
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2022-07-19 18:21 | Report Abuse

Paktua, gas kentut kot. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 18:15 | Report Abuse

CGS-CIMB Securities Sdn Bhd analyst Ivy Ng Lee Fang wrote in a note on Tuesday that CIMB Group Holdings Bhd, Top Glove and Supermax were the top three short-selling targets in terms of trading value on Bursa last week (July 11 to 15).

"The total trading value of short-selling fell 30.2% wow (week-on-week) to RM77.3 million.

"The top three short-sell sectors in terms of value were financial services, technology and healthcare," Ng said.

In securities trading terminology, short selling involves the sale of borrowed securities at higher prices by the borrower, in anticipation that prices of the securities will fall.

The borrower will subsequently buy back the securities at a lower price to make a profit, based on the prices the securities were sold and bought back.

Top Glove and Hartalega are also constituents of the 30-stock FBM KLCI, which had on Tuesday closed down 0.78 point or 0.05% at 1,428.76.

Just read the above report. I wonder how long is the contract for those borrower that shorted TG. I think already quite sometime Liao. No need to return back the share meh? Haiya.


2022-07-19 17:55 | Report Abuse

expiring in 4 to 5 weeks


2022-07-19 17:54 | Report Abuse

kalu naik, ada dua level kena jaga 0.905 and 1.00. manyak bili call sana. lu pun tau itu banker manyak kedekut. kalau boleh, dia orang mau sapu habis. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 17:52 | Report Abuse

Paktua... no issue on my side. and you already has guessed I am an oil man. orang minyak lah cakap orang kampong. kita kasi isi penuh itu perigi. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 17:48 | Report Abuse

Paktua... patut lah wa tengok dia punya remisier pakai masili... dia pakai kancil saja. bikin kasi dia punya remisier kaya saja. Haiya.


2022-07-19 17:46 | Report Abuse

Paktua, wa bili ticket balik bas bunga raya. berkepit kepit sama itu ular. hampir hampir lemas dia bikin wa. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 17:41 | Report Abuse

lain kali mau goreng, kasi bilang sama olang Sabah dulu mah. ini goreng sendiri makan... mana boleh tahan. haiyo. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 16:32 | Report Abuse

Wakaka ular, you really make me laugh lah.


2022-07-19 15:21 | Report Abuse

kah kah kah... MM... still think taking oil out free of charge meh? Wakaka.


2022-07-19 14:48 | Report Abuse

wa ikut red army saja. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 14:41 | Report Abuse

beli... apa pasal tak mau beli. red army leader sudah kasi green light mah. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 14:35 | Report Abuse

paktua, bas wa sampai lagi. wa beli ticket bas bunga raya. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 13:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... babu snake also got Liao. when monkey will be coming? Wakaka.


2022-07-19 13:30 | Report Abuse

Paktua, terus jadi tempoyak ke? Wakaka.


2022-07-19 13:27 | Report Abuse

probability, may I add one more thing for your info. HY don't use Brent crude which are selling at a premium. Hope that would give you some idea of whatever spread some people are calculating. That's it and will no longer comment on this. Best of luck. cheers.


2022-07-19 12:18 | Report Abuse

ular, lu tikam apa ini malam? mau pom pom team kah? Wakaka.


2022-07-19 12:08 | Report Abuse

wa pergi yam char dan balik, semua masih sama lagi kah? itu bursa sudah tutup kah? Haiya.


2022-07-19 11:55 | Report Abuse

Anthony, you got that 100% right. best of luck.


2022-07-19 10:15 | Report Abuse

no contra please. not the time yet.


2022-07-19 09:56 | Report Abuse

No lah. Paktua red army leader lead the way mah. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 09:50 | Report Abuse

tahniah Paktua. MSK upgrade to duri hitam. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 09:38 | Report Abuse

ular, wa ingat itu Paktua masih lagi enjoy dia punya MSK lah. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 09:34 | Report Abuse

Paktua, itu HY sama itu Bunga Raya... wa turun bas dulu. jutaan terima kasih. Tut Tut. hihi.


2022-07-19 09:22 | Report Abuse

mesti ucap terima kasih pada Paktua lah. dia ketua red army. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 09:18 | Report Abuse

itu bunga raya, wa masih tinggal sikit lagi. semalam wa sudah start trim. tapi wa ok. there is no wrong to take profit. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 09:09 | Report Abuse

fuyooo... bunga raya masih mengembang. insurance letak belakang dulu. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 09:05 | Report Abuse

Good morning. early morning oledi call buy insurance kah? Wakaka.


2022-07-19 00:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... as I said, I am not an egoistic person who wanted to make myself look like an expert. not sure about you. You go ahead and believe what you want. not going to make me richer anyway. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 00:43 | Report Abuse

Hahaha... whatever lah MM. let the reader gauge. not for me to judge who has better understanding of oil business. I not sonego want to judge myself. anyway, I am no expert even having involve in oil business for 3 decades Nia. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 00:35 | Report Abuse

One last statement... refiner process more, what happen? surplus in product which will make the product cheaper and thus contribute to even less spread. lagi cepat chap lap. Wakaka.


2022-07-19 00:31 | Report Abuse

Okay lah MM. you go ahead with your believe. I have tried to explain to you the real scenario and what action taken by refiners. up to you to believe what you want. hahaha.


2022-07-19 00:28 | Report Abuse

habis... expect the price will come down. jialat.


2022-07-19 00:26 | Report Abuse

and this is not a volume game like those China manufacturing plant. totally different ballgame.


2022-07-19 00:25 | Report Abuse

you can go and ask any friend in refinery lah. if the spread become too thin, will the refinery still be processing at maximum capacity or not. that... my friend... is the real scenario.


2022-07-19 00:24 | Report Abuse

it is like the chicken and egg question. which one come first. there are no answer as both are co dependence on each other. Haiya.


2022-07-19 00:23 | Report Abuse

how can the producer increase price when the supply of crude is more than being process? they will need to produce less. and less will also tighten their revenue lah. all tie in together one mah.


2022-07-19 00:19 | Report Abuse

now, we come back to the original topic. hengyuan... I would say they are not the best but there is an opportunity for trading. see... I say trading and not investing Hor. so be careful with that. if one want to invest, I would believe Petron would be a better choice. at least they don't need to send money back to their motherland. ada faham BOH? Haiya.


2022-07-19 00:13 | Report Abuse

I have mentioned before... on this planet earth, the processing capacity or license to refine oil is around 88m barrels per day. you think this planet earth need 88m bbls per day or not? the refineries also can influence the oil price by processing more or less lah wei. not just the producer. sigh.


2022-07-19 00:09 | Report Abuse

Precisely. and what is the cost of producing the oil? free meh? you think producer can survive if the oil is selling around USD13/bbls? they will close their tap. same as refineries. low spread, they do maintenance, shutdown or better known as turnaround. Haiya.


2022-07-19 00:00 | Report Abuse

I don't see refinery selling their product in negative territory. ada lah? Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:59 | Report Abuse

I mean oil producer set the negative price kah? Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:58 | Report Abuse

like when oil was traded in negative territory... refinery set that price kah? take oil give money for other people to take away kah? Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:55 | Report Abuse

That is why I said, you don't have any real idea of oil business lah. just because you read the book titled Oil business for dummies, does not make you an expert loh. Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:53 | Report Abuse

talk to you also sai hei. just because you read some book titled Oil Business for Dummies, you can claim yourself as expert. you ask any oilman that has 40 years experience also dare not claim themselves as expert lah wei. Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:48 | Report Abuse

bloated lah. koboi must be seen as giant mah. otherwise malu mah. Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:46 | Report Abuse

It is not the producer that set the price also lah wei... you see those traders running around or not? it is them. and the price would depends on how much demand there is in the market. as if it was the producer that set the price. they can only influence the price by putting more or less oli in the market and let those traders run around trying to get the best deal. I thought you know oil business? no meh? Haiya.


2022-07-18 23:43 | Report Abuse

oil producer don't determine the product price lah wei. demand does. Wakaka.


2022-07-18 23:42 | Report Abuse

As I said, thin spread does not make refinery bankrupt lah. they will still survive. dry well will make producer bankrupt lah. hahaha.


2022-07-18 23:40 | Report Abuse

shale oil in koboi land, if crude price not above USD60, all tapau Liao loh. they not oil producer kah? I thought you are an expert in oil business? Haiya.