
Tatooine | Joined since 2023-10-28

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4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Very well written. Facts show how thong and board have not delivered.


5 hours ago | Report Abuse

Thong has no poker move! All investment going bust other than inari and m&a . He and the insas board are useless


1 day ago | Report Abuse

What a surprise NOT.. so it means insas yet again is losing money run by the useless board !!!! How can they yet again say they are doing there duty as directors…


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Inari share price plummeting as predicted…


6 days ago | Report Abuse

What a joke!!! The board mist think shareholders are incompetent to believe they will actually do anything. Just trying to distract shareholders from how terribly managed insas is and the next announcement of selling more shares to cover losses!! INSAS BERHAD ("INSAS" OR "THE COMPANY")


1 week ago | Report Abuse

@sslee agreed but all trapped and never will be realised. Thats why no one values insas anywhere near its book value and never will. Also most of those investments never going to give much return. They are actually loss making for insas !


1 week ago | Report Abuse

The only thing of interest or value now that Insas has is inari. Everything else (except some value in m&a which is greatly diluted and also lost value) that insas has invested is worthless or will actually cost insas in bad debts. Evryone knows thong does not care about shareholders and the board is useless so why even buy insas shares? Yes some people pray and hope that he takes it private but he has no need to go through all the hassle and cost or even risk.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Nearly end of quarter . Thong and useless board will be working out how many shares they again need to sell in Inari to cover the losses in Insas through bad management and bad investments , losses in subsidiaries through bad management (only m&a which has lost lots of value). All investment lost so much value!! Microlink now lost 80% of value, hohup going bust, omesti also going bust. All have no cash and desperate to raise more cash to waste. Microlink were raising 90 million at 29 cents i think now only 19 cents. Thong promised tunku he will give cash so tunku does not look useless as being omesti chairman. The insas board know they are in deep trouble of being accused of not doing there duty and just following thongs orders! AGM then will keep virtual as they are cowards and want to avoid being anywhere near shareholders… Bursa now even change rules because of boards like insas! Very sad


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Someone is buying a lot of warrants. Why though at this price ? It is more expensive than buying the share …


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Just close insas , give shareholders cash back and inari shares


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Microlink now 17 cents.. from over 90 to this. It is game over … value plummeting. Anyone give them cash say goodbye . Like hohup, omesti etc all going bust.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Another thong mess he ran away from https://theedgemalaysia.com/node/726092 hohup being sued again


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Each to there own but your statement actually says why thong is terrible … insas has no need fornthat cash! Yet thong refuses to return it to the shareholders who own it. The market knows this which is why insas share price so bad. Inari rm 2 billion, a chip maker who does not know what to do with rm2 billion is embarrassing…


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

But interesting you only mention this one . So you agree all the others are cash negative including jnsas ?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@sslee i stand corrected one subsidary m&a not going bust. But now how much does insas own of m&a ? How come in transaction the reverse takeover company owned by friend of thong and his shareholders all get good payout. Insas shareholders only got diluted ! True ?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Insas 99 cents going down to 75... insas warrants 18 cents going down to 10... the whole market thinks thong is not good. insas nbv over rm3 ! that tells you enough. over rm1 billion in cash but now thinks thong will ever do the right thing and give back to shareholders....


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Thong has a terrible track record fact.... insas losing money except selling key asset. subsidiaries all cash negative and going bust. in relation to insas tell me other than being lucky with inari which he is also killing value wise what has he done. london school of econica dn working for stand chartered 40 years ago is not very noteworthy. Insas share price below IPO price 2 decades ago...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Insas privatisation rumour same one for 10 years.. just meant to distract shareholders from bad management and poor dividend


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Other than inari which also has management issues how has thong given shareholder returns? Share price below ipo price 2 decades ago. Nearly all investment company in financial trouble giving insas exposure to more right offs. Only way anyone make money is share price up and down and insas have no pr or marketing


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Thong will never buy anymore shares. He has no need to. He is happy to have cash pile building. Do not expect any bumper dividend. Last 20 years all the same nothing has or will change. Insas next 5-10 years same range bound. Only will drop badly if/when inari die due to thong bad management. Hohup, microlink, m&A , insas all the same .. bad management from thong. He and his friends get rick but shareholder can only make money by buy and sell shares. Very sad


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Inari will not have organic growth to keep share price up. Thong had over 1 billion in cash for years at inari, do nothing with it. Same as insas. Complete lost cause . Insas warrant now 19 cent. Perhaps everyone realise thong just messing with shareholder and never going private


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Inari now 2.98 and plummeting. Insas lost so much value. Even when it reach rm1 like thong will not care just like insas


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Cost to take insas private and risk he has no desire to do. He already do big rm20 million per apartment development in bukit damansara. So you see the kind of cash he has personally is very big. He is very tight in personal life. His cars always 10+ years old so no meed for more cash


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Thong at inari and insas just keep sitting on cash. Yes he cannot take it out but equally he has no need to. Only if he has a need will he do anything and he has no need. He already has all the cash privately he needs. Between inari and insas over 3 billion in cash and he is happy not do do anything with it. Even last agm they said they want to keep the cash. Hence why he will not do any buy out


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

But i see in all discussion no reason for thong to take insas private. Yes many things about the processes but not why would he bother. He does not need any cash, all his investment except inari have failed , even insas also badly run. He already control the insas board like they are monkeys. I dont think he will bother with the risk or challenges of going private. Just keep making money on side deals and cash as usual disappearing. If i was him would let warrants expire. To much hassle to but insas and inari value will come down as he has messed that up too.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

You sound like a newbie investor. Everyone know in malaysia how companies controlled.. they hide behind virtual agm even though bursa now mandate agm to be physical next year. Last agm directors say we only listen to thong so we can all have easy job and make lots of money . Malaysia agm pointless


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Thong end game is never to reward shareholder , just string them along. When everyone say last time he woild take insas private what happen to warrant ? All expired …


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Bursa SC is useless, they turn blind eye when ever someone needs them to. It is why malaysia stock exchange has such a bad reputation… thong will let warrants expire. Everyone said last time he would use warrants and take insas private. Its a complete scam to distract shareholders


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@sslee can you help me as to why does he even need warrants? If he lets them expire why does insas need to issue any more?
Also the board renew the but back , this is such a scam to make shareholders think thong will use it. All of the is to make people think greedy and insas will make them ricj and not hold thong and board for how badly they run all the investment


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

@sslee thong will never take over insas! He just hopes shareholders thinks so, that way they think they will get rich and not make him accountable for the absolute disaster he has created whilst also getting rich from all the side deals shareholders get nothing from!! Insas will never go private, even last time he let the warrants all expire. He has a useless board at insas who are complicit in all this so they do as they are told.


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Insas below rm1 , inari dropping. Yet again thong miss the opportunity to cash in profit and return money to shareholders.insas should be asset stripped as thong and board have no idea how to invest or run a company until too late and it is bust. Insas dividend is terrible !


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Rhb trustee also dump 35 million omesti shares. Game over … now 14 cents


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Microlink sadly finished… Thong and insas board also to blame. When big new shareholder who was suppose to help with new 5g network dump over 10% of shares and run you know in serious trouble. Insas also finished… very sad


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Every investment Thong and this useless board have done both directly and through subsidiaries have failed with Thong on the board of nearly all except inari which has a big possibility of failing for the same reason. No wander he does not want to take private as even he probably thinks his own investments are useless


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Big shareholder dump 136 million shares, over 10% in microlink!! Game over


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Microlink 22 cents… game over like omesti, hohup, dgsb and many others thong and insas board wasted shareholder money in and thong was director and responsible . Insas also doing badly ! Inari only thing they keep sellong to cover there bad management. Should asset strip insas , close it and give cash back to shareholders!! Otherwise thong will kill inari and then all go bust and no cash left


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Microlink Ceo and Cfo resign. Complete mess !! No risk committee doing there duty would give microlink any money! If insas give them rm90 million it is a against there fiduciary duty and the supposed independent directors should be investigated


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The lack of confidence the market has in thong from his bad management, constant investment failures , dismal shareholder returns has swept across all related shares to insas . Its why insas is so terribly valued. The insas board are a public joke amongst investors.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thong also screw up Inari, over rm2 billion cash sitting there. Refuse to give back to shareholder also has no clue what to do with it! Sound familiar … insas has over rm1 billion in cash, refuse to give back to shareholder clueless what to do with it.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Thong at some point runs every company he has run into the ground.. Inari results are terrible!! Same as Omesti, Hohup, Microlink, DGSB etc. He will never take insas private, he has made so much money already and purposely not for his shareholders. He has a Ceo and board who are muppets and does exactly as they are told. The warrants will expire like last time! The only way to male money is buy and sell on ups and downs. Do not buy insas because you think Thong will actually do the best for shareholders.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Inari will reach rm6 and insas will drop to 90cents. Insas board and thong screwing minority shareholders


2024-07-03 10:54 | Report Abuse

Inari 3.87, insas hardly move even though value rapidly increasing . Thong and board killing shareholder value for personal gain…


2024-06-26 18:58 | Report Abuse

Insas sold shares in Omesti to itself it looks like … more dodgy stuff from thong and Insas board. They focus only on themselves and don’t care about shareholders


2024-06-24 22:45 | Report Abuse

Insas bought m&a shares to prop up share price … why !!


2024-06-24 16:03 | Report Abuse

Thong and Insas board pushing insas back to 90 cents


2024-06-19 10:55 | Report Abuse

Insas will be under rm1 soon with thong and other clowns running it and pushing down share value . Then he will delay any mbo as long as possible


2024-06-19 07:12 | Report Abuse

Insas is worth nearly 400% more closed and money given back to shareholders than being run by current terrible board and management who just do want Thong wants… and yes he has no idea what he is doing..


2024-06-18 21:30 | Report Abuse

It probably means insas core business losing more money than ever and need more profit from share sales to cover bad management yet again. Insas board and management taking all the cash they cash out of the company …


2024-06-18 17:52 | Report Abuse

12 million inari shares transacted.. 2 million sold, 5 million sold and acquired …


2024-06-15 11:33 | Report Abuse

They did sell , and the reason they do it every quarter is because without it every quarter insas would be losing money through bad management and bad investments . They think if they keep selling shares and make a profit people will not realise why they are doing it…