TEEXIAN1840 | Joined since 2017-11-03 15:18:43

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2018-08-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

if PH lingkop now and BN override, C29 back to 0.075 = 100%. kompom.


2018-08-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

chance's for C29 back to 0.075 = -100%


2018-08-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

if our beloved najib in power right now. mrcb will be @ $1.510. C29 -> 0.220. because of this pumahathir, C29 -> 0.005.


2018-08-27 16:57 | Report Abuse

I'm still holding 1.38m lots C29 @ 0.075. prepared to boom putrajaya.


2018-08-27 16:46 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir said foreigners are not allowed to buy property in forest city. ini tak boleh, itu tak boleh, Malaysia property market macam mana mau BOOM ?


2018-08-26 09:07 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir cakap yesterday : mau buat ECRL ? boleh ! ambil keluar dulu 55b...


2018-08-25 23:11 | Report Abuse

any latest news for MRT2 ?


2018-08-25 23:10 | Report Abuse

any latest news for MRT2 ?


2018-08-25 22:35 | Report Abuse



2018-08-25 17:10 | Report Abuse

joetay7, our beloved najib collapse because of tun mahathir, i face huge losses also because of this pukimahathir.


2018-08-25 16:55 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir, it's easy for you to say NO, YES, NO, YES. uncertainty of your decision on ECRL & HSR has caused share markets up side down, a lot of retrenched workers for ECRL are upset. you better step down and stay at home, play with your grandchildren instead. TUN, lu sudah nyanyiok. fikir fikir kan la...


2018-08-25 09:23 | Report Abuse

government has no extra money for now, why tun mahathir still insist to proceed on his 3rd national car program instead of public transport infrastructures like MRT3, HSR ?


2018-08-25 09:11 | Report Abuse

ECRL only serves the progress payment seven years from 1st day commence of works (2023). government not need to take out money in between that period of time.


2018-08-23 21:39 | Report Abuse

YB Ahza, satu tahun : 10 X 2 = 20, sepuluh tahun : 2 X 10 = 20, duapuluh tahun : 10 X 2 = 20, itu kepala kasi goncang goncang duapuluh tahun pun tetap sama. kalu kucing putih kasi cat hitam pun tetap kucing, tak akan jadi harimau. huhu...


2018-08-23 20:47 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir ! kalau today you jual lu pinya kereta bagi itu olang, tommorow lu pandu balik itu kereta, apa macam ? lu today ini macam tommorow itu macam, sini pusing sana pusing, malaysia last qr GDP down from 5% to 4.5%, lu ada nampak ka ?


2018-08-23 17:48 | Report Abuse

tangguh kepala bapak kau tun mahathir, CCCC kena service one million each day for machinery, workers etc for ECRL, lagi lama lu tangguh lagi tinggi penalty malaysia kena bayar.


2018-08-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

any latest news for MRT2 ?


2018-08-21 23:08 | Report Abuse

wait till cost come down ? CCCC got to service one million a day for machinery, workers etc. lagi tunggu lagi tinggi kos, lagi kepala pusing bos...


2018-08-21 22:12 | Report Abuse

ECRL has nothing to do with mrcb, the critical one is HSR. hopefully tun can give way for HSR project. but tun also mentioned in china that HSR is stupid project...


2018-08-21 22:00 | Report Abuse

pembatalan ECRL dibuat tun mahathir satu jam sebelum balik kampung. tak boleh pakai pinya. kompom.


2018-08-21 21:53 | Report Abuse

masalah dengan tun mahathir yang berlidah cabang dua. di sini tun kutuk najib jual proton kepada china, gadai maruah negara. tapi di china tun memeluk geely dan semua ok belaka. banyak projek yang telah najib kemukakan dan bertolak sesama china, adakah kerajaan china akan melepaskan projek projek yang telah terancang dan berjalan kerana putar belit tun mahathir ? china juga faham keadaan ekonomi malaysia tidak seteruk yang dikatakan tun mahathir. mereka juga tahu tun tengah bermain 'tarik tali' agar dapat simpati dan pengurangan kos projek ECRL. jangan lupa tun mahathir kaki 'U TURN'. besar kemungkinan projek ECRL akan disambung semula...


2018-08-21 16:34 | Report Abuse

those PH supporter mostly chixxxx, a lot of them are contractors, developers ...sikalang baru tau rasa. syiok...


2018-08-21 16:30 | Report Abuse

latest HSR news updates : tun mahathir just said in Beijing, ECRL & HSR projects not cancelled completely, just put aside 1st for now until our country economy recovered or debts shrink to the healthier level.


2018-08-21 15:18 | Report Abuse

translate ka ? boleh boleh, tun mahathir cakap : keretapi laju tinggi (HSR) dari Singapore ke Kuala Lumpur hanya mempunyai jarak 350km bergerak dengan kelajuan 200km/h tidak mendatangkan faedah walau pun satu sen. orang mahu pigi Thailand cari ayam pun tak boleh, satu projek kepala bapak.


2018-08-21 14:44 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir has just mentioned in Beijing that HSR also cancelled.


2018-08-21 14:32 | Report Abuse

no wonder our country GDP for last QR drops from 5% to 4.5%. thanks to tun mahathir.


2018-08-21 14:28 | Report Abuse

by the way, don't be fooled by our pm tun mahathir. his inconsistent country infrastructures development policy, don't forget, our beloved former pm najib called him MR. U TURN. today this tommorow will be different story...


2018-08-21 13:08 | Report Abuse

ECRL has nothing to do with mrcb.


2018-08-21 13:08 | Report Abuse

HSR will definitely ON after cancellation of ECRL.


2018-08-20 22:41 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir is more concerned on his 3rd national car program than others.


2018-08-20 22:35 | Report Abuse

only 2nd QR financial reports, final settlement of MRT2 that's may boots up the share price. ECRL & HSR going to be long way...


2018-08-20 15:56 | Report Abuse

problems with tun mahathir always like to use country debts as topics in local (1 trillion) but in china, he's mentioned 1.1 trillion to the public. it's really sickening...


2018-08-20 15:17 | Report Abuse

good news from Beijing, tun mahathir cakap : HSR boleh ON tapi dengan syarat, ia mesti disambung dari johor ke padang besar negeri kedah. langkah ini bagi menyenangkan rakyat negara ini dan singapura boleh terus ke Thailand untuk cari ayam.


2018-08-16 23:40 | Report Abuse

brother Oranje, i got stuck @ hsi-c3j, 3k, 3l high price -> 0.125. shortage of lui to enter @ lower price today. really 'am tui'. tommorow hsi may up > 300 point. but my cost still long way to go... sad.


2018-08-16 22:54 | Report Abuse

maybe HSR -> long way to go.


2018-08-16 22:49 | Report Abuse

azmin pernah cakap : perbincangan HSR ini akan memakan masa WEEKS + INCONSISTENT decision of tun mahathir, takut nanti tun campur aduk HSR + isu bil bekalan air johor to singapure + isu terumbu karang putih -> UPSIDE DOWN.


2018-08-16 20:56 | Report Abuse

HSR on the way + US / CHINA trade talk, DJI futures up > 205 when open bell. hopefully tomorrow mrcb ada 'BOOM'.


2018-08-16 14:27 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir visiting china coming Friday, what's most benefits ? 1) PALM OIL, malaysia will demands china to import more palm oil. 2) ECRL, renegotiate cost cutting before proceed further. TSGP, negotiations of trans-sabah pipe line. 4) other mega projects like kuantan port, forest city, melaka gateway, etc... none of the topic above can give good move to mrcb share price. hopefully 2nd QR financial report, MRT2, HSR can make mrcb up again...


2018-08-15 17:39 | Report Abuse

PH is equal to PAS : kami sengaja melambatkan pembangunan agar rakyat kelantan dapat mengejar dan menikmati hidup semasa. PH ini takut itu takut, ini potong itu tangguh, hari hari 1 trillion debts. kalau keadaan ini berterusan, PH akan menjadikan malaysia dari harimau asia tenggara -> kucing kurap.


2018-08-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

very disappointed with C30, pi mai pi mai situ juga...


2018-08-15 15:27 | Report Abuse

tun mahathir is using HSR as black sheep in between china & japan. 1) can Japan give loan to malaysia to reduce debts as what tun asked for without HSR ? 2) can china willing to cut down the cost of ECRL without HSR ?


2018-08-15 14:30 | Report Abuse

EDL hopeless as expected earlier. what's left ? 1) 2018 2nd QR financial reports. 2) MRT2, 3) HSR.


2018-08-15 05:13 | Report Abuse

it's a good ideas proposed by brother Cockroach Paul with win win exchange format on the ECRL & PALM OIL. if china willing to cut costs on ECRL by giving 0% interest rates and our country export PALM OIL to them with lower costs. thailand also using RICE exchange format on their HSR with china. can suggest to our pm on this matter. cheers...