
Shawalrich87 | Joined since 2020-07-30

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2020-09-03 20:05 | Report Abuse

So what happen in glove counter is they panic selling, though lose money .. but no exactly ,the share price split into three then it's share price lose it 1/3 values. What they don't know , share price lower 1/3 but carry same capital value given bonus issues has triple they share. So don't panic , you not lose money, only share price trade accordingly base on enlarge share issue after bonus issue.


2020-09-03 20:04 | Report Abuse

So what happen in glove counter is they panic selling, though lose money .. but no exactly ,the share price split into three then it's share price lose it 1/3 values. What they don't know , share price lower 1/3 but carry same capital value given bonus issues has triple they share. So don't panic , you not lose money, only share price trade accordingly base on enlarge share issue after bonus issue.


2020-09-03 18:46 | Report Abuse

Truth just buy and hold


2020-09-03 18:27 | Report Abuse

Good speakup , I though you cut loss. Just hold till next few quarter . This only temporary sell down


2020-09-03 18:13 | Report Abuse

Correct rm15 will be easy to achieve


2020-09-03 18:03 | Report Abuse

Mental illness, top glove only temporary , it will up soon after correction.


2020-09-03 17:42 | Report Abuse

Tommorow up or down for top glove , what is support line for new entry ? Soon this stock will appreciate in next quarter . Good call for accumulate low ...


2020-09-03 17:20 | Report Abuse

Even epf not dump share, after bought much higher than retailer investor.. so indicate epf have faith the stock will appreciate - look at fundamental ( 400 mil pat, EPS 40 on 2q20, margin profit 44%).


2020-09-03 17:18 | Report Abuse

Just hold tight till stock appreciate in next few quarter(2H21), when the winter come in November couple with new mutate covid -19, sure profit after tax and EPS will spike to support higher share price. Be long term investor if not all you hard profit will be taking away to paid commission.


2020-08-29 23:42 | Report Abuse

If you have so much faith in Pharameutical stock , go ahead it your money. Don't advise to enter on down trend stock market, lose money. Observe the market trend either up or down , it is fundamental strong, if strong .it mean upside price is normal for taking activities. For penny stock mostly advise apply chart strategy because fundamental is not applied in your trading . If broke support line , sold to cut loss rather suffer further loss. On contrary, strong fundamental stock , apply equity valuation, financial projection to calculate intrinsic equity value , calculate margin safety between target price vs market price , choose solid balance sheet *most important.


2020-08-29 22:31 | Report Abuse

@observer I don't dare to give false hope .. hope the best for you.


2020-08-29 22:21 | Report Abuse

@observer how it quarterly financial result ? It careplus financial Outperform with balloon profit net income like supermax or not? Supermax net income register 12500% y-o-y and 385% q-o-q. careplus's profit margin how and what edge competitive of careplus have, did EPS post strong growth on y-o-y and q-o-q ? You Put lot money 47k in careplus , should take careful action .. hope it will rebound back.
How market sentiment ? Volume daily is okay or not ? It is temporary or will continue to down further ? It fundamental is strong , it will be okay.. net quarterly income register 36.1million against 1.14 million in the prevailing quarter.


2020-08-29 20:21 | Report Abuse

Agree with you @patrick8. Supermax still command high profit margin due to it's OBM model.


2020-08-29 20:08 | Report Abuse

Jf apex publish rubbish report smoke or fire , they think new coming glove company can build plant overnight and tomorrow start sell glove?? Don't waste your time to read lies report . Please use your judgement with constraint of supply chain , workforce , construction work and plan , it probably safe it take about 2-3 years for building completion.


2020-08-29 19:40 | Report Abuse

@omione agree on point too.


2020-08-29 19:31 | Report Abuse

It take 1 to 3 year to build plant to produce glove ,it not like construction of plant can be done in overnight and tomorrow sell glove. Be realistic .. @Aramco. Ayoo tu Tak faham ka. LOL.


2020-08-29 18:57 | Report Abuse

Warrant too risky , afraid to take such risks, double profit or loss all your money.. better choose on less risku investment instrument like stock, at least can cut loss.


2020-08-29 18:08 | Report Abuse

I don't going to sale my stock no matter what! To sumbag IB . Plus I will add more my shareholding in this stock .. let it appreciate over time , I will review my stock performance on quarterly financial result. Jf apex scumbag Lee Chung cherng analyst.


2020-08-29 17:57 | Report Abuse

Same goes to me@bibletruth my posting about this IB scumbag put down by many times in this forum.


2020-08-29 17:30 | Report Abuse

It just down and up in stock trading for profit taking activities, what most important is strong fundamental- strong EPS growth on year on year basis and quarter on quarter basis.


2020-08-29 17:29 | Report Abuse

Need done some home work before invest in stock market, projection financial modelling for every quarter on twist on their % profit margin , % cost. Equity valuation base on pe ratio.. x EPS.
Look also outlook sector ..


2020-08-29 17:26 | Report Abuse

But still lack of volume trading activities, float rates less than 30% .. review stock performance base on quarerly financial result and enter to market price at right price when it low , only applicable to strong fundamental stock.


2020-08-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

I made mistake dispose stock at loss.. this stock have strong earning growth year on year and quarter on quarter.. buy low dont buy at top.. investment base on fundamental. Two straight consecutive quarter report profit is my Golden rule..


2020-08-29 17:03 | Report Abuse

Investors should learn financial modelling, equity analysis and equity valuation so investor don't easily get fool by these scumbag IB. Relying on strong fundamental when make investment not on rumour or don't simple believe stock report blindly as they done mistake and lies in report self interest for example ambank and jf apex ( scumbag IB ).. they were hiring to serve IB to manipulate market at retail investor expense and be smart investor


2020-08-29 16:48 | Report Abuse

27 August 2020 | Kuala Lumpur
The Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court today found Transmile Group Bhd (TGB) founder and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Gan Boon Aun guilty of furnishing misleading statements to Bursa Malaysia. The statements concerned TGB’s financial statement in its Quarterly Unaudited Consolidated Results for the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2006, an offence under section 122B (a)(bb) of the Securities Industries Act 1983 (SIA) read together with section 122(1) of the same Act.
Sessions Court Judge Tuan Hasbullah bin Adam announced the verdict this morning, and sentenced Gan to a fine of RM2.5million (in default of 18 months’ imprisonment) and one day imprisonment. The SC said it will be recommending to the Public Prosecutor to appeal against the sentence.

Tuan Hasbullah bin Adam found that Gan failed to rebut the deeming provision that he did not consent or connived to the commission of the offence and he had exercised all such diligence to prevent the commission of the offence as the CEO and Executive Director of TGB.

Gan, 59, was at the material time the Executive Director and CEO of TGB.

The SC alleged that Gan had overstated TGB’s revenue to give the impression that the financial performance of TGB was in line with market expectations when in fact it was not. The SC also claimed that Gan had played a key role in inflating TGB’s revenue by creating fictitious sales transactions between Transmile Air Services (TAS) and 20 purported customers. TAS is TBG’s subsidiary and biggest revenue contributor.

The SC said that in order to make it appear as if the 20 purported customers had made payment to TAS for the fictitious sales, Gan had authorised the payment of monies from TAS to some of the 20 purported customers before the monies were transferred into TAS to be recorded as genuine payments for the flight charter services rendered by TAS.


2020-08-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

27 September 2017 | Kuala Lumpur
Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) recently sued seven individuals at the Kuala Lumpur High Court for the manipulation of shares in APL Industries Bhd (APLI) and is seeking court orders for disgorgement and civil penalty of up to RM7 million and barring the defendants from the capital market.
The SC alleged that Ng Wai Hong, a dealer’s representative at Hwang-DBS Securities Berhad, and six others who were acquainted or connected to her, had actively transacted in large volumes of APLI shares between 7 to 9 November 2006, causing a surge in the volume and price of APLI.

According to the Statement of Claim which was filed by the SC on 21 September 2017, Ng was responsible for planning and carrying out the alleged trading of APLI shares on behalf of the rest of the defendants, who had in turn allowed their accounts to be used for the said manipulative activity. The trades carried out by Ng in the accounts of the other six defendants represented 30.36% of the total volume of APLI shares traded on the market.

The other six defendants are Lo Ga Lung, Toh Pik Chai, Ling Pik Ngieh, Ng Soo Tian, Chan Kok and Chai Shou Wei.

The SC claims that the defendants’ actions had created a false or misleading appearance of active trading with respect to the market for APLI shares as well as having the effect of maintaining the price of APLI shares which were in breach of section 84 and 85 of the Securities Industry Act 1983 respectively.

The disgorgement of all profits obtained by the defendants as a result of the manipulation, will be used to compensate affected investors. The SC is also claiming a civil penalty of RM1 million from each of the seven defendants and orders to bar the defendants from being a director of a public listed company and from trading on the stock exchange for a period of five years.


2020-08-29 16:40 | Report Abuse

Really why enforce strict regulation and severe punishment in the first place with objective to punish offender in stock market and prevention measure. I took module 6 and 7 in SC back in 2010, so I know those break rule will face severe punishment for stock manipulation and misleading conduct. Be in equity research for 2.. let give a try and look if the SC taken action against them. Stock broker / analyst who found out done stock manipulation then legal action should taken against them. Bursa also have it own rule and regulation.. long time left industry..I think penalty around 1 million and sentence two year imprisonment. There are two body that supervise and maintain order in industry, the SC and bursa. @amirez21


2020-08-29 16:18 | Report Abuse

Why we don't take action against unethical practical and foul play by these scumbag IB to the securities commission? So they face grave consequences of their irresponsible action to suppress down market share for their own self interest. Just lodge report to


2020-08-29 00:38 | Report Abuse

Not advise to trade in low trading volume and share price only support by epf , floating rate just 20% it mean this stock lack of liquidity to move up or down as consider not active stock.. not exit . when it down it quite hard to back .. if epf dispose cause selling pressure in this counter. Lousy counter to me ..


2020-08-28 16:51 | Report Abuse

Today market trading at huge volume at 332,146 million volume.. who bought .. I think shark bought stock at last minit that push up share price .. to grap opportunity for cheap stock price before flying high


2020-08-28 16:02 | Report Abuse

Bastard senile old man rocketman, here also want to bark. Go to hell! Not just in Supermax forum..


2020-08-28 15:11 | Report Abuse

Don't sell and be long term investor for strong fundamental company like top will going to regret later in few year, when it price up to achievable when look at strong EPS over 140 cent and Profit after tax over rm1.0 billion in annually.


2020-08-28 15:06 | Report Abuse

Don't look at short sight in trading strong fundament company with profit after tax excess rm1billon and EPS over 150 sen same par with Nestle trading at rm150. Keep holding stock appreciate over time , once reach rm140-150. Sold


2020-08-28 14:59 | Report Abuse

Bastard teamrocket you are not welcome here! Get lost !. Stupid retard senile old man. Go enter into hospital bahagia ,
senile and crazy.
we trade with our money..


2020-08-28 11:53 | Report Abuse

Jf apex bastard now target hartalega and top glove to pressure down share price yesterday Supermax , they want to collect share at cheap price and bonus share before share rally after ex bonus date. .. don't fall to they trap. Bastard analyst jf apex.


2020-08-28 10:36 | Report Abuse

My conservative view, hold the stock for 4 quarter till 1H2021. Let share price rally and let it appreciate over time .. don't sale yet as profit growth strong over 42% every quarter. Within 4 quarter , I expect share price rally up to rm 50-100 after bonus issue or 2000% return . Just like in history , in January 2020 trade at rm1.20 now trading at rm20.00+.


2020-08-28 07:03 | Report Abuse

Lee Chong Cheng head research, apex research hope to buy supermax at cheap price before stock rally high that why they downgrade to neutral.. stupid bastard. Play dirty this fellow .


2020-08-27 19:45 | Report Abuse

Agree with you katsu51


2020-08-27 19:41 | Report Abuse

Same go to me grace chong, i will holding my stock.. I won't let them get my bonus share and future stock appreciation with bright prospect with 1.18 billion and annualy year net income excess rm1 billion slip from my hand.. this is once life time opportunity to hold highly value stock.. in next year , share price appreciate to rm50-100. Lot profit.


2020-08-27 18:29 | Report Abuse

$ $
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2020-08-27 18:06 | Report Abuse

Shark apex manage to buy 189 lot on last 10 minit trading .. due to lower number sale transaction.. bodoh apex. Rm381k.


2020-08-27 17:59 | Report Abuse

Truth, i don't feel worry at all. We invest in the future with bright prospect in Supermax


2020-08-27 17:19 | Report Abuse

Don't worry it will rebound strongly tommorow.. look for fundamental


2020-08-27 16:54 | Report Abuse

Tommorow will up.have patient and faith on strong fundamental.. don't shake your confident. Stock will rally .. long term investors .. not short term .. big prospect ahead.


2020-08-27 15:19 | Report Abuse

1700 buyer chase 300 seller . I told you no body want to sell their share to grasp bonus issues and dividend share. share appreciate in future on premise strong demand on glove and high profit margin. Hold tight your share. Don't let stupid apex fool you.


2020-08-27 15:10 | Report Abuse

Hold tight to your all shares. We are together in this . Don't let go. Wait patient ..lot upside potential in share in coming quarter.


2020-08-27 13:57 | Report Abuse

Jf apex securities only have 2 original staff,the rest is new..high turn over rate in research house.. internship guide by analyst to write this stupid report. Bodoh . Pat rm400 mil and keep increasing incoming the quarter with additional 30% profit rate on top rm400 mil and cagr 30-40% a month. You think we stupid enough to throw away stock that making 400 mil pat in 2Q2020 and increasing 40 eps .. bodoh research house. Tutup la jf apex tulis merapu report. Rubbish report


2020-08-27 13:40 | Report Abuse

Go report to securities commission , they went to far this time. Come out unbase report to manipulate stock market.