
Tradingman | Joined since 2016-08-05

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2020-09-19 19:39 | Report Abuse

gloves will be my main bread n butter plays till next

i foresee many many $$$$ signs for me......

News & Blogs

2020-09-19 19:36 | Report Abuse

pe < 10 is cheap like kao kao

simple if they say that, ppl will start buying like crazy....and they dun want ppl to do that.

how else are they gonna make money then?


2020-09-19 13:27 | Report Abuse

gloves are THE stocks to buy now. billions in earnings pat u dun want ka!
oi! bodoh la!


2020-09-19 13:26 | Report Abuse

gloves are THE stocks to buy now. period.
oi! 1.3bil pat every quarter u dun want ah!
u dun want money ah! bodoh ka!


2020-09-18 19:37 | Report Abuse

lol suddenly got ppl so bullish on TG...waaaa

this is a sign about next week no?

i rest my case


2020-09-18 19:02 | Report Abuse

this is called herd mentality.

fear panic

there is no logical thinking. only irrational thinking

hence thats why traders lose money 90% of the time

sad thing is, they will STILL never learn

plus with playing contra n margin..a deadly combination


2020-09-18 18:58 | Report Abuse

have faith n hold

just looking at the newest earnings 1.3bil pat
eps = 16c
1 year = 64c
todays price of 7.98

pe ~ 12 or 13 only!!!!

so fukking cheap !!!

a simple calculation

p.s plus TG will earn more every coming quarters. banks already gave TG FY2021 forecast earnings of 9bil lol


2020-09-18 18:51 | Report Abuse

have faith ...and good luck lol


2020-09-18 18:49 | Report Abuse

the fact is, gloves companies are making more n more money every QR.

if u dun even buy a company that makes billions of money every Q, then i dunno what else u gonna buy lo. this is a no brainer. money u dun wan ka!!!!???


but for short term traders...well again cant help u lo

gloves are only for the long term investors. we can stomach the price fluctuations. plus we dun buy on margin


2020-09-18 18:43 | Report Abuse

its is only because our klse is a small market thats why can manipulate. if u are in hk hangseng or even sgx, there is no way the market can be pressed down like this

i think lots of smart money already has bought quietly

see that the banks have even given a huge profit potential for TG next year in FY2021. 9bil profit!!! thats a shit load.

i think next year will even go crazy. now we are just at the beach side, playing with small waves, wait the big waves come n u will regret that u never buy at this cheap price lo.

my 2 cents. all the best lol


2020-09-18 18:40 | Report Abuse

alamak have a bit of faith la.

1.3bil ringgit profit wor, u think 1.3bil monopoly money meh

with simply calculation at todays price of rm7.6 the pe is a stupid 5 or 7 only la

there is no way the share prices will continue to be depressed. mr market will come back with a vengeance.

wait until foreign funds or other come in. remember yield is hard to get by nowadays...all countries are printing money QE like mad. bonds yields are getting lower. funds WILL buy stocks sooner or later


2020-09-17 23:16 | Report Abuse

i think you just need to be aware of the expire dates of those cw....

beware beware the dates of expiry....


2020-09-17 23:14 | Report Abuse

thx for the info n explanations!!! cheers bros


2020-09-17 20:02 | Report Abuse

that sly old

News & Blogs

2020-09-17 20:01 | Report Abuse

lol by the time another 2b profit incoming, rm12 already long gone lo....aiyoyo


2020-09-17 19:50 | Report Abuse

have balls of steel. hold


2020-09-17 18:41 | Report Abuse

loser will always be a loser hehe


2020-09-17 18:40 | Report Abuse

aiyoyoy karim-ex boss angry dy oh...

uncle scared dy. hehe


2020-09-17 18:39 | Report Abuse

okies humongainz what ever u say hehe


2020-09-17 18:38 | Report Abuse

aiyo karim ex-boss dun be jealous hehe ppl smarter than you

u can still buy u know...hehe


2020-09-17 18:28 | Report Abuse

top glove is worth rm15 at pe 30

just my 2 cents opinion. thx


2020-09-17 18:26 | Report Abuse

let it be let it be

soon the PAT will catch up n ppl will have fear of missing out FOMO


2020-09-17 18:24 | Report Abuse

TG's todays QR4 is from jun july aug
thats why their profit is humongous. covid 19 was serious then right. TG would have sold lots of gloves then

hence coming next QR for supermax from july aug sept will also have a humongous profit

uncle teach hehe


2020-09-17 18:19 | Report Abuse

lol some ppl really buta loh...

supermax most recent profit was at 400mil la. adui

u compare most recent QRs together mah, not QR4 with QR4 la.

TG todays QR4 is from jun july aug
Supermax recent QR4 is from apr may jun
supermax next QR1 is from july aug sept (QR will be release in nov)

ada belajar kat sekolah ke? adui

come uncle teach you k hehe


2020-09-17 18:07 | Report Abuse

sorry i dun gamble with my money. i only buy if i am very confident. plus i dun play with margin. need i say more?



2020-09-17 18:02 | Report Abuse

walao so many uncles ka...

please la...put in some aunties too mah...hoho


2020-09-17 18:01 | Report Abuse

i am waiting for above rm20 bucks lo hehe


2020-09-17 18:00 | Report Abuse

just 1 day selldown n the mood is like dead

so easy influence one meh.....


2020-09-17 17:56 | Report Abuse

with so much money tan sri has, i am sure he can find a way lol

with money comes power n influence

no worries


2020-09-17 17:54 | Report Abuse

market already say lo....where is it gonna get the money to pay ar? 1.5bil wor....


i suspect all of the above

expect number of shares to increase to about 4bil i think

just my 2 cents. no offence bros. lol


2020-09-17 17:48 | Report Abuse

no need to choose hold fast to your own conclusions for the future.

stock markets are forward looking

gloves will continue to make loads of money. simple

there will always be setbacks, but overall upwards is definately on

the choice is yours to buy or sell

i have loads of supermax. am keeping till next QR result. will be very geng.

just think about it.

TG is increasing its profit from QR to QR.
supermax has a higher profit margin/higher ASP of gloves. u think it will make less than TG? no fukking way dude

TG last QR 300mil pat supermax 400mil
TG today QR 1.3bil pat supermax = ?

all the best


2020-09-17 17:42 | Report Abuse

no matter the selldown or buyback, one cannot deny that TG pat is increasing exponentially every QR.

last QR 300m
this QR 1.3bil
next QR 2bil????

soon FA will kick in and TG will go up.

the harder they pressed the spring, the harder the rebound.

ask yourself this question...this is very much money can the IBs throw to press the prices down? u really think will be unlimited ka...

no way la. today would be a good time to buy again n top up.

anyway all the best bros. the choice to buy or sell is yours


2020-09-17 17:39 | Report Abuse

todays selldown smacks of the IBs desperation lol

i think loss also they sell lo. walao.....


2020-09-17 17:35 | Report Abuse

tan sri should make a surprise announcement n make the IBs caught in their pants n bleed lol


2020-09-17 17:34 | Report Abuse

todays selldown smacks of desperation on the IBs part. lol


2020-09-17 16:57 | Report Abuse

sgx is a very deep market. lots of liquidity n money. hard to corner n manipulate klse is opposite lol


2020-09-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

i suspect IBs sold at a loss pun sell. that's not uma ma. no shit man


2020-09-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

lol the IBs really geng. i think they are selling at a loss but still sell. if not they will lose kao kao when their cw expires soon



2020-09-17 16:00 | Report Abuse

its the IBs banks selling la. so obvious. if they dun push down the price, they will pokai kao kao when their cw expires.

but the harder they push the harder the


2020-09-17 15:58 | Report Abuse

looks like the IBs are selling like kao kao even tho at a loss. they are very very scared.

macq cw will expire on 16oct. so they are very very scared. lol

serves them right hahahahahha

this is a good time to buy lo.

TP 15!!! based on pe of 30

my 2 cents calculations

News & Blogs

2020-09-17 15:03 | Report Abuse

goes to show a lot of IBs are scared kao kao. lol. the harder u push the harder the rebound


2020-09-17 14:46 | Report Abuse

those can buy buy o. cheap now.


2020-09-17 14:45 | Report Abuse

IBs pushing down like mad, if not they are gonna pk. hold fast. the harder they push down the harder the rebpund