
apini | Joined since 2014-08-22

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2014-10-01 23:10 | Report Abuse

My Sifu said: one man can not win all, got money share-share huat, got kangtau share-share know

News & Blogs

2014-10-01 20:15 | Report Abuse

ooptikus, I also bought kssc on 23/9 and sold on 29/9 . I bought because it is uptrend and there are so many promotions. I just play for fun otherwise very boring keeping all my core value counters, like matrix, ptaras, scientx,lbs, aeoncr...doing nothing I sold because it had achieved my short term target 15%.
I don't want to hold for long term because when I checked it does not have those fundamental value as the counters I am going to hold for a long long time, How about future potential growth value? I don't know , teamZ may be can help.

News & Blogs

2014-10-01 17:47 | Report Abuse

my personal view is the stocks selected have high potential future growth but definitely not undervalued. so with uncle z far sight of acopany future growth and kcchongnz calculation, then it would be a best match ever. thank you uncle z and kcchongnz


2014-10-01 11:20 | Report Abuse

"Because Stale Bulls of Yesteryears will take this opportunity to sell..." , agreed.
a little profit is better than no profit


2014-09-30 20:12 | Report Abuse

I have no nasib for BJ counter, dare not touch. masing-masing punya rezeki


2014-09-30 20:04 | Report Abuse

calvin and speakup, why sell so early, second day only? I just bought yesterday.


2014-09-30 19:05 | Report Abuse

I bought on 23/9 and sold on the 29/9 and switch to mfcb and fiamma. just look at the eps of kssc for the recent 4 quarters: 1.51, 0.5, 1.04, 11.77. good profit because of the 2013 (3Q) land disposal gain, earning for most of the quarters for the past 2 years is < 1 sen. how can it be next pmetal????? the price go up because ppl promoting and you guys follow and hold, now the one promoting starts selling , how can it not drop?? for those who bought cheap, what are you waiting for??? you hope it will move like pmetal which the earning is strong because of the hike in aluminium price? for those who bought high, just pray there are ignorant ppl willing to buy higher because ppl said it is another pmetal


2014-09-29 15:11 | Report Abuse

thank you my little sis christ, wise eye & scjm, I got to say bye-bye now. I love all of you.... good luck


2014-09-26 12:20 | Report Abuse

this month my star really shining bright , hahaha.......


2014-09-25 20:50 | Report Abuse

I see this counter has no way to compare with matrix, in term of fundamentals and growth prospect, it is better to switch while the price is still good, next week you may not have the chance.


2014-09-25 20:39 | Report Abuse

this is the right spot, i keep fishing here, today already bought 10 k @ 1.09. still belum cukup, want to enjoy fishing slowly first, profit big later

News & Blogs

2014-09-25 16:43 | Report Abuse

God punishes no man, man makes thing difficult. how to be happy when you are 30 talk like a 60. so be happy, if you cann't, pretend to be happy, if yoy still can not,then think of sth that makes you happy, if still can not, I cann't save you, you save yourself, because you want to be happy like you want to win in the share trading.
trading to me is very very simple , set the criterias of buy, example, high YD, high roic, low EVM,3 year continunous earning growth and reasonable expected capital gain, about 20%. then enjoy your trding, most important, never never reinvest your dividend, that is the only thing that you can enjoy right now, capital gain is just paper gain. you cann't enjoy and you are relunctant to enjoy.


2014-09-23 13:23 | Report Abuse

got money share share huat, got kang-tao share share know.


2014-09-23 12:36 | Report Abuse

today I buy kssc for fun only, win lose 1 month settled. just want to have some thrill. genting too far away, lazy to travel


2014-09-23 12:29 | Report Abuse

my top pick of the year 2014: matrix, tas, ptaras, gadang, lbs. others dare not recommend because good growth prospect but fundamental datas still lose to my top five


2014-09-23 12:24 | Report Abuse

I think i have no chance tanam sayur now, now I suddenly feel investing is just like fishing, keep on changing places end up catch no fish. tapi must pandai to find the right spot. always remember my advice, no wrong one..


2014-09-22 10:31 | Report Abuse

hi, christine, you know chinese wo... good ..... I thought you banana.


2014-09-20 12:01 | Report Abuse

hi, my dear friends, do not pray everyday to win fast, but believe sure to win big, do not exchange your good health for the victory, always keep good health to enjoy the big win then


2014-09-20 11:55 | Report Abuse

hi, my dear friends, do not hope to win fast, but believe sure to win big, do not exchange your health for your victory, always keep good health to enjoy the big win then


2014-09-20 11:49 | Report Abuse

if you feel the fundamental is still good, buy sikit sikit every 3 sen drop, if you have bought enough keep in the safe or frige and go tanam sayur. once a while come back here to see ppl still struggling for up and down with all the wild guessing.


2014-09-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

why suddenly so many wild guessing now? most important hold tight to your investing principles


2014-09-19 18:56 | Report Abuse

today very happy..... ghl up....tas also up..... only aeoncr, but nvm, got dividend to spend.


2014-09-19 18:50 | Report Abuse

hi, christine, now i feel friend with you ada ong...... like the chiinese saying peace brings fortune, good, good....


2014-09-19 10:36 | Report Abuse

don't know why now I feel what you said very very nice. well said, Wiseeye and sjcm


2014-09-19 10:27 | Report Abuse

when company purchase its own shares then it is a good sign, but now is still down trend. down trend normally we buy at lowest, if you want to chase high then watch for the macd and 12days , 26 days crosses.


2014-09-18 23:32 | Report Abuse

any body here check the receivable of 200 million, any problem? if this money can be collected back, even though part of it, I think >1.30 by the end of the year shouldn't be a problem. so do not give up hope, either we buy slowly buy more to average down the cost or hold tight to recover the loss. this situation is not the first time we had encountered, last time we are still green , we hold because we don't want to lose money and hoping the price will rebound tomorrow, but this time it is different, we hold and buy more because we know the fundamental is still intact, we know as long as the next quarter result improve, we are going to recover all the paper loss plus gain. share market is not a place for those weak heart and ignorant of the company performance.


2014-09-18 19:34 | Report Abuse

probabay, do not add salt to the wound, most of the people here are already losing money, why you want to make us feel hopeless. if you cann't help us, at least you say something to help us feel better.


2014-09-18 16:27 | Report Abuse

If bought enough already, the first to do is keep in the safe and go tanam sayur


2014-09-18 16:25 | Report Abuse

danny, got holding power not sure winning , most must dare buy dare sell. goflykite, he dare to lose now come back buy cheap . the ending part of the show is mst important.


2014-09-18 16:11 | Report Abuse

my little sis, I just got 10k @ 1.05, what is you next tp?


2014-09-18 16:06 | Report Abuse

youngguy, start collecting sikit sikit now, every time it drop 3sen collect sikit sikit, it is about to bottom already, result will be released in oct. if earning improves, you got no chance to buy cheap. I didn't guarantee you sure but I can tell this is the best play. sifu cold-eye said, the one who win is the one who dare when other are fearful


2014-09-18 15:58 | Report Abuse

probabay, you think I got stuck, I have sold all , the first day result release. Now I am coming back, I started with 5k @1.11 then 10k, 10k until yesterday. you have underestimated me. this time I am going to make it real big


2014-09-18 15:37 | Report Abuse

my dear sis chris , my name not bad , right? nvm let her learn a lesson so that she won't be so busybody next time. don't feel bad, i am telling the truth.


2014-09-18 15:08 | Report Abuse

probaby, if it won't drop how to buy cheap? today I definitely not going to buy, unless below 90 sen. goflykite, don't buy now , wait below 90 sen, i know you have bought a lot at high price, so this time you must buy real low


2014-09-18 14:59 | Report Abuse

scjm, you better change you name to a more beautiful one, before I waste time attending to you.


2014-09-18 14:56 | Report Abuse

connie, I sudenly feel so bad to have made you feel so angry, may be just now in a hurry to reply you even though I feel so urgent wanting to go toilet, I have wrongly use my own standard to judge your polite reply , please forgive me, my dear, please do not drink so much beer if possible drink milk , to prove my sincereness I will buy 10k of GHL and keep until the day we could cheer together ,as a solid support of your recommendation. have a nice day, my dear little sister. take care


2014-09-18 14:20 | Report Abuse

If you don't like burung kakak tua, do you want me to send you one more, but I think burung kakak suit your childlike mentality. small small girl like to show off when they have a little success, macam ayam berkokok bising sekampung pasal bertelur satu biji.


2014-09-18 14:14 | Report Abuse

my dear christine or connie. you must learn how to be polite first, e I am just sharing with you how to be a batter person,no personal attack, why so angry, is my word that powerful that keep you barking, till I just come back from seremban. you are really hebat, a wonderful lady hope you are lady, I love you


2014-09-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

Danny, yesterday can not tahan, bot another 10k @98, today anyhow must tahan, otherwise when it really go to 80, we lick finger only


2014-09-18 09:37 | Report Abuse

Christine Goh, of course you can publish your essay, when did I say that you cannot, or which eye you see me saying you cannot present your paper. This is the phrase you like to use . the problem is when I present my different opinion , you replied me with a you called nice way which I feel very crude.
My good girl, let me share with you some good lessons,
1. it is not what you say , it is how you say that matters more. why other bloggers we respond with gratitude of their generous sharing? Why yours with suspicion of cari makan ?
2. please respect different opinion , do not take all the different opinion as an attack against you, that make effective communication difficult. Do you aware everybody has blind spots that we need other to remind us , so that we can see things clearer,
3. know that nothing is perfect, including whatever we publish, in your article we see beautiful picture of this can happen, that can happen, how about the risks that they can not happen? You have not dealt with it . but when we bring it up for discussion, you are so defensive that make everybody unhappy
4. anything if over doing, will rot". Esp on the same thing, over and over again, this is how you lose your credibility in your good intended sharing
5. please respect your opponents, do not redicule or scold them as I did to you, they will get mad like you and me.
6. do not show off your success, one success does not guarantee a whole life success
7. I am glad that you have profited from GHL, enjoy your profit and if possible give some to those less fortunate


2014-09-17 19:04 | Report Abuse

remember what sifu cold-eye said. " when ppl are fearful, that is the time we should be greedy".


2014-09-17 18:05 | Report Abuse

why hahaha... your laughing so sour. if you are angry let us know you are angry, why want to pretend good then following with all the unmatching remarks?
I never said ghl is hopeless, I just share my view it is overvalue. definitely you won't agree, because you already put all the egg in the basket, so you have no choice, even though now it is a shit , you must say it is gold.
why suddenly talk about cimb report? how do you know i can find the report? do you know the tp 1.60 quoted by cimb is for FY 2016 with PE of 23.8 , 40% higher thanthe average value of the payment sector which it is clearly stated in the report and this value is fair provided it can achieves a CAGR of 75.2% from now till 2016. God knows it can achieve or not by then?
Did you warn the readers in your essay abut this prerequisite conditions? you tactfully skip this part, and I say you hati busuk , what wrong? May God forgives your sin to mislead people


2014-09-17 17:21 | Report Abuse

I have no bad intention, I am just sharing my way/style of investing. maaf batin zahir if i have unintentionally hurt you.
seriously speaking , base on the data i gather, I strongly believe TAS is worthwhile for us to put our money in. for those already bought, don sell at a loss, try within you mean to average down, the new fairy may not be as good as this devil, so keep, end of the year do an evaluation and make a good decision. live or die nobody know, all are God's Wills and He will never abondon us.
I think that all I can share with you and keep you hopeful as my companion in TAS.


2014-09-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

goflykite, nvm kasi rugi sikit sikit now, kasi hentam kuat kuat to gain big later. you are clever ppl don't tell me you can't see it is retailer panic selling now. 30 sen gain at the end of the year can cover your loss then.


2014-09-17 16:44 | Report Abuse

still got 55k not yet buy, tomorrow don want to look at tas any more, hope up happy, down can buy cheap at 80sen


2014-09-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

boi_ta_han, 0.98 bought another 10k. that why i say do not look at the price, keep looking at it, you may break the rule


2014-09-17 16:35 | Report Abuse

tapi sikit sikit and slow slow, otherwise I can not achieve quota


2014-09-17 16:33 | Report Abuse

why worry? volume only 12k lots, all the weak heart retailers selling. let it drop, we enter below 0.90.


2014-09-17 16:14 | Report Abuse

don't worry , now is the time market discard those with weak faith. why worry? want to win big must have faith, must have brave heart. today i bought 10k @ 1.01. So this trend provide a good opportunity to reduce cost.