
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2023-09-25 11:56 | Report Abuse

I have started to SLOWLY take profit. Park and let the player eat it up. Bought 0.345/0.355 sold above 0.50 and then bought from 0.48 to 0.455. Good enough margin for me. Hope it goes up even more. Best of luck to all. Cheers.


2023-09-25 09:25 | Report Abuse

Ular, already said liao. Those conman traits or behaviour was highlighted by expert. Me just use them as reference Nia. 🤣


2023-09-25 09:21 | Report Abuse

Don't chase. Be patience.


2023-09-24 14:25 | Report Abuse

Alamak Felix. You also believe in the RM100 charged by PakTua? This is what I know. From the day I join, as I was curious on the formula used by PakTua in his swing trade till the day I left, which is more than a year ago, there was no mentioned of a RM100 few. Most of the people knew the reason why I left one year ago. If there was any fee being asked after I left, I have no knowledge about it.

Anyway, since you are so sure that PakTua charge RM100 fee, could you share with me which account were deposited into for the fee? If I am not mistaken, charging a fee for financial advice by unauthorise person is illegal. With the account number, anyone who felt cheated could lodge an official report to the authorities. Then it would be easy for the authorities to investigate and take action on the person. So, could you help share the account number? Thanks.


2023-09-24 08:36 | Report Abuse

Okay. I received a few messages and email asking me why I don't like Jaks. And what is my comment on Jaks. Initially I was too lazy to say much since this Jaks has created such a big ruckus in the forum. Anyway, since there are quite a number of people that have messaged me, I will just jot down what I think.

First and foremost, there is no love hate relation with me and Jaks. Any counter that is listed on the stock exchange will have their ups and down days. However, I am just merely adopting to my principle which I have shared before. That is "Think logically act mechanically" when investing, trading or even gambling in the share market.

The logical part are... if the share is so good, then why are there so many people got caught at a high price? Obviously, some will say they see the value in it. But what is value when you can't realise it? That is what I told Calvin before. What is the use of bragging about owning a porsche when you don't have the key to use it? Isn't that the reason why they were caught at a higher price?

The company has been issuing PP so often. Diluting the share value. Their NTA record a value of RM0.66. Then why would they then issue their share for PP purpose at RM0.18? Give you an example... you want to buy a car. The seller brag that the car worth is RM66k but willing to sell you at RM18k. Then the seller would tell you that this is for future mileage that you could earn/use. Just like Jaks telling you their projected or potential business they could make. Would it be logical for the seller to sell at such a low price? But they still proceed but the buyer ain't you. So, how does that make you feel as a shareholder? Pretty silly, ain't it?

Secondly, to play up this counter, they will need a shark with big funds. Why? Because their NOSH is pretty high. And many were caught and still holding at a higher price. Some manage to average down... that is for sure. Do you think the sharks are father Christmas helping you out of your misery? They don't have a family to feed?

There are in fact a few more factors that I look into before committing to it but since it failed the above, there is no use to drill down further. No doubt, any public listed company share price will fluctuate. It is all demand and supply. For me, there are plenty other counters that I could make money from... without having to sacrifice my sleep and family time.

Therefore, logically for me it is a no go and mechanically I will not buy. However, I sincerely do hope that the price would go up so that those caught high could escape and those bought low can make money. I have nothing against that. But I despise the way it was promoted and method used in how it was promoted. Get it? Hope that will clear my position in this Jaks. Have fun and hope everyone make money from the market. Cheers.


2023-09-24 08:31 | Report Abuse

Walao... someone really feeling the heat. He is acting exactly as describe by the expert on the traits or behaviour of a conman that I pointed out. If not, no sane person would waste so much time posting over and over. When I said so much time, it is almost for the entire day. From 3am, 4am and 5am till was pass midnight. Think logically if that is not insanity. All because of his or her own benefits. Ya... money... profit. Even the most hardworking IBs that take 5 to 6 figure monthly salary would not be so active and aggressive in promoting ONE stock. As I have said before, one may tend to forget but the internet would not. Everything posted is there. 🤣🤣🤣

Once he proudly asked people to refer to his Investment Performance. When I asked him, since he keep attacking me with all sort of nonsense, how was his 3 counters he used to challenge me against my 3 counters. He totally went berserk. Copy and paste again and again but avoiding to comment on that. Trying to push my comment off. Again, internet do not forget and everything posted is there.

He accused me of wanting attention but I have not been actively posting. The few post that I made are...

Warned people against buying Heng Yuan as my info told me that they encountered big losses. He was caught at the price of RM4.40 as he could not con others to buy at a higher price from him.

He laugh at me when I warned others that Esceram is in distribution mode. I exited esceram when it was above RM0.30 and when Esceram went down to RM0.27/RM0.28, there were buy call. Today 22/9/2023, esceram is traded at RM0.225.

Just recently, I openly announced I am interested to buy and accumulate Synergy slowly. SLOWLY. Ular know that I am a very Kiam siap person. Would not chase and wait patiently even if it is a half Sen bid. But I also mentioned that I will be holding it for 4 to 7 months. Just like UZMA, which I openly declared in April when it was trading at RM0.63 and below. The holding period I mentioned was 3 to 6 months. Anyone who hold for that term would have made money. Well, the return would definitely be more than his 4 months holding of Jaks, that is for sure.

When Ular and me were chatting, Ular asked me to give a reccomendation. I chose PTRB or Sunview as that time it was in play. That is a recommendation to Ular and not public. Ular chose PTRB. I even cautioned Ular that there is no guarantee. But somehow, the shark that played the counter ended their play and close their margin account. PTRB tumbled. Initially, we did lose but after we average down a lot, we manage to exit with a slight gain. No surprise for anyone who has the holding power. Tiok boh Ular?

There are many other post I made in the past. Some recommend and some caution messages. But I guess the post that tip this conman off was HengYuan. I guess he is still caught and holding it.

Anyway, I would like to apologize to all the respectful forummers of I3 for all these nonsense post. I will no longer respond to this conman. No point of bringing myself to his low level. Everyone is smart enough to judge. Hope everyone have a wonderful time and profit from the market with the appropriate way. Cheers. 🤣


2023-09-23 10:15 | Report Abuse

Ular, no problem. When you see a mad person talking to himself, you just smile and walk away. No need to be concern of what that mad person say. Anyway, got to go. Sending my son to the airport later. Have a good weekend. Cheers.


2023-09-23 10:03 | Report Abuse

Once he proudly asked people to refer to his Investment Performance. When I asked him, since he keep attacking me with all sort of nonsense, how was his 3 counters he used to challenge me against my 3 counters. He totally went berserk. Copy and paste again and again but avoiding to comment on that. Trying to push my comment off. Again, internet do not forget and everything posted is there.

He accused me of wanting attention but I have not been actively posting. The few post that I made are...

Warned people against buying Heng Yuan as my info told me that they encountered big losses. He was caught at the price of RM4.40 as he could not con others to buy at a higher price from him.

He laugh at me when I warned others that Esceram is in distribution mode. I exited esceram when it was above RM0.30 and when Esceram went down to RM0.27/RM0.28, there were buy call. Today 22/9/2023, esceram is traded at RM0.225.

Just recently, I openly announced I am interested to buy and accumulate Synergy slowly. SLOWLY. Ular know that I am a very Kiam siap person. Would not chase and wait patiently even if it is a half Sen bid. But I also mentioned that I will be holding it for 4 to 7 months. Just like UZMA, which I openly declared in April when it was trading at RM0.63 and below. The holding period I mentioned was 3 to 6 months. Anyone who hold for that term would have made money. Well, the return would definitely be more than his 4 months holding of Jaks, that is for sure.

When Ular and me were chatting, Ular asked me to give a reccomendation. I chose PTRB or Sunview as that time it was in play. That is a recommendation to Ular and not public. Ular chose PTRB. I even cautioned Ular that there is no guarantee. But somehow, the shark that played the counter ended their play and close their margin account. PTRB tumbled. Initially, we did lose but after we average down a lot, we manage to exit with a slight gain. No surprise for anyone who has the holding power. Tiok boh Ular?

There are many other post I made in the past. Some recommend and some caution messages. But I guess the post that tip this conman off was HengYuan. I guess he is still caught and holding it.

Anyway, I would like to apologize to all the respectful forummers of I3 for all these nonsense post. I will no longer respond to this conman. No point of bringing myself to his low level. Everyone is smart enough to judge. Hope everyone have a wonderful time and profit from the market with the appropriate way. Cheers. 🤣


2023-09-23 10:03 | Report Abuse

Walao... someone really feeling the heat. He is acting exactly as describe by the expert on the traits or behaviour of a conman that I pointed out. If not, no sane person would waste so much time posting over and over. When I said so much time, it is almost for the entire day. From 3am, 4am and 5am till was pass midnight. Think logically if that is not insanity. All because of his or her own benefits. Ya... money... profit. Even the most hardworking IBs that take 5 to 6 figure monthly salary would not be so active and aggressive in promoting ONE stock. As I have said before, one may tend to forget but the internet would not. Everything posted is there. 🤣🤣🤣

Wow... now I know why this con man promote Jaks aggressively. Posted non stop from early in the morning till late at night. Even sacrifice all his weekends. The info I received, he actually bought Jaks sometime in May and now already 4 months. Still not much of movement. At one point, Jaks went down to 0.18/0.185 and his entry price was 0.19. So, panic loh and keep promoting to con ikan bilis to support and chase Jaks price up. So he could run road. But after 4 months, only able to up the price by miserable 2.5 sen. Who knows later may not even get his 2.5 sen. Malu lah only able to con 2.5 sen. So promote kau kau loh. Tiok boh? 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, don't take my word for it. Go check out the Jaks thread loh. People can forget but the internet don't. 🤣🤣🤣

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣

What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-23 10:01 | Report Abuse

Once he proudly asked people to refer to his Investment Performance. When I asked him, since he keep attacking me with all sort of nonsense, how was his 3 counters he used to challenge me against my 3 counters. He totally went berserk. Copy and paste again and again but avoiding to comment on that. Trying to push my comment off. Again, internet do not forget and everything posted is there.

He accused me of wanting attention but I have not been actively posting. The few post that I made are...

Warned people against buying Heng Yuan as my info told me that they encountered big losses. He was caught at the price of RM4.40 as he could not con others to buy at a higher price from him.

He laugh at me when I warned others that Esceram is in distribution mode. I exited esceram when it was above RM0.30 and when Esceram went down to RM0.27/RM0.28, there were buy call. Today 22/9/2023, esceram is traded at RM0.225.

Just recently, I openly announced I am interested to buy and accumulate Synergy slowly. SLOWLY. Ular know that I am a very Kiam siap person. Would not chase and wait patiently even if it is a half Sen bid. But I also mentioned that I will be holding it for 4 to 7 months. Just like UZMA, which I openly declared in April when it was trading at RM0.63 and below. The holding period I mentioned was 3 to 6 months. Anyone who hold for that term would have made money. Well, the return would definitely be more than his 4 months holding of Jaks, that is for sure.

When Ular and me were chatting, Ular asked me to give a reccomendation. I chose PTRB or Sunview as that time it was in play. That is a recommendation to Ular and not public. Ular chose PTRB. I even cautioned Ular that there is no guarantee. But somehow, the shark that played the counter ended their play and close their margin account. PTRB tumbled. Initially, we did lose but after we average down a lot, we manage to exit with a slight gain. No surprise for anyone who has the holding power. Tiok boh Ular?

There are many other post I made in the past. Some recommend and some caution messages. But I guess the post that tip this conman off was HengYuan. I guess he is still caught and holding it.

Anyway, I would like to apologize to all the respectful forummers of I3 for all these nonsense post. I will no longer respond to this conman. No point of bringing myself to his low level. Everyone is smart enough to judge. Hope everyone have a wonderful time and profit from the market with the appropriate way. Cheers. 🤣


2023-09-23 10:01 | Report Abuse

Walao... someone really feeling the heat. He is acting exactly as describe by the expert on the traits or behaviour of a conman that I pointed out. If not, no sane person would waste so much time posting over and over. When I said so much time, it is almost for the entire day. From 3am, 4am and 5am till was pass midnight. Think logically if that is not insanity. All because of his or her own benefits. Ya... money... profit. Even the most hardworking IBs that take 5 to 6 figure monthly salary would not be so active and aggressive in promoting ONE stock. As I have said before, one may tend to forget but the internet would not. Everything posted is there. 🤣🤣🤣

Wow... now I know why this con man promote Jaks aggressively. Posted non stop from early in the morning till late at night. Even sacrifice all his weekends. The info I received, he actually bought Jaks sometime in May and now already 4 months. Still not much of movement. At one point, Jaks went down to 0.18/0.185 and his entry price was 0.19. So, panic loh and keep promoting to con ikan bilis to support and chase Jaks price up. So he could run road. But after 4 months, only able to up the price by miserable 2.5 sen. Who knows later may not even get his 2.5 sen. Malu lah only able to con 2.5 sen. So promote kau kau loh. Tiok boh? 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, don't take my word for it. Go check out the Jaks thread loh. People can forget but the internet don't. 🤣🤣🤣

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣

What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 13:25 | Report Abuse

Haiyo Ular... you turn to ash also I can recognise leh. If you use other ID, one look already know it is you. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 13:19 | Report Abuse

First he suspect I am also PakTua. Then he suspect I am StarLeong. Now don't know lah how many people he want to suspect. Normal lah for people who uses multiple IDs will always suspect others doing the same. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 13:18 | Report Abuse

So desperate kah? Anyone that promote the counter that I mentioned, suddenly become me kah? That shows how desperate he has become. Biasa lah. Conman will always be conman. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 10:33 | Report Abuse

Nice. Congrats to those that manage to hitch a ride on this. Cheers. 💪


2023-09-22 10:27 | Report Abuse

Using despicable method to make me look bad? Only to reflect how desperate you are nia. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 10:25 | Report Abuse

That is the best you can do conman? 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 10:20 | Report Abuse

🤣🤣🤣 getting desperate? Con beig found out? 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 10:19 | Report Abuse

🤣🤣🤣 getting desperate? 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 10:12 | Report Abuse

Ular, apa macam SKB. Sui boh? Masuk 0.345 Jual above 0.50. Buy back from 0.48 to 0.455. Sekarang Ada Jual balik sikit sikit. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 10:11 | Report Abuse

Wow... now I know why this con man promote Jaks aggressively. Posted non stop from early in the morning till late at night. Even sacrifice all his weekends. The info I received, he actually bought Jaks sometime in May and now already 4 months. Still not much of movement. At one point, Jaks went down to 0.18/0.185 and his entry price was 0.19. So, panic loh and keep promoting to con ikan bilis to support and chase Jaks price up. So he could run road. But after 4 months, only able to up the price by miserable 2.5 sen. Who knows later may not even get his 2.5 sen. Malu lah only able to con 2.5 sen. So promote kau kau loh. Tiok boh? 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, don't take my word for it. Go check out the Jaks thread loh. People can forget but the internet don't. 🤣🤣🤣

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣

What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 08:10 | Report Abuse

Wow... now I know why this con man promote Jaks aggressively. Posted non stop from early in the morning till late at night. Even sacrifice all his weekends. The info I received, he actually bought Jaks sometime in May and now already 4 months. Still not much of movement. At one point, Jaks went down to 0.18/0.185 and his entry price was 0.19. So, panic loh and keep promoting to con ikan bilis to support and chase Jaks price up. So he could run road. But after 4 months, only able to up the price by miserable 2.5 sen. Who knows later may not even get his 2.5 sen. Malu lah only able to con 2.5 sen. So promote kau kau loh. Tiok boh? 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, don't take my word for it. Go check out the Jaks thread loh. People can forget but the internet don't. 🤣🤣🤣

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣

What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-22 08:09 | Report Abuse

Wow... now I know why this con man promote Jaks aggressively. Posted non stop from early in the morning till late at night. Even sacrifice all his weekends. The info I received, he actually bought Jaks sometime in May and now already 4 months. Still not much of movement. At one point, Jaks went down to 0.18/0.185 and his entry price was 0.19. So, panic loh and keep promoting to con ikan bilis to support and chase Jaks price up. So he could run road. But after 4 months, only able to up the price by miserable 2.5 sen. Who knows later may not even get his 2.5 sen. Malu lah only able to con 2.5 sen. So promote kau kau loh. Tiok boh? 🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, don't take my word for it. Go check out the Jaks thread loh. People can forget but the internet don't. 🤣🤣🤣

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣

What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:41 | Report Abuse

Ular, you go ahead and lepak. I want to go sleep liao. No need to entertain a mad dog by the road side lah. Haiyo. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:39 | Report Abuse

Like you lose in your Heng Yuan? Or the 3 counters? Or maybe Zelan? Wow... now I know. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:37 | Report Abuse

Ular, no lah. Just want to relax a little. For me minum kopi no problem to sleep. Because I don't con people and can sleep well. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:33 | Report Abuse

Tonight stayed a little late for both my kids travel lah. So, minum kopi relax sekejap. 🤣


2023-09-21 23:30 | Report Abuse

Not to mention other counters that I am currently in positive territory. Never posted for anyone to chase the counters once I bought. Not like you promoting Jaks day and night and even on weekends. Weekends with an s. Meaning it has been months you are doing that for various posting. Why? No money to go for holiday? Cheapest entertainment you can get kah? You don't even know why I choose Synergy. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:29 | Report Abuse

And yes, I am up tonight as I expect you to attack me like usual. Anyway, let's wait and see who is the con man. Oh ya, I made 5 figure each from Esceram, UZMA, Hiaptek and now SKBShut. Don't be jealous hor. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:29 | Report Abuse

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣


What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:25 | Report Abuse

Not to mention other counters that I am currently in positive territory. Never posted for anyone to chase the counters once I bought. Not like you promoting Jaks day and night and even on weekends. Weekends with an s. Meaning it has been months you are doing that for various posting. Why? No money to go for holiday? Cheapest entertainment you can get kah? You don't even know why I choose Synergy. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:24 | Report Abuse

Not to mention other counters that I am currently in positive territory. Never posted for anyone to chase the counters once I bought. Not like you promoting Jaks day and night and even on weekends. Weekends with an s. Meaning it has been months you are doing that for various posting. Why? No money to go for holiday? Cheapest entertainment you can get kah? You don't even know why I choose Synergy. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:16 | Report Abuse

And yes, I am up tonight as I expect you to attack me like usual. Anyway, let's wait and see who is the con man. Oh ya, I made 5 figure each from Esceram, UZMA, Hiaptek and now SKBShut. Don't be jealous hor. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:15 | Report Abuse

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣


What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:12 | Report Abuse

And yes, I am up tonight as I expect you to attack me like usual. Anyway, let's wait and see who is the con man. Oh ya, I made 5 figure each from Esceram, UZMA, Hiaptek and now SKBShut. Don't be jealous hor. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 23:10 | Report Abuse

Me pokkai? Like you trolling and posting all the time? No day no night and even weekend? Why? No money to go jalan jalan kah? Lose money? Like your 3 counters you use to challenge me? Like your HengYuan at RM4.40? Warn you people that HY encountered big lose. So, now big lose, you go after me? As if I don't post the warning, HY miraclely will announce big profit kah? And because of my warning, you are not able to con people buying your stranded RM4.40 at higher price kah?

Me using multiple IDs? Sorry, I don't do that and never had and never will. Unlike you aka Mikecyc and I believed many more IDs. Admin can easily check out the IPs and see who is lying loh. Talk about conning people. Just because your con failed, now go everywhere talking rubbish. That is a true conman traits. Trying to belittle others while diverting attention to others for your failure. 🤣🤣🤣

Aiyo. He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣


What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-21 19:26 | Report Abuse

Since I have exited UZMA which I mentioned that I will keep for 3 to 6 months, I will be slowly buy this and keep for 4 to 7 months. Hope for the best. Cheers.


2023-09-19 12:44 | Report Abuse

IshraaqNor. Lau minat dengan perabot, say syorkan Synergy. PE lebih cantik. NOSH pun hanya separuh dari Sernkou. Dan mereka telah berjaya menembusi pasaran US Sama Europe. Dimana harga perabot lebih tinggi bersertakan tukaran Wang lebih lumayan. Dari IPO 0.43, Belum di goreng lagi. Sekarang sekitaran 0.37/0.375. Keputusan QR lalu lebih baik Dan saya jangka Keputusan akan datang akan lebih baik. Tapi itu pandangan saya saja. Saya tengah kumpul dengan perlahan. Tak payah rush.


2023-09-19 11:52 | Report Abuse

No need. Not keen to have any interaction with conman. Serve no purpose. Anyway, his level is not enough to even carry my shoe. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-19 11:44 | Report Abuse

The G counter I will not post as the current price already exceed quite a lot from my average price. Don't want anyone chasing after it. Let it be. ✌️


2023-09-19 11:34 | Report Abuse

Already cut win. Now waiting for the second R. Posted that I was accumulating liao. 🤣


2023-09-19 11:26 | Report Abuse

This is my second R that I was accumulating and still accumulating. Price is controlled for PP purpose. Hope those that has the patience and faith will be the winner in the near future. Cheers. ✌️


2023-09-19 10:39 | Report Abuse

That UZMA, waiting for the final wave. Then should be taking profit as well. Last wave already on.


2023-09-19 10:37 | Report Abuse

Woi Ular. The first R already took profit. The second R still waiting. Should not be long liao. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-18 15:34 | Report Abuse

I post so little he said I seek attention. He post non stop day after day and even most of the weekend time. Some more wake up at 4am, 5am or even 6am and start posting, wonder what is that for ar? Seek attention or want to con people kah? 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-18 15:32 | Report Abuse

Wayang also wayang lah. But as I said, the forummers here are smart enough to know. More and more people already know his Jaks con. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-18 15:25 | Report Abuse

Since he is able to dig out others 18 generation history. It is also easy for others to dig out his 18 generation history lo. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-18 15:23 | Report Abuse

Can check back history and see how many weekends this conman spent on the i3 forum lah. People go makan angin but he non stop barking. And then want to twist and turn divert attention from his con. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-18 15:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo. Still want to divert attention kah? He want to talk about karma kah? Me weekend enjoy with friends and family. No hassle of promoting and stocks or talk rubbish. But he hor, spent so much time posting rubbish. Karma? 🤣🤣🤣 11am say want to have wonderful family time. By 3.00pm already started posting non stop. What type of family time? Only spend 4 hours? No money to take family for a vacation meh? Tu lah... keep hoping for others to pokkai but sendiri is the one pokkai. Because still cannot con people to buy his Jaks higher so he could run road. Lose until go near near for holiday also cannot afford kah? Even weekend also wastes so much time. Already desperate. Karma? Kesian. Correct? 🤣🤣🤣

One more observation that I forgotten to point out. If you see a person desperately promote something, then something is not right. When I say desperately... that means day and night and seven days a week. Non stop promoting. A good product don't need such desperate promotion. You don't see that happening for good product. Correct? 🤣


What is so difficult to identify who is a conman? Just Google lah. Plenty of write up on that...

How do con artists behave?
They have an inflated view of themselves, and they're really shameless in their self-promotion. They can also be impulsive: they engage in dangerous behavior and obviously commit crimes without any regard for the impact it can have on others." Con artists also tend to very confident and cocky.25 Apr 2022

The above gave a simple narration of how to identify a conman. Someone that is egoistic and never back down. When people question his or her motive or data presented, he or she usually goes mad and starts a personal attack on the people who question him or her while deflecting answering a legitimate question. The personal attack could be derived from the make up story by not revealing the entire scenario or truth. He or she only uses data that could assist him or her in the con. Keep repeating a lie in the hope that the people will believe in his or her lies. He or she needs to get people to believe him or her by discrediting others. When failed, they will emerge using another identity.

Anyway, don't take my word for it loh. Just go do your own research on how a scammer or conman behaves and I am very sure, you will find a match. 🤣🤣🤣


2023-09-15 22:52 | Report Abuse

No. Just don't want to waste my precious time entertaining a conman. Already said what I have to say. Those that listen, good for them. Those don't listen, not a problem to me. The same phrase that I said in Heng Yuan. Good night. 🤣🤣🤣