
Rowie | Joined since 2017-01-13

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2024-05-03 19:01 | Report Abuse

Will Limit up when people look at the top 30 shareholders list and do some calculations


2023-07-11 14:20 | Report Abuse

just like ASTRO if u have foreign selling
wait till finish


2023-07-11 12:10 | Report Abuse

Foreign selling
Broker code 035


2023-06-26 21:45 | Report Abuse

That sort of oil consolidation won’t happen. All have different business cultures. It will again create too big to fail scenarios in the future.
Only the fittest will survive, the rest will be taken over at basement prices. This is the law of the jungle.
We can dream……….no harm in that


2023-06-26 19:33 | Report Abuse

Can u pls explain why Sapura needs to merge with MHB to survive.
Sapura can do it on its own and has the expertise.
MHB does not have the money or resources to get involved with Sapura cos if their merger business fails, MISC will also fail. Petronas will not allow that.
Another scheme will happen for Sapura to get out of this mess which is developing now


2023-06-20 12:09 | Report Abuse

Elaphe..........These are the Takeover/Merger Companies Act Rules
MISC & TECHNIP are parties acting in concert so they are treated as one.
Since i will never be a shareholder of Sapura, there is no purpose being in this forum


2023-06-20 11:19 | Report Abuse

If MHB in the picture, then MISC will have to take it private cos MISC & Technip cannot vote & no other shareholders will vote in that deal to kill themselves. So either way I'm good without getting involved in Sapura


2023-06-20 06:32 | Report Abuse

Rights issue will then come say 1:50 at 20-30 sen. Paid up will increase as Sapura needs cash as bankers will not extend additional loans.
This is a mismanaged company. All your good money may vanish again plus the share price may again tank
So I can’t see any attractiveness here.
But good luck to all


2023-06-19 18:36 | Report Abuse

Any white knight will definitely force bankers and shareholders to take haircuts.
Shareholders in Sapura must mentally be prepared for at least 100:1 share consolidation with potential rights issue to sink more money into a distressed company.
Really madness how mgt can run down such a company


2023-06-17 13:04 | Report Abuse

By the way, I hold no shares in Sapura, will never buy also but own shares in MHB


2023-06-17 13:02 | Report Abuse

Only one Company ie Petronas can save Sapura. Even Tenaga doesn’t have that capacity. MHB books show that they can’t do it.
Petronas is not in the business of saving its subcontractors.

Who else is left………..Taxpayers via the GOMEN can do it, but will they???????????
There will be public outcry plus GOMEN got no money

Once that dust settles plus when INVESTORS realises that the only way to save Sapura is via creditors & shareholders haircuts, share consolidations plus rights issue after haircuts then only Sapura can be saved


2023-06-17 10:39 | Report Abuse

Dear Dato T20
A restructuring may be as follows if can:-
1. Total debt haircut 90% - debt now becomes 1.5b
2. Capital reduction 100:1 capital reduced to say 1.5b (for simple calc)
3. Rights issue 1:1 @0.50 raises cash 750m
4. Sale of some assets to raise 1.5b for working capital cos cannot get any more bank loans

Sapura needs big haircuts from both creditors and shareholders in order to survive cos their old contracts signed are with low margins with little room for adjustments
Hope for the best.


2023-06-06 20:54 | Report Abuse

Have u guys figured out how Sapura coming out of this mess?


2023-06-03 12:19 | Report Abuse

Just bought
Will exit if it fails to hold above 0.60
Very good company but needs to have good dividend policy to attract Institutional shareholders


2023-05-29 22:02 | Report Abuse

Now it’s under the radar of Tong’s Edge Portfolio
Within 3-6 months………possible 100% return.
Look at the Balance Sheet


2023-05-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

true but they can't vote & minority will reject plus mhb does not have the capacity to do it.
Sapura is too big to save


2023-05-15 15:52 | Report Abuse

Only Petronas can takeover Sapura which they won't do.
No other company has the capacity to do that unless want to commit suicide


2023-05-15 15:48 | Report Abuse

Keep on repeating old storytelling is to syiok sendiri wanting people to sell


2023-05-14 22:59 | Report Abuse

Mhb unlikely to buy any yards cos the need cash to service their order book which is huge ie highest in their history.
Those story tellers who speculate merger story with Sapura unly wants to panic retailers to sell out and they buy cheap.
Mhb is no Santa Claus, Petronas via Misc has to take it private for any deals cos minority shareholders will never approve such a misadventure


2023-05-14 15:29 | Report Abuse

Pls read this and perhaps there is clarity or other wise


2023-05-14 15:13 | Report Abuse

As far as I understand from the available info, the courts decided that since Arbitration was going to take place it was fair and equitable for status quo in the Board Of Silterra to remain until the out come of the disputes.

Anyone is free to come to any conclusions. There are those who want Dnex to crash & those who want the best for the company.


2023-05-13 22:04 | Report Abuse

Arbitration news should come out on 16th May at the latest cos normally within 6 months


2023-05-13 22:00 | Report Abuse

Rescue is easy
Bankers have to take a hair cut ie 10 sen to the dollar ie 90% hair cut.
Shareholder take a 100:1 capital reduction
Then a rights issue of 10:1 at 30 sen with free warrants
No need merger cos can never happen with anybody let alone with MHB unless take MHB private at RM 1.50 or better


2023-05-13 20:56 | Report Abuse

If CGP loses it will be best for them to sell out & nice if Foxconn steps in.
That would be ideal


2023-05-13 20:35 | Report Abuse

I think Arbitration will rule in DNEX favour but CGP will be a very sore lose n make it very difficult for Dnex to do business


2023-05-13 19:59 | Report Abuse

Merger with sapura will be impossible
Misc n technip can’t vote .
Minority shareholders will reject the deal
Sapura has negative NTA
So only way is to take MHB private for it to succeed.


2022-03-29 23:47 | Report Abuse

Like Saudee
Initial share cap 135m now 995m
They used 25m cash to buy related company shares
Same will happen here


2022-03-29 23:43 | Report Abuse

Saudee also had rights issue at 15 sen
See the price now


2022-03-29 23:37 | Report Abuse

This is a Fintech company & within 1-3 months it will go to 5 sen with hundreds of millions of shares to be issued as PP at around 5-6 sen
Just be very careful


2022-03-23 13:49 | Report Abuse

No, i'm still out but that's my analysis after some further study of Saudee.
It's just the stigma of the main shareholders thats holding back the spike in the share price.
Perhaps if it crosses 10 sen then nobody will care as punters smell money to be made
I'l wait for a few more days before coming back in & also i want to see whether 5.5 sen can be cleared.


2022-03-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

only when the the market realizes that the company is grossly undervalued
need a good set of results
my target is 25-35 sen


2022-03-23 10:18 | Report Abuse

Its too scary for me,
I'm out
All the best


2021-05-31 18:25 | Report Abuse

Net cash 62m
Lowest P/E among listed steel stocks
Eventually will move up & outperform when times are better


2021-05-28 19:32 | Report Abuse

Monday should rebound strongly thanks to Annjoo’s superb results


2021-05-27 20:30 | Report Abuse

Lebih busuk company lagi bagus share price
It’s called bursa bolih


2021-04-29 20:16 | Report Abuse

Sorry KYY must hold less then 6.4m ie less than 5% otherwise he need to disclose.
May add his relatives n close friends then 10m or more


2021-04-29 19:57 | Report Abuse

The company has some non controlling shareholders ie outside shareholders of some of its operating subsidiaries. That’s a drain on its profits, otherwise it PAT will be RM 61m.
If u look at the cash flow statement EUPE paid almost RM 50m as dividends to shareholders of non-controlling interest. That’s a huge amount. Previous year nil.
Management must disclose this major payment ie someone must ask management n post here.
I only have a few lots & the company will not entertain me. I hope KYY n gang who hold big shares sees this post n question the management n we get a satisfactory answer.
ThE company should declare at least 20-50 sen dividend to reward its loyal shareholders
I also cannot get the latest shareholder list to find out how much KYY holds. I think at least 10m


2021-04-29 18:04 | Report Abuse

Will limit up at least 2 or 3 times when market players understand its real worth


2021-04-29 11:31 | Report Abuse

NTA 3.08
Current P/E 2.9
Net Borrowing RM3m ie almost no borrowings
Share capital 128m......very small . Ripe for bonus issue
Full year (12 months) profit after tax RM 42m
EPS 33 sen
Most similar companies trading between P/E of 8 to 15
Based on P/E 5 share price = 1.65
P/E 8 share price = 2.64
P/E 10 share price = 3.30
There is so much upside to this share
KYY need to shout again


2021-04-28 19:30 | Report Abuse

KYY never ask u to buy or sell.
He tells it as how he sees it
U gain or pain is your own business
He in fact is helping our market to discover stocks which are undervalued or under-rated or also overvalued.
EUPE is one such stock. If mgt don’t give dividends it’s our duty to shout at them in the AGM or don’t buy such useless stocks.
U make a buy decision but if lose money u talk 3 talk 4 & blame others.
Grow up la

Eventually if KYY shouts a few more times on this stock, it will surely limit up a few times
Tell him to shout more


2021-04-14 08:09 | Report Abuse

As per contract MHB won. Huge contract in excess of USD 1b. That’s good enough . The share price should rocket eventually


2021-04-07 15:36 | Report Abuse

Just changed
It’s uptrend now cos monkey sold all


2021-03-31 09:29 | Report Abuse

As at that date when he sold the 6m according to bursa disclosures he still held 12.5m
Now he holds less than 5%
If he sold some more he no need to disclose
We will never know


2021-03-30 08:02 | Report Abuse

Don’t worry about Bramal
He still holds 12.5m
His cost maybe very high
He just an opportunist trader cos his 6.5m bought at around 65 sen
This share will eventually shoot above RM 1


2021-03-24 21:38 | Report Abuse

Tumbler ....... I have to state the correct situation about the P/E . In the quarter ending 31/12/2019 DPS made a profit of RM10+m. However included in that is a litigation settlement claim of RM12..5m . That’s not operational profit. Hence if we exclude that , for that quarter it would be a loss of 1.7m . So the P/E minus that would be sky high. Anyways to be happy , take it at 7.6 P/E
Sad news is that say if DPS makes a profit of say 5m this quarter , the P/E for the year ended 31 Dec 2020 will exceed more than 20 cos the results will be from Jan 1 to 31 Dec 2020 ie the 10m+ profit time frame has past ie 12 month rolling P/E.
Anyways is not that bad too.


2021-03-22 19:57 | Report Abuse

Will never move


2021-03-22 10:01 | Report Abuse

One day show again


2021-03-20 10:33 | Report Abuse

Dataprep syndicate haha


2021-03-19 20:13 | Report Abuse

Operator wants retailers or stockists to play the share but got no news. There is no Santa here.
If operator push 3-5 sen then public, stockists, day traders will come automatically as rumours will come out, Don’t expect God to push the share.........