
VinTan | Joined since 2015-03-02 09:35:42

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2015-04-17 12:32 | Report Abuse

Ah Ha,

are you saying that the view expressed in your post dated 10/2/2015 was intended to test those who really believe in 'virtual advice' ?

what about the your viewpoint posted today? are there just another piece of 'virtual advise' not worth a reading? do you even know what you are saying?

have some respect for yourself , you are losing your credibility!


2015-04-17 11:42 | Report Abuse

even though I do not agree with Kukuman, but I have to say he has been CONSISTENT in his postings.

you certainly are not


2015-04-17 11:39 | Report Abuse

Ah Ha ,this is what you said earlier

should be TP 1.20 without any issue. no bad news and reclamation land is fully supported by johor loyal's company.... correct me if i'm wrong...
10/02/2015 10:14

or is there another Ah Ha ?


2015-04-17 11:35 | Report Abuse

Where is all the supporter. Please collect lah.. i want to see how much bullet you have.... kindly monitor & share if any directors sell share quietly...
01/04/2015 13:52

Ah Ha, who has been provoking others' feeling?


2015-04-16 17:21 | Report Abuse

I certainly hope the current price movement is not just a 'distribution by' some crocodile as one forum participant feared it this morning, and after completion of which is followed by negative spinning to drive the price down


2015-04-16 16:48 | Report Abuse

taciturn, I can only say I am speechless reading his replies to various posts directed to him today. It is like when people ask " what is your name " and his reply is " I am 18 years old "


2015-04-16 16:39 | Report Abuse

rizerlee, truly I am not sure, whether he is a moron or some small-time conman trying to " hit and go happy with small % margin "


2015-04-16 16:15 | Report Abuse

rizerlee, he does not understand your posting with regard the need for storage in time of oversupply, and
certainly unable to see how low oil price regime is benefiting the downstream refinery players in way low rubber price it does to the glove makers


2015-04-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

Ah Ha ,

on 9/2/2015 14:05 , you wrote:
"No more bad news.Hope to sell land faster to realize the income....sure go up... no u turn "

on 10/2/2015 10:14, you wrote:
"should be TP 1.2 without any bad news and reclamation land is fully supported by johor loyal's company.... correct me if I am wrong

You sounded like MR BEAN's 'supporter' then
and now you are cursing Mr Ben and those who believe in Tg Pial story

Which Ah Ha should we listen to ?


2015-04-16 13:56 | Report Abuse

Shale out is falling faster than expected !

" Shale drillers will see production drop sooner than expected under a US government forecast, a momentum change that hints at an eventual price rally " -- quote from a an article posted in Bloomberg on 15/4/2015 at 7.24 am US time

" Wells extracting oil from dense shale rock experience 'hyperbolic decline rates', " said David Pitts, chief financial officer at Houston-based producer Carrizo Oil and Gas Inc.
" The question on everyone's mind was would we see it in the second or third quarter, and I'm not surprised it's happening in the earlier part of that range "


2015-04-15 18:14 | Report Abuse

yeh, Mr market is always right in the end, although sometime quite emotional


2015-04-15 17:08 | Report Abuse

share fall 57% against a profit drop of 15%
has the falling knife hit the floor?


2015-04-07 15:26 | Report Abuse

lmseng, the 'one' vomited again at noon, this time even more smelly.
a price to pay for success ?


2015-04-07 13:19 | Report Abuse

When drums are beating in a falling market, always maintain our composure although it is very difficult. Don't let crocodiles to hu ha us into selling our share low with our own trembling hands


2015-04-07 11:07 | Report Abuse

that's very reassuring, datuk


2015-04-07 09:42 | Report Abuse

lmseng, has there been a misunderstanding of my posting yesterday?
pls read in the context of talk between tt101, up-down, si kikiki, and malaysian


2015-04-06 17:54 | Report Abuse

By the way, I do not think the talk among members here have any impact on the price movement. We are not the market movers


2015-04-06 17:48 | Report Abuse

it make "SENSE" that those supporter are still saying some prediction that the share will go up. are doing fishing activities...

I fail to comprehend what you tried to say, Ah Ha
Do you mean,

those who keep on predicting in this forum that share price will go up , are doing some fishing ?
wouldn't it do better good for them if they were to sing and sink down the price, and then to collect cheaply later from panic sellers ,if fishing is indeed ongoing ?


2015-04-06 17:28 | Report Abuse

it's amazing to see how one can be so bloated or self inflated by his 'very huge' previous success to the extent that he is willing to so arrogantly and disdainfully challenge the intelligence of all forum participants here


2015-04-06 16:56 | Report Abuse

no body knows how deep will this correction be , let the market action takes its course and wait for the price to stabilize first


2015-04-03 20:26 | Report Abuse

the same question lingers in my head


2015-04-03 16:56 | Report Abuse

vincentan, an interesting read you have posted


2015-04-03 16:38 | Report Abuse

anyone is free to comment, provided he/she does it in good intention.

now , statements like " kindly monitor and share if any director sell share quietly " or " make sure directors not selling quietly " or " directors had collected very very high remuneration " , in my view, were perhaps given in ' good intention ', although different people will interpret them differently.

but what about " ... i want to see how much bullet you have ... " or " ha ha , where is all the Ben supporters " ? Are these acidic statements given in genuine intention ?

It seems to me that you hate those who ' support ' Mr Ben

Ah Ha , no body put in their money to support Mr Ben, they only hope to make some money by investing some of their hard earned money in Ben. You may not like or disapprove their investment decision, but it's a free world here, like you said. Some of them may have been beaten down by resent price actions, but they do not deserve any of your harassing.

In fact you should congratulate those who dare to entered their positions when everything seemed doomed months ago and are now still sitting on handsome gain, even with the current price correction

it's a free world here, exercise your rights wisely


2015-04-03 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ah ha, those supporters who entered position at 75c above are of course sitting on paper loss now, or for the time being . From your recent 2 postings , you sounded very hilarious about it, do you hate them so much , so much so that you challenged them to " collect lah " ?

You sounded very cocky when laughing at other people's misfortune.

Share can go down as well as up. Mr Ben is now in correction ( to the recent rally in response to EIA approval ) and wise investors should see the price action taking its course first before taking a fresh position. ' supporters '( your word ), or rather investors of Mr Ben have their own wisdom, it serves you no harm to leave them making their own investment decisions

" ... i want to see how much bullet you have .... " is definitely not the ways to it


2015-03-28 19:34 | Report Abuse

or perhaps no body believe there is any good in VT anymore


2015-03-28 19:31 | Report Abuse

bad experience for the past 5 years?


2015-03-28 14:39 | Report Abuse

Myview, totally agreed with you, that is why sometimes sor chai make more money than the sophisticated ones who see only bad in others


2015-03-27 18:36 | Report Abuse

yes, the mountain behind this pile, that's it!
anyone still blind to see it?


2015-03-27 17:57 | Report Abuse

substantial gain vs monthly rental , your pick ?


2015-03-27 17:51 | Report Abuse

suppose you have a property and the property has appreciated manifold, wouldn't selling the property make you handsome profit? why is it pure accounting trick ?

of course, you would have to forego the rental you used to collect


2015-03-27 17:42 | Report Abuse

if one day bj assets are revalued, would you call it pure accounting trick ?


2015-03-27 14:29 | Report Abuse

Yes, tt101 , businessmen engage accountant
VT sure knows what to do with regard the GST, many accountant work for him


2015-03-27 13:29 | Report Abuse

tt101, accountant is accountant , businessman is businessman
It takes a businessman to run a company

If VT thinks like our kris fren, he should have disposed all his bj holding and CHOWed when GST was first introduced


2015-03-27 10:49 | Report Abuse

show, focus on the points presented,and disregard the ' boasting ' or ' blow water part' if you hate them so much.

you can always sell down bjcorp like what Up_down said if you are not convinced
hating someone is not good for health


2015-03-27 09:23 | Report Abuse

show, unforgotten history is guide to future events


2015-03-26 11:51 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan, Sifu of value investing

not many have the courage and strength to walk the long path
many stumble too early before the destination is reached

Those who follow Calvin need to be clear of his/her own resolute in walking the path
walking only half or partial way will most likely land oneself in disaster

Calling him 'con' after being down will not bring any good to oneself
ask yourself, is your investment character aligned to his ? if not , don't follow and point the finger of blame when things go 'wrong' later

Be fair to him . He has been rather consistent and stand by his calls unlike some of the forum writers here


2015-03-24 15:42 | Report Abuse

if conglo like berjaya corpse runtuh becos of GST, many more counters also will, maybe KLSE semua runtuh, BCCA !!!!! only IFCAMSC flourish Kikiki!!!!!!!!
me not so pan lai only tok kok


2015-03-23 11:50 | Report Abuse

it is like how you see this 50% filled bottle. is it half full ? is it half empty ?


2015-03-23 11:40 | Report Abuse

Hmm, sounds a familiar figure by the ID of " where "


2015-03-23 11:38 | Report Abuse

leno wrote on 12/03/2015 15:57


2015-03-23 10:22 | Report Abuse

on 12/03/2015 16:29

leno wrote:

" u better listen to leno lor... sell off your BJCORP ... short term is bad. mid term is worse ... long term ... what fak is long term ? "

on 20/03/2015 16:45
leno very happy, he wrote :

" 41.5 sen ... HAHAHAHAH ... leno cannot believe leno manage to get so mani sahres at 41.5 sen ...... kakakakakakahaah ... BERJAYA corp ..... CANTEEEEEEEEEKKKKK !!! "

leno , or leno con, or leno the con ?


2015-03-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

then syiok syiok for long long-lah


2015-03-20 11:29 | Report Abuse

Remember what kukuman said?

The market does not give a damn about the good news !
and so why should it ?

In investment, it is the hard money that counts . Tg Pial is a long term mega project, and one have to see the project take its course before thinking of netting in any gain.

This counter is definitely not for you if you take a short term view like Kukuman.
Are you like him?

Invest in Mr Ben only if you believe the oil and gas industry is a key contributor to Malaysia economy and is there to stay for long.

Is oil and gas industry a major slice of Malaysian economy? Where are we heading without it ? Think about it


2015-03-20 11:10 | Report Abuse

the future of Mr Ben is indeed bright in the future with the approval of EIA

but we still need to be realistic with the short term price movement at this juncture as Mr Ben is yet to show investors the real money

overly hoping an immediate shoot up will land us no where but disappointment


2015-03-13 17:44 | Report Abuse

attack directed at the MD, alamak, the forum is haunted by ghost of the ousted directors again


2015-03-05 10:07 | Report Abuse

si bongsu? abng adik? boardroom tussle part II in this forum again !


2015-03-04 15:30 | Report Abuse

kikikiki will suffice, too many exclamation mark is not good for health


2015-03-04 15:26 | Report Abuse

I hope they are right this time