
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2023-02-02 11:32 | Report Abuse

Ah tek I am still keeping.


2023-02-02 11:31 | Report Abuse

Yeah. long time not active. Sold off ah lok the other day with good margin. Remember I told you my target was 2.70? Also slowly taking good profit from jamban. currently looking at mummy.


2023-02-02 11:22 | Report Abuse

Good morning Ular. Wishing you a very Happy Chinese New Year.


2022-08-24 18:56 | Report Abuse

Ular... QR hijau kah merah kah... doesn't matter lah. lu tengok itu bungaraya... QR banyak hijau, kaunter merah. Wakaka.


2022-08-24 17:35 | Report Abuse

kesian. dividen pun tak ada. Wakaka.


2022-08-24 17:31 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Definitely a beautiful day. Wakaka.


2022-08-24 17:17 | Report Abuse

explosive QR tak ada limit up. malah gostan. orang lain punya kaunter limit up pi kutuk pula. macam mana ini? sudah cakap, hati mau baik. Wakaka.


2022-08-24 17:14 | Report Abuse

wah itu bungaraya sudah limit up kah? apa pasal merah arrr? lain counter kasi good result semua naik, ini Bungaraya gostan kah? itu promoter lagi mau pi kutuk orang lain punya counter. semalam orang lain punya promoter limit up. Bungaraya QR keluar... merah merah. Wakaka.


2022-08-24 17:12 | Report Abuse

MyEG tech lah. Lari ke belakang. kikiki.


2022-08-23 16:41 | Report Abuse

tapi dia punya Bungaraya ciput saja naik. lagi mau pi kutuk orang lain. Wakaka


2022-08-23 16:39 | Report Abuse

Ular... ah Heng hari ini limit up. yang cakap mau limit up punya selalu pi ah Heng sana kutuk. Wakaka.


2022-08-20 19:38 | Report Abuse

PakTua... kah kah kah... maybe your niau niau too nutritious loh. sampai pokok pun tak boleh tahan. kikiki.


2022-08-20 19:03 | Report Abuse

Got lah. pakai common sense mah. scientist cakap mau kasi itu kencing ada bau baru bagus pakai. kencing budak mana ada bau lah. lu pingoogle tengok loh. Wakaka.


2022-08-20 18:50 | Report Abuse

okay loh. if you say so. Wakaka


2022-08-20 18:45 | Report Abuse

Woi... old man more fertile mah. small boy mana ada fertile? Wakaka.


2022-08-20 18:43 | Report Abuse

Ular, you everyday niau niau at the keladi lah. sure big. some even buncit like pregnant. Wakaka.


2022-08-20 18:31 | Report Abuse

Calvin, this one I agree with you. avoid scam. how much target did you mention and asked your follower to buy when TSH was trading above RM1.80? are you asking people to avoid you as well? Haiya.


2022-08-20 18:27 | Report Abuse

Ular, that is why I ask Income what species loh. kikiki.


2022-08-20 18:08 | Report Abuse

income, I am not too sure what species your Giant keladi is. normally rich people will use it as fengshui plant for their gsrdenm quite costly. so, maybe you could check it out. as I have read before, some caladium plant can fetch up more than RM500 per plant. if your plant species is that, just sell it and then go giant to buy a trolley of chip. tak payah susah susah. Wakaka.


2022-08-20 14:49 | Report Abuse

And if RK is so good, when he was appointed as one of the advisor when PH was government, how does our bursa perform? down to the lowest at 1,200 point. tell me again... how a good person he is? Haiya.


2022-08-20 14:44 | Report Abuse

Genting LGT has more people from mainland China respect. RK? why don't you go talk to real mainland Chinese and ask them what they think of RK lah. Haiya.


2022-08-20 14:42 | Report Abuse

and don't give me the crap about Wilmar... that is related to RK. go ask those invested in his transmil and see what those people say loh. Cheh.


2022-08-20 14:40 | Report Abuse

Calvin... go out and travel around lah instead of coop up in your apartment. just because you cook using palm oil, that does not mean everyone uses that. Ang Moh don't use it. China, many rural area uses pork oil. you are live Ng in a world that you created for yourself and hope everyone live in the world you created.


2022-08-20 14:24 | Report Abuse

income, those Giant keladi, I don't think you can eat it. in fact, have not hear any ate that. some even say it is poisonous. check it out first before eating.


2022-08-20 14:17 | Report Abuse

you use technology everyday. more frequent than you use palm oil and you still think tech has no future? what sort of logic is that?


2022-08-20 14:16 | Report Abuse

and if what you said. stock price don't matter, then why are you so concern people buying tech stock at high price? tech has no future? still want to lie to your followers?


2022-08-20 14:11 | Report Abuse

Still talking kok Calvin? you still have not answer my question. invest for dividen and stock price don't matter? tell me, if TSH stock price don't move and company issue a dividen of 0.30. will the price still be the same or adjusted 0.30 for the dividen payout. please answer it honestly. that if you ar a gentlemen as you declared. or merely a scammer trying to lie to your followers?


2022-08-19 22:08 | Report Abuse

Hmmm Ular. should stay out and relax lah. oledi full your daily quota mah. Haiya.


2022-08-19 21:42 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... lu bukan mau abalone meh? KFC cukup kah? kikiki.


2022-08-19 20:16 | Report Abuse

Okay. nanti saya WhatsApps TiGong. kikiki.


2022-08-19 17:32 | Report Abuse

Calvin, sometimes I wonder if you know what is the truth anymore.


2022-08-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

And you still have not answer to my question on what would you say to those that listen to you and panic sell on lgms.


2022-08-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

Calvin... gentlemen? you dare to say that? when you call others as a pump and dump scammer? gentlemen? Cheh.


2022-08-19 17:29 | Report Abuse

Anthony, I agree with your statement. Calvin has gone too far this time. and yet he dare to laugh. truly shameless clot.


2022-08-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

Calvin... you still have not answer what you will say to those people who panic sell LGMS. and as for the others, Paktua has alerted then of the pullback and set the entry level again. everyone in his telegram knows about the pullback. how about you? did you warn the people that listen to you to sell when TSH was sold down from 1.80?


2022-08-19 17:16 | Report Abuse

So, Calvin. Why keep silent? cat caught your tongue?


2022-08-19 17:10 | Report Abuse

This has nothing to do with TSH. it is about a person who has no idea how to play the market but yet still dare to accuse others of scam . So, Calvin... what have you got to say to those that listen and panic sell today? are you a scammer too?


2022-08-19 17:06 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan... land mines? yesterday you go over to LGMS thread and tried to spread fear by giving fake news about people exiting and call everyone to sell and buy TSH. Those that convinced by you if they panic sell and found out that LGMS go up by RM0.16.bWhat would you say to the And your TSH, which supposedly to be safe, is down by one Sen. Those that listen will missed out their profit in LGMS and again loss out if they buy TSH higher as the close is the lowest for the day. Do you call the people who give good advise for the people to make money a scam or con? while your advise cause people to lose more? What have you got to say?


2022-08-19 10:04 | Report Abuse

Woi Ular... that gila fella I mean palm oil minister lah. Haiya.


2022-08-19 10:02 | Report Abuse

Mikey... beware of what? Calvin? Ular? Market? Me not newbie loh. Wakaka.


2022-08-19 10:01 | Report Abuse

Woi Mikey, if you think I defend that Calvin, go ahead and think loh. all my post I no delete also. Wakaka.


2022-08-19 09:57 | Report Abuse

everyday talk seven talk eight. almost sound like gila Liao. kikiki.


2022-08-19 09:56 | Report Abuse

Woi Mikey... apa lu bikin sini? don't perli Ular lagi lah. You focus on that Palm oil minister mah. tell him the way he play, no need to everyday preach mah. no need to see fundamental also. just go buy one stock that is trading near 52w and hold lah. one year don't up, then two years. sure will up one day. Haiya.


2022-08-19 09:47 | Report Abuse

Banyak boring. wa pergi makan nasi lemak dulu. kikiki.


2022-08-19 09:45 | Report Abuse

Semalam itu Calvin, orang panggil dia minister of palm oil lah, pergi merata suruh orang jual orang punya share dan beli TSH wor. sudah sound banyak desperate. siapa pi dengar dia, misti banyak amdui. Wakaka.


2022-08-19 09:42 | Report Abuse

Today also I relax sikit. weekend coming. kikiki.


2022-08-19 09:40 | Report Abuse

Should be okay lah. I have not toss my coin yet. kikiki.


2022-08-19 09:37 | Report Abuse

Good morning ular. market kejap hijau kejap merah kah? kikiki.


2022-08-18 23:26 | Report Abuse

Ular, you still online? remember the other day I said that Dnex got road block at 0.88-0.90. will stay around that range and wait for Bungaraya? wa tak tipu Hor. Wakaka.