
Plastic789 | Joined since 2018-01-19

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2021-10-27 20:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-08-16 00:14 | Report Abuse


Can Pls add me, thanks in advance.


2020-08-12 16:54 | Report Abuse


Vladimir Putin's coronavirus vaccine was waved through after tests on only 38 people and causes side-effects including pain and swelling, according to official paperwork.

The much-trumpeted Russian drug was registered after just 42 days of research, Fontanka news agency says - and its effectiveness is said to be 'unknown'.

One of the documents submitted for registration says that 'no clinical studies have been conducted to study the epidemiological effectiveness,' despite Putin's claims that the vaccine has passed 'all the necessary tests'.


2020-08-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

freetospeak U can buy K+ at3.60 now if u buy supermax at 19.30 .
Y wan to buy k plus at 5.60 when u can buy at 3.60?

If K+ fy21 earning is 0.06 x 4 =0.24
IF SUPER fy21 earning is 0.50 x4 = 2.00
2.00/0.24 = 8.3 time

At 5.60 x 8.3 = 46
K+5.60 = super 46
Super 19.30 = K+3.60
04/08/2020 10:26 AM

Even disregard the Supermax OBM model. Using Comfort glove capacity (after extra 6lines)

5.5 billion / year - Comfort
27 billion / year - Supermax
75 - 80 billion / year - TopGlove

TopGlove : +- RM 98


2020-07-22 12:04 | Report Abuse

all sifu,

I thought usually after the split, it will drop? (but may i know when is the split)?


2020-07-21 09:51 | Report Abuse

Future 4 Q rolling Quarter profit taking in advance.

apa lagi mahu?


2020-07-20 15:57 | Report Abuse

Mind preparedness:

Even when Vaccine is out

for all cancellation, all the deposit will be forfeited and in fact - they make profit without sending goods.

Realistically, there won't be a drastic drop in sales, of which the waiting time is >520 days.

is only how high above ASP a urgent client willing to offer on spot purchase (to cut queue)

However, the sentiment on share price react to any vaccine seems to be more volatile.


2020-07-16 11:58 | Report Abuse

I am amazed that alot of "Expert" has no idea the Difference between a Virus vs Bacteria.

Vaccine vs Cure

Those type about Vaccine out of their sleeves, read the media news, instead of refer to official medical healthcare authority: really can humiliate themselves without knowing sometimes is better to keep mouth shut than to show own idiotic.

I guess that's how Rumours spread.


2020-07-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

Kenanga Research raises target price for Top Glove to RM32 |
Mon, Jul 13, 2020 11:13am


2020-07-09 16:13 | Report Abuse

ACCUMMULATION mode below RM 3.70


2020-07-07 18:07 | Report Abuse

@Kimgold, so, what is TA showing exactly?

Do we need to monitor infront of the monitor every now and then ?

Kimgold Agree with rr88. You can't fight TA. Lucky I sold all yesterday rm200k profits..
07/07/2020 12:38 PM

Kimgold Wah reverse candle. Going strong. Tomorrow up again.
07/07/2020 4:45 PM


2020-06-25 11:19 | Report Abuse


i wonder what is in your porfolio?

Vaccine company? Pharmaceutical ?
or O&G?

Or got stuck in other losing counter of other industry and licking your wound?

Get some personal loan, buy in Glove then to recover all your losses in 3 mths.


2020-05-31 13:53 | Report Abuse

base on the total of 5.4 Billion pcs glove. (excluding the projected extra 6 production lines)

Malaysia : 40% :
North America : 21%
Asia (exclude M'sia) : 34%
Europe : 4%
Others : 1%

so far no one provide the projection ?


2020-05-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

@investopology - it will be lower or higher then? =D


2020-05-15 14:46 | Report Abuse

at the hype of previous stock that he picked. he still release a statement like :

you will be a fool not to grab etc.

then what happened ? he then said "i make mistake, i am sorry"
talk about "blessing in disguise" etc..

go read his blog


2020-05-14 11:11 | Report Abuse

when ever alot / many say it is going to rebounce, and alot of of them start saying ask you to buy low (falling knife?). the Banker is leaving..

So many experience seniors here. This modus operandi is well known.

to newbies.. take profit, dont cut loss. as long as u keep growing ur money.

Glove counters yeah~ is a trend... but this counter total share is the Favourite of Operators - compared to other counter - Kossan, Supermax, TopGlove


2020-05-14 10:51 | Report Abuse

the shark is leaving after the hoo-haa...

alot of ppl bought a Penthouse and stay on top...


2019-01-21 01:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-01-01 23:26 | Report Abuse

Sapura has total RM 17 billion to pay to creditors as mounting pressure from bankers to repay??


2018-03-06 11:35 | Report Abuse

Freezing his account, i thought has something to do with his late declaration in stock holding? No ??


2018-03-04 06:10 | Report Abuse

Beautiful China’: Beijing starts the biggest shutdown of steel factories in history

What's the effect of above action?


2018-02-28 09:52 | Report Abuse

- where is the praiser of davidlim's article.

=) have to sell. 0 sum at RM13.26


2018-02-27 17:54 | Report Abuse

trouble you abit.

3.5cent is the correct EPS for Q2, or is it the landsale profit?

yawcfd I only factor in as 3.5 cent in Q2
27/02/2018 17:42


2018-02-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

how much profit per share for the land sale ?

yawcfd my estimation on TP is 1.30
27/02/2018 17:35

yawcfd stockintalk: 不可以这样算的啦……Q2净利暴涨是卖了地所致,必须要扣除卖地的盈利。你的算法是误导性的。
you can't calculate like this as the EPS in Q2 had included the profit of land sale
27/02/2018 17:32


2018-02-27 09:42 | Report Abuse


May I know your definition of high profit (eps of how much) that you said is not sustainable.

So, then, what's your Q1_18 EPS which you think is right. ?

3iii The stock market looks 6 months ahead. Hengyuan's best year will be 2017. This high profit is not sustainable.
27/02/2018 08:50


2018-02-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

hi @3iii,

I ain't nobody when it comes to investment - i browse through your comment, you mentioned the Intrisic Value of this HY is RM5. STILL STAND?

what is your fair price to buy in or Target Price to sell ?

does it mean at even RM10, those who buy are dont know how to invest and not making money?

other than the FreeCashFlow and earning base on figure which alot of ppl can read from book / financial written from you, investing is about making money which is buy low sell high (disagree?).

what is your Low and what is your High exactly?

3iii <<<<<<

My estimated normalised earnings for Hengyuan is 350m per year, using my assumptions.

Its FCF will be a lot lower.


2018-02-24 17:15 | Report Abuse

Geely bought 9.69% of Daimler.

Let's see if the China company will still be branded as redchip


2018-02-23 12:09 | Report Abuse

will Q4-17 be more than 150 sen?

just dropping a question


2018-02-09 18:20 | Report Abuse

Where are we now in this fearsome correction? (Updated)


2018-02-09 11:32 | Report Abuse

may i know, what is the Target Price, you mean today or after QR4 release?

Stockhunter85 Yea ... IB most probably on the same boat with us now .... trend has changed. Hold tight your ticket. TP will reach very soon.


2018-02-07 09:44 | Report Abuse

Am total newbie.

It is funny on how is it possible these ppl think IB or whoever can press down less than rm11.
(They either joke, blur, or no brainer)
Before Q3 release, the price was RM10.50.

Big player only comes in after that. (Despite another Big player ASB selling off)

During the fall (u call it correction, or warrant expiry effect, or manipulation)), from to 14, to 11.30.
U don't see any thing lower than 11.30.

However, I dare not say their comment can't affect the price by being a keyboard warrior..

Definitely not below 11.


2018-02-05 11:18 | Report Abuse

Q4-17 will be definitely better than Q4 of 2016.

Buy and hold


2018-02-02 14:31 | Report Abuse


ya, why ah?

Alex™ Aiyoo... Why i no sailang at 1280?
02/02/2018 14:26


2018-01-30 16:03 | Report Abuse

SORRY i have more question than answer.


2018-01-30 16:00 | Report Abuse


ofcourse i am convinced. at the same time, my hardearn money on stake ma. :)

All the while, wanted to wait for QR4.

Anyway, seeing how
Zhuge_Liang The profit of Hengyuan should be no 1 in KLSE, no value in term of share price.
The price can drop from 19.20 to 11.32 within a few days.
A big joke in town.

and what @PlsGiveBonus mentioned.

any suggestion to counter all these ?

SITTING STILL like a rock. ?


2018-01-30 15:19 | Report Abuse

@WahHaaHaa @newplayer

hope the "surprise" is in Positive Manner.

if that's true.. the current suppressing the price would be the act of those big boys ?


2018-01-30 14:53 | Report Abuse

anyone can share the strategy to collect share? I am bad in portioning the collection.


2018-01-30 14:37 | Report Abuse

@satan118, @stockraider, @depeche, @LA777,

with article by @HENG YUAN PE 7 IS COMING!!

collect more later ?


2018-01-29 16:02 | Report Abuse


there is CUT WIN or cut loss ?


stockraider standby to lari kuat kuat at rm 12.98


2018-01-29 14:36 | Report Abuse


I had always wanted to be a long term holder for this counter -
- mainly - the business is straight forward, consistent.
I hoped when I look back in future, this is a good investment decision.

then I realised the opportunity cost of holding it with so the fluctuation is high.

I took some profit, bought back.

then before I realised, it starts to turn red, i have some portions (relatively big compared to my saving - not compared with those big investor here).

Is easy to read KYY articles talking about the - Psychology of investing, Dilemma, what should you do ? etc..

Now, i have to monitor this counter week or day by day instead of - Quarterly by Quarterly already. Which I dislike..

LA777 Plastic789, are you speculating HY or are you a long term shareholder? As for me, I am holding HY for long term, and I will not sell even if it drop to 11, I will add more if it drop more.
If you just a short term player, can try to buy below 12 and sell above 14. Just my 2 cent view.
Buy and sell at your own risk.


2018-01-29 11:59 | Report Abuse

make some profit, but still have some paperloss at RM14 now.

FA is good. doesnt look like even QR4, there is any great uptrend movement yet.
is it wise to add more before QR4 release - say at RM12 ?

any technical sifu can talk about some technical analysis of it?

@stockraider @LA777 @Depeche @yewyin33


2018-01-26 17:05 | Report Abuse


but... what about CNY ? sit on paper loss ?

Depeche Some will laugh to the bank next month and many will just envy...mark my words.
26/01/2018 16:04


2018-01-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

can someone enlighten me.

why Target Price is base on PE 10 = RM1.39, not anything higher or lower.

what's the industry benchmark for this ? PE 10 ?


2018-01-26 15:15 | Report Abuse

@alex has been a supporter. =)

still have alot in hand ? (QR4-17 should be good, but why keep falling)


2018-01-26 14:40 | Report Abuse

Menang sorak kampung tergadai.


2018-01-26 10:43 | Report Abuse

Ringgit strengthened means Gold price more affordable to users ?


2018-01-24 11:49 | Report Abuse

how much this borrowing/ loan will affect the shareprice and account? is HY still a stock to keep with the loan.


2018-01-23 15:17 | Report Abuse

no volume. 1.2mil vs 6-9 mil during hot trading day



2018-01-23 10:07 | Report Abuse

Thanks for pointing out.
Newbie here.
Hope information given is to give us clear picture, not cloud the mind.

Halite Good morning

Be fair to the newbies
Stop your crazy excessive promoting immediately
Just talking about spring and skip the winter
At the end all die in summer and autumn
I like hengyuan but hate your crazy promoting