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2022-02-11 18:16 | Report Abuse

Will buy 3x of my current holding if Supermax drops until that level and then just keep in freezer for 3 years.

NatsukoMishima Spmx will drop to 64 sens soon !
11/02/2022 10:45 AM


2022-02-11 17:34 | Report Abuse

who s the one kept suppressing the price? Stll dont let it up.


2022-02-08 01:18 | Report Abuse

plantation counters cant be suppressed much longer. have to go up already.

News & Blogs

2022-02-06 16:59 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon, you see Malaysia chart lah. Still uptrend on Covid Cases. After the Western peaks on their covid cases, next would be us in Asia. Such trend has happened in 2020 and 2021. Now 2022.


2022-02-05 02:45 | Report Abuse

2 more months before delisting if still no plan being submitted.


2022-02-03 19:50 | Report Abuse

Accumulate slowly and hold and wait. Such low price won't be able to get soon when foreign fund start acquiring companies with good ESG rating.


2022-02-03 16:34 | Report Abuse

overall palm oil industry yet to move.


2022-02-03 16:25 | Report Abuse

Took profit and exited since holding from 0.135. Good luck guys!


2022-01-28 17:24 | Report Abuse

As the shorty kept saying about forward looking, come next 2-3 quarters, the ASP is trending up back amid at slower pace. Restocking should happen this year and should have started when ASP normalized. Look forward to positive Top Glove results in March 2022 which may deliver better profit than Q4 2021 China is having a poor relationship with US and EU and would continue to have trade wars in moving forward. China made gloves would be continued to be affected by high tariffs in months to come as well as facing logistic constraint due to its Zero Covid policy.


2022-01-25 18:08 | Report Abuse

in early 2020, trading from 1.30-1.70, no one wanna buy. in mid 2020, trading above rm10 and everyone chased. Next in August 2020, ppl chased until rm24. Then gloves kept reporting higher profit until June 2021 but market kept selling since Nov 2020, 7 months in advance before the ASP normalized. Now gloves already downtrend for 14 months and yet still got many hoping for even lower price. That s the irrational of market. If Supermax really dropped to 0.65, there would be ppl shouting for 0.3. Same if Supermax back to RM10, there would be ppl shouting for rm20. Just invest what you think is comfortable to you.


2022-01-22 18:09 | Report Abuse

Esceramic won't up when the rest of the gloves are down. Besides, it is not declaring dividends even after two quarters of increased profits. Can see how Esceramic been follow closely to gloves trend for the last 2 years. It doesn't have its own trend.


2022-01-20 18:15 | Report Abuse

Am looking at normalization and valuation and not euphoria. Normalization should be back to RM4++ and not as per what the IBs and market estimated at below RM2. There would be no more story to tell on lower ASP and would focus on expansion and efficiency of the operation in moving forward. Top Glove normalized revenue in 2023 should be around RM6.8 bil and 2024 around RM7.3 bil. The focus is to increase profit margin by reducing cost and being efficient. The profit margin is too low for Top Glove in comparison with Harta and Supermax. Top Glove should cont to increase margin to 15% by automating and managing its raw costs. Dont hope for rm10 in 2022 or 2023 but aim for rm4++ in 2023. Next Rm5++ in 2024 with fair dividend payout. For those still holding RM7++, sorry to mention that it would take another pandemic to hit that target.

mh87 No need to understand.

Because this is the reality of stock market.

Market no more interest about HC stock anymore. HC stock hype now can consider over. Already 2 years since the prepandemic.

Based on my experience in Bursa, sector euphoria will never long last more than 1 year. You guys can learn from previous sector euphoria in Bursa.

You guys can invest for dividend and bonus if you have a lot of money.

Market now focus on other sector and other new potential industry in order to allocate their big profit money.
20/01/2022 5:25 PM


2022-01-19 11:28 | Report Abuse

game everyone. back to 0.03 and 0.025


2022-01-19 11:10 | Report Abuse

Kossan QR should be released next week. Market anticipating higher results? If follow Top Glove trend, it should down to round RM250 mil profit.

Markv572421 Kossan nice nice green green compare to topglove .....hahahahaa
19/01/2022 10:58 AM


2022-01-18 16:26 | Report Abuse

old news since last week lah. It has been priced in when Canada ban Supermax products in Nov after US CBP ban in October.


OMG , this is really a huge blow to gloves stock at the worst timing , 100% limit down tomorrow , prepare for Davies double bottom kill , 64 sens also need to consider before buy in because their US project sure will burn out all the cash flow !


2022-01-17 17:53 | Report Abuse

still need to wait for the breakout.


2022-01-10 16:19 | Report Abuse

The more they suppress the more pressure it build up. Just need to be patient.


2022-01-10 15:09 | Report Abuse

Seem 0.04 is the support price now. Some movement in sister company Permaju. 90 more days for countdown.


2022-01-07 15:41 | Report Abuse

Why not wait until March since it s almost near to the deadline and Anzo already at rock bottom? This is a do or die scenario for Anzo in the next 2.5 month. Cant escape or ignore it.

Dr Y.Raj Just sold my holding. Averaged down for way too long. Just wondering if y'all realised or not that anzo holding berhad website is removed/inactive? Probably a sign...
06/01/2022 4:08 PM


2022-01-07 15:34 | Report Abuse

Just need ASP to reverse trend before the IBs would start to change to Buy calls. Now they too are waiting cause they too are concern. Or maybe all are waiting for JPM to change to Buy call.


2022-01-05 14:43 | Report Abuse

ASP must go up first before the share price.


2022-01-04 16:40 | Report Abuse

U bought 15 pieces of mask per box is it? Else your mask must be recycle type.

Boston Over 90% of 36000 masks producing factories in China closed down. Used to buy a normal box of masks for rm5/box.


2022-01-04 11:37 | Report Abuse

ASP pls, not about number of cases.


2022-01-03 17:02 | Report Abuse

make sense if based on back on the envelope calculation. 50% discount is safe. Btw 50% from 1.90 is 0.95. :)


2022-01-03 12:47 | Report Abuse

Question is how much is the valuation? If S5 is being valued at 900 million, by RTO of Ancomlb, would Ancomlb be valued at 900 million as well since S5 would inject its assets and maintain the public listed status?


2022-01-03 12:02 | Report Abuse

Higher cases won't bring much profit to Gloves if the ASP is still on downtrend to pre Covid level. The distributors and customers yet to stock up their gloves inventory thus far and can be reflected in Top Glove recent results.


2021-12-31 17:24 | Report Abuse

The countdown of 100 days begins tomorrow. Who thinks that Anzo would submit any plan by 50 days, 30 days, 10 days or 1 day before the deadline?


2021-12-31 17:20 | Report Abuse

Just a normal window dressing. dont be happy about it.


2021-12-29 14:30 | Report Abuse


UPlanet Aiyo, pooooorttthinking, IDSS and PDT will go to those very very much over value counters like MPI, Genetec, D&O, Greatec…. The room to short is bigger la. If want to short, will you come to counter already falling for more than 1.5yrs??? Hahaha, really laugh die ppl!!!!
29/12/2021 10:44 AM

News & Blogs

2021-12-27 14:32 | Report Abuse

Can you tell us how much gloves is China consuming now in comparison with US and also Europe. Such facility are actually to cater to China growing demands when China become more developed and increase hygiene awareness


2021-12-24 17:03 | Report Abuse

Another 3.5 month to confirm whether Anzo is really a big scam and cement it in history.

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

See gloves? Reported best results in June 2021 but the market started selling in Nov 2020. Since palm oil gonna reports best result in Feb, by right the market should have been selling now cause it would be weaker results in May reporting. 6 months in advance.


2021-12-24 16:52 | Report Abuse

you have been talking about this for a year now and keep moving goalpost. I think i also can claim rm6 coming in 2025. If cant hit then i cont to move the goalpost when report best QR or when new viruses.

MoneyMakers 65sen (prepandemic price) will come nxt yr when nxt QR profit crash (fundamental collapse) or omicron cases/hosp start fall (sentiment shift)
24/12/2021 4:19 PM

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 11:56 | Report Abuse

BTW, CPO is on a downtrend since a month ago from the peak of around MYR5.3K to around MYR4.8k now. It is expected to be continued on downtrend as there are no more big purchases from India and China. EU isnt buying for the Christmas and yearend holiday as they are boycotting palm oil. Now the question remains is whether China would buy more for the coming Chinese New Year.

News & Blogs

2021-12-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

Sadly Calvin doesnt have SGD300 million to move the market. Else, the plantation industry would move up as commented by Calvin. Only the IBs and market operators can do so but they are not interested in plantation. Calvin can cont to write 101 articles about it and it makes no differences.


2021-12-23 16:40 | Report Abuse

The copper contract isnt delivering even a 100mil revenue even after 18 months. And the contract was for 40 months. Is Anzo going to deliver 1.2 billion in the next 22 months or the contract would be scrapped by then without delivering even 10% of the contract value after 40 months?


2021-12-23 16:32 | Report Abuse

Anzo revamped its corporate website lately and still proudly mentioned about the 1.3 billion copper contract.

News & Blogs

2021-12-20 14:21 | Report Abuse

No development by BN or the so called rebranded GPS for 60 years and no punishment but punish DAP for no development for 22 months? Is this a logical analysis? The rationale is Sarawak does not want change causing political instability and they believe in Sarawak for Sarawakians. Besides now GPS is having more negotiating power at Federal level due to UMNO weaknesses. They can demand more as they are now holding UMNO. Whether there would be develpment next remains to be seen.


2021-12-14 17:40 | Report Abuse

Anzo did not buy tat glove factory lah.

JuliusCeasar What happened to its gloves business in Perak? is the factory at PERAK doesn't work or stop production?
14/12/2021 9:49 AM


2021-12-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

Main challenge is low utilization of the plants at 55%. With that the cost is higher. In addition, raw materials cost have not been at similar downtrend pace as ASP but management looking at lower raw materials price in months to come while ASP normalize and ASP downtrend no longer as steep as the past quarters of -30%. Why low utilization at 55%? One of the observation is the customers still holding back and yet to place orders for restocking especially customers from Western Europe and North America. Eastern Europe and Africa have increased their purchase but not big enough to replace western Europe and NA.

The_JQuestion any breakdown on the QR?
why is it so bad...give me some context not all this gibberish rubbish u guys been talking
13/12/2021 11:49 AM


2021-12-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

Rm2 buy, RM1.70 buy, RM1.50 buy, RM1.30 also buy. If bankrupt, then it mean whole Malaysia also bankrupt. That time whether you bought gloves or not, all your other counters also hanggus together. Using EPS to calculate is just simpleton. Just see how all the counters have negative EPS and yet still trading at high value. How many counters with PE50++ and still trading. It's just justification and excuses for the IBs to manipulate and control following their music tone. When they want it to be down, then they used PE and EPS, when they want it to be up, then they sing about the recovery, the return, the prospect and dont care about negative EPS or high PE for the next 2-3 years.


2021-12-11 17:30 | Report Abuse

M&A with China gloves manufacturers, then no more killed by China gloves. Nobody thought about that? Top Glove already have 1 factory in China and would focus in expanding more as China is growing on its hygienic awareness. Can buy those players that got wipe out by low ASP.


2021-12-10 19:16 | Report Abuse

Nobody pay attention on why Top Glove bosses been pushing to list in HKX even after 3 times of revising the prospectus to just 25% of original proposal back in 2020. Why list in HKX for just 25% of the original plan? Is it really to raise funds or it's for other plan? Think about it.

News & Blogs

2021-12-10 18:18 | Report Abuse

Gloves ASP started in April 2020 and gloves counters started to uptrend from then on. Palm oil price started more than 1.5 year ago and yet palm oil counter still sleeping. yet you wanna con ppl to buy palm oil counters?


2021-12-10 17:56 | Report Abuse

this forum many lost money in gloves until become forever hater and hoping for gloves to bankrupt so that they can be at peace with their losses.


2021-12-10 17:18 | Report Abuse

still talking about ASP? ASP already back to USD25 loh. Nothing much to drop for ASP. The white man all complained forced labor and human rights yet wanna pay penny for the gloves? It s time to pay premium since need to spend more on ESG and better environment for the staffs, giving them air-conditioning hostel, hotel grade pillows and mattress plus give them jacuzzi as well. Throw in free awesome meals everyday with wagyu beef or Norwegian Salmon or roast lamb daily serve with high grade Bismati rice. 1 day only max can work 10 hours and max 50 hours in a week. Still want to pay low ASP? Ask the gwai lohs go and fly kites lah.


2021-12-10 17:17 | Report Abuse

still talking about ASP? ASP already back to USD25 loh. Nothing much to drop for ASP. The white man all complained forced labor and human rights yet wanna pay penny for the gloves? It s time to pay premium since need to spend more on ESG and better environment for the staffs, giving them air-conditioning hostel, hotel grade pillows and mattress plus give them jacuzzi as well. Throw in free awesome meals everyday with wagyu beef or Norwegian Salmon or roast lamb daily serve with high grade Bismati rice. 1 day only max can work 10 hours and max 50 hours in a week. Still want to pay low ASP? Ask the gwai lohs go and fly kites lah.


2021-12-10 15:11 | Report Abuse

you guys have been expecting a lot. Top Glove precovid quarterly profit around 100 mil - 110 mil. Mostly it would deliver consistent 130 mil - 150 mil per quarter as normalization. What so bad with the results then? If there s any bonus and ASP back to USD30, then Top Glove can deliver around 200 mil per quarter.


2021-12-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

Buy buy buy and keep as FD for 20 years. Come 1.50.


2021-12-09 17:15 | Report Abuse

it s not about profit, it s about the goreng trend.