good question why yap insider chaang coincidently fails the quarterly report submission, despite strange broke in as if the intention is to stop the report. So broken in fails to stop the report, therefore chaang stop it in board meeting? Funny right? Your 3rd question also confirm that why yap and chaang wants the submission to fail? Maybe they did it for the sake of doing it and did not anticipate the consequnces.
Blog: Headline: Wintoni’s Yap proxy director Chaang Kok Fai fails to approve quarterly account. Suspended.
2015-12-08 21:09 | Report Abuse
good question why yap insider chaang coincidently fails the quarterly report submission, despite strange broke in as if the intention is to stop the report. So broken in fails to stop the report, therefore chaang stop it in board meeting? Funny right? Your 3rd question also confirm that why yap and chaang wants the submission to fail? Maybe they did it for the sake of doing it and did not anticipate the consequnces.