium between SBO and CPO is big app USD 350-USD 380 per tonne. Whatever the price farmers in the {US mid West} is enjoying the boom in superbull run in commodities { corn, wheat, soya} Palm oil is not a market marker. Palm oil is just positioning itself following the lead in SBO. Mr Market knows best


2021-05-19 20:25 | Report Abuse

Fear of a total lockdown and the sharp rise in Covid infections was a damper for the investors. The MCO 3.0 is not the answer to curb the spread of covid infections. What investor fear most is the ineptness, confused and contradicting signals sent out by the Ministers


2021-05-19 14:29 | Report Abuse

Lock in to the so called kiple app. Nothing special to attract users. plain simple ordinary app. Now understand kipple means kids play


2021-05-19 10:04 | Report Abuse

This counter up 1day next day down


2021-05-19 09:54 | Report Abuse

Retailers stuck between 45 - 55 when all the fu _king hype over the so call China JV, Silttera chips factory, hi tech technology park, digital bank licence, e wallet, Singapore business. All talk but none materialised


2021-05-19 09:09 | Report Abuse

CPO price already up 40% { $4,500 - 4,750 per ton } SOP still stuck betw $4.15- 4.20 price. In theory SOP should be trading at least above $ 5.00 mark


2021-05-19 08:59 | Report Abuse

Shares in circulation would be double up to 2.5 billion excluding the private placements or warrants conversion. Warrant conversion may be fixed at very low entry price. Market price now 32-34 sen, rights at 34 sen, free warrants { eg conversion price fixed at 15 sen} Die lah


2021-05-19 08:52 | Report Abuse

DNex all their business segments performing. INDONESIA operations tie up with local telecoms, silltera chip operations tie up with China, Ping petroleum outperforming and thier local own Malaysian operations contract with the Government extended. Good strategy


2021-05-14 08:31 | Report Abuse

Without knowing the identity of the parties who subscribe for the warrants and their conversion price at 50sen { we can only assume they are in for a long ride unlike those who assume they are only trade flippers } the funds who undertake the private placements { mind you the amount subscribe are not peanuts} most likely have do their own research and undertake diligent studies on the projects and the payback period. This are venture capitals and shrewd funds manager not your typical neighbour friends who pumps in millions. Just my own view and personal take


2021-05-12 13:29 | Report Abuse

This group of armchair analyst's are still sticking to their 2021 pricing forecast of 2,800 per tonne { citing their own reasons.} First 5 months {Year 2021}average traded price have already surpassed their price assumption by 30%-40% depending on what angle you are looking. Jan {$3,748} Feb{$3,895} Mar{$4,041} April {$4,220} May { 4,500 - 4,800} Corn and SBO is on solid uptrend. US Corn per bushel is at 7.00 { Whereas China domestic price is at 10.00} China will continue to up their corn purchases. This is just a clear example where commodities is heading whether it translate into the stock Prices? Is anybody guess


2021-05-12 13:07 | Report Abuse

Serba just obtain additional 1.5 billion Islamic financing


2021-05-11 16:27 | Report Abuse

Too many related party transaction dampen investor interest. KC and Botak also not seeing eye to eye. Ekovest become the ATm fundings for Botak. Ekovest main interest in construction and toll road is now diluted with the injection of PLS durian farms and the delayed Bandar Malaysia project which Ekovest acquired partially from IWH. From 1.00 +Ekovest keep on trending lower and lower. Minorities need to voice out


2021-05-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

Turn around story, disposing non core business, new CEO and board members


2021-05-11 11:47 | Report Abuse

Our MOH vaccine rollout way too slow. Look at how Singapore roll out their program. Public medical health centres & hospitals, GP doctors, private clinics, NGO & targeted factories, all have their anti covid shots { plus you can opt for the different vaccines} community hall, shopping centres not forgetting schools, poly etc even foreign workers already administer anti covid vaccine Foc


2021-05-10 14:32 | Report Abuse

Pharma { Boustead subsidiary} announcement of bonus issue. Expect both Affin and BPlant higher final dividend payout too


2021-05-10 14:26 | Report Abuse

Expect final dividend announcement in early June


2021-05-10 08:17 | Report Abuse

Windfall tax on the palm sector is already in existence since the late 80's {not a new tax} it's applicable if the CPO price in Peninsular hits above $2,500 and $3,000 in Sabah & Sarawak. Indonesia imposed a levy system of $55 - 250 { subject to CPO pricing} to subsidise the palm diesel B30 program. It is a fuel subsidy program to reduce Indonesia less dependent O fuel imports { but it also means less CPO is available for the export market. Of late, certain sectors are urging the MOF to impose the windfall tax regime on the glove producers { that's currently in place for the palm producers and IPP power producers} the MPOA {Palm Council association} is now engaging with the government to up the windfall tax ceiling from $2,500 to $3,500 for Peninsular and $3,000 to $4,000 in Sabah & Sarawak respectively. Meaning the tax only applies if CPO touch a higher ceiling price


2021-05-07 13:13 | Report Abuse

CPO export tax is only applicable to Producers who ship out { export} their CPO overseas. This tax was originally intented to protect the local refiners. For the record Malaysia export only limited percentage of their domestic production{ CPO} overseas { majority 95% is RBD olein, RBD palm oil and other processed palm oil for the overseas market. Whereas Indonesia is world number 1 exporter and producer of CPO whereas Malaysia is the number one exported of PPO. There is a marker difference between CPO vs RBD olein or processed palm oil. Boustead sells the CPO directly to local refiners. They do not export their CPO directly. FGV, IOI, Sime Darby eg. have the own Tax duty exemptions permits when they ship out their CPO to their own overseas factories.


2021-05-07 10:05 | Report Abuse

Strong coming qtr result expected. Average CPO selling price substantially higher { 8 year high}. Imagine if they sell 50% on spot basis. Do your own research and look at their production too
This is not a buy call.
Jan 2021 - $ 3,748
Feb. 3,895
Mar. 4,041
Apr. 4,220
May. 4,700 { physical new high}


2021-05-06 08:47 | Report Abuse

Big private placement of 30% {maximum allowed by Bursa revised listing}. Big investor 642 million at 72 sen


2021-05-06 08:45 | Report Abuse

Big private placement of 30% at 72 sen {max allowed by Bursa revised listing rules} . Not a small player but a long term investor putting in 642+million into Dnex


2021-05-04 18:08 | Report Abuse

Lack of awareness on CPO price vs plantation bottom line {profit contribution} partly contributed to the lethargic retailers level of participation. Remember the CPO price downtrend over the last 3 years another contributing factor. Unlike the glove counters which was heavily promoted { hardly any news coverage by the main stream press or the IBs}


2021-05-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

Errata - corn and SBO are now heading their year high record high { with CPO tailing their recoveries}


2021-05-04 09:08 | Report Abuse

UP paying a special dividend of 0.50 per share and a final dividend 0.15 per share =0.65 per share {xdate 26 April} much higher than glove producers or the banks. Edge and the star hardly cover any positive on the market development. Keep on harping environment. Please remember all other agricultural producers { e. g. Corn, wheat, rapeseed are not subject to the same scrutiny and NGO critics} this are trade issue raised by the western NGO. Corn and SBO are not heading their 8 year record high prices. Farmers in US are gleeming { and with Biden announcing more pro farmers policy} looks like more legs for this commodity. Whereas in Malaysia { the government of the day at best is warming the Plantation or Agriculture portfolio}


2021-04-30 16:29 | Report Abuse

Latest sapura omv joint venture disposing all its interest in well producing oilfields interest in Peninsular offshore for USD 9 million. Chairman { Sharil} sapura omv said to focus instead in sarawak exploration. Is ithis a good move.??? Sapura omv is currently producing 37,000 barrels per day. Its shares in the OMV is around 6,000 barrels


2021-04-21 19:08 | Report Abuse

Profit taking after price hike up +30% is normal. Everybody wants to lock in part of their profit


2021-04-21 14:23 | Report Abuse

Algae oil is a big Q? even now palm diesel { B30} having issue


2021-04-21 09:02 | Report Abuse

DSS Zainal is a reputable man with a solid background. He retired from PetDag group CEO in July 2020 and appointed as DNex group MD. Petronas staff known for their integrity


2021-04-21 08:54 | Report Abuse

Need to scale up >above 2.05 first. Previous price high in February


2021-04-21 08:50 | Report Abuse

Good info mrfeng


2021-04-20 19:36 | Report Abuse

Nano chips need lots of new funding investment. Better stick to existing chips { demand will be sustain and good for the next 3 years}


2021-04-20 10:46 | Report Abuse

Without disrespect to any parties. Nobody can predict or fortell the future or the stock movement. Prices can move up or down { look at glove producers} the goreng counters {pump and dump} the chartist, fundamentalist, fund specialist, day traders will all be very happy if they have a magical crystal ball. Loss making counters jump 800 - 1000 times matter of 7-8 months with no projects or negative balance sheet


2021-04-19 18:50 | Report Abuse

News announcement Boustead Holding selling a parcel of land along jalan Cochrane to Sunway group for a cash consideration of 233.4 Million


2021-04-19 18:47 | Report Abuse

news announcement Boustead holdings { not BPlant } selling a parcel of land along jalan Cochrane to Sunway group for a cash consideration of 233.4million


2021-04-19 12:47 | Report Abuse

If not mistaken. Balau & Connemara Estate are all located in and around mukim Broga Semenyih District. Nottingham university { subsidiary of Boustead Group} also at the vicinity


2021-04-17 09:06 | Report Abuse

Follow the uptrend never fight against the market. Same applies betting against the house


2021-04-17 09:04 | Report Abuse

The huge spike in New cases is a good reason for the PN government is not to reconvene Parliament sittings on 1st August


2021-04-17 09:01 | Report Abuse

Director buying {showed their commitment and support} same goes for warrant conversion. You don't convert your warrants and paying the exercise price to flip { its takes between 15-21days for the shares to be credited} this excludes the time u buy and hold the warrants before exercising


2021-04-16 19:11 | Report Abuse

DNex is not the goreng { pump and dump} category stocks. Seriously look at their number of warrants conversion { 35 +50=85sen} showed the warrant holders are focus in the company 4long term