
YourQuirkyWays29 | Joined since 2021-11-17

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2021-12-17 14:58 | Report Abuse

Omicron is here, and people are not taking it seriously. All evidence shows transmission speed that's unprecedented, yet people take comfort in the fact that the effect are less severe. Even if it is less severe, just by the sheer amount of people getting infected through lack of proper SOP, the low % of severe-ness * high population of infection will still result in high hospitalisation rate.

Which country wakes up first to take appropriate measures will be the country that suffer the least eventually.


2021-12-17 11:22 | Report Abuse

Let's hope Malaysian take of Omicron seriously so that we don't get another eventual lockdown like the rest of the world...


2021-12-16 09:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah people are playing down Omicron way too much imo. Even if it is less severe than delta or other variant, why be complacent and get infected for no reason? Just stay safe and follow sop guys...


2021-12-15 14:55 | Report Abuse

Got to agree with Goody99, not making any gambles now. Not selling, neither am I buying more at the moment.


2021-12-15 11:38 | Report Abuse

Market is so depressed today. Better stop looking.


2021-12-14 11:34 | Report Abuse

@Anxious if you believe in your research and also the management, then let's ride this out with them, unless they also show signs that they can't deal with the risks and uncertainty.

For now, I still believe that the company is sufficiently prudent to be able to fight with its competition comfortably. Share price may not reflect company performance, as a company's price can stay overvalued/undervalued for a long long time.

I don't want to regret later for not believing in the management, so I'm holding on for now, regardless of the share price.


2021-12-14 09:21 | Report Abuse

@Natsuko LOL, what's your goal here?


2021-12-13 16:48 | Report Abuse

I don't have much, but still holding. :) Sometimes, just got to take a deep breath and don't make rash decisions.


2021-12-10 16:43 | Report Abuse

Guys, we never know what will happen in the future. While all the risks discussed are real, they are just risks and uncertainty. It depends on how much you believe in the company's ability to navigate through these risks. I have faith in my decision.


2021-12-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

Let's see how things go a couple years from now. I can afford this mistake even if I'm wrong. :)


2021-12-10 16:23 | Report Abuse

LOL at all these people pursuading people to sell. I did my research and I've invested with money I can afford to lose, I'm holding. :)


2021-12-10 14:26 | Report Abuse

That resilience may or may not reflect in short term share price. Hang in there fellow investors.


2021-12-09 16:40 | Report Abuse

@Anxious, good to keep updated, but try not to get emotional over it. It can be fun to see people overreacting to every price movement.


2021-12-08 10:57 | Report Abuse


"Glove stock really like gambling counter dataprp now , very high risk , u dont know what will happen next 5 minutes , very unstable , not for long term holder !"

Well this statement is opposite of the truth. Short term volatility is not a risk for long term holder. Just a risk for day trader like you (just a guess, not judging).


2021-12-07 11:24 | Report Abuse

@Natsuko well there's no way that any of us can be sure. It depends on how much the earnings drop from here, I just have faith that the society's health consciousness would not decrease from here. So, let's see what will happen. :)


2021-12-07 10:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah this slow bleed could be expected in absence of new scary news for Omicron. Many short term "investor" flocked in betting on glove rally for Omicron and this dip is slowly shaking them out. Would be good if we close the year at this price range ~5.8 - 6.0.

Consistent dividend collection over the next 5 - 10 years alone could recover the entire investment cost, not even considering growth opportunities yet.


2021-12-06 16:23 | Report Abuse

@Sean where did you read about bonus issue?


2021-12-06 13:58 | Report Abuse

Well that was a short ride, on the way back to the reds in my portfolio. Still have faith in the company long term, so just ride it out. :)


2021-12-02 15:25 | Report Abuse

Ignore the trolls. They will be nowhere to be seen when things gets better.


2021-12-01 17:51 | Report Abuse

Doubt we will see another rally in absence of new breaking findings for Omicron. We may see more downward trend from traders looking to exit.


2021-12-01 10:40 | Report Abuse

@bang_miskin my guess will be that people who are in for Omicron has settled down. Have to wait and see if its impact is greater or lesser than expected.


2021-12-01 09:43 | Report Abuse

Cheers Sheldon - I happen to own a few shares where EPF trades in, so I see these disclosures every day. It also doesn't help that i3 chose to only not bold the transaction date.


2021-12-01 09:25 | Report Abuse

Guys, EPF's trades disclosed are trades from last week. Please read the full announcement.


2021-11-30 10:30 | Report Abuse

@bang_miskin is right, in for the long haul. I did not think that RM6.8-7 Harta was overvalued, hence I did not sell any portions yesterday. Let's see where this goes from here.


2021-11-29 16:34 | Report Abuse

Hope no one here paper-handed and got burned. Don't play with money you can't afford to lose man.


2021-11-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

@Jolynce Yeah, that peak at 7.01 came out of nowhere.


2021-11-29 16:22 | Report Abuse

People taking profits before counter close for the day maybe, let's see what price we close at.


2021-11-29 16:11 | Report Abuse


Yeah, it seems early to take profit. Volume masih kuat, FOMO is real. Top glove increased over 30%.


2021-11-29 15:46 | Report Abuse


One way is to determine a price where the stock is "overvalued" for you, sell at that price, and then have faith in your judgement that it will play out over the long term.


2021-11-29 14:26 | Report Abuse

@menotassassin @bang_miskin

My 2 cents - there are too many things happening in the background that is not public knowledge, we see large countries "reacting" by immediately imposing travel bans on South African countries for Omicron. We will not know if the glove buyers will take the opportunity to stock up on gloves in anticipation of potential increase in ASP.

So my take is, if you're trading, then trade with a proper enter & exit strategy that you are comfortable with, being risk averse - you may miss out on future gain, being risk taker - you may miss the opportunity to get out (there may be a balance for you, and this balance is different for everyone, and there is no best of both worlds).

For me, I'm investing for long term, I have my average cost at a price that I'm ok to go to bed even if Harta's share price hit RM4 (without any solid negative business indication). So, I'm waiting this out until a price that I am happy with the profits, then I may cash out a portion of the shares for profit, and live with my remaining shares even if the price goes to the moon after that.


2021-11-22 10:24 | Report Abuse

@bang_miskin the volume on Rakuten Trade is very low, not sure how strong is this support/rebound.


2021-11-19 15:47 | Report Abuse

@Anxious Try not to invest money you can't afford to lose. I'm just worried that if you're already very affected by how things are now, how will it be if things get worse after you top up.

After all, if we believe in the management & company, then holding until there's evidence to tell us otherwise would have the utmost important. And if investing more will put your emotions at risk (i.e. more tempted to "cut loss" unnecessarily), better avoid doing so.


2021-11-18 17:07 | Report Abuse

@Bang_miskin @Anxious @Jolynce Thanks for all your replies. Sad to see y'all holding at such high costs but I'd be lying if I say that didn't comfort me even a little to know that my paper loss is much lesser.

Think I'll not dive in even at a discount (5.9 seems fine and im not losing out too much from not averaging down to say 5.4). Probably should just hold it out. Buying at interval can be costly with transaction costs given that the % gained over the next year could be small. Seems like its better to minimise cost for now, collected dividend, and wait.

I see many here talk about going below RM5 and even RM4 and they'll buy there. But I doubt we'll get there without more bad news, and if we do get more bad news in order to reach those TP, I'm not so sure if these people will still be buying given that there's new "fear"/negative sentiment.


2021-11-18 15:05 | Report Abuse

@Anxious @Bang_miskin & @ Jolynce What are your rough average prices? Mine is at around 5.9 (averaged down from around 6.7) - these dips are looking tasty but we really don't know how deep it will go and when it will rebound causing missed opportunity.


2021-11-17 10:40 | Report Abuse

Depends on how much the spammer actually bought, if they dump later today because their TP not hit, price may go even lower. My bullets are ready.