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2017-03-23 00:25 | Report Abuse

Good sharing, Mr Pauper.


2017-03-22 20:08 | Report Abuse

If Lionind can hit RM2.50, then Annjoo will be RM5.00, SSTEEL will be RM3.50, and KLCI will be 2500...


2017-03-22 18:47 | Report Abuse

Come on guys, mytrade2u is a failed platform la.
Your hardly see anyone use it.
Even Maybank itself also stop promote this platform.


2017-03-22 13:01 | Report Abuse

the wave will arrive in 2 weeks time.


2017-03-22 12:12 | Report Abuse

Buy Buy Buy, you will not regret!
Another wave is coming soon, i heard the sound from far east d..


2017-03-20 23:49 | Report Abuse

bluefun 的投资理念(bluefun's investing philosophy)

1. 良好基本面的公司 (good fundamental)
- Digistar has good business (i.e. Concession business, CMS business) and good asset (i.e. Prime land in Melaka, Hotel Property). If you look at its inventory, you will realised that it has almost 60million worth of hotel property categorised under its inventory. I ask Datuk Lee before, have the company plan to sell it? Datuk said, company have decided to hold it, so that company has more bargaining power when they want to make some changes on the Hotel. For example, recently Digistar has proposed to all the individual holder to allow the company to convert the swimming pool area into Ball Room, so that it can attract more customer or corporate customer.

2. 稳定成长/赚钱的公司 (growth/profitable company)
- With the 15 years concession, Digistar will definitely profitable for the next 15 years.

3. 发放稳定的股息 (growth/steady dividend declaration)
- Digistar will start paying dividend after July 2017. Why after July 2017??? Because last time when they issue the bond, one of the criteria is Digistar can only pay dividend after 1 year the project completed.

4. 未来计划正面 (positive growth/good future prospect)
- Digistar is currently bidding on some Government project, and it has high probability to secure the project.

5. 手握多现金 (> cash on hand)
- Digistar currently has RM60million ++ on hand, and it will soon received another RM66 million lump sum payment from the Government, being payment for supply and installation of equipment for the JKR building.

6. 良好的现金流 (> free cash flow/good cash flow)
- With the concession business on hand, Digistar will received RM3 million per month from the Government

7. 少债务 (< debt/borrowings)
- Digistar has high debt, but this debt is incurred for the concession business, and the concession business is generate more cash flow for the company, so it's debt is healthy debt.


2017-03-20 20:02 | Report Abuse

Probability, SSTEEL sure will up, but not now.
Now market sentiment focus on penny stock first, after goreng finish, market will focus on good fundamental stock like SSTEEL again.
I expect the attention will back to SSTEEL on second half of April, 2 weeks before the announcement of QR.

My calculation shows this quarter SSTEEL should made around RM45-60 mil net profit.


2017-03-20 18:20 | Report Abuse

I see a big wave coming soon, this wave will push all of us to the next high level, RM0.25


2017-03-19 22:59 | Report Abuse

Cold Eye always said, when you buy a stock, you must ask yourself:-

Is this company profitable?
Have it made profit in the past?
Will it make profit in the future?

The company used to be profitable, but after it start its hotel development and JKR concession project, it become loss, because it has to incurred the bond interest during the construction period. This company will made profit in future, because the concession project has been done, and it start to received the monthly fixed payment from the Government, and it hotel business start to generate profit. Furthermore, it investment on the CMS project has start to bear fruit, as there are more n more customer subscribe for this services.

News & Blogs

2017-03-19 22:53 | Report Abuse

Very good article, we need more people like felicity to guide us and analyse the truth for us.


2017-03-19 21:42 | Report Abuse





在李华中告知即将引进新合作伙伴不久后,立艺企业上周三就与美国React Mobile以及天地通(Celcom)签署伙伴协议,推出PANTHER移动保安系统服务。


















至于酒店业务部份,其马六甲The Heritage四星级酒店去年的营业额就高达820万令吉,公司放眼今年营业额翻倍,预测今年每月获利会有50万至100万令吉左右。

李华中表示,The Heritage位于市中心,基于马六甲是一个旅游城市,该酒店吸引大批游客不成问题。



2017-03-19 21:05 | Report Abuse

13 Mar 2017 - 14 million
14 Mar 2017 - 57 million
15 Mar 2017 - 115 million
16 Mar 2017 - 29 million
17 Mar 2017 - 23 million

Total volume for last week = 238 million
Total Digistar Share = 599 million

Something big brewing.


2017-03-18 21:13 | Report Abuse

My personal guess, Monday or Tuesday it may touch RM0.23 again.
Let's see how it perform, no harm to guess guess.


2017-03-17 21:19 | Report Abuse

Judging from the above, DIGISTAR sure will go back to RM0.30 level


2017-03-17 21:17 | Report Abuse

Digistar is a good buy and good bet.

Good buy:
It has the recurring income from Goverment of RM3mil per month,
and its hotel business are generating profit. Beside that, its CMS system has more n more subscriber. Dividend is expected on July, after the company received the RM66mil lump sum payment from government.
It has acquired two piece of land in Melaka at very cheap price.

Good bet:
Datuk is currently lobbying on two big project, so anytime there will be good news coming in.
Digistar share price is still at low level, it has more potential to rebound.
Datuk has been accumulating the shares from open market for two years d, it is time to goreng.
Digistar is under the Mainboard Technology Sector, please look at its kawan-kawan performance.
a) Dataprep - A loss making company, surge up from 11sen to 43sen
b) D&O - Always hanging at 30 sen, suddenly surge up to 73 sen
c) DNEX - from 24 sen to 40 sen


2017-03-15 23:40 | Report Abuse

musangfoxking, nice poem.. haha


2017-03-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

Digistar has approximately 600 mil share. Out of this 600 mil share, 80% is controlled by 500 people. Average daily volume for digistar is around 2 mil. From 0.155 - 0.185, there is no much retail investor buy, only the operator left hand sell to right hand. This two days, the counter start to have huge transaction volume, and if you look at the size of each transaction, you can judge that there is no much retail participant. Let's take i3investor as a benchmark, one of the most active forum in malaysia, I believe here got less than 50 investors buy Digistar share. Let said each of this 50 ppl buy 50,000 unit, then we only contribute 5,000,000 volume, which is less than 5% of today volume. My remisier has 500 clientele, I ask her many of her client hold this counter, she said not much, around 5-6 only.

What I try to said that, this huge volume is not create to trap retail investor, because not many retail investor participate on it. Out of this 115 mil volume, I believe as least 95 mil is left hand sell to right hand, only 20 mil is sold to retail investor, or bought from retail investor.


2017-03-15 13:51 | Report Abuse

Actually this is just a starter.... the main course is this " a total security solution for a government agency".
Once Digistar successful get this project, then you can imagine how much Digistar will earn per year.

For the past two years, Datuk keep expand its CMS control room in every region of Malaysia, because Datuk is aim to secure this project.


2017-03-15 12:33 | Report Abuse

Hey guys, anyone got the latest update on Digistar?


2017-03-15 10:51 | Report Abuse

Please share here if you heard any updates ya.


2017-03-14 20:46 | Report Abuse

Let Datuk reveal his plan tomorrow, we buy popcorn sit down and watch.


2017-03-14 10:16 | Report Abuse

I cant reveal too much yet, but definitely more to come.


2017-03-14 00:42 | Report Abuse

Actually Datuk's told me his ambition is to make Digistar become the Top 100 market cap in Bursa Malaysia..

News & Blogs

2017-03-14 00:06 | Report Abuse

Stock Alliance, don't miss out DIGISTAR.
Mercury Securities give a buy call, with TP 0.285.
This TP is based on its current EPS, it haven't take into account the new project that Digistar will secured soon. According to Datuk Lee, the Company is bidding on a Total Security Solution Project for Government.


2017-03-13 23:58 | Report Abuse

Datuk Lee said Digistar is also bidding for two projects — a total security solution for a government agency and an infrastructure-related project along with other related system integration jobs, which he estimates to be worth a total of RM2 billion.


2017-03-13 23:56 | Report Abuse

Mercury Securities has an “outperform” call on Digistar, with a “buy” recommendation based on a fair value of 28.5 sen.


2017-03-12 23:16 | Report Abuse

Digistar used to be a technology company, but now it is more like a concession company, because now its main revenue is from the JKR concession project. Digistar will back to technology company once it successfully secure the Broadcast Equipment installation project for RTM Media City, or its has secure any big CMS project from the government.

What is concession business? It is same as toll operator, you build a highway with your own pocket money, then government give you the right to collect toll money for XX years.

The best example you can refer to MENANG, this company secured a lot of concession project for UITM (University Teknologi Mara). Back to year 2011-2012, this stock only hanging around 25sen.. But after its successfully completed the UITM campus, it start to received recurring income. With this recurring income, it secure more UITM concession project. And today, the share price is at 80sen.

For Digistar, now it only 18.5sen, do you think it is very hard to go back to 30sen?


2017-03-12 13:35 | Report Abuse

Back to year 2011, Digistar has surge from 13 sen all the way to 60 sen.
I bought it at 13 sen, sold at 16 sen, bought back 19 sen, then sold again on 24 sen, then bought back again on 32 sen, sold at 37 sen.. and not dare to chase again. and it go up to 60sen.


2017-03-11 23:57 | Report Abuse

VenFX, the best part of Digistar is:-

Dato Steven Sim Leong Thun and his family is one of the substantial shareholder.

Who is Dato Steven? He is the founder of Secret Recipe.

A lot of people not sure how big is Secret Recipe, let me tell you, Secret Recipe has more than 440 outlets in Asia.


2017-03-11 19:47 | Report Abuse

Ven Felix, for your information, Digistar's borrowing was mainly due to the bond issue for the JKR Concession project.
Digistar raised RM280mil from that project, and average coupon rate was around 5%.

Digistar is a smart company, it use leverage to enter into a huge concession project, which will provide recurring income for the next 15 years.

So far digistar only utilised RM240 mil for that project, and the project was completed on July 2016. That mean, there is no more risk to worry Digistar failed to complete the project.

As at 31 Dec 2017, Digistar still have approx RM60mil cash in bank, and Digistar going to received another RM66mil lump sum payment from Government.
With this concession on hand, Digistar will get RM3 mil per month, or RM36 mil per year. And the bond interest per year was approximately RM15 mil per year. This first batch of bond of RM60 mil will only maturity on 30 Sep 2018, by that time, Digistar should have RM60 mil + RM66 mil + RM3mil x 21 month = RM189mil on hand. Let said Digistar utilised RM50mil to pay its operation cost, bond interest, salaries...etc, there will be RM139mil in bank.


2017-03-11 10:53 | Report Abuse

moneykj, hehe.. you smell something right..


2017-03-10 16:40 | Report Abuse

lchits, yes, the above example is refer to the JKR concession project.
A lot of people cannot see the whole picture, they only know that Digistar is making loss, huge borrowing, revenue drop...etc.
They don't understand the concession deal, they don't know how to calculate the value.
I create the above example is to give them a better understanding on the concession deal.


2017-03-09 02:37 | Report Abuse

I have one investment holding company, and the company hold two property.

First property located at PJ, cost is RM500,000 (bought in year 2005), outstanding loan is RM480,000. You might wondering why the property has bough for 12 years d, but loan still RM480,000? The reason is all this while I only pay the interst, so I didn't pay for the principal.
Currently my monthly interest is RM3000, and the monthly rental I collected is RM3500.

Second property is a shoplot nearby new LRT station. I bought it at Year 2015 @ RM1.8mil, and my loan amount is RM1.8mil as well. Same as above, I only paid interest only, so the outstanding loan is still same at RM1.8mil. Due to the construction of LRT (will take 3-4 years to complete) that area become very jam, and many shop nearby has closed down. Initially that place can rent for RM9500, but the rental I collect is only RM6000, so that mean every month I'm incurred loss of RM3500. I believe this loss will be over once the LRT station is ready.

Beside the above properties, my company still have additional RM500k assets, such as cash, bank, fixed deposit and etc.

Recently, an investor offer to buy my first property at RM2 mil, and if the deal is on, that mean I will received RM1.5mil on hand, as balance of RM500k will used to pay off the loan.

Based on the above illustration, do you think how much my company worth?


2017-03-09 02:15 | Report Abuse

Guys, I offer you a deal, you see whether you want it or not?

My company is a Multi National Company, and recently we has construct a research laboratory.
In this new laboratory, we need to purchase a lot of advance equipment.

So, I offer you to buy RM2.4mil equipment for my laboratory, and we will lease the equipment from you for 15 years. We will signed a fixed price contract with you, each month pay you RM30,000, for 15 years, and at the end of 15th years, all the equipment will be outdated and the market price will become ZERO (in total you will received RM30,000 x 12 month x 15 years = RM5,400,000).

So you might thinking that you don't have money to fund for this project, no worry, my company will issue you a guarantee letter, and with this letter, I am sure all the bank will lend you money for you to buy the equipment.

Let said the loan interest is 5%, and based on RM2.4mil loan, you monthly installment is RM19k.
Since I will pay you RM30k each month, that mean your positive cash flow per month is RM11k, and you are going to earn this RM11k per month for the next 15 years.

Let said many investor are interested on this project, but my boss will only select one investor for this project, how much would you wiling to pay to my boss (under-table) , in order to secure this project.

RM100k, RM200k, RM300k, RM500k, or RM1mil?

Let said RM1 mil, if we include the RM1 mil into loan, that mean in total you need to borrow RM3.4mil from bank. Based on RM3.4 mil loan @ 5% interest @ 15 years tenure, your monthly installments will be approx RM27,000. Since I will lease from you at RM30,000, so you still have positive cash flow of RM3000 per month.

Remember, you no need to fork out any single sen from your pocket, all the money you need to invest you can get from loan, because my MNC company will issue a guarantee letter to help you to secure loan from bank.

Will you invest in this project? Please share your opinion.


2017-03-09 02:13 | Report Abuse

Guys, I offer you a deal, you see whether you want it or not?

My company is a Multi National Company, and recently we has construct a research laboratory.
In this new laboratory, we need to purchase a lot of advance equipment.

So, I offer you to buy RM2.4mil equipment for my laboratory, and we will lease the equipment from you for 15 years. We will signed a fixed price contract with you, each month pay you RM30,000, for 15 years, and at the end of 15th years, all the equipment will be outdated and the market price will become ZERO (in total you will received RM30,000 x 12 month x 15 years = RM5,400,000).

So you might thinking that you don't have money to fund for this project, no worry, my company will issue you a guarantee letter, and with this letter, I am sure all the bank will lend you money for you to buy the equipment.

Let said the loan interest is 5%, and based on RM2.4mil loan, you monthly installment is RM19k.
Since I will pay you RM30k each month, that mean your positive cash flow per month is RM11k, and you are going to earn this RM11k per month for the next 15 years.

Let said many investor are interested on this project, but my boss will only select one investor for this project, how much would you wiling to pay to my boss (under-table) , in order to secure this project.

RM100k, RM200k, RM300k, RM500k, or RM1mil?

Let said RM1 mil, if we include the RM1 mil into loan, that mean in total you need to borrow RM3.4mil from bank. Based on RM3.4 mil loan @ 5% interest @ 15 years tenure, your monthly installments will be approx RM27,000. Since I will lease from you at RM30,000, so you still have positive cash flow of RM3000 per month.

Remember, you no need to fork out any single sen from your pocket, all the money you need to invest you can get from loan, because my MNC company will issue a guarantee letter to help you to secure loan from bank.

Will you invest in this project? Please share your opinion.


2017-03-09 01:38 | Report Abuse

Come on guys, is 6%, not 6 sen.
This company has 300mil shares, if paid 6 sen, it has to fork out RM18mil, and its retained profit so far has RM19mil only.
So 6% is only equal to 0.6sen, company will only fork out RM1.8mil to pay to shareholder.


2017-03-08 15:44 | Report Abuse

Heng Kee, sure, more to come.. now haven't start yet, now just prepare to move only.


2017-03-07 21:55 | Report Abuse

Yup, tomorrow try again.. If still cannot, then next week try again, next month try again....
I got holding power and I got patient, I will ride to Kuek Family together.


2017-03-07 00:05 | Report Abuse

Can't reveal yet, because the plan not materialized yet.

However, I can throw some other candy here first.
If you refer to the annual report 2016, you will realised that Digistar has bought two piece of Industrial Land at Melaka Tengah. If you know the current market price there, and you compare with the purchase price that Digistar bought, you will see that Digistar is currently sitting on at least RM7mil paper gain already.

Currently Digistar has more that RM60million on hand, and very soon there will be another RM66mil to be received from Government, after paying off some bank loan and bond coupon, Digistar should have at least RM100million on hand.

With this RM100million on hand, Digistar can venture into many opportunity. Do you see the potential?

News & Blogs

2017-03-06 22:45 | Report Abuse

Very good example indeed. Another example could be Ter Poh Yee


2017-03-06 18:17 | Report Abuse

Hope tomorrow SSTEEL can move up 20% like LIONIND.

RM1.50 increase 20% = RM1.80.

Let pray hard tonight!


2017-03-06 11:46 | Report Abuse

8.6 sen EPS per quarter, and this is no one off income, this EPS can be repeated on next quarter, just refer to the steel price and you will know. So worth at least RM2.00


2017-03-06 11:43 | Report Abuse

Hi lchits, the DTTB you are referring to the RTM Media City project right?
That project is still on going, so Digistar still in the midst of discussion with Syed Mohktar group, on supplying, installation and commissioning of the broadcast equipment. Currently no outcome yet, as these project have been delay, until now Syed Mokhtar group haven't start any work.


2017-03-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

Loy88, not insider news, as I'm not an insider. But I just know that they are working on some project.


2017-03-03 16:02 | Report Abuse

I heard a good news for Digistar, but dare not to share now, wait until it materialized first.
But if it really materialised, then it would be the long wait catalyst for Digistar, believe it can bring the share price go back to 30 sen level, but provide market as hot as now la.


2017-02-28 23:18 | Report Abuse

Both Mycron and CSCStel are in the same industry, using same material, any reason why Mycron still can maintain its profit, but CSCstel failed to maintain its profit?

Can anyone analyse and share with us the outcome?


2017-02-27 18:39 | Report Abuse

Not bad result on Q to Q, revenue increased, profit increased.
On Y to Y, both revenue and profit are drop, but this is expected by the market d, so overall it is still quite a good result.


2017-02-27 12:03 | Report Abuse

Based on SSTEEL latest EPS of 8 sen, it should worth at least RM2.00.

News & Blogs

2017-02-27 00:09 | Report Abuse

但是现在,在外面茶室吃一餐,加蛋最便宜都要RM1,有些还要求RM1.50,这些都是很过分的价格,因为到现在为止,蛋的价格还是30-40仙,为什么你顺手帮我打个蛋,就要赚我额外的RM0.70 - RM1.20?