
avucin | Joined since 2013-02-13

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2013-03-17 15:37 | Report Abuse

target price 1.5 cents , stupid counters are for stupid people, don't be angry ... true what? kiki

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2013-03-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

very easy to choose, if u love pork, eat massimo bread, swine dna included, very soft and smooth texture. if u disgusts pig , their shit and snorts ... choose gardenia. now 1 kg of local beef is 19 to RM 21 , per kg ... 1 kg of lamb = RM 22 to 25 .... 1kg of pork = RM 8 to 9 , so which is cheaper? which has incredibly lower cost? which is safer? which livestock is cleaner?, please exclude religion to judge. what latest news on pig in China? u know what i mean.


2013-02-27 01:27 | Report Abuse

lobangking... your name remind me of that lubang, well for your question , if this company will not be delisted or become pn17 , and the price = 0.015 , why not? for the moment there are many more counters to play and with less bad news, which in this case happened alot in TMS, so 5.5 ...4.0, nope i'm just advising, at the same time if people panic may be, just may be i'll buy it at 0.035... but 0.015 is safe heaven, i thinklah


2013-02-27 00:49 | Report Abuse

i'm sorry nubhan , i hope u can still make money in A-media, me and the others may be just want to 'sakat' this bingo. good luck nubhan


2013-02-27 00:43 | Report Abuse

by the way, i checked with google translate, wallop = mendera/ smash/ pukulan keras , not 'eat'/makan or telan , for 'telan' it should be telan = swallow , he he 'wallop' 14 cents ... i think u should ask bingo to telan duit syiling 10 cents , 14 cent coin doesn't exist. he he


2013-02-27 00:23 | Report Abuse

i just want to share and give caution to u all, may be u all already knew, just look at these analysis:
for financial year 2011:
for 3rd quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :) earning per share was
... 1.14 cents ... :)
for 4th quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :( earning per share was
... -16.27 cents ... :(
see results for 4th quarter absolutely ridiculously very very big losses. so the cummulative earning per share was a very big loss
Now what about
financial year 2010:
for 3rd quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :( earning per share was
... -10.92 cents ... :(
for 4th quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :( earning per share was
... -13.18 cents ... :(
now, the results for 4th quarter is not that ridiculous because the cumulative earning per share for 3 quarter is very shameful. so the cummulative earning per share for 4th quarter should be more disaster.
Now what about
financial year 2009:
for 3rd quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :) earning per share was
... 5.29 cents ... :)
for 4th quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :( earning per share was
... 0.96 cents ... :(
now, the results for 4th quarter was so bad (negative for individual 4th quarter) that the value of cummulative for 3 quarters 5.29 cents has became only 0.96 cents (less 1 cents for such 'scomi' )for cummulative earning per share 2009
what i want say is: the conclusion, scomi always losses for its 4th quarter, making its cummulative earning very2 negative(loss) in 2011, from negative to very negative in 2010 , for a medium positive (profit) to very low positive (profit) in 2009
now the latest we have is for
financial year 2012:
for 3rd quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :) earning per share was
... 3.23 cents ... :)
for 4th quarter CUMULATIVE PERIOD :I earning per share was
... ???? cents ... :I
???? if u see the pattern for 2009,2010 and 2011 , it is not hard to predict that value ???? ,(although we may be wrong if scomi performance is opposite to the previous pattern) considering 3.23 cents is very small compared to 5.29 cents in 2009.
What more is that shares/right shares issued for IJM will further dillute if any profit made for 2012.
The only,best news is if scomi made loss for 2012 , well it will not be as big loss in term of loss per share considering number of shares have increased.
he he he, jaga2, u can check all this in i3investor above. but if like to goreng, no comment, silakan, he he


2013-02-26 23:43 | Report Abuse

it can potenza, but if market like it, it won't go below, either its bad counter or not. To know if market like it for tomorrow and the next day and so on... i wish i know how to know/determine that.


2013-02-26 19:15 | Report Abuse

and u no know what , more than 500 millions unit transacted in 2 days before these 2 days, manyak belum buang lagi, ayooo macam itu gunung mau jatuh


2013-02-26 19:13 | Report Abuse

and risk rider just asking , why can't it be 5.5 cents tomorrow ,? tomorrow people who bought it at 8.5 cents is at T+3+1, the force selling on T+4 , i mean after little idzin,


2013-02-26 19:07 | Report Abuse

but if u say negative 56 cents ... u know what , i really believe it, how? u just add all the losses every year, it might be more than - negative 56 cents.. ta ta


2013-02-26 19:05 | Report Abuse

losses every year , even 0.000000056 cent pun susah mau percaya


2013-02-26 19:03 | Report Abuse

and 1 more simonhing u must have more cash than when u bouht it at 11.5 cent , and no contra... and this is also a gamble , because what might happen is when the price is less than 3 cents... kira mati


2013-02-26 18:59 | Report Abuse

simonhing i suggest u buy at 3.5 cents or 3 cents, then sell it at 4 cents if u have chance (though very little chance, so u need to put your order to sell early and your remisier must also give approval early so that u will be the 1st to que. if u can do this repeatedly , that's good for u.


2013-02-26 18:55 | Report Abuse

earning per share for latest 4th quarter was 5.24 cents , still no dividen , and u know what? today Maxwell share buy back at 29.5 cents for 1000 units , ha ha kelakarnya 1000 unit share buy back, kencing punya maxwell


2013-02-26 18:49 | Report Abuse

bingo 25 cents, 35 cents , 18 cents up up and the way , where's your vision? gone with the wind, now 14 cents, just like anbz said that it might go to 13.5, no doubt... man u are a traitor to people whom seek u as a friend and adviser. harap pagar , pagar makan padi


2013-02-26 18:44 | Report Abuse

what is bingo trying to do? i don't get it, not even a little solid argument there, he he , man if this bingo is a teacher in a school, the students might fall asleep , kah kah, u are no match with imf_hau


2013-02-25 20:16 | Report Abuse

one rumor : TMS = Tunggu Mati Saja , TMS


2013-02-25 20:08 | Report Abuse

only cimb has the more rational TP 13/02/2013, the others midf, kenanga and hlg are too much, bullshit just put the TP as much as they want to!!!!


2013-02-25 19:16 | Report Abuse

:) + :( + :( = :(


2013-02-25 19:06 | Report Abuse

u know what my IP address is on moon, u would never trace me , i'm a martian tourist on moon , ok bingo i'm sorry, it just that u are so clever manipulating others just like the amedia directors, i bet most members here agree , ok ok i'm really a martian... ok i'm going back home to Mars , sorry for the displeasure , he he


2013-02-25 18:48 | Report Abuse

oh meaning u u're hoping to buy it back at lower price? good luck


2013-02-25 18:44 | Report Abuse

sorry wrong typo -- how the hell i wrote bango? ha ha bongok or bangbing-ngo-ng


2013-02-25 18:40 | Report Abuse

wt222 and kiraok , u know what :

bingo = stingko = jango = bingong , all are the same person, their style are same either in BM or in English , before jango used the word 'adek' , then bingo used the word 'abang ' , and both are kaki maki which are the same person , ... anbz u're absolutely right about their identities ,jango = bingo , now 'stingko' , i think this loyar buruk like the letters N , G and O very2 much, he he he... have no where to hide , the price of Amedia keeps falling , even when this bingo always here to defend his opinion about amedia... then when it is certain the price has no probability to move up, bingo disappeared , then came jango and, when anbz ask about his 'twin' , this bango came back ... ha ha, what a loser and manipulator he is.


2013-02-25 17:56 | Report Abuse

wah iqbe189 are u playing contra , bought at 0.625 i think, isn't it? congrat


2013-02-25 17:55 | Report Abuse

wah mr Kasim, i didn't expect u to follow what i'm saying about following the rhythm of the directors/ major shareholders. wow u also doing short selling kah kasim? itu 500 lot TMS waran u beli itu hari at price of 4 cents, sikalang sudah 3.5 cents , wah u manyak hebat kasi jual at 3.5 cents , no doubt ... short selling, he he


2013-02-24 15:47 | Report Abuse

3 cents ok what, itu sudah kira bagi muka , patut 2 cents pun kira padan muka TMS, hehehe , cummulative loss for last year was 0.87 cents per share, 2 cents itu kira premium tu, premium 130%, lu kalau tak pecaya lu kilalah sindili.


2013-02-23 18:50 | Report Abuse

this water consolidation in selangor has always proves time and time passing by to be a big failure, still no reminding?


2013-02-23 18:11 | Report Abuse

circulation of the shares are to many , one additinal listing 97 million units, then another 28 millions, u would never know when it is going to stop, and when the directors going to stop disposing?


2013-02-23 08:02 | Report Abuse

halo Kasim wa tatak marah, wa cuma ingatkan lu supaya hati2, kalau itu short selling theory betul, lu misti ikut dia punya dilektors punya rhytm, macamana lu mau tau apa dia punya next move, wa cakap bahaya, lu tengok ini company lugi banyak, lu tengok dia punya latest financial result... apa macam kalau itu short selling betul, diaolang bikin jatuh sampai bawah 3 sen (wa cakap pasal dia punya mak bukan anak), memang boleh naik balik... tapi lu bukan tau bila dia mau naik balik. so Kasim wa tak mau bikin lu malah tapi cala lu cakap macam overconfiden, hati2 itu sj, apalagi kalau itu dilektors sudah terkenal manipulators (proven ma)


2013-02-23 07:50 | Report Abuse

why buy puncak then? when the offer fr what kytan have posted,is 8.4 billions, which much2 lower than 9.7 billions offered before and have been rejected? buyer of Puncak sure mati lepas ni


2013-02-23 07:50 | Report Abuse

why buy puncak then? when the offer fr what kytan have posted,is 8.4 billions, which much2 lower than 9.7 billions offered before and have been rejected? buyer of Puncak sure mati lepas ni


2013-02-22 17:33 | Report Abuse

itu cerita short selling lah kalut + karut, cerita lu waran kah apakah, itu celita tatak kena mengena sama ini celita, lu celita mak dia pergi sikola, now u talk about the daughter/walan la goes to skool, bukanka ini pun kalut, 2nd thing itu celita walan lu punya lu sendili verify... lain olang kapala kasi angguk kah lu ingat. next time think before u post your comments, don't just write whatever, so someone need to criticize or condemn, still don't get it huh?


2013-02-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

tapi sapa beli 6.5 sen , simpan, jgn kontra... besok lusa volume boleh jadi kicik


2013-02-22 16:09 | Report Abuse

dia memang ada jual puluh juta + ratus juta banyak directors, tapi kasih beli bawah 7 sen atau 6.5 sen, lu jangan tepelanjat kalau itu announcement nanti ada itu amendment, macam tak biasa. lagi satu wa mau tanya semua olang macamana kita mau pastikan itu dilektors betul2 beli harga 10 sen? takda jalan boleh tipukah?


2013-02-22 16:01 | Report Abuse

bullshit short selling semalam dan semalam punya semalam volume masing2 lebih 250 juta unit !!! ini hari harga 6.5 - 7.0 cents lagi tak mau beli kasi untung itu short sellingkah . sikalang volume balu 5 juta unit voulume, byk kalutlah lu kasim


2013-02-22 15:57 | Report Abuse

they bought at price lower than 10 cents, something is not right with the announcement of 10 cents share, bullshit no one will dare to sell their share at 9.5 or 9 cents, if they are, how stupid...,ridiculous ,they actually bought it at lower price. if they really want to ,make the price fall apa susah2 dia punya saham ada ratus juta, lagi bodoh mau beli lagi, tak da logik.


2013-02-22 15:24 | Report Abuse

itu punya TP ada baik punya argument, sini kasi tengok sama dia:
Our View
The DTTB infrastructure allows delivery of real-time and more lively content to
audience and hence, could attract more advertisers and command better ad
rates. However, we are slightly negative on the proposal due to the significant
dilution to the EPS. As the indicative price of RM0.13/rights share offers only
slight discount to current share price, there is no real excitement for
shareholders to subscribe to the rights shares given the uncertainty in the
rollout of DTTB in Klang Valley which that been delayed for almost 2 years.
2 years delay apa punya bisnes ni? takda duit pun mau buat bisnes kah?


2013-02-22 15:19 | Report Abuse

necro org cakap cheers harga rendah boleh selling kah? short selling kah?


2013-02-22 14:55 | Report Abuse

kiraok91, may be they still don't know about the target price of 11.5 cents? ha ha ha


2013-02-13 19:03 | Report Abuse

wah dis counter so special , buyers few hundred thousand only, and sellers million , still went higher...hard to explain


2013-02-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

and that momo guy is more succesful than we all today, i presume


2013-02-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

very convincing vivos, well said, but your stock only can go up when people like it. if your company is lousy, people still feel bull ..they would still buy it , and vice versa. however your saying is more solid


2013-02-13 13:06 | Report Abuse

are u sure?, i bought RM 19200 ... i understand , how come it is now 18 sen, i can make profit ?, tq very much @anulus81


2013-02-13 12:58 | Report Abuse

if the deal is true, 5 for 3 , pasuk to gbq...
so if i have 40,000 units, what is the value in RM, anyone can help me calculate? i bought at average 48 sen