
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-10-17 21:44 | Report Abuse

Nikola predicted that humanity will have supercomputer in their pocket! Who have even knew that some day smartphone will be part of our daily lives!
Nikola also predicted how data will be exchange freely wirelessly! Damn! He was so accurate about internet!
But one thing that struck me the most that we don't even realise is that women will dominate over men!
Okay, don't get up from you seat and thrown bs over this! Hear Nikola out first!
He said due to better education, and technological advancement, women will easily overtake men in many areas!
Look around us, women are now presidents of many countries! Taiwan and Hong Kong No.1 are women! US senate and congress head by women! Many huge enterprise like Spacex held by women!
The thing is, so far, women have yet actually innovate or invention anything that significant! Most of innovations and advancement we enjoy today are made possible by men! And yet, eventually, women will takeover the helm!


2022-10-17 21:39 | Report Abuse

I came to this realising after reading Nikola Tesla predictions of the future! Nikola is you don't know invention our electricity gird! If not for Nikola Tesla, we would still be living in DC mode forever!
Nikola last invention was wireless electricity gird! But at last, some say it was sabotage by US government as free electricity would be bad for those in power! We will never know!
Anway, Nikola Tesla was also profilitc futurist like our Microsoft fellow, Bill Gates!


2022-10-17 21:36 | Report Abuse

Please don't laugh! And don't think male are the dominate gender! In fact for more than a decade now, women have taken over so many positions that once dominated by men!

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2022-10-17 16:02 | Report Abuse

Here we go again! The cute factor of Mahathir! Prelude to Mahathir comeback! We all knw the drill by now! Soon Mahathir will scream and shout that malays are left behind and local chinese taking advantage of everything! Then if malays flock to him, Mahathir will once again insult malays as been lazy!

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2022-10-17 15:52 | Report Abuse

Please! Don't insult rakyat intelligence! Why did Zahid so insistent GE15 to be held! If he is okay with Sabri, he would just like him finish the term!
We all know if BN Umno wins, Zahid will be our next PM! All Umno candidates must get approval from Umno president and all Umno candidates are Zahid's men!

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2022-03-21 16:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by brightsmart > Oct 17, 2022 9:34 AM | Report Abuse

but maha also too old already..............time for younger generations to shine. Time for baby boomers to retire.

Answer : Yeah, too many expired Gen boomers who refuse to handover to Gen X! Gen boomers are very good at wallop everything! What we see in the world today are produce of Gen X! You name it, Tesla Iphone Google Wassap Spacex and so forth! Gen Y are the takers just like Gen boomers! Gen Z, haix, the most entitled of them all! Just look at Syed Saddiq!

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2022-10-17 15:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Oct 17, 2022 9:05 AM | Report Abuse
Of all the devil, my choice is still the lesser devil Anwar.

Posted by BobAxelrod > Oct 17, 2022 9:10 AM | Report Abuse
If so, be prepared for 5 years of frustration, procrastination, stagnation, empty promises, economic turmoil and not to say court clusters' freed.........

Answer : Both SsLee and Bob are right! Haix! Our lawmakers are just are bad as those in UK EU US! Maybe we should import lawmakers from Singapore!


2022-10-17 02:50 | Report Abuse

GPS is Umno friendly! Why, because only Umno don't field any candidate in Sarawak! Do you think GPS will form government with Harapan, never! Do you think GPS will form government with Bersatu Pas alone, never! GPS will only join new alliance as long as Umno is in it!

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2022-10-17 02:47 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! I understand! Once upon a time, we used to brag that Malaysia was a harmonious multiracial society! That was like 30 years ago! Today, our society has deep divide separated by race and religion!
Instead our politicians are to be blamed! Dap keep playing vicitm card! Umno keep playing 'tuan melayu' card! Pas fake holymen with their Islam card!
In the end, all bridges were burn forever!
And the GE14 happened! Harapan made a wonderful fake promises! And they were caught with sudden victory! And then their No.1 bogeyman, Mahathir became their PM!
Yeah, those 22 months was horrible! The biggest damage was done by Mahathir and LGE! While Mahathir played his 'tuan melayu' narrative, LGE tried to be ultra chinese! Do you know why Mahathir initiated Sheraton Move! Because Harapan government were majority non malay lawmakers! Majority malays didn't vote for Harapan, this is the hard fact!
When Harapan administration crumbled, did majority malays riot on the street! No, they kept quiet! In fact we saw majority malays becoming more and more malaycentric! They have no problem with all malay government!
Unfortunately Harapan leaders never learn anything! I do afraid we wil get all malay government yet again!
Don't blame voters! Blame Harapan leaders instead!

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2022-10-17 02:11 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Yeah, both side got court cluster! LGE is certain to go to jail over that non existent underwater highway tunnel! Already spent like hundreds of million doing 'research'!
While Anwar talk about eradicating corruption, he is busy making deep french kiss with Zahid!
Hadi said Umno is too corrupted but we all know he is already dreaming of been minister of doing nothing, going here and there in luxury government car and getting exorbitant perks! The only middle east he visited during his middle east portfolio is constant trip to London to meet his white wifey!
I mean, come on! our politicians are the problem not the solution! My advise to Izoklse, don't be so fanatic with Umno! What do you get! Do you enjoy the easy money that Umno warlords will get after GE15! I mean, one two million is really nothing to them! Do you get one two million in your lifetime!

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2022-10-16 22:39 | Report Abuse

Izoklse! Umno can't even win more than 50 seats! BN, come on, MCA MIC already dead! You have GPS GRS! But that only maybe maximum 90 seats!
That's where Bersatu Pas come along! That's why those Pas fake holymen already dreaming of 27 chicken to form simple majority!
One must do some math not simply overwelm by emotional false victory!
BN Umno no longer exist!

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2022-10-16 19:37 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! The father of 'tuan melayu' is back! Mahathir probably going to spend the next 30 days in Malaysia before flying back to his 1st home London!


2022-10-16 19:32 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Another mistep! Shouldn't sue ex PM for dissolving parliment! Agong already consented! I mean, why not sue Agong for appointing interim PM Mohedin and Sabri! Why sue now for dissolving parliment so another fair erection can be conducted!

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2022-10-16 16:37 | Report Abuse

Zahid going to field all his warlords! If BN wins, then of course Zahid will play the humble guy that all his lawmakers nominate him as PM! Come on, even kindergarden political strategist knows what's going on!
Sabri is just the dumbass poster boy!

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2022-10-16 16:22 | Report Abuse

Zahid is hiding and riding on Sabri, Tok Mat and Najib popularity! A coward president!


2022-10-16 15:15 | Report Abuse

JQuestion! We probably see instablity for a very long time! In fact this will be new normal from now on! Every year change PM just like what's happening in UK right now!

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2022-10-16 15:14 | Report Abuse

GE15 will be held sooner than we expected! The thing is, post GE15 will be either bad or worst! Really, Harapan leaders are like headless elephants! While BN is non existent, we have 3 major malay parties having friendly fire!

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2022-10-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

We will have both US midterm erection and Malaysia GE at the same time! If Harapan voters don't turn up full force, then we will have taliban government in place! Dont blame each other by then!


2022-10-15 22:41 | Report Abuse

Going back to low morale of Harapan voters, seems Senior Lim has a new bone! Everyday talking about Zahid's backhole! Can't get enough digging shitty stuff to talk about Zahid!
I mean, look, Zahid is king of gaffee! If Zahid becomes PM, Malaysia will go down to toilet hole faster than flushing it! Zahid can't even speak English, can only speak those lousy bahasa pasar malam slangs! Constantly talk in animal language! So yeah, no need to remain rakyat how lousy Zahid is and how corrupted he is! We all heard from his court trial recently! Anyway, no different from Junior Lim who wanted 10% of everything!
It's better for the Lims to retire for good! Let new generation of Dap leaders to take over for GE15!


2022-10-15 22:08 | Report Abuse

Anyway, i just remember one of my son's friend who brag that it's better to buy a degree that actually study years for it! He said if you want to make things look conviction, just do one or two semester in overseas university, after than go and buy the certificate! Employers won't know the difference! I used to belittled his idea! But given current situation where 70% of our school leavers no longer interested pursuing undergraduate studies, i say he was right all along!


2022-10-15 22:05 | Report Abuse

Well, i heard Senior Lim brought his law degree! Junior Lim said to be economic graduate but i just surprise he also has certified accountant qualification! Then again, i am not surprise if he brought it too considering alot of Harapan ministers had fake degree!

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2022-10-15 21:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Just look at KL! Highways on top of each other but still massive jams! All because Mahathir wanted everybody to own 'national' cars! Public transportation were after thought!


2022-10-15 21:44 | Report Abuse

Harapan leaders are acting really dumbass at the moment! You really can tell they are so divided! Can't even agree on anything but just compromise and spin things around! No vision! No concrete plan if capture Putrajaya! Everything leave to God of chance!


2022-10-15 21:42 | Report Abuse

Income! Not so wise 4D punter once told me, only dumbass buys the same number over and over again, knowing that number already strike jackpot previously! Likewise, the Lims has not learn anything from previous Harapan fallout! It was clear, Mahathir pre plan Sheraton Move! But Mahathir got super greedy and want unity government where he picks his own 112 lawmakers! Of course that was history!
But for the Lims not knowing Muda is trojan elepant planted by Mahathir, i say goodluck!

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2022-10-15 20:05 | Report Abuse

Of course there will be recession if oil price hover about usd70! Problem is, there's just too many ICE vehicles on the road today! While US UK EU cry of climate crisis, their public transportation is hilarious! Look at China, Japan and Singapore! They have comprehensive public transportation so that owning car is unnecessary! The main reason for Malaysia worsening traffic jam is because government has been focusing on selling more cars than building more public transporation!
Mass transportation is a must to reduce use of oil!


2022-10-15 20:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah! This Bersatu Umno Pas are just having friendly fight!


2022-10-15 17:29 | Report Abuse

Dap has to come clean! It must declare that it's chinese party or continue to play 'multiracial' just so sake of hypocrisy!


2022-10-15 17:28 | Report Abuse

100% of Dap lawmakers are chinese! 70% of Pkr lawmakers are non malays! Only Amanah has 100% malay lawmakers!
Here's the thing! Pkr need to field more malays! As for Dap it has to open up to more malays in it's leadership hierachy! Or else Dap can talk bs all day long of been multiracial party but end of the day post GE15, we know 100% of it's lawmakers will continue to be local chinese!


2022-10-15 16:49 | Report Abuse

This General Erection certainly benefits Bersatu Pas the most! Zahid is truly a dumbass strategist! He just ignite a trap for Umno demise!


2022-10-15 16:48 | Report Abuse

Biggest winners are Bersatu and Pas! All they have to do is win 27 seats! And they automatically become kingmaker for new government!

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2022-10-15 16:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i used to believe Russia has hypersonic missiles! Turns out it was pure propaganda! Look at Russia now, already refurbished half century tanks to be send to Ukraine! So where are those so called hyperthingy! All bs!
Same with China! Without very high end chips from US, they can't build even guided missiles! Seems China and Russia are very dependent on US military tech!


2022-10-15 16:36 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the serial liar Hadi said that he reject Muafakar because Umno is corrupted! Yet he already submitting his resume to Umno, give him another choosy 'gaji buta' ministerial post!
Basically, Pas fake holymen just want to continue their 'gaji buta' ministerial positions and Bersatu holding Umno by the balls!
So Bersatu Pas are working together to milk at least 27 seats so that they can form government with Umno!
Don't you think Bersatu Pas leaders are bunch of liars! They will bad mouth Umno during campaign period but shamelessly form government with the same corrupt Umno!
The playbook is very obvious!

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2022-10-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

The Lims are hopeless! Too indebt with Mahathir!


2022-10-15 15:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Income > Oct 15, 2022 2:39 PM | Report Abuse

Make me laugh, Why two Lims before GE14 always criticise Tun M but in GE14 both Lims very experienced politicians, obediently carry Tun M balls and fall for Tun M traps.
Now GE15, both Lims also want to carry Tun M balls again. Haha haha

Answer : Mahathir insisted that Muda be admitted into Harapan! And the Lims once again bow down to the great master!


2022-10-15 15:21 | Report Abuse

But to see Harapan intact heading to GE16 is very likely! We may see this dis integration right after GE15!


2022-10-15 15:20 | Report Abuse

We are going to see two likely scenario post GE15! A new alliance of Umno Pkr GRS GPS! Or the worst type of Umno Bersatu Pas with Sabah Sarawak!
But to see Harapan BN Sabah Sarawak to form a government is very unlikely!


2022-10-15 15:18 | Report Abuse

Yeah, it's open secret Anwar and Zahid are now engaging in deep french kiss once again!
Perhaps another bait from Zahid! And knowing how desperate Anwar wants to be PM! It's either Pas fake holymen or Pkr!
But what is certain, if Anwar indeed made PM for new alliance comprise of Umno GPS GRS, then we shall see Pkr crossing over!
And it's no secret too that Harapan leaders have not been able to see eye to eye for sometime now! It's very strange how the Lims would rather listen to Mahathir than Anwar! But then again, Anwar is a losing horse in the eyes of the Lims!
More so Rafizi is not welcome by the Lims! So if both Anwar and Rafizi are such outcast, then why continue staying in Harapan!


2022-10-15 02:17 | Report Abuse

That is why i warn many times! Go out and vote for Harapan! We don't want another term full of 'gaji buta' lawmakers! I am sure if new administration made up of Umno Bersatu Pas again, you can be assured taxpayers money will have to bare additonal 100 useless ministers!


2022-10-15 02:15 | Report Abuse

Come on! Even kindergarden political analyst knows Hadi intention! You see Umno can only win maybe maximum 50 seats! Plus GRS GPS, still can't hit slim majority of 112!
So tell me, where to get additional lawmakers! Yeah, once again the 'gaji buta' public toilet lawmakers from Pas save the day!
Of course Pas voters are the dumbest breed of all! They don't get anything except keep donating to Pas fake holymen until their dying day!

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2022-10-15 02:11 | Report Abuse

Nay! Bosses will keep making up new excuses! End of the day,they just want to make fat profit at expense of workers!

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2022-10-14 23:32 | Report Abuse

Don't believe me, ask those roadside nasi lemak sellers! Don't be surprise half of them have degree! Some even with civil engeneering degree! The thing is our tycoons love cheap migrants so wage will never rise for those who are educated!

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2022-10-14 23:31 | Report Abuse

Degree is worthless nowadays! Companies are tightening expecting recession next year! In fact nowadays you don't need so many white collar workers like you used to!


2022-10-14 23:14 | Report Abuse

We will regress to that of Iran! That i can forsee!


2022-10-14 23:14 | Report Abuse

So you may ask, what good does General Erection does to rakyat if we will keep voting for unstable unity government! Don't ask me! But if you want me to tell you what career to pursue and retire milioaire, then i certainly suggest you to pursue courses in becoming fake islamic holyman! Even you Inglish speaking Zakar Naik can make tons of money from ever growing brain dead followers! Hence, Zakar Naik has plenty of offers from his devoid not devoted followers to marry their underage virgin daughters!


2022-10-14 23:11 | Report Abuse

Save those positive rheotics about how Malaysia would better place! We are living the best of Malaysia right now, even though its' actually pretty bad!
Ringgit will continue to slide pass rupiah! Eventually our ringgit will be no difference from rupiah, baht and so forth!
FDI will be thing of the past as no investors dare to bet on Malaysia! I mean, today you meet PM Sabri, tomorrow you shake hand with PM Zahid! Next day, you have appointment with PM Hadi! Yeah, at least everybody got a chance to be PM!