
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2021-12-09 15:26 | Report Abuse

Yeah, and yet Mahathir immediately instructed our courts to discharge all charges against Harapan leaders! isn't this violation of justice system!


2021-12-09 12:04 | Report Abuse

Having a very privileged life and enjoyed all the perks of 'tuan melayu', Nasir suddenly wants to make a change for Malaysia! A reset!
Yeah, as if his ideals or rather idealism will make a change for the man in the street! It won't!
In fact, he will only make the royals even more powerful that ever! Look, the abuse of power and corruption has reach alarming level! It's not just politicians but much worst than that! You talking about from the royals, civil servants, lawmakers even on the oppositve bench! So basically Malaysia is damn corrupted left right centre up and down! Everybody are so used to abuse of power that it's became a privilege!
Nasir Razak is just been naive! He alone can't change anything!

News & Blogs

2021-12-09 12:00 | Report Abuse

Social media influencers hinder mass vaccination! That's why it's better to make it mandatory! US already done this few days ago! As for Malaysia, we have few hard headed ones but not many!


2021-12-09 11:58 | Report Abuse

The opening date has been on the internet! But let's wait and see! Unfortunately, there's no buildup of momentum! Not even limit up today! So i guess it won't happen!


2021-12-09 11:30 | Report Abuse

And as parliment close it's door by next week, i am sure Anwar will once again return to the streets! I mean, beside parliment, Anwar loves street fightings! So we should see some paid youth doing so damage on the street soon!


2021-12-09 11:29 | Report Abuse

Too early to say but we do see some funds returning back to bursa! But hey, i could be wrong!
If Najib verdict was overturn yesterday, i think PM Sabri administration would turn to dust as Bersatu lawmakers may walk away!
Now the attention is turn to Zahid! What will Zahid do! But i have high confidence Zahid will create downfall of PM Sabri for sure! I mean, after helping the fall of Harapan and Mohiden administration, bringing down PM Sabri is just a walk in the park for him now!


2021-12-08 22:23 | Report Abuse

PM of the day should already assemble team of economic experts! It doesn't take a genius to figure something very wrong with our economy!
Yet until today, PM Ismail Sabri seems very detached! He really doesn't even care! Instead he suround himself with advisers that nothing to do with economics!
One wonders what really he is trying to accomplished! Perhaps he is the only PM without any legacy whatsoever!
But he is indeed so preoccupy with 'tuan melayu' agenda! Dude, this is not a good time to play with faulty agenda!

News & Blogs

2021-12-08 14:27 | Report Abuse

US playing innocent card! Tell me, for decades US companies outsource manufacturing using children as laborers!


2021-12-08 01:04 | Report Abuse

So bursa up 10 points today is means, investors already saw what's coming! They already know the postponement before it was officially announce! So you see, nothing is a secret anymore!


2021-12-08 01:03 | Report Abuse

So you see, political intervention in a very unstable government is one thing! Unless Umno is holding on majority lawmakers, that's another!
Everybody can see PM Sabri in on quick sand! And he didn't realise letting Najib go means seeing his Keluarga Malaysia turn to dust! And foreign investors reaction as well!


2021-12-08 01:02 | Report Abuse

You know, PM Sabri freaks out! Finally realise that letting Najib walks free would bring everything down!
And so postpone to 25th January! I doubt PM Sabri didn't realise what happens if he lets Najib scouts free!
I mean you really thing the vengeful Mohiden will okay with Najib walking and smilling out of court!
And so PM Sabri gone back to drawing board again!


2021-12-07 17:05 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Yeah, and MCA will come out as hero! As usually!

News & Blogs

2021-12-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

Whatever Mahathir says, rakyat already rejected him!


2021-12-07 16:15 | Report Abuse

Of course like Octoberfest, DAP will always whine and roll on the street if it means political mileage for them!
DAP has done a great job in messing Octoberfest! To me, it's proper for coffee shops to carry beer or liquor licence! Because we don't want them to sell illegal ones!
But please, dont' set limit how much to sell as a whole! Maybe can only sell like one or two dozen per customers! Or less! We dont' want them to go to coffee shop and drink till drunk!
If you want to drink all night long, go to pubs or drink at home! Nobody bothers you!
Indeed it's you right as non muslims to drink! However, it's no excuse to give coffee shops a blind eye! They must follow rules too! Sell but limited quantity per customer! If want to drink more, to go pubs or go home!

News & Blogs

2021-12-07 15:51 | Report Abuse

And yet the Lims so indebted to Mahathir, they already planning to replace Anwar for the old fox again!


2021-12-07 13:09 | Report Abuse

Ideally, Tok Mat should be given the next PM in waiting for Umno! In fact Melaka won because of his moderate approach! While Najib has his influence ,bare in mind his reputation is totally tarnish! He has to face the court to clear himself first before ever thinking of making a comeback! Same with Zahid!
Melaka won because the majority malays have the impression due to Tok Mat campaigning! In fact previous by elections was due to Tok Mat election strategy! He pick the right candidates and remain focus on bringing back voters! He multiracial approach even won back MCA voters! And that we should acknowledged!
Ismail Sabri just doesn't cut it! Instead of focusing on economy, he diverts into petty issues that do not benefit rakyat in general! Having him back as PM after GE15 will only bring Malaysia down!
Moral of the story, Umno need to go back to it's moderate root! Majority malays do not need another long 'tuan melayu' narrative! 'tuan melayu' only benefit the elites and nobody else!
What Malaysia need is moderation! And strict rule of law! Respect of the law means business! Our constitution is more than enough to reflect moderation that satisfy all races! Enough said!

News & Blogs

2021-12-07 12:53 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Najib will walk free! Hail bossku! Malaysia becomes Myammar after this!

News & Blogs

2021-12-07 12:51 | Report Abuse

Say is one thing, do is another! DAP is chinese party! Dont' pretend otherwise!

News & Blogs

2021-12-07 12:45 | Report Abuse

Hope there's no overturn of verdict! Let justice prevail!


2021-12-07 12:43 | Report Abuse

Sarawak election will be just status quo election! GPS may be too old to stay on but given current sentiment which is not good for Harapan, probably change of government has not yet arrive! Then again, i could be wrong!
But one thing is clear! The half a million chinese in Sarawak will be closely watch!
Because they will decide on nation scale the sentiment of local chinese towards DAP!
At this point, most see sarawakian chinese to vote for DAP! And chances for local chinese party remain low! However, we shall see!
If DAP see reduce winnings, then DAP should be worried! The Harapan aura may be slipping!


2021-12-07 03:57 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is in deep mess! Majority don't see this as they are not as aware like some of us who continuously examine political data as it unfoils!
Our courts are influence by administration of the day! A guilty politician can walk free because of some help from, let's say, Mahathir! So you understand why the Lims are so indebt to Mahathir till this day!
And by wednesday, we may again, see the same pattern repeating itself!
This spook foreign investors alot! Because they are not protected by the law of the land!
Take Lynas for example, a change of government saw them kickout from Malaysia despite having assurance from previous administration!
And we will see this political intervention repeating many times over in the future!
So you see, how can foreign funds dare to invest here anymore! They won't! No matter how bullish the rest of the world will be!
As Covid seems likely coming to an end, as for Malaysia, the abuse of power pandemic will never ends!


2021-12-07 00:40 | Report Abuse

Malaysia may as well be group with Myammar if the verdict implies political intervention!


2021-12-07 00:39 | Report Abuse

One must remember, 1MDB case is gained worldwide attention! To turn a verdict because of political intervention will be the death of Malaysia! We will never again see foreign investors coming as they know their rights will not be defended in our soil!


2021-12-07 00:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by ahbah > Dec 6, 2021 10:06 PM | Report Abuse

What will happen to our mkt if Ah jeep walk free this 8th ?

Answer : There wont' be bursa anymore! Once foreign investors see that our justice system totally broken, you think their investment will see the light of justice! Zero!


2021-12-06 20:59 | Report Abuse

Sadly, based on stock prices and bursa movement, i can say that Najib will walk free this 8th!


2021-12-06 20:30 | Report Abuse

For bursa performance, one can already sense that PM Sabri will save Najib! It's a very bad move but then again, what do you expect from Sabri!


2021-12-06 20:29 | Report Abuse

If Najib verdict remains, then we should see Zahid pulling out his support as fast as lighting! Zahid as usually will be culprit for collapse of PM Sabri administration! As if we don't know Zahid has been masterminding all the collapse of previous administrations!
So dont' underestimate Zahid! He still holds the key to Umno! He is still the president! And he will be PM if Umno capture Putrajaya!
So you see why i am not hopeful of Malaysia at all!


2021-12-06 20:26 | Report Abuse

So yeah! 8th! What if PM Sabri intervene in Najib trial and gives Najib a pass! Boy, that would really destroy Malaysia for sure!
So please! Don't underestimate coming verdict! If Najib goes away scott free, then i say, good riddance to Malaysia!
Once any sitting PM gave the impression that he steps in court verdict, foreign investors would never return ever again!
Why, because Najib trial before PM Sabri was done in a transparent manner! Najib was given every opportunity to defend himself! There was no hidden of evidence!
As in case of Zeti and her husband, that is separate matter! Of which she and her husband too must be brought to trial!
It is up to PM Sabri to let justice run it's course! Intervene and we will see demise of Malaysia at much faster rate!
Unfortunately we have seen PM Sabri munching up to Najib since day one in office! Perhaps to prevent collapse of his administration!
Either way, PM Sabri administration is already collapsing fast! Intervene and Harapan can pull out from MOU! Let justice prevail and Zahid Najib will pull the rug under PM Sabri feet!
So you see, there's no happy ending here at all!


2021-12-06 16:09 | Report Abuse

World leaders didn't even bother to congratulation PM Sabri since he is anointed as our PM!
Even Singapore PM didn't even bother at all! Singapore been the closest probably expect a new PM few months from now anyway!
There's a fear that Sabri administration may fall apart if Najib is convicted this 8th!
Well, an administration built on quick sand, we should already anticipate this!


2021-12-06 12:35 | Report Abuse

If you have imcompetent PM, that can't be bothered to push local funds to support local bourse, there's nothing more to say!


2021-12-06 12:31 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile, we have 100 ministers and advisers running around and we really don't know what the heck they are doing! Mind you, our nation are paying billions for this shake legs good for nothing lawmakers with no result to show!


2021-12-06 12:24 | Report Abuse

The only brilliant thing that PM Sabri has done so far is allowing parliment to be open for 2 months!
I mean, Anwar Ibrahim weakest is parliment! Anwar loves parliment very much! As long as Anwar keep talking in parliment, he won't disturb the government!
Other than that, we all can see PM Sabri has no care about the most important thing of all, economy!
So where is his adviser for economy! Where is the ad hoc team to tackle our dying economy!
Insted PM Sabri is more focus on petty issues! Then again, given his total failure in economics, we need not wonder why! This dude has many fail projects under his belt! Especially that white elephant Digital Mara thingy! A true blue 'tuan melayu' advocate that knows nothing but promote sure fail vision!


2021-12-06 11:47 | Report Abuse

So yeah, now that Mahathir has lost his political clout, Najib finally unleash his vengence against him!
Najib is guilty as charged! But in Bolehland, anything can happen! And Najib is trying to turn things around by bringing down Zeti who is Mahathir's favorite gatekeeper!
Bringing Zeti down is an ultimate humiliation for Mahathir as she was and still is Mahathir's favorite blue eye girl!
Unfortunately for Zeti, her hands are dirty! In fact she was instrumental in many of Mahathir past transgressions!
For Najib, 8th of December is his judgement day and his attempt to turn the ship around! This day is very important! If Najib is found guilty, perhaps the victory belongs to Mahathir! But either way, Mahathir days in corridor of power has close forever!


2021-12-05 23:42 | Report Abuse

The surprising part of Omicron is that, so far there's no death and no serious symptoms among infected!
Instead it seems Omicron is very milder than Delta! If this holds water then perhaps this is actually a good news!
Perhaps we are actually heading towards the end of this 100 years thingy! I don't know! I am just guessing from data!