
Tradeshare | Joined since 2018-03-27

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2018-07-17 22:10 | Report Abuse

Yes don't play warrant will win oso loss...... Can win 10k 20k but loss can 15k 30k. Win30k loss 45k still loss 15k.


2018-07-17 21:00 | Report Abuse

Gkent good buy below 1.00 price will slowly drop. Ur myeg oso only wayang kulit innuf earning sell lor..... Tomolo we see AGM news lor.....


2018-07-17 20:48 | Report Abuse

Yes yes yes that way price ding ding dong dong no ppl buy lor.... Semua lari. Buy at low sell when earning few sen how price can up !


2018-07-17 20:43 | Report Abuse

U tak tahu kah sungai yg tenang jgn ingat tiada buaya oh! Bila bila boleh meletup boom u see roket.....


2018-07-17 20:39 | Report Abuse

Tomoro sap take a bus to AGM then go mountain see moon eating moon kek..


2018-07-17 20:37 | Report Abuse

Gkent will crash soon very soon now drop to 1.38 tomoro drop some more......


2018-07-17 20:34 | Report Abuse

Pmaster n lotus..... Ni liang da cuo meng chuang shi ma?


2018-07-17 11:42 | Report Abuse

Pmaster.... U buy? Price hard to move up course no buyer dare to buy higher price ,only good news can push it up. Price still can maintain around 600sent n got support not let price drop to far oredy good. Just hope tomolo got good news then price will up more higher n more buyer will coming in when confidence.


2018-07-16 15:35 | Report Abuse

Will have show up few sen n tomolo oso up!


2018-07-16 13:26 | Report Abuse

Alamak.... Market sunyi Stock pun sepi forum juga tiada mood nak berkata apa-apa . Investor tak mahu beli harga tinggi shark pula tiada upaya nak tolak harga naik, nampaknya semua tunggu berita sebelum ambil tindakan seterusnya. AGM dah nak tiba semua panjangkan telinganya utk dptkan berita terkini. Byk sedang resah entah kenapa sapura semakin tiada energy membeli n menjual hanya sebilangan kecil cabut dulu kerana takut dgn keadaannya. Harapan agar petang nanti ada perubahan yg ketara semoga share holder tidak cepat putus harap. Malah Tun M pernah berkata jerung terdahulu suka buat duit msk poket sdr beli kereta beli rumah mana dtgnya! Skrg adakah ketua jerung dah bertukar boleh buat kerja n org bawahan terdahulu juga di tukar? Bersih biar bersih ke semuanya kalau tidak penyakit tidak akan sembuh sama sekali.


2018-07-15 15:52 | Report Abuse

Ye... Ke ni.... Kamek sik do da pat berito tuk! Jgn suko suko berito oh! Mun benar Bagus? Hihihi...


2018-07-14 16:24 | Report Abuse

Anyway tq pmaster u advice. We see at Monday what will going on! Dow up oil up agm coming klci up . Good luck!


2018-07-14 15:14 | Report Abuse

Lotus u r right no price can predict only song song Kong no right price.


2018-07-14 15:13 | Report Abuse

Pmaster, that mean right value only u think what is good price for the company. Buy low sell higher but how low good to buy u don't know n sell higher u don't how higher can go then how to target?


2018-07-14 14:40 | Report Abuse

Lotus, we much know what pmaster think about sapura now because he play longtime in sapura stock . Maybe wrong maybe right then we see the result next week what he really know o just talk song song.


2018-07-14 14:33 | Report Abuse

Pmaster. That u think value is 1.00 but market now is 60sent right? OK! Me only want to know value for sapura! Now me hope agm result can make price up o down .. So many stuck at higher price me oso but that OK if have to wait.


2018-07-14 13:56 | Report Abuse

For me now is 590-600 value for sapura! But after agm will change.


2018-07-14 13:55 | Report Abuse

Pmaster ! What value price u think for sapura? If not 60send 55 sent 40sent.


2018-07-14 13:51 | Report Abuse

Tq! Pmaster, me always hope can make money in stock market but oso scare course hard to make money now in trade war bad sentiment. But just only hope sapura can make it!


2018-07-14 13:29 | Report Abuse

Now pmaster u tell me sapura share will up o down in Monday? Then we see u right o not! How many sent can up o down?


2018-07-14 13:27 | Report Abuse

Anyway u can pmaster if u dare to play but not scared all time.


2018-07-14 13:25 | Report Abuse

I believe pmaster can earn 45k but only no list can make ppl believed in now sentiment market so bad trade war begin


2018-07-14 13:21 | Report Abuse

Now is pmaster rich man in cartar 20 person rich man millions in Malaysia. R u all oso?


2018-07-14 13:19 | Report Abuse

Last time CEO sapura in cartar 20 person rich man
billions n now no more......


2018-07-14 13:16 | Report Abuse

So many millions all is millionaire no poor man in stock market lor.... Only me poor poor man.


2018-07-14 11:21 | Report Abuse

Always talk talk shit but no helping.... Any ppl can talk omong omong kosong ckp suka hati boleh buat mkn ke...... N monday we see sapura Stock up o ding ding dong dong then maybe sapura price is around 50-60sen value 2018.
U think hold for long term o collecting at this price 50-55sent o change others counter . Next week last bid n agm coming up o down last round win o loss ?? Good luck!


2018-07-13 13:30 | Report Abuse

Buy buy buy will up in noon no more waiting but me buy at 570 hihihi.... Next week hope over 70 sent.


2018-07-12 18:01 | Report Abuse

Tomolo up up up


2018-07-12 18:00 | Report Abuse

Ryanthun! Me oso think tomolo will rebound back up over 61sent above. If this stock is up trend stock price cannot go below support only have bad news. Just hope the best.


2018-07-12 17:56 | Report Abuse

Sapurasapulah! Sini byk cicak boys byk pandai ilmu usah kata lg boleh tahu mana untung mana rugi sebab tu mrk untung tiada rugi. Maha guru katakan.


2018-07-12 17:53 | Report Abuse

Wah... Untung besar ttstay bro bulan ni !


2018-07-11 23:52 | Report Abuse

If this two days they still not make it up but drop more 1 to 2 sent then I think price will go more down next week n only good news will make it turn back up.


2018-07-11 23:47 | Report Abuse

Talk 1 talk 2 talk 3 talk 4 cannot make good sign price up o down only big fund know up o down they're make price up n down not all of us. Did u all see panic selling pressure sell all shareholders want to dump dump dump? Then what is the problem is big fund play game make we sell n buy.


2018-07-11 17:18 | Report Abuse

Yup! To slow so slow slow up slow down where want to go? Holland Canada Pakistan Indonesia Malaysia mama mahu pergiiii..... LGE TAK BUAT KERJA CKP BYK BYK COMPLAIN BYK BYK BURSA SAPA MAHU JAGA? WATI DUDUK CKP SAMBIL TERSENGIH APA CERITA? SIAPA GLC GCR G MANA ENTAH! APA MCM OH!


2018-07-11 16:17 | Report Abuse

Drop n slow n boring why ppl like to play!


2018-07-11 10:52 | Report Abuse

Wah..... Jatuh lg 1 sen...... Nanti dtg lg maha guru..... Buy buy buy


2018-07-11 01:05 | Report Abuse

Hahaha..... I dont like world cup will make me crazy hihihi..... But like see lee chong wei play game . I here many loss money terjun longkang oh! Hihihi.... France win.


2018-07-11 00:11 | Report Abuse

Tomolo if up try test 63sen good signal to up more..... This week will give last result for us look for! Just hope the Best for this week.
Good luck bros! Oil up dow up hope sap oso up!


2018-07-11 00:05 | Report Abuse

Hahaha....... Crazy crazy 2 ekor maha guru tiada dtg lg satu maha pandai apa nak jadi forum ni..... Panas panas panas! Jiwa ku membara hati ku memberontak! Bila syaitan dah melekat iblis sentiasa disekeliling.


2018-07-10 15:16 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.... No goreng goreng all waiting news waiting signal...... Big fund sell sell but have to push up if not who will buy buy only waiting n waiting no play of course slow slow hihihi...... U wait I oso wait all wait hahaha....... How funny this waiting game.


2018-07-10 11:23 | Report Abuse

Ya oh! Itu pmaster lama tidak nampak mana dia pergi oh?? Dgr kata itu kawan ckp ha... Dia bili itu toilet paper share 0.005 warrant 10k oh! Mahu untung 5 lipat oh! Tapi byk tidak berani bili oh! Itu pmaster ckp rugi 10k sap sap sui ! Boleh untung byk oh kalau naik.


2018-07-10 10:56 | Report Abuse

Haiyaa.... Ini tauke sapura ceo pun satu buy back share ma.... Tiada lui minta sama itu Tun m punya anak ma. Byk sgt share in open market mana tidak itu big fund kasih main main turun turun naik naik sampai no value. Investors pun takut beli entah 20 sen 30sen 40sen sj nilainya, skrg 61sen mahal oh! Sgt mahal! Mana tidak sangkut sangkut kami org lg kena bedal 4 5 ekor maha guru lg bijak lg pandai boleh tgk masa depan!


2018-07-10 10:36 | Report Abuse

Mana itu 2 ekor maha guru?? Apa lama sy tunggu drop 2 sen tidak ada ler....? Haiyaa.... Ini lembu mkn rumput hari hari tahu cari lui kah? Ckp byk byk hari hari ada sakit tekak kah?


2018-07-10 08:52 | Report Abuse

No no no today red red red!!! Itu 2 ekor maha guru kata naik 1 sen turun 2 sen. Hope today drop 2 sen they happy u sad!


2018-07-09 21:06 | Report Abuse

Apa lg mahu ckp????


2018-07-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

Tomolo red red red only red no more green dgr kata maha guru bijaksana , only they know what will going on market. Tun m apa dia tahu ckp sj.... Kalau najib sudah roket klci skrg .
Lge lg teruk mcm pondan ckp byk2 kuat rajin kuat pandai tapi ekonomi negara penuh dgn hutang kalau najib mana ada hutang 1 trillion byk mcm tu gila itu lge buat malu cina sj. Ikut 4 5 ekor maha guru mesti kaya kita semua ni. Tahu tak budak budak mentah kami ni dah 20 30 tahun dlm bursa kamu org masih hisap susu lg.


2018-07-09 20:56 | Report Abuse

Wah!!! Ya ya ya...... 2 ekor maha guru harus di ikut ....dgr kata mrk sapura akan crash tiada nilai walau sesen pun ! No profit only debt co. Loss co. No future co. Sapura u will died soon.
Stupid public bank maybank n others analisis higher target price!


2018-07-09 16:47 | Report Abuse

Shark shark clear stock mrk beli last week rupanya..... Tak apalah janji green!


2018-07-09 16:03 | Report Abuse

Hope 4pm now got good show begin!!
Up up up go go go shark do it up!


2018-07-09 15:46 | Report Abuse

Today green tomolo oso green this week green!
Just wait n see trap o what why talk so much stupid knowledge scared shark so much! Did shark only know to push down don't know push up always negative words.