
Ranger | Joined since 2013-03-19

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2013-04-29 17:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3fan > Apr 29, 2013 03:52 PM | Report Abuse

tak perlu nak kempen lebih2 bingo. tunggu je 5 hb nanti.....
i still prefer DS Najib instead of Anwar n His daughter, Hadi, Kit Siang @ Karpal n his family to become a minister.....


i3fan, can't agree more. Najib graduated in industrial economics. Najib makes a better PM compared with Anwar who graduated in Malay studies. Najib's 4-year stint as a PM had proven that he's more than capable compared with Anwar when the latter was DPM and Finance Minister. Anwar screwed up when he was Finance Minister. The nation almost went bankrupt under him. Now wanting to be PM???

Ehemm...repeating the same mistake. An UMNO reject to be PM? That's the sign of the collapse of Malaysia under Anwarism.


2013-04-29 14:27 | Report Abuse

Everyday same old issue...boring lah talking to these PR supporters. How to run the country like that???...ya la..everyday talk rubbish!!!


2013-04-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

Everyday I see PR supporters talking KOK...

News & Blogs

2013-04-29 14:19 | Report Abuse

Not hardup lei makan free...probably PR supporters need the free makan n BR1M so much.

Probably... I'd send suicide bombers...hahahaha


2013-04-29 14:16 | Report Abuse

OOi, u lah don't talk KOK. U pun pandai talk KOK. Probably u learned this from your parents...


2013-04-29 14:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by Zhenghoe > Apr 29, 2013 11:52 AM | Report Abuse

Tonight Penang has a big big gathering for pakatan at Han Chiang High School ... BN play dirty games again by inviting all chinese to eat free drink free ! In order to sabotage the pakatan activity... What a shame ! People had clear eye and mind!!!

Hey Bozo, don't try to pin point n blame BN Chinese supporters trying to sabotage the PR's "fiesta". This is PR's own dirty tactic, just like the Nibong Tebal bombing. Who like likes to resought to dirty tactics? Eg, PR likes demos...the Anwarism style since his college days. Like father like son. Stupid followers are just stupid mobs. Leaders jump from the cliff, followers follow suit. I oso want to makan minum free ...


2013-04-29 11:04 | Report Abuse

DAPism, KARPALism, LIMism, ANWARism, AZIZism...& Families..Isn't this nepotism and cronyism?


2013-04-26 17:19 | Report Abuse

rugi sokmo la lu...


2013-04-26 17:18 | Report Abuse

anbz..hahahaha...nasib kau la...

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News & Blogs

2013-04-26 17:13 | Report Abuse

dah jahil...jahil la..nak mintak kita ajar plak...malu lah budak oi...pi tanya mak bapak kau ler...

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2013-04-26 17:11 | Report Abuse

pi cari sendiri lah...budak2...pi belajar dgn NIK AZIZ ler..hahahahaha

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2013-04-26 16:21 | Report Abuse

dah lah anbz...buang masa jer dgn kau ni

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2013-04-26 16:19 | Report Abuse


Kau ingat aku nak bukak citer bab agama dlm thread ini? Buang masa aku jer. Apatah lg budak2 macm kau? Maaf ler. Aku kat sini bkn nk citer hal agama. Kau cari lah ilmu lg...pi lah cari Syeikh Mohtaza tu kat N9. Kau ingat dia siapa? Taknak jumpa dia...bukan hal aku pun.

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2013-04-26 16:12 | Report Abuse

Baik kau keje lah budak2...jgn guna masa opis nak bertekak dgn aku.

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2013-04-26 16:11 | Report Abuse

Nasib kau lah anbz...aku tak ada ilmu nk bg kau..kosong...

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2013-04-26 16:09 | Report Abuse

kan aku cakap...jangan buang masa dgn aku...ilmu kau, ilmu kau...ilmu aku, ilmu aku...istinjak pn belum betul, makrifat rahsia solat pun tak tau..jgn lah nak besar2kan ilmu syariat kau tu...

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:07 | Report Abuse

Itu baru basic. Kau nak aku bukak citer lg? Tak payah..buang masa aku.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:06 | Report Abuse


Kau PAKATAN atan BN, tak penting bg aku. Tak perlu lah aku nak bertekak dgn kau. Kan aku cakap, kau jumpa lah Mantan Mufti N9, Syeikh Motaza. Cari lah dia. Apa dia Tariqat AHMADIAH? Dia keturunan Syeikh Mohd Said, makam kat Ampangan, Seremban, N9. BELAJAR LAH DGN DIA. Itu pun kalau dia nak bukak citer.


yg itu pun kau tak pernah jumpa? Nasib kau lah anbz. Buang masa cakap dgn kau.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:47 | Report Abuse


NAK DALIL? hahaha. Buat apa aku nak ajar pengikut PAKATAN?

Baik kau kenali ALLAH dulu lah.

Nak dalil?


Kau tanya NIK AZIZ dia ada ilmu ni tak? Kata mursyid?

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:44 | Report Abuse


Jangan kau nak agungkan NIK AZIZ kau tu. Kau tau tak apa dia al sunnah wal jamaah? Selagi kau belum pegang ilmu syariat, tariqat, hakikat and ,makrifat...usahlah kau berbicara dgn aku. Pegi lah kau jumpa Mantan Mufti N9 Syeikh Motaza, belajar lah ilmu tariqat dulu.

Aku tak perlu nak berdebat dgn org PAKATAN, pengikut MATA BENGKAK tu...

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:39 | Report Abuse

AJ2, kesian orang macm kau ni. Mungkin kau tak ngaji pondok. Mungkin ALLAH masih tutupkan pintu hati kau. NIK AZIZ kau pun tak ada ilmu ketuhanan. Mana dia percaya sifat 20? Sama lah dgn kau AJ2. Jgn makan diri kau dah lah.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:29 | Report Abuse

Dah korang jahil, taknak ngaku. Aku apa pasal? apa ku dulik? Nasib korang ler. Mati nti, tau ler...

Jgn nak besar2kan NIK AZIZ kau tu. Aku tak heran orang macam dia. Dia cuma mursyid politik, BUKAN mursyid agama.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:27 | Report Abuse

infoumland...sori lah jika kau tergulung dalam 72/73. Balik kg lah ngaji pondok. Kau pegi la ke Pasir Tumbuh n jumpa BN candidate SHARUL. Dia boleh ajar kau ilmu batin n ilmu pondok. Kau n NIK AZIZ sama jer.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 15:12 | Report Abuse

Hey AJ2, kau ni mesti tergulung dalam gulungan 72/73. Sekiranya kau solat, ikut kitab, TAPI tak ada ilmu ketuhanan atau ilmu batin, nyata kau terkeluar dari al sunnah wal jamaah. ALLAH reject selain dari gulungan ni.




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2013-04-26 12:41 | Report Abuse

I believe Penang will revert to BN in this GE. You know why? hahahaha wait 5th May ler..

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 12:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Apr 26, 2013 12:14 PM | Report Abuse

Ranger and lotus are BN dog. Hence talk cock n sex only. Ask where got BN ceramah also don't know.

Hey piggy,u the one talking KOK all the time. Why should I give u the list of BN ceramahs to u? For u to sabatoj like the NIBONG TEBAL BOMBING. Go FLAI KAIT ler PIGGY DOG...

Wondering why non-muslims like you like U like to call others pig, dog??? ..whereas it's u the one keeping dogs at home and eating pork.. U eat pork...you sueh la !!!

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 12:27 | Report Abuse

Bingo, apa ubah? Kasi ubah lu punya perangai lah, baru dikatakan UBAH. UBAH Orang PAKATAN.Semua sudah tua tua nyanyok masih bergayut lagi dalam parti.


News & Blogs

2013-04-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

Hey braynll...u should be at the bins when it exploded. Then u'd "feel" the "pleasure" from the explosion. U kiddie what do u know? I never encounter this after the May 13 tragedy of 1969. It has always been the oppositions creating chaos and troubles.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 11:22 | Report Abuse

Can't agree more lotusf1. The opposition knows that they can't sweep the country in this GE. That's why some dungus resought to violence n dirty tactics. Desparado kutus I would call them...Very common of most opposition parties elsewhere, using "change" as the excuse.


In short...not islamic lei.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 10:08 | Report Abuse

Yesterday, the Philippines navy at sea managed to clamp down the so-called sulus in their attempt to attact Sabah again. Just wondering, why during this election? Who's the baruah behind the scene? Yeah...so desperate to capture Putrajaya....


2013-04-26 10:02 | Report Abuse

Never in Malaysian politics that a bom was used to scare BN supporters in a political speech. So desperado are the dungus in capturing Putrajaya that they had to resought to violence.

Yeah, previously street demos and property damage, etc, etc, now "bombing"???

Malaysia obtained independence even without bloodshed. The ingenuity of Malaysian leaders at that time showed that BN/Perikatan/UMNO/MCA/MIC are peace-loving people.

Now the young nerds have forgotten. Violence seems to be the game plan to acquire power. The Ladat Datu incident is one case in point. The recent "bombing" is another. Many other disturbances n violence happened lately in the pre-GE campaign.

The opposition is known for its agressiveness n violence. The NO-BERSIH in reality is NOT BERSIH. This is just to cover their backside.

U can see by the way opposition supporter iterate their views in this blog. They are also fond of using vulgarism. Their poor upbringing could be the reason for turning them into bad hats.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

Never in Malaysian politics that a bom was used to scare BN supporters in a political speech. So desperado are the dungus in capturing Putrajaya that they had to resought to violence.

Yeah, previously street demos and property damage, etc, etc, now "bombing"???

Malaysia obtained independence even without bloodshed. The ingenuity of Malaysian leaders at that time showed that BN/Perikatan/UMNO/MCA/MIC are peace-loving people.

Now the young nerds have forgotten. Violence seems to be the game plan to acquire power. The Ladat Datu incident is one case in point. The recent "bombing" is another. Many other disturbances n violence happened lately in the pre-GE campaign.

The opposition is known for its agressiveness n violence. The NO-BERSIH in reality is NOT BERSIH. This is just to cover their backside.

U can see by the way opposition supporter iterate their views in this blog. They are also fond of using vulgarism. Their poor upbringing could be the reason for turning them into bad hats.

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 09:14 | Report Abuse

Jacko, do u know that u are one the the dwellers of hell jahanam? Wait till u die, then u'd know what I mean...

Guuuddd bai, hell dweller...

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 17:31 | Report Abuse

Bingo the Ringo...u reporter PAkATAN ke? Lu banyak Sibuk la lu

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 14:16 | Report Abuse

Bingo, u are fond of calling people pig where u yourself eat the dirty wormy piggy PORK! You are the one that should be called "PIG". PORK, PORKY, PIGGY, WORMY PORK!!!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-25 14:12 | Report Abuse


Isn't this cronyism and nepotism? Then, what do you call this?....

P 022 – Pasir Mas – Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz (PAS)
N 6 - Chempaka - Nik Aziz

P 162 – Gelang Patah – Lim Kit Siang
P 043 – Bagan – Lim Guan Eng

P 044 – Permatang Pauh – Anwar Ibrahim
P 121 – Lembah Pantai –Nurul Izzah Anwar

P 051 – Bukit Gelugor – Karpal Singh
P 103 – Puchong – Gobind Singh Deo


2013-04-25 12:36 | Report Abuse

GE13: Karpal insists PAS’ agenda will cause chaos and conflict

Thursday April 25, 2013


GEORGE TOWN: Top leaders from the DAP have denied that the party accepted the implementation of hudud.

Party national chairman Karpal Singh said the introduction of hudud could result in conflict and chaos.

“For example, if a Muslim and non-Muslim are jointly charged, it would be difficult to have a trial as each would be charged under different laws.

“A non-Muslim cannot give evidence in the syariah court,” he pointed out.

Karpal was referring to PAS deputy spiritual leader Datuk Dr Haron Din's comments that hudud would be implemented if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government.

Haron said the DAP would accept hudud based on its willingness to contest under PAS' symbol in GE13.

Although the DAP rejected the implementation of hudud a few years ago, it was now no longer the case, Dr Haron contended.

Karpal said the Supreme Court headed by Tun Salleh Abas had in 1988 passed a ruling that secular laws would apply in the country.

“That decision stands to this day,” he said, adding that the DAP would not allow any amendment to the Federal Constitution to implement hudud.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang insisted hudud had never been a part of Pakatan's common policy framework.

“When we agreed to use PAS' moon symbol, it was on the basis of agreement with the common policy framework.

“We all have different views in Pakatan, but as long as an idea is not in the framework, it will remain the individual party's objective.

“So far, hudud is not in the framework,” Lim said after visiting a coffee shop in Puchong.

The veteran politician added that even if PAS were to find itself in a similar situation with the Registar of Societies as the DAP did recently, the DAP would be “happy to lend it its rocket symbol”.

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:34 | Report Abuse

GE13: Karpal insists PAS’ agenda will cause chaos and conflict

Thursday April 25, 2013


GEORGE TOWN: Top leaders from the DAP have denied that the party accepted the implementation of hudud.

Party national chairman Karpal Singh said the introduction of hudud could result in conflict and chaos.

“For example, if a Muslim and non-Muslim are jointly charged, it would be difficult to have a trial as each would be charged under different laws.

“A non-Muslim cannot give evidence in the syariah court,” he pointed out.

Karpal was referring to PAS deputy spiritual leader Datuk Dr Haron Din's comments that hudud would be implemented if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the federal government.

Haron said the DAP would accept hudud based on its willingness to contest under PAS' symbol in GE13.

Although the DAP rejected the implementation of hudud a few years ago, it was now no longer the case, Dr Haron contended.

Karpal said the Supreme Court headed by Tun Salleh Abas had in 1988 passed a ruling that secular laws would apply in the country.

“That decision stands to this day,” he said, adding that the DAP would not allow any amendment to the Federal Constitution to implement hudud.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang insisted hudud had never been a part of Pakatan's common policy framework.

“When we agreed to use PAS' moon symbol, it was on the basis of agreement with the common policy framework.

“We all have different views in Pakatan, but as long as an idea is not in the framework, it will remain the individual party's objective.

“So far, hudud is not in the framework,” Lim said after visiting a coffee shop in Puchong.

The veteran politician added that even if PAS were to find itself in a similar situation with the Registar of Societies as the DAP did recently, the DAP would be “happy to lend it its rocket symbol”.


2013-04-25 12:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 25, 2013 12:31 PM | Report Abuse X

"International artiste Datuk Seri Michelle Yeoh had been attacked by cyber bullies for her open support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak." Star online

Can't understand PAKATAN until today. Violence, aggression n bully are part parcel of their daily life. No wonder they like street demonstrations. Very uncivilised and barbaric!!! The Nibol Tebal "bombing" ...ehemm...

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:31 | Report Abuse

"International artiste Datuk Seri Michelle Yeoh had been attacked by cyber bullies for her open support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak." Star online

Can't understand PAKATAN until today. Violence, aggression n bully are part parcel of their daily life. No wonder they like street demonstrations. Very uncivilised and barbaric!!! The Nibol Tebal "bombing" ...ehemm...

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:17 | Report Abuse

PAKATAN resought to CYBER BULLIES...sign of the downfall of PAKATAN...

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:16 | Report Abuse

GE13: Respect the choice of others, actress Lee Sin Jie tells cyber bullies

Thursday April 25, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR: Award-wining actress Lee Sin Jie (pic) urged voters to respect the choice of other people as Malaysia is a democratic country, major Chinese newspapers reported.

“Every person has the right to vote. We should respect this. Malaysia is a democratic country. I hope our country will stay peaceful,” said the actress who hails from Alor Setar, Kedah.

Lee, who shot to fame in the horror film The Eye, was asked to comment on cyber bullies attacking artistes who showed their support for certain political parties.

“No matter who you support, this is the voters' right. No matter who will rule the country, I hope the people will not be too emotional.

“I do not hope to see trouble in the country,” she said at a function here on Tuesday.

International artiste Datuk Seri Michelle Yeoh had been attacked by cyber bullies for her open support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

However, Yeoh has defended her decision, saying everyone was free to give their views in Malaysia, which is a democracy.

She had openly expressed support for the Prime Minister at a gathering organised by the Federation of Chinese Descendants of Selangor on Saturday.

“We have a leader here who has done so many good things and will do more.

“I hope from the bottom of my heart that he will remain as the Prime Minister and I ask all of you to give him a strong mandate,” she told the crowd at the mammoth gathering organised to show support for Najib.

Another Malaysian artiste being attacked by cyber bullies was composer-singer Eric Moo, who performed at the 1Malaysia Penang International Charity Drive concert at the Han Chiang High School in Penang on Saturday.

Moo, from Perak, defended his action, saying that everyone had the freedom of choice.

Moo posted on Weibo yesterday that he was “not affected by threats and not afraid to be scolded” after his decision to perform at the charity concert drew criticism from cyber bullies.

Local artistes who attended functions organised by Barisan Nasional had been attacked by cyber bullies while those who showed support or performed at Pakatan Rakyat functions were not.

On Saturday, a group of local singers including Yu Heng, Danny One and Jiahui Wu had performed outside the Pakatan Rakyat operations room in Kluang, Johor.

Several Pakatan candidates, including Kluang DAP candidate Liew Chin Tong, gave speeches at the concert.

Some local performers had openly supported Pakatan including Malaysian singer Wilson Tin, who had performed at a DAP ceramah

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

DAP leaders like nomad... from Melaka to Penang, then to Johor's Gelang Patah. How to serve people like that?

Aiya!!!Can't even serve people...talk a lot ONLY, n yet talk about running the country?

Funny people..jokers...to run the country. Better titon ler. Sudah tua mah...

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:13 | Report Abuse

DAP leaders like nomad... from Melaka to Penang, then to Johor's Gelang Patah. How to serve people like that?

Aiya!!!Can't even serve people...talk a lot ONLY, n yet talk about running the country?

Funny people..jokers...to run the country. Better titon ler. Sudah tua mah...

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:09 | Report Abuse

GE13: Pakatan unable to repeat 2008 performance in Perak, says Chua

Published: Thursday April 25, 2013 MYT 11:54:00 AM
Updated: Thursday April 25, 2013 MYT 11:58:12 AM


GOPENG: Pakatan Rakyat will not be able to repeat its 2008 feat in Perak this general election, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said.

In the last elections, DAP won 18 state seats while PAS and PKR won a combination of 13 seats, against Barisan Nasional's 28, resulting in Pakatan capturing the state.

However, three Pakatan assemblymen declared themselves as Independents in 2009, resulting in a new state government being formed by Barisan.

Dr Chua said DAP had not only failed to service the people after its victory, but also deserted them to chart its entry to Johor this round.

"The Opposition has always taken the support from the people, especially the Chinese, for granted," he said after a groundbreaking ceremony for SJK(C) Lawan Kuda Baru's basket ball court here Thursday.

Dr Chua said he was also confident that Barisan would be able to wrest back the Gopeng parliamentary seat and its two state seats - Teja and Simpang.

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:06 | Report Abuse


GE13: Pakatan unable to repeat 2008 performance in Perak, says Chua

Published: Thursday April 25, 2013 MYT 11:54:00 AM
Updated: Thursday April 25, 2013 MYT 11:58:12 AM


GOPENG: Pakatan Rakyat will not be able to repeat its 2008 feat in Perak this general election, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said.

In the last elections, DAP won 18 state seats while PAS and PKR won a combination of 13 seats, against Barisan Nasional's 28, resulting in Pakatan capturing the state.

However, three Pakatan assemblymen declared themselves as Independents in 2009, resulting in a new state government being formed by Barisan.

Dr Chua said DAP had not only failed to service the people after its victory, but also deserted them to chart its entry to Johor this round.

"The Opposition has always taken the support from the people, especially the Chinese, for granted," he said after a groundbreaking ceremony for SJK(C) Lawan Kuda Baru's basket ball court here Thursday.

Dr Chua said he was also confident that Barisan would be able to wrest back the Gopeng parliamentary seat and its two state seats - Teja and Simpang.

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2013-04-25 12:05 | Report Abuse

Najib - Pakatan's conflicting stand on hudud shows lack of credibility

PAS and DAP's conflicting stands on hudud show that the Pakatan Rakyat partners have no credibility, Barisan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Thursday. "The question is what will happen to our country if we place our trust in them. We cannot have an opposing stance when it comes to base policies," he said.

Star online

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2013-04-25 12:04 | Report Abuse

Najib - Pakatan's conflicting stand on hudud shows lack of credibility

PAS and DAP's conflicting stands on hudud show that the Pakatan Rakyat partners have no credibility, Barisan Nasional chief Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Thursday. "The question is what will happen to our country if we place our trust in them. We cannot have an opposing stance when it comes to base policies," he said.

Star online