
TTD1990 | Joined since 2020-07-24

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2024-03-04 21:50 | Report Abuse

@Brutus, sorry to ask, but what is DRP? Can pls explain, thank u


2024-03-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

Hello, have been here for a long time. Can anyone tell me when is the ex date for Rhb dividen please. Thanks in advanced


2021-04-15 13:40 | Report Abuse

Mana itu retard Mikecyc??


2021-01-21 09:26 | Report Abuse

Herd immunity can only be achieved once 70% off a population is vaccinated, and we expect this number to be reached by 2nd quarter off 2022, in the meantime, reinfections are rapidly occurring, proving that its possible even after vaccination, there is a risk off getting Covid. Conclusion, u draw for yourself


2021-01-12 08:44 | Report Abuse

Dia senang cerita je, kau nak beli simpan lama2, kau punya pasal, kau x nak beli pun, kau punya pasal. Xyah nak duk sibuk menyalak mcm anjing bashing the stock. Nampak sangat motivenya


2021-01-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

MCO maybe targeted, unlikely entire nation


2021-01-08 19:31 | Report Abuse

Reward will come for those who wait, DrWarrant, glad to see u back


2021-01-07 15:25 | Report Abuse

MCO immenent, gloves theme play like back in March 20


2020-11-15 12:38 | Report Abuse

Mzm,thank u for sharing. We shall continue holding and reap the rewards. Screw the naysayers


2020-11-10 10:05 | Report Abuse

I tell u, Malaysian retail investors are the stupidest bunch. Vaccine not even in Malaysia yet, already overhype. Gloves doing so well with market all over the world, and record profits, blh down, aiyooo


2020-11-08 00:49 | Report Abuse

Joe Biden has won, it's official


2020-11-07 23:56 | Report Abuse

Hye DrWarrant, nice to see u again after so long.


2020-11-06 15:17 | Report Abuse

Ppl who think/talk/spread news that there is a windfal tax, seriously special kind off stupid


2020-11-06 02:31 | Report Abuse

Positive catalyst for gloves sectors


2020-11-03 20:45 | Report Abuse

Confirmwin, is a confirm brain dead ib, reposting same shit again and again,haha


2020-11-03 11:35 | Report Abuse

Notice how that pang-sai not here when uptrend start? Told u all, he is nothing but a low life troll trying to leech of u guys.


2020-11-02 19:53 | Report Abuse

No need to listen to piece of shit apek like u. Hide behind keyboard and type whatever u want, like the coward u r. U dont have Careplus in ur portfolio, yet barking here like a mad dog. Clearly shows ur intentions.


2020-11-02 12:56 | Report Abuse

Just a word from my remiser, stocks all down due to US election and Budget 2021, will rebound back soon, top up while its low. And word off advise as well. The worst kind off ppl are the ones who make fun and laugh at others misery. Pls dont have children, because u will be raising pieces shit like urself.


2020-11-02 10:18 | Report Abuse

Notice how, when the price going down, all the sohai dogs come out in full force, barking like mad, typical tin kosong. Dont let them scare u. Its just market sentiments, nothing to do with company performance


2020-11-01 21:41 | Report Abuse

If downtrending also, dont sell, average down, top up some more. Dont let sohai like this collect cheap from u guys. This is fear mongering tactics. Dont let others exploit u guys. U shud wonder why this Pang so caring for your money. He is not related to u in any way and yet so caring for u. Ppl like this can never trust


2020-11-01 12:50 | Report Abuse

Haha, some ppl really some special kind off stupid. Enuf said


2020-11-01 11:26 | Report Abuse

Vaccine is at least a year away, and cases continue to rise. Gloves are always in demand, together with masks and ppe. Dont sell ur glove stocks to apeks like this. They dont know shit. I have already warned u. Dont regret later


2020-11-01 11:21 | Report Abuse

Who told u? Finance Minister? U his next door neighbor isit? U another bullshitting sohai like that angelinvestor. Dont ever listen to fookers like this guys. All scaremongering tactics. Konon they noe when the pandemic gonna end, but claims are jackshit


2020-10-31 11:35 | Report Abuse

Biggest joke of the year by the biggest joker,FD better than glove stocks, seriously?? What kind off special stupid r u??


2020-10-30 12:17 | Report Abuse

Plus000, another fear monger like that sochai angelinvestor. Once he spread the fear, collect cheap, then disappear forever. Price low dont sell, keep top up and hold for long term. Virus aint going nowhere. Gloves bull rally still got many folds.


2020-10-30 08:12 | Report Abuse

Its not we hoping for ppl to die. We just making the best off a terrible situation, thats all.


2020-10-26 16:22 | Report Abuse

Hmmm,notice how the tin kosong bising non stop since morning? Hahaha, and now look whr we are at. Dont follow sifools


2020-10-26 11:08 | Report Abuse

Teamrocket, u already sell ryt?? Then fuck off la,. Why u still here? Trying to con ppl ah? U have baked retard potato, hahaha


2020-10-26 09:58 | Report Abuse

Mark ur words?? Who the f r u? Billionaire? U also one pokai dog cmg and barking here.hahahaha


2020-10-25 20:06 | Report Abuse

U want to sell u sell la dei, why u asking others to sell??


2020-10-25 18:44 | Report Abuse

No darurat, to the moon and beyond tmrw


2020-10-23 19:46 | Report Abuse

Dei nonsense, why tf u so concerned about Careplus??? U supermax advocate kan? Go supermax forum la. Why coming and barking here like an uncivilized dog? Careplus last Q profit 30mils, x puas, say must minus half for one off sales, surely next Q, profit down. Now profit 42 mils, beat expections. U plak, not good enuf, must do better. Who tf cares??? Mind ur own bloody business la u retard


2020-10-23 16:33 | Report Abuse

Darurat about to be declared, hence the sudden drop


2020-10-23 15:14 | Report Abuse

Team rocket, u brain damaged ah??? Hahaha, stupid retard


2020-10-23 13:46 | Report Abuse

Turns out, foker is stuck high at mahsing, and cant unload. Hence he is here. Hahahaha. Pity the retard


2020-10-23 13:31 | Report Abuse

Foker, looks like u r so into Comfort. Wonder how far up ur ass is the Comforts CEO and directors dick. Hahaha. Jual buntut for no reason. Pity u, u lil piece off shit


2020-10-23 13:16 | Report Abuse

Foker, u truly r a fucker. R u mikecycs retarded son?? Go to comfort forum. Fuck off from careplus. Dont try ur shit tactics here


2020-10-23 10:41 | Report Abuse

Team rocket,another sohai bullshitter like Mikecyc, using scare tactics here. We have seen this before guys, with that so called angelinvestor as well. They scare u kaw2, collect cheap and then just disappear. Dont fall into their traps. Ultimately is ur money. Dont be swayed by sifools like this


2020-10-22 15:42 | Report Abuse

Team rocket, i have been carefully watching and observing u from topglove forum. Dont try ur scare tactics here. U in topglove forum, for while naysayer, then become pom pom girl. Once qr out, we see who the real potato is. I will personally summon u to this forum. Am watching u


2020-10-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

Any particular reason all healthcare down today?


2020-10-20 14:04 | Report Abuse

Hye wallstreetrookie, am not a legend bro. Haha, just an ordinary man holding on to Careplus for a long time.haha


2020-10-20 12:55 | Report Abuse

Agree with wallstreetrookie


2020-10-19 18:55 | Report Abuse

Hye guys, am back. Remember me? The one who tried to protect u all from the naysayers and bullshit sochai doomsday predictors. Whoever holding. Congratulations


2020-09-17 13:08 | Report Abuse

Simple solution only. It takes a large number off us. At least 3k off us, need to purchase 100k shares at 0.045 sen, at a value off rm 4400. Done. All ozura punya block is now ours. Simple as that. Anyone in?


2020-09-09 21:53 | Report Abuse

Otb, back with a bang. Respect


2020-09-09 19:17 | Report Abuse

Haha, some newbie dog barking here kononnya i loss alot at kplus. Haha, retarded dickhead. Feel sorry for u