
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2022-06-17 23:13 | Report Abuse

The most s.tupid sanctions in history.

Sanctions lead to:
1. Russian Ruble best performing currency in 2022.
2. Highest rating for Putin at 80%
3. Record high O&G prices leading to record revenues for russia
4. Decline in value of Bitcoin of 50%
5. Decline in S&P, Dow & Nasdaq > 20%
6. Record inflation in USA & EU.
7. Record Petrol & Diesel prices in USA & EU.

Well done!

News & Blogs

2022-06-17 23:06 | Report Abuse

what a bloody joker! not called a comedian for nothing. Ukrainians losing badly! Game over man. Longer you wait, the more land you will lose.

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 12:20 | Report Abuse

It has been 6 months. I called BS on this article at 65 sen (24-25th October last year).

Time has indeed told who is right - I stand vindicated.

Where are you Phillip?

News & Blogs

2022-06-09 13:45 | Report Abuse


Be careful when eating d Musang King! See what horny things can happen.

News & Blogs

2022-06-09 13:43 | Report Abuse

Teach them all a good lesson to simply pump shares with bonus issues, during the boom period.

Stop doing bonus issues. Too many shares, makes it very hard to liquidate in a thin market like Bursa.

They should be doing the opposite - share consolidation and cancellation.

News & Blogs

2022-06-09 13:40 | Report Abuse

Good question!

Do Top Glove, Supermax and Hartalega also count as investment scams - considering the almost 90% drop from peak values?

News & Blogs

2022-05-27 12:05 | Report Abuse

My Gooodness. Still wasting ink on this lousy 11 sen penny stock.

Thanks for the heads-up about "dim prospects", Captain Obvious!


2022-05-25 04:29 | Report Abuse

Sell! Sell! Sell! ... quick! dump the stock! lol!


2022-05-23 12:46 | Report Abuse

How to go up a lot? The liquidity is lousy in Bursa.

Either they push up simply to drive the structured warrant price up OR this is a genuine move to RM15.

will have to wait and see.

News & Blogs

2022-05-23 12:11 | Report Abuse

Hey, all businesses have a marketing budget.

Taxi drivers, and hotel staff are low income. But they are in a position to drive business to restaurants and other tourist traps. This is a universal thing. To say this is corruption culture is quite frankly a bunch of BS. If you don't want to pay people to promote your theme park, then don't!

I don't blame them for asking for a tip/kickback/commission for driving business your way. No one is going to work promoting your business for free. You should ask Genting and Sunway Lagoon how much they're paying hotel staff and taxi drivers to promote.

Most tourist these days can check any recommendation on Google Map Reviews or Food. Travel review blogs to see of they're being scammed.

If someone can drive business your way, and close a sale, all commission is usually paid. Is a commission a bribe?

It is like a VPN referral code on a Youtube video. If you insert the promo code and the video creator gets a commission, is that a "kickback" or corruption?

News & Blogs

2022-05-23 10:28 | Report Abuse

"lucky charm" and "stock price revival" are phrases never to be used in conjunction with SD.

again, another PAID article in Focus, which cheapens this useless publication even more.

which d.onkey at SD paid for this rubbish to be printed?

since when does any financial publication trumpet "lucky charm" for PN17 counter trading @ 10 sen?

bring more shame to Malaysia. wonderful.

News & Blogs

2022-05-19 07:42 | Report Abuse

"rises up to 22 sen"?????

is this something to be proud and crow about in the Edge Markets???

when will you see an article in Bloomberg crowing about a USA stock rising up to 5 US cents???

Never! They aren't such i.mbeciles or so st.upid!

News & Blogs

2022-05-18 21:06 | Report Abuse

Please put down that crack pipe.

16 sen and 7.5 sen respectively is not "gravity defying", but rather "in the longkang".

i am certain these stocks will be able to sustain their longkang prices for awhile!

News & Blogs

2022-05-18 19:42 | Report Abuse

patience. last time took 12 months from Jan to Dec '17 to goreng.

even hiap teck and msc took ~ 12 months to goreng.

News & Blogs

2022-02-25 18:53 | Report Abuse


Krack Pot Koon.

Who is even buying shares in 2022?

News & Blogs

2022-02-04 18:23 | Report Abuse

US Fake News (TM) about invasion huh? Somebody farts - its Russia fault lol!


2022-02-02 13:18 | Report Abuse

Stock is up 490% from March 2020 low of 10 sen.

Guess who is now selling to you @ 49sen?

The same person talkin kok about RM1.16 TP.

News & Blogs

2022-01-29 23:41 | Report Abuse

More stu.pidity from the old con man.

You know the drill: he's selling out quickly.

As per usual!

News & Blogs

2022-01-28 17:48 | Report Abuse

FOR the sake of a few hundred (UMNO/PAS controlled) travel agencies...

Get it right.



2022-01-28 17:16 | Report Abuse

haha ... classic song to sing when trying to trap people.

very old trick.

Posted by Beltland > Jan 28, 2022 5:07 PM | Report Abuse

Long term investor, hold tight !

Those with strong risk tolerance.Add more ! Golden opp....


2022-01-28 16:28 | Report Abuse

It's all a matter of perspective.

Stock is still up 300% from low of 35/40 sen in 2011/2014 (after adjustment for split and bonus issues).

Posted by shareinvestor888 > Jan 28, 2022 4:16 PM | Report Abuse

Prices already dropped more than 80% from RM6.80 about one year ago to RM1.22 now…..sia xuay Maridien


2022-01-28 16:07 | Report Abuse

Reminds me of those that were rationalising Top Glove at RM6 "because of the dividend".

classic bias.

we shouldn't fall into this trap.

Insas has always moved in this 'disappointing' fashion. You should be very familiar with this sslee, since you've been trying to talk up this counter for years now.

Will be waiting @ 40 sen. As per usual.

Posted by Sslee > Jan 28, 2022 3:06 PM | Report Abuse

The last dividend is 2.5 cents


2022-01-20 20:20 | Report Abuse

Be careful. Already warned last Oct about the drop in this counter. Sure enough, it fell like a rock.


2022-01-15 11:14 | Report Abuse

Still arguing in here? Nothing better to do?

This counter game over.

Kiss your money goodbye.


News & Blogs

2022-01-15 10:47 | Report Abuse


Anyway, what does it matter? The RM2.2 million was transferred into Zizie Izette who isn't a PM Agent or representative. PM can only legally pay commissions to its licensed agents (as per the law).

What the agent does with the money is his/her business. Which raises the question of how did the agent get Zizie Izette bank a/c number and why did he transfer RM2.2 million?

News & Blogs

2021-12-29 17:36 | Report Abuse

Aiya, shut up about Xinjiang already. This BS propaganda isn't working!

News & Blogs

2021-12-29 17:35 | Report Abuse

Get rid of Memorial rights group!

News & Blogs

2021-12-29 17:33 | Report Abuse

Is it any wonder these LOW IQ, Low Intellect, Imbelices of - Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS), Islamic Education Development Council (Mappim), and the Confederation of Malaysian Writers Association (Gapena) - bring SHAME and Embarrassment to Malays and other Malaysians.

Waste of time and space.

Thanks for making those lawyers very rich with that s.tupid lawsuit.

News & Blogs

2021-12-26 08:03 | Report Abuse

A short, simple, excellent article. Better than anything Kon You Yin or OTB can write. Well done. Keep it up.

Don't forget to book profits. Then put some aside to re-invest in X or Y a little later.

What comes down, will go up (if it's not broke). Buy Low, Sell High.


News & Blogs

2021-12-15 20:23 | Report Abuse

Are they f**king INSANE?

RM500K for company and RM50K for individual?!!

News & Blogs

2021-12-14 16:26 | Report Abuse

????????? - mind blowing s.tupidity.

News & Blogs

2021-12-14 16:23 | Report Abuse

All the best to your mom and family. Take care man.


2021-12-13 08:20 | Report Abuse

Weird isn't it?

Must be paid or mentally ill.

No normal person wastes time furiously promoting a suspended counter (Sumatec 2.0).

Having a good laugh with Mabels delusional posts :)


Posted by shareinvestor888 > Dec 13, 2021 8:08 AM | Report Abuse

Relaks la Ah Kua Mabel.

No need to desperately promote other stocknames at Serba forum everyday including weekends.


2021-12-12 22:10 | Report Abuse

Maybe if can convert glove to condom price will erect?


2021-12-12 22:08 | Report Abuse

O ya! Silly me. Serba is not lonely! It has a good friend named Sumatec! hahaha.

Sumatec Resources continues to be suspended


2021-12-12 19:37 | Report Abuse

Time and time again, b.umiputera M.alay O&G companies follow the same pattern. Look and you will see the market littered with such failures:

i) Sapura Petroleum
ii) Daya Materials
iii) Perdana Petroleum
iv) Serba Dinamik
v) Perisa Petroleum
vi) Scomi Group
vii) Velesto Energy

and the list goes on...

Nothin new. It will always come to pass. Same ol same ol.


2021-12-12 13:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-11 17:39 | Report Abuse

Happened to me also.

It is OTB or someone he has hired.

Then they will also flag your posts. Try to get you banned.

Classic sign of syndicate working on a stock playing pump & dump.

Posted by SandCoffee > Dec 11, 2021 5:36 PM | Report Abuse

You're in whole new level. Insulting your own family omg. Such a shame man.


2021-12-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

But that is the difference. All you need to do is some proactive engagement - like VS & SKP.

Malaysian companies very backward. No knowledge on Public Relations & Media Game = Zero.

Just know how to abuse workers and confiscate passports, not pay overtime. Dyson had to terminate. Not good.

Malaysian companies are famous for "reaching out" to high level VVIP politicians. So why not Andy Hall & Co?

Too late for ATA.

Lets hope others learn to engage.

Posted by MrsLim > Dec 11, 2021 3:53 PM | Report Abuse

Is there any proof that workers' living conditions are better in VS and SKP?

Don't think so.

The only difference is that VS and SKP 'reached out' to Andy Hall, whatever 'reach out' means; and whether it involved commercial arrangements is a question mark.

Whichever company that does not 'reach out' will be attacked by Andy Hall and A. Ananthalakshmi of Reuters.

Just have a look at A. Ananthalakshmi's articles in Reuters. Her articles are mostly on allegations of human rights issues:


2021-12-11 15:34 | Report Abuse

Too late for ATA IMS and its shareholders.

The contract is cancelled, and severe repuational damage to ATA IMS done.

G. Bala & co should have learnt from Top Glove & co, but now they are paying.

Too late. What is done is done!

Water under the bridge.

News & Blogs

2021-12-11 15:28 | Report Abuse

sure. even more reason to take it seriously. yes or no?

now skp, vs industry are all engaging.

too late for ATA IMS. the dyson contract has been terminted.

supermax been hit with CBP ban. so yes, better pay attention.

henry888 This guy is working for big hands behind.

News & Blogs

2021-12-10 16:58 | Report Abuse

Best to watch Dr John Campbell on Youtube. He is a medical professional and can parse the complex data in a more simple to understand form. Omicron is not very dangerous at all. In fact, if it dominates over Delta, then we could see COVID morphe into just another common cold.

Take care of yourselves. Wash you hand, Maintain distance. Wear a mask.



2021-12-10 16:45 | Report Abuse

Nothing to calm.

Tan Sri very malu these days. wasted Billions of ringgit on buyback when doing s.tupid buybacks after the stock split.

Then do massive expansion, flooding market causing glut.

Didn't treat worker fairly, get 12 month ban from USA.

Tan Sri arrogance made him extremely foolish ... smh.

Posted by Hush77 > Dec 10, 2021 4:22 PM | Report Abuse

Normally tan sri will come out and say a few words..
To calm the fear..
Eg.. i remember he once said, TG will exceed maybank market cap ..

News & Blogs

2021-12-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

whatever Andy Hall is, take him seriously. Top Glove already kena nicely, then ATAIMS want to play dumb dumb. lost your 80% customer, stock also crash 80%, thank you very much!

News & Blogs

2021-12-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

Play s.tupid games, win s.tupid prizes. Datuk G.Bala has lost ~RM200mil since Nov due to collapse in stock price... smh.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-12-09 22:02 | Report Abuse

Coming onto 1.5 months since I posted here. What has happened, since I was falsely accused and false flagged?

The price has plunged from 70 sen to 45.5 sen.

I tried to warn you. In the end, you got it, didn't you.


2021-12-09 21:59 | Report Abuse

What happened to the RM1.16 price prediction?

Time is indeed telling, huh OTB.

News & Blogs

2021-12-09 21:57 | Report Abuse

Sorry Ben, maybe better luck next year?

Been a brutal one for glove supporters. I will reiterate what I said earlier this year:

Stay out of gloves for a couple of years (until things settle down), then look to reinvest.
