
SAWONG | Joined since 2014-03-01

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2014-10-21 10:56 | Report Abuse

Good morning to all,
Peacemaker is hereby presenting the ultimatum to the market at large. You are required to read this carefully and remember forever whatever I say today...because I only say it once....
What causes the share investors to be so fearful of Financial Crisis every now and then? Is our world sicked? ~ reasons being :-
1) Bull has been there for a while....and we're edging closely to the 10-year economy cycle where CRASH is poised to happen...ie, 1998, 2008, 2018....
2) The spread of "CRASH" mentality via media ~ carefully tailored by and planned by share market dominators....and further spread by either "brainless" people~ economists and stock analysts...or opportunists whom they have their own hidden agenda...which is to create opportunities to buy at low and sell at high!!
3) LIES - people like to exaggerate and there is where lies and rumors are always in the making.....
4) Media HEADLINES & BREAKING NEWS on Global issues....which are over-exaggerating all the time...why? ~ that's what readers like....to be busybody or to have something to talk about..."add more spice and they will buy!".......truth is boring...lie is eye-catching!
What are the current Global Financial issues?
~ Mediocre growth all over the world? ~ no issue...it's still growing anyway, why panic? ~ there's always economic stimulus programs in place... or worst....Delay QE...or negative Interest rates....plenty of financial tools to apply......if growth slows down and having a down turn...who's the idiot to under-estimate the capability of human in problems solving...thus...we should never doubt humans' ability but only worry about fraudulent act of individuals....anything like that at the moment ~ NO !
~ Europe the main concern?...never under-estimate Angela Merkel (the prime minister of Germany) - this Lady is "gang-ho"...though she is being a little conservative in ruling Germany... but I tell you...she's got many weapons not show up yet....if she wants to........it's Not a problem at all !
What are the Global Issues in General?
~ EBOLA? - can't you see a lot of experts are involved in the day-to-day dealing with it? It's just matter of time...the "cure" will finally be found!...if fail? what if Ebola spread all over the world?...you and I can die anytime...if that's the case...will you still worry about market CRASH? or you should be more worried about "End of World" OR "End of human kind".....
~ ISIS? - US airplane not enough....then send ground troops...game over! trust that human can work that out...there's no reason to be panic!
~ What else? ~ Nothing Else really, right?
For KLSE - what's all the fuss about our economy...wasn't it a 5-6% growth this year?....for 5-6% growth now 2014 to anticipate a 0% growth next year 2015~how and why?....you must be extremely MAD AND INSANE!....KLSE? ~ only spread of FEAR can smash down KLCI.....so...to all Malaysian.....wake up and be matured in share investment please.....I urge you to learn more about share investment before you start to "click" BUY button....how can you treat Share Market like CASINO....if you want to gamble...go Genting Highland casino where you can find the excitement you want! Why I say that?...I know a lot of people who simply don't know "why they buy" and "why they sell"....what the heck is this haa!!! Die standing !! What NOW?.... business back as usual....fear over....Our prime minister's "economic transformation" has been so far so good....I rate highly what Najib Kor is doing....good job so far!......Period.
my final conclusions as follows: -
1) Market over-reacted ~ "FEAR FACTOR" is the main reason behind these sell-down!
2) We are no way near vulnerable CRASH!~ perhaps in year 2018.
3) Market to turn around heading north on gradual pace...and to hit the all time high in 6-months time...
4) Hold share...do nothing...need not be over-pessimistic
5) Buy-on-weakness...it can never go wrong!
This is all I want to say.....if you willing.....spread this message everywhere.......Have peace and Be Good !


2014-10-21 10:52 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468: eh bro, datang sini cari awet pulak!.....hahahaha!


2014-10-18 14:18 | Report Abuse

0008: thanks for your sharing.. I appreciate it.....a lengthy discussion needed for what you mentioned...but for now....I prefer to fully focus on next 2 weeks market first.....will sure come back to share with you my findings for " Malaysia economy future in this coming 10 years"....a bit later...Cheers!


2014-10-17 14:32 | Report Abuse

Nelson Cheah : Show me the link....I will tell you this news is either outdated or a fake one !


2014-10-17 12:48 | Report Abuse

0008: Well said my friend....anyway...your sharing yesterday has been very helpful (you saw something which I failed to see! I actually took on your highlights into my discussions with my friends...we had a long hours of chat...of course a relaxed Red Wine Session...in detail...what you said had yet to happen...big funds has not come in till yesterday but today they are starting to pick and choose for good stocks ~thanks.)....hope to hear from you from time to time....maybe you should spare 20-30% of your overall capital to pick up some good stocks now.....just a suggestion.....Cheers friend !


2014-10-17 01:49 | Report Abuse

I will be busy shopping in KLSE from today 17/10/2014 onwards....my shopping list as follows:-
For Sanichi, no more monitoring needed at this stage....I have bought my target volume.......I'll be back when my shopping is done !
Have Peace and Be good.......!


2014-10-17 00:22 | Report Abuse

0008: After I have gathered all informations from all my resources (including some listed company CEO who are my friends), after having digested all the input ~including yours...I sum up my final conclusions as follows: -

1) Market over-reacted ~ "FEAR FACTOR" is the main reason behind these sell-down!
2) We are no way near vulnerable CRASH!~ perhaps in year 2018.
3) Market to turn around heading north on gradual pace...and to hit the all time high in 6-months time...
4) Hold share...do nothing...need not be over-pessimistic
5) Buy-on-weakness...it can never go wrong!

Just sharing with you.....Have Peace and Be good !


2014-10-16 18:50 | Report Abuse

0008 : thanks....I'm listening to what you say.... more?...


2014-10-16 17:11 | Report Abuse

0008: KLCI at 800-1000 points? so, you are predicting a CRASH...like 1998 & 2008...right? What make you so sure about that? can share with more details???


2014-10-16 12:27 | Report Abuse

0008 : thanks...can you elaborate further how this 500 billions come about?...what's your prediction on month-end fed meeting's outcome?~ good or bad? ~ and why?


2014-10-16 11:54 | Report Abuse

0008 : ...pls share your thoughts and findings (in detail)...at least it serves as a guideline or reference to those who had loss their arm and leg...and lost direction completely....the more input...the more better....I did my part...so..pls do your part (you may write in Chinese...I will translate it!)....I don't write off any possibilities to heed your advice...if it sounds convincing....I think I'm wise enough to make my decision....Last but not least...I thank you on behalf of others if you would do so....


2014-10-16 10:56 | Report Abuse

0008 : I welcome you to state your findings with details and facts....to support your"CRASH AHEAD" prediction....if you are kind enough....you won't just throw out 4 lines....and expect people to heed your advice....You seems to know a lot....that's no doubt about it....but the problem with you is that you never share with details.....life isn't all about money....but genuine good deeds count!~ Never forget that God is up there watching all mankind!...This is all I have to say !... you take care...my friend !

0008 :我无限欢迎你以细节和事实。。来依据实说明及支持你的 “未来股灾”预测....如果你是好心....你不会只是抛出4行字....然后指望别人听从你的建议....你似乎知道很多....这是毫无疑问的....但你的问题是,你永远不会慷慨地与人详细的分享.....金钱不是人生的全部....真正的乐于助人~行好事~才算有福!〜永远不要忘记!我们头上有“神”~ 人在做,天在看!...这是我要对你说的话!......我的朋友, 还望你要多保重......!


2014-10-09 15:54 | Report Abuse

insyaallah: error...hahaha! will correct it....Tq.


2014-10-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

PLEASE DO TAKE THE TROUBLE TO INFORM ME OF YOUR PARTICIPATION....i'd like to keep this number count in i3investor for a long time....so that we can have more friends and mate on board...thank you for your cooperations!!!


2014-10-06 14:10 | Report Abuse

sharkseven: I love people who agree with me....because you guys don't make me do so much of work.....but for those against me....I need to do more and extra work to convince and convert them!~ why do that?...remember I said...I need at least 60% of "Market at large" to support MARA's vision in Sanichi...in order to achieve the TP 0.30....anyway....just to let you know....I treat everyone equal...Cheers!


2014-10-06 13:40 | Report Abuse

0008: Pls share with me your strategy and method....See if I can add to my method something that I have probably overlooked....I'm learning too....don't do it here because the messages pushed away very fast...but in my facebook group!!~ thank you in advance!


2014-10-06 13:23 | Report Abuse

I'm also inviting Chart anaylysis Experts to join in.....anybody out there willing to share your inputs in terms of chart trend? ~I apprecaite it!


2014-10-06 13:20 | Report Abuse

0008: Join me (not neccessary to follow my method)...you can stick to your own winning method...there is no right or wrong...it's just individual's choice....I need inputs from the "Market at large"...and you are one of them!


2014-10-06 04:00 | Report Abuse

wanshare: Just want to help people who needed help.....


2014-10-06 02:18 | Report Abuse

izoklse: I foresee resistance at 0.11-0.125...following with next resistance at 0.16....nothing is certain for now (not 100% clear yet for a rally to begin next week...just a prediction on Pre-Budget Day rally!~ reserved a bit so that we are not getting too "high"!)...continue to monitor the movements of price and volume when Tuesday market open...pls follow closely my updates from time to time...it's critical!


2014-10-06 01:43 | Report Abuse

0008: trending at +,+,+,+,+,+ (Numbers of round Gain varies),-,-.(number of Loss fixed at max. 2 rounds) = at the end of a counter play = +...though profit made not a huge one but never loss!...for me...even RM1 extra profit is a bonus!~ You must have a right mentality to enter into "quick shot".~ Is it RISKY?..for me it's simple....it's NOT RISKY if you KNOW the rules of play...But...It's NOT JUST RISKY...but DIE FLAT if you DON'T KNOW the rules of play....if you willing...follow me...


2014-10-06 01:27 | Report Abuse

Nur Filzah Awatif: It's difficult to monitor more than a counter...I'm only focus on mother share....my apology!


2014-10-06 01:16 | Report Abuse

kimkowlee: I need some time to look into it...no rush..but get it right!


2014-10-06 01:03 | Report Abuse

OK..I have shared with you so far what to do if price stays stagnant and if price goes down....now...what if rally begins...price going up?....take note of these rules...1) Hold On to your share which you aim for ultimate TP ( I will tell you what to do from time to time)...REMEMBER..YOU DON'T RUSH TO SELL AT ANY PRICE BELOW 0.16...and I will monitor the movements of price and volume and update you what will happen if it hits 0.16)..2) During rally...stock price move very fast...I will not have time typying all the instructions...therefore....my message will be very short... 1) "BS" means BUY AT SELLERS' PRICE NOW...2) "SB" means "SELL TO BUYERS' PRICE NOW"...action at the time i post the message...if you want to follow me to make some quick profit... it could be 1 or 2 or 3 rounds per day or 0 round (none)...depending on how big is the BULL!!~ when you see BS and SB from my post...you know I'm IN for a quick profit...check the time of posting to make sure you don't follow expired message...if you miss, you miss...wait for next turn......For your guidance...


2014-10-06 00:35 | Report Abuse

Wrap up Observation as of 04/10/2014: KLSE market is still in consolidation....sideways....however...we saw SANICHI buck the trend by holding it well with MARA on board...despite some encouraging news boosted up DJIA yesterday...some rebound took place in EUROPE and HOngkong market....the signal for major rally in SANICHI still not 100% clear at Friday's closing...we will have a better view when market open next Tuesday....LAST WARNING...NO CONTRA BUYING YET!~ Follow me closely next Tuesday.....stock movements are fast sometimes...if a mini rally does happen.... always check the time of each of my post...to ensure you don't follow the expired instruction...because things can change in a split second! What happen if Sanichi price stay stagnant or the worst...going down?~ Hold it...no selling is need...no need to be panic!...buy-on-dips...if you don't have money...just stay on your feet...it will only be temporary...continue to wait and it will come good....don't forget...you buy and you prepare to keep for up to maximum 4 months from now....if it comes early...it's a bonus!~ if it drag to 4-months....so be it!!~ paper loss?~ No sweat!!!

Plus points and valid good news not yet reflected in Sanichi Stock price:
1) there hasn't been any serious push for this counter since MARA entry at 0.115 (highest at 0.15..never stay there since...0.035 gap not to be considered as real push.)
2) News on Oversubscribed of Right has not been reflected since news out on 23/09/2014.~ good sign in business prospect shows investors are keen in this project proposed by Sanichi.
3) 163 miilions worth of earmarked project approved on township developent is scheduled to kick off in first qtr of 2015 ~expect to increase SAnichi earnings by 40%
4) Considering dividend distribution next year...status upgrade.

.....................for your reference...!


2014-10-06 00:34 | Report Abuse

Please follow my UPDATES: I expect 40% of market at large to disagree with MARA's vision....therefore...869,941,363 x 40% = 348,000,000 shares are up for selling....01/10/2014 (day 1) shares changing hands volume= 96,100,000 shares....02/10/2014 (day 2) shares changing hands volume= 69,000,000 shares (with only 2,487,600 shares transacted at 0.10)....up at closing on 03/10/2014.. 31,900,000 shares changing hands (none transacted at 0.10)........left with 151,000,000 to be cleared...let's see how many more days will be taken to clear the remainings....we are now more confident to say it's still a strong sign of MARA supporting it...given that it's KLSE's tradition to have a pre-budget day rally (it happened for the past 13 years, except 2002 & 2003 (SARS broke up)...we can be sure that MARA and SANICHI will join the party....will keep a close watch on how the price and volume movements on Tuesday....Prediction: a mini rally is expected next Tuesday 07/10 to 10/10 .......Remember...don't rush to sell...the timing of selling is top critical....I will tell you what I'm doing when it happens...follow me closely........ for your reference!!!!


2014-10-05 03:19 | Report Abuse

OK..I have shared with you so far what to do if price stays stagnant and if price goes down....now...what if rally begins...price going up?....take note of these rules...1) Hold On to your share which you aim for ultimate TP ( I will tell you what to do from time to time)...REMEMBER..YOU DON'T RUSH TO SELL AT ANY PRICE BELOW 0.16...and I will monitor the movements of price and volume and update you what will happen if it hits 0.16)..2) During rally...stock price move very fast...I will not have time typying all the instructions...therefore....my message will be very short... 1) "BS" means BUY AT SELLERS' PRICE NOW...2) "SB" means "SELL TO BUYERS' PRICE NOW"...action at the time i post the message...if you want to follow me to make some quick profit... it could be 1 or 2 or 3 rounds per day...depending on how big is the BULL!!~ when you see BS and SB from my post...you know I'm IN for a quick profit...check the time of posting to make sure you don't follow expired message...if you miss, you miss...wait for next turn......For your guidance...


2014-10-04 22:10 | Report Abuse

Wrap up Observation as of 04/10/2014: KLSE market is still in consolidation....sideways....however...we saw SANICHI buck the trend by holding it well with MARA on board...despite some encouraging news boosted up DJIA yesterday...some rebound took place in EUROPE and HOngkong market....the signal for major rally in SANICHI still not 100% clear at Friday's closing...we will have a better view when market open next Tuesday....LAST WARNING...NO CONTRA BUYING YET!~ Follow me closely next Tuesday.....stock movements are fast sometimes...if a mini rally does happen.... always check the time of each of my post...to ensure you don't follow the expired instruction...because things can change in a split second! What happen if Sanichi price stay stagnant or the worst...going down?~ Hold it...no selling is need...no need to be panic!...buy-on-dips...if you don't have money...just stay on your feet...it will only be temporary...continue to wait and it will come good....don't forget...you buy and you prepare to keep for up to maximum 4 months from now....if it comes early...it's a bonus!~ if it drag to 4-months....so be it!!~ paper loss?~ No sweat!!!

Plus points and valid good news not yet reflected in Sanichi Stock price:
1) there hasn't been any serious push for this counter since MARA entry at 0.115 (highest at 0.15..never stay there since...0.035 gap not to be considered as real push.)
2) News on Oversubscribed of Right has not been reflected since news out on 23/09/2014.~ good sign in business prospect shows investors are keen in this project proposed by Sanichi.
3) 163 miilions worth of earmarked project approved on township developent is scheduled to kick off in first qtr of 2015 ~expect to increase SAnichi earnings by 40%
4) Considering dividend distribution next year...status upgrade.

.....................for your reference...!


2014-10-04 21:03 | Report Abuse

Please follow my UPDATES: I expect 40% of market at large to disagree with MARA's vision....therefore...869,941,363 x 40% = 348,000,000 shares are up for selling....01/10/2014 (day 1) shares changing hands volume= 96,100,000 shares....02/10/2014 (day 2) shares changing hands volume= 69,000,000 shares (with only 2,487,600 shares transacted at 0.10)....up at closing on 03/10/2014.. 31,900,000 shares changing hands (none transacted at 0.10)........left with 151,000,000 to be cleared...let's see how many more days will be taken to clear the remainings....we are now more confident to say it's still a strong sign of MARA supporting it...given that it's KLSE's tradition to have a pre-budget day rally (it happened for the past 13 years, except 2002 & 2003 (SARS broke up)...we can be sure that MARA and SANICHI will join the party....will keep a close watch on how the price and volume movements on Tuesday....Prediction: a mini rally is expected next Tuesday 07/10 to 10/10 .......Remember...don't rush to sell...the timing of selling is top critical....I will tell you what I'm doing when it happens...follow me closely........ for your reference!!!!


2014-10-04 21:01 | Report Abuse

I'm asking all my friends here...from now on....if you ever come across any tips or news or leads or announcement about any counters...pls post it...doesn't matter if you are unable to know how true it is...to me....a news is still a news...at least , I could take a quick run through to see whether it's an opportunity...thank you in advance for joining this "MAN AT WORK" group!!


2014-10-04 20:49 | Report Abuse

kimkowlee: Number is not an issue...I need to have enough facts,leads and plans of a company to convince me that it's worth investing...to invest a stock with news lead that has a lot of blind spot or no news at all is not feasible and it always carry high risk....by taking a look across KLSE counters....we hardly find counter that satisfies with the abovementioned concerns...thus...we wait for opportunity to come...sure we can find a few of them out of 1000+ counters...take a thorough study...back..forth...up...down...once it satisfies our queries...there we proceed to further follow up... At this moment...there are 2-3 other counters I'm monitoring and accumulating infos and track the progress...but its' been lacking of news...continue to track the price and volume movements and follow closely on what the board of the Company are doing.....It's a lot of hardwork and patience involved....


2014-10-03 20:40 | Report Abuse

I will post a wrap up for today....by tomorrow....after EUROPE and DJIA friday market closed......don't forget to check it out....if you want to follow me....make sure you follow closely.....within a gap of 1 feet......Cheers for the day!!...Cheers for good deed done for today!!...Have peace and always be good!!


2014-10-03 16:58 | Report Abuse

a lot people said I'm too serious....now I say....wa lao eh chy72...I'm putting millions of ringgit in your pocket already......wakakakakakakakaka....hihihihihihihi.....hohohohohohoho.....hahahahahahaha.......gengengengengengengeng (new version)!!!!!


2014-10-03 16:55 | Report Abuse

chy72: MARA won't give way to sellers that disagree with their vision...MARA will continue to play waiting game for a little while longer....waiting for what?...1) wait for them to change their mind...2) force them to vomid out at cheap........


2014-10-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

asakura peacemake are u the one who buy the 1 share at .11 whole day?

answer: I don't know what this guy is doing....a bit too naive to think 1 share can hold the price!!...anyway..I hope this guy see my post and stop doing it!...why? 1) wasting time...2) wrong thingking...3) make his remaisier busy with all the paper work...a waste of resources..i.e paper...4) misleading.....if whoever know this guy...pls tell him what I said here........for your guidance!!


2014-10-03 16:38 | Report Abuse

No bonus today,...unless we see a last minute magic click by MARA to eat up all 0.11 and accelerate into 0.115....the bargain remains stagnated...both buyers and sellers don't want to give way!!!~ anyway......Get some rest over the long weekend...have Peace and be Good!!


2014-10-03 16:31 | Report Abuse



read yourself...I'm lazy to type...ok?


2014-10-03 16:27 | Report Abuse

chy72: nothing wrong with people waiting to buy at cheaper price...if the trend persist...they get the price they prefer...if the trend move opposite direction at a fast pace...they will end up chasing and buying at a much higher price....so, it's a choice of individual...nothing wrong or right....for me....the right method is always to buy at the right time and within the safe pricing range.... .A lesson for you!~ I'm putting some more money in your pocket......


2014-10-03 16:16 | Report Abuse

chy72: this is call bargain deal....eager sellers insist to sell at 0.11...but MARA insist to buy at 0.105...at this moment the scenario tells.....if all 0.11 eaten up...means MARA give way....if all 0.105 done...means the eager sellers give way...if nothing transacted with buying que reducing...means MARA change their mind wanting to buy at 0.10...if nothing transacted with selling que reducing....means eager sellers change their mind and prefer to sell higher....where do all of us stand in this scenario?....some of us would wait to buy at 0.095,0.010,0.105....some feel suffering waiting would buy at 0.11.......A lesson for you!~ I'm putting money in your pocket......


2014-10-03 14:40 | Report Abuse

CLearing of obstacles in progress ~ day no.3...Opportunity BUY continues at the current pricing....if you have not bought any Sanichi....buy as much as you can....my cost at 0.1125...MARA's Cost at 0.105 (with WC).....perhaps you can get cheaper now if you que at 0.10....good for you! ......What if tomorrow drop further???...that can never end if you start asking this question....we are not GOD...we might not buy at rock bottom price.....BUT we know the UPSIDE will come...so we buy when the price is right and is safe...The BIG DAY is just around the corner...I wish those who patronized this forum won't miss it!!! Have Peace and Be good!!!!


2014-10-03 14:36 | Report Abuse

Good News from Sinchew daily today...Sanichi consider giving away dividend in 2015...why good news?~ Dividend distribution is sign of a company doing well and status will general be upgraded into a category of " Healthy, Financial Stable, profit making and good future potential"...This is an important milestone achieved...it's also a "must have" criteria and a critical guideline for Institutional investment company to invest into...BRAVO...SANICHI is now on the right track of building UP.....see you all at TP 0.30 in 2-4 months time from now (it all started from the Ex-date back in 29/08/2014...so I less out 1 month from my earlier 3-5 months)!!......for your reference!!


2014-10-03 14:25 | Report Abuse

Positive movements given the price range and volume so far.....let's see if we can have a bonus with price closing today at 0.115.....it looks difficult....but Not impossible...MARA at Work!~ The turnaround signal was held back yesterday...Not gone!!!~meantime...let's be hopeful that more eager sellers change their mind after having witnessed MARA persistancy in holding the share price....this is something that no one can control...therefore I say we hope!....but given the time...things may change....if these eager sellers turn around to be buyers....bingo...and that's when rally will begin.......for your reference!


2014-10-03 14:24 | Report Abuse

REMINDER TO ALL: Don't misunderstand my message...DON'T DO " hit and run" now...NOT now....whatever you would buy today is for keeping not for Contra...market still in the midst of fighting between "recovery from fear" & "prolong further fear"...still many unsettled issues globally...market at large are still awaiting for some injections of good and encouraging news...LAST WARNING...NO CONTRA BUYING FOR NOW PLEASE!~ We will wait and see how things turn up globally over the long weekend!!


2014-10-03 14:24 | Report Abuse

Please follow my UPDATES: I expect 40% of market at large to disagree with MARA's vision....therefore...869,941,363 x 40% = 348,000,000 shares are up for selling....01/10/2014 (day 1) shares changing hands volume= 96,100,000 shares....02/10/2014 (day 2) shares changing hands volume= 69,000,000 shares (with only 2,487,600 shares transacted at 0.10)....up till now another 25,900,000 shares changing hands (none transacted at 0.10)........left with 157,000,000 to be cleared...let's see how many more days will be taken to clear the remainings....we are now more confident to say it's still a strong sign of MARA supporting it...given that it's KLSE's tradition to have a pre-budget day rally (it happened for the past 13 years, except 2002 & 2003 (SARS broke up)...we can be sure that MARA and SANICHI will join the party....Prediction: close at 0.11 today...a mini rally will begin next Tuesday 07/10 to 10/10 .......Remember...don't rush to sell...the timing of selling is top critical....I will tell you what I'm doing when it happens...follow me closely........ for your reference!!!!


2014-10-03 13:51 | Report Abuse

0008: In my whole life...I don't want to make enemy..only make frineds...that's my principal of life....but don't test my limit and push me to the wall....we can still be friend and mate...if you change the way you speak....if you want to share your point...always share with details and facts.....don't sound cheeky and provocative...be sincere and people will feel that....Now I answer your question: what you mentioned just now does happen..by only syndicate (local and foreign) who fry UP and sell down...conditions that allow Syndicate to do so are !) with small cap stock..not a counter like Sanichi with 869,941,363 shares..2) only when the day high and day low having a significant gap... 3) with a lot of rumours floating all over the place....4) during super bull run.....why it must not happen in SANICHI now?~ 1) because it does not meet the above 4 criterias...2) MARA won't do that at this stage for sure..i know..don't ask me why I know......Last but not least....you are welcome to join me...because I believe you have your experiences and source of news to share with us too...which I never doubt it......but with an attitude changed!! That's all I have to say...period..full stop!


2014-10-03 12:54 | Report Abuse

0008: I have made 20 millions ringgit in the last 5 years....tell me how much have you made from the day you borned?


2014-10-03 12:32 | Report Abuse

Positive movements given the price range and volume so far.....let's see if we can have a bonus with price closing today at 0.115.....it looks difficult....but Not impossible...MARA at Work!~ The turnaround signal was held back yesterday...Not gone!!!~meantime...let's be hopeful that more eager sellers change their mind after having witnessed MARA persistancy in holding the share price....this is something that no one can control...therefore I say we hope!....but given the time...things may change....if these eager sellers turn around to be buyers....bingo...and that's when rally will begin.......for your reference!


2014-10-03 12:03 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468: bukalah satu facebook a/c...you kena sign in i3investor sebelum you boleh buat posting kan? I mau you masuklah...I nak belajar quick shot from you lain hari..ASIABIO hold very well....I foresee a 2nd round rally...maybe together with SAnichi..


2014-10-03 11:39 | Report Abuse

KAQ4468: bro, you tak mau join my facebook ke? tak dengar you cakap " count me in "pun??


2014-10-03 11:11 | Report Abuse

chy72: it's the wrong way to trade (casino method)...but why they still do....because they don't know what's going on with Sanichi! DOn't learn that...it will hurt you dearly!