
AdCool | Joined since 2014-04-04

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2016-11-21 12:19 | Report Abuse

how was AGM? Business as usual?


2016-11-18 13:14 | Report Abuse

To attend AGM, u need to have Supermax shares by certain cut off date. If no shares, you can't attend unless appointed as proxy for someone else. Merck, don't ask someone who don't own Supermax shares to attend lah.


2016-11-15 11:25 | Report Abuse

Been away for sometime since I m not that free to comment everyday life some of u did. US presidential election has over and the world is shocked to know that Trump will be the next US president. Eventually the world will come in term with it and move on. Ppl still need to work, spend n eat. We can't change this fact. And for Trump to implement whatever he promised during his campaign, remain to be seen. Just like our own Malaysia Government, said no price increase and no tax increase which would burden the Rakyat, but at the end, what happenned? Now everything increase, cooking oil, toll, petrol and latest, hospitalisation fees. Same happenned to Greece. Promised no more Austerity measure and won the election but at the end, still have austerity measures.

As shared before, Supermax won't move beyond RM2.20 due to warrants expiry back in end October. And I was proved correct in this. Once the warrants already expired n US presidential election is over, now the price is above RM 2.20. The rest I ll let u to do your own study and risk.


2016-11-07 17:12 | Report Abuse

Maybe big fish wanna goreng one more round b4 us presidential election. Force all the panic small fishes out.


2016-11-07 13:41 | Report Abuse

Releasing more n more news. Now we just need to wait after US presidential elections cause market doesn't like uncertainties. I don't see much impacts to plantation counters no matter what the outcome of the us election as our largest importers are from India and China.


2016-11-06 16:45 | Report Abuse

Cooking oil price increase wont give better profit cause prior to this, Gov was the one who paid the extra price. Now, the consumers pay it themselves as the Gov has stopped the subsidy.


2016-11-04 23:59 | Report Abuse

This argument has started since early of the year at Supermax forum. Guess, they brought it here as well. So is Air Asia forum.


2016-11-04 15:23 | Report Abuse

Malaysia has communicated its wants and now awaiting how China is going to respond to this request.


2016-11-04 00:27 | Report Abuse

Still no news on palm oil purchase from China. That would be another catalyst to push the price even higher.


2016-11-02 15:54 | Report Abuse

Just like brexit. Everyone worry. After brexit is done, everything recover after a week. FTSE uk even went up more than before Brexit.


2016-11-02 15:48 | Report Abuse

Just sit tight lah. No worry. Sit for 1 week only once everything back to stable after China trip over, Fed rate meeting over n us presidential election over. If beh tahan, just dun see the FGV price for the next 5 trading days.


2016-11-02 11:10 | Report Abuse

Just look at GKENT, 2 days before the award of hospital contract, dropped so much. And now it rebounded. That s only 277 million project. Imagine what the insiders are doing by desperately pushing FGV down for almost 50 sen in just last 1 week. CPO is steady, market is ok, but FGV drops so much while coincidentally PM is in China and palm oil is one of the agenda.


2016-11-02 11:07 | Report Abuse

UnC, for such counter, can't apply FA or TA for now. If have fund can divide into 3 rounds of buy and accumulate while it drops. We won't be able to buy the lowest or sell the highest.


2016-11-02 11:02 | Report Abuse

U guys still don't get it. It is being pushed down for a purpose with all the coordinated unconfirmed news. Next, it going to rebound strongly with just a good news which the insiders already knew about it earlier.


2016-11-01 17:53 | Report Abuse

Remember...PM is at China and oil palm is one of the topic to be discussed and agreed upon. News should be out on Thursday. Hold on and sit tight.


2016-10-31 18:33 | Report Abuse

FGV cannot apply economy sense. It s a speculated counter. Just wait for news from China during Najib visit.


2016-10-31 13:06 | Report Abuse

Perhaps Unic made a huge loss for the last 1 week since the price drops from 2.30 until now.


2016-10-30 14:19 | Report Abuse

Cant just read just the commodity price increase. Have to consider the production of FFB as well as logging outputs. Besides, the cost of operation has been increasing due to minimum wages and other costs. The only hope for Jaya Tiasa now is that the maturity of its oil palm which would increase significantly of its FFB. But that would also depends on the demand of CPO in the world. If demand is low and supply is high, CPO price would drop back. That would offset the advantage of higher FFB outputs.


2016-10-26 19:11 | Report Abuse

As shared earlier:

Few warrants expiring this 28 Oct. Exercise value ranging from 2 - 2.2. Hence it won't move beyond 2.2 but may drop further to 2 for such warrants to expire.
10/10/2016 17:29

Don't try to beat the warrants issuers.


2016-10-24 12:34 | Report Abuse

so after 3 years besides the price has dropped from 2.10 to less than 1.10 post Brexit and now back to 1.40. With US election on 8th Nov and most probably a GE14 in 2017, is Plantation counter a good investment for the next 3 years since the analysis is based on 6 years projection of growth.


2016-10-21 19:06 | Report Abuse

Goldentriangle, where got uptrend? Yesterday above 52, today 51.66. It s downtrend lah


2016-10-21 13:25 | Report Abuse

budget may announce review of windfall tax for CPO.


2016-10-21 11:35 | Report Abuse

engine already warming up. Just need catalyst to make it move.


2016-10-19 20:31 | Report Abuse

It s ok, you are the best ever BWC!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!! Best of the best! If there is a word for bestest, you are the bestest of the bestest. BWC is the bestest of the bestest


2016-10-19 20:25 | Report Abuse

Nvm I can it many times for you. Cause you are the best ever!!! Wahahhaa


2016-10-19 20:24 | Report Abuse

BWC u are the best!!!! I like you very much. You are the best ever!!!


2016-10-19 20:23 | Report Abuse

BWC u are the best!!!! I like you very much. You are the best ever!!!


2016-10-19 20:21 | Report Abuse

l Aiyoh BWC, why are you so mad? I'm talking about your macai, not you. Why u so busy body to interfere? You nothing to do is it? Go and prepare friskies for your Investo lah. Dinner time already. Later your macai very hungry and can't bark for you tomorrow. Shhhhs Shhhhs go away. I don't want to deal with you. I wanna deal with the pussy pussy cat Investo. Come investo, where ever are you, come out....

I have friskies for you. Think your master forgot about your dinner since he s busy body here.


2016-10-19 20:07 | Report Abuse

If BWC doesn't want you, I can consider to give your some bones once a while. If my mood is good and profit from Supermax, maybe I can buy you friskies


2016-10-19 20:05 | Report Abuse

Such a copycat. Investo is AdCool copycat. Sit Sit. Wag your tail. Laugh


2016-10-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

Investo is BWC most loyal macai. U will be rewarded with the best pig bone ever. Come give me your hand. Hahhaha


2016-10-19 17:06 | Report Abuse

I really wanna faint. BWC is like an old record that keep spinning n spinning n just won't shut off. Opps, old record...Not saying about you BWC. Don't be over sensitive there. It s just an analogy.


2016-10-19 12:29 | Report Abuse

Since BWC been asking me many times to join him to warn here it is...BWC is a spammer and a guy who has nothing to but everyday keep labeling ppl as fraudster. So yeah, readers pls be careful of BWC and in fact just ignore him since he just report yesterday's news. You guys can read all those news yourself. If you are lazy, then can read BWC news, maybe that is his value in here. For sure you wont miss his news daily.

BWC, happy that i joined you to warn fraudster now? I have done my part, so stop asking me again to warn fraudster.


2016-10-19 01:59 | Report Abuse

Jacklintan, if u have noticed, the warrants price isn't moving up in tandem with the mother share price. In fact it s going the opposite direction. This not only happen for Supermax but other warrants as well. It has decouple from the mother shares. It could be that warrants players aren't convince that the market would be good for the next several months. Hence, they aren't willing to pay premium for the warrants


2016-10-17 13:06 | Report Abuse

This counter needs to post profit before it can go up. 7 Quarters of loss so far. How to go up then? Accumulate slowly and hopefully Q4 report would post profit. Else, can forget about it and move on.


2016-10-17 12:59 | Report Abuse

There is no skp C6 to buy.


2016-10-14 13:54 | Report Abuse

the list of fraudsters seem to getting longer and longer. Sooner or later, 90% of ppl commented in Supermax would be categorized as fraudster while Investo and BWC are the good guys. You guys should go and apply to work in 1MDB. Bright future for you. No need to trade in share market anymore. Everyday just help 1MDB to spin more stories and label all the Malaysian as fraudsters by questioning them.


2016-10-14 00:05 | Report Abuse

Call warrants not only burn a hole on your pocket but burn all your whole pants off. Exit while still can and dont play with the issuer on expiry and exercise price. You wont beat them.


2016-10-13 13:01 | Report Abuse

For gosh sake merck, just ignore BWC. The more u comment the more he syiok sendiri. And keep spamming n twisting and totally out of point. Just let him be in his world. Be generous n have mercy on him lah. He wanna talk about big pic, make whatever calls he wants and keep labelling everyone as fraudsters, let him be lah. U can't stop it n change it. Just let him be lah.


2016-10-12 17:10 | Report Abuse

i sold it for a loss in preparation for US presidential election. Anyway, it s good that it bounced back this week for higher exit price. Unfortunately i sold it last week when the price was lower. Well, there are always opportunities


2016-10-12 16:11 | Report Abuse

Today Supermax suddenly bounced back and Top Glove reported a poorer results. Will ASP for Supermax be lower as well as reported by Top Glove? I still think with two warrants expiring soon this month, it's gonna be difficult for Supermax to move up. Warrants exercise price are 2 and 2.20 for C3 and C4


2016-10-12 16:03 | Report Abuse

Just ignore this BWC lah for gosh sake. If no one argue with, BWC will shut up. The more you all respond to BWC, the more high and syok BWC becomes. merck, waihang82, davidxxxx, skyz, skyrider, gogo, ETmoney, jacklintan, AdCool, looney8 N kaiXXgang, whoever BWC labels as same gang, just ignore BWC. We just discuss about Supermax. Ignore is the best policy in order to stop this spamming around.


2016-10-12 15:59 | Report Abuse

Ringgit has decouple from oil price due to all the corruption scandals in Malaysia.


2016-10-12 13:56 | Report Abuse

Why you ppl still can argue about this fraudster and non fraudster thingy for so long? I wonder if you ppl are in your teens...This forum is for adults not for kids.


2016-10-10 17:29 | Report Abuse

Few warrants expiring this 28 Oct. Exercise value ranging from 2 - 2.2. Hence it won't move beyond 2.2 but may drop further to 2 for such warrants to expire.


2016-10-10 17:04 | Report Abuse

Such a low volume. Not looking good.


2016-10-10 14:26 | Report Abuse

nothing is confirmed in Shares Market.


2016-10-07 21:34 | Report Abuse

I exited the warrants with loss as I don't think Supermax would make any movement until after November US Presidential Election. There is just no more volumes and interests in this counter for now. Better move the fund to buy other counters with potential for the next 1 month.


2016-10-04 12:09 | Report Abuse

no big fund buying yet as the volume transacted is still small. Big blockade at 1.62.


2016-10-02 21:25 | Report Abuse

jacklintan, there are just too many volatility in the market in October. First is our Malaysia budget 2017 and then US presidential election. Market doesn't like uncertainties.