
ProRoy | Joined since 2018-04-12

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2018-06-02 22:48 | Report Abuse

The secret.. I don't want to know only.. I want to join.. What u get from PH win..!


2018-06-02 22:37 | Report Abuse

I was robbed in Sumatec.. I thought it najib brother company.. Mana tau it's mostly owned by anjing halim saad Anak to anjing Mahathir.. But I long time already dispose..


2018-06-02 22:31 | Report Abuse

No,no,no.. I not looking for overall.. I looking for 1 by 1 what they gain from PH win.. I already say dah don't bla,bla.. Example lah.. We know government already take najib money but we know also 1 sen pun no masuk our account.. Then come out PH Minta Derma.. Ok cukup.. Don't let us fly to dunia janji manis penuh angan2.. Admit lah all gain loss.. Don't be ego lets try to solve things..


2018-06-02 22:22 | Report Abuse

Pakatan show ur proof sap can make us recover loss to profit..! Sorry.. Just learned it from PH..


2018-06-02 22:20 | Report Abuse

Oranje u shut up if u don't want to join.. Investors try to sync to each other although different view but try to work out better solution.. Ok oranje u can join.. U must answer 1 question.. What have u gain from PH win..?


2018-06-02 22:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks hollandking.. Waw.. Actually many honest malaysians although some are dumb.. Like lotus..


2018-06-02 22:11 | Report Abuse

Tradeshare u mean we must abolish Sultans position to be more advance economically..?


2018-06-02 21:35 | Report Abuse

I don't know already which counter to invest in.. Don't sweet talk me to buy a stock.. I have my way of evaluation.. My evaluation says there is no more safe counter in bursa.. Myeg.. Wah.. Up so much.. I sense trap.. Then government say want to terminate Myeg contraCts yesterday.. Monday should blood bath again..


2018-06-02 21:28 | Report Abuse

Tradeshare u not convincing Sudah lah.. now all want to know 1 by 1 from us what have we gained from PH win.. I have to Admit.. I still gain loss.. I honest here.. Lets all be honest today..


2018-06-02 21:22 | Report Abuse

Ok people who win from watching world cup live support more chance to win yah.. Good,good.. What else..?what have u gain from PH Winn..?we need 1 indicator also important to economy make to public if want to see PH performance.. UNEPLOYMENT RATE..! We need to see that every month.. Ok go back to my question..


2018-06-02 21:08 | Report Abuse

Ok nice.. Honest answer.. Please share others what have u gain from PH win..?


2018-06-02 20:44 | Report Abuse

Ryan u gain much from PH win..?honestly.. Tell us..


2018-06-02 20:24 | Report Abuse

No corruption u say.. Go do an offence in above rm300.. Experiment..!Once caught talk nicely.. try the word bos boleh Runding luar..?see is corruption really dead after PH win..?


2018-06-02 20:17 | Report Abuse

If Zahid want to be president we reject that yah ramai2 that shit.. Ok.. Going back to my question.. What do u get from PH win..?maybe become richer..?


2018-06-02 20:14 | Report Abuse

I'm like Lucian in Underworld movie where he scold all werewolf with him in prison is this what u want..!? But me question is What do u gain from PH win..!? What..!? No I don't want BN to rule.. Cause Zahid want to be head & he is shit..! Najib & what is that Hussein onn will not want to be PM already cause they don't want to be bitten by snake anymore.. Ok.. I will be happy after Anuar or Muhyiddin become president..!


2018-06-02 20:07 | Report Abuse

What have u gain after PH win.. Is so called dignity bla,bla more important than family..?


2018-06-02 20:05 | Report Abuse

All here investor maybe know how to see future.. Tell me what future we have with PH.. Do we have good future..?Do we have time..?maybe.. But some holding warrants don't have time..


2018-06-02 20:00 | Report Abuse

Maybe I not receive any info to turn around things cause I less mix with friends who prosper from gst for 2 years..


2018-06-02 19:59 | Report Abuse

Every real businessman here know what is the real function of gst.. It is gst save ur ass & even make u richer.. Why kill it..? What is the real purpose behind all this not logic decision..?


2018-06-02 19:55 | Report Abuse

Najib caught bla,bla.. Chinese finally get to be finance minister.. I'm a mix with Chinese blood at 1st proud.. I wanted LGE be finance minister in the 1st place over stupid Azmin Ali.. But what he do to us..?ok get back to the question.. What have u gain after PH win..?what is it..?anyone here got richer perhaps..?


2018-06-02 19:50 | Report Abuse

Please2 don't run away from track.. Tell me what do u gain from PH win..?honestly.. Maybe gain richer..?


2018-06-02 18:42 | Report Abuse

Ok,ok I'm sorry guys.. Can answer me what do u get after PH win..?ur gain.. What is it..?please someone tell me the truth & purpose..


2018-06-02 12:56 | Report Abuse

Only a market economy will make us prosper not an ego centralised economy..!


2018-06-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

1 trillion debt all blame BN.. Then sell back all the import cars switch back to proton loh if want to reduce this so called debt..


2018-06-02 12:51 | Report Abuse

Nampak Sudah bah lotus ko kuat makan taie PH..


2018-06-02 12:50 | Report Abuse

My son must have good reason for owning money what I know is I raise him right..


2018-06-02 12:36 | Report Abuse

Also puji2 PH transparent is dumb.. In art of war from master Tsun Zhu let the plan be as clear as day & the movement be as secret as night.. Clearly dumb management or Sengaja want to burn bursa.. Only this 2 option..


2018-06-02 12:28 | Report Abuse

There caught already lotus ni pandai2 lebih2.. In economy in book lah have taught if ur money value too high it is not good for the country.. Cause people don't want to invest cause too expensive.. This pride of high money value is useless when we gain loss..


2018-06-02 12:14 | Report Abuse

Truth is we under some ego shit now..


2018-06-02 12:13 | Report Abuse

Singapore small2 country but developed with usd5.7trillion debt but still happy how u explain that..?


2018-06-02 11:53 | Report Abuse

Wah u talk like me now ahh..! But we can't discount the PH -ve effect we facing now too..


2018-06-02 11:28 | Report Abuse

Pmaster ur dream shattered cause u idiot2 go vote PH..


2018-06-01 22:32 | Report Abuse

Mula lah lagi angan2 orang2 PH ni tp rm1 lah tp rm4 lah.. Get back to the real world lah.. U got families..!


2018-06-01 22:12 | Report Abuse

Come fast QR.. I can't wait to get Sapura at 20cents..!


2018-06-01 19:43 | Report Abuse

When Sumatec open like PH Minta duit rakyat..?this 1 halim dua Kali 5 Mahathir..! Cheater egoist..! Ceh..! Good thing I dispose early..!


2018-06-01 16:38 | Report Abuse

If not red pun PH at least small increase of 3sen maximum.. Please PH.. Save country.. Make Sapura red.. Kah,kah,kah..


2018-06-01 15:18 | Report Abuse

Please PH.. Please,please,please make Sapura Red..!


2018-06-01 14:53 | Report Abuse

This Sapura is wasting rakyat money with huge losses.. Huge losses & debts means corruption high inside.. Tutup Sapura.. Selamatkan negara..!


2018-06-01 12:38 | Report Abuse

Sapnrg want to cash in after qr out want before raya.. Kuat angan2.. High possibility huge losses again qr how u cash in..?kah,kah,kah..!


2018-06-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

Come on PH effect..! Please save us..! Save Malaysia..! Make Sapura red to 20cents..! We believe in PH..!


2018-06-01 11:41 | Report Abuse

Nice brisket..!


2018-06-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

I love u so much PH..! Thank ..! ~Kita.. 1 malai siaaa....~!


2018-06-01 10:27 | Report Abuse

Going to 11am Sudah..! Come PH effect..!


2018-06-01 09:38 | Report Abuse

11Am go red kah,kah,kah cause Ph color red. !


2018-05-31 18:57 | Report Abuse

That's y i not rose yet


2018-05-31 18:57 | Report Abuse

Poly the answer to ur question is because I got too much water no lady yet take it out..!


2018-05-31 17:30 | Report Abuse

Rubbish company all presale go to COG..


2018-05-31 16:00 | Report Abuse

PH & PH supporter rubbish kuat angan2 Sapura TP rm4 after PH win..! Kah,kah,kah!


2018-05-31 15:33 | Report Abuse

Kah,kah,kah..! Syok Ohh not much opportunity when PH rule..!


2018-05-31 15:32 | Report Abuse

Already sell ur car,house,hp,gold, don't forget to not sell the shovel..! Come2 lets go buy Sapura save country..! Donate to PH..!