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2020-07-13 20:22 | Report Abuse

Everyone liked Aaron, they moaned for him for a month when he passed on. But not everyone liked Moses, Why?

THE answer is Aaron did not rebuke the, played the peace maker kind of responsibility. BUT Moses whacked them maximum apart from encouraging them, told them the right path...the right counter to buy...


2020-07-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

Only 20% came out with Moses, 80% died in Egypt, disbelieve. Some followed Moses were not the Isrealites but Egyptians who wanted to tag along but still got their idol led to the golden calf. So, the Lord asked Moses "your people..." means not His people...


2020-07-13 17:30 | Report Abuse

Money plant, grow money. Each RM10K has become RM16K in 2 weeks.


2020-07-13 10:36 | Report Abuse

Almost all the units of loan stock went up and the percentage is even higher as compare to the Ordinary Shares..

In the evening you used Excel Sheet to tabulate the cost, exercise will know which loan stock is your choice.


2020-07-10 20:36 | Report Abuse

FYE is 30June. Presumably, the final QR is not included in the current EPS, which is 10.37 sen ( cumulative of 3 QRs). Now, the Market Cap is RM18.527B when then the NOS issued is 1.36B units fetching RM13.62 each. RM13.62 X EPS 10.37 = P/E 131.37 IF the inclusion of the final Q profit making the accumulated EPS increased to 22 sen, the Price can be RM22 a unit even the P/E be adjusted to 100 times. Awaiting for the coming final QR.


2020-07-10 12:34 | Report Abuse

The price is not today's value. The value is the price tag of a future date.


2020-07-10 12:32 | Report Abuse

Yes, in the equities, we buy, buying for the future/the potential.


2020-07-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

Flowing with milk and honey...


2020-07-10 09:41 | Report Abuse

Panic buying now..


2020-07-10 09:14 | Report Abuse

The blind and lame also gained.


2020-07-10 09:09 | Report Abuse

Each level, not many sellers and the quantity. Private families are buying, better than BRIM.


2020-07-10 07:30 | Report Abuse

Likely many invested RM7K, now worth RM12K, how often got such happening, is phenomenal. 47.8M shares changed hand yesterday representing 3.5% of 1.36B units of issued shares, vast majority still holding tightly to enjoy the surge since many morning ago

In the morning, lay bare your request...even the existence of a nation is sustainable by prayers of those righteous people, no pretention, repentful heart & mind, no evil inclination, no dirty mouth, practices charity/tzedekah....


2020-07-09 19:10 | Report Abuse

Long time didn't buy shares that above RM10.00, trembling heart..

Despite the huge profits in your pockets, the unavoidable call you must fulfill is to give your wife the listening ears even though she is talking nonsense (nothing related to your invested shares), is pleasing God, rather than to deal with any nervous break down on her part..fatigue, costly...


2020-07-09 18:45 | Report Abuse

All got wiped out..

The babylonean, the Persian, the Greek, the Roman all being wiped out, Who wiped them out? Why?

The Amalech, wiped out.


2020-07-09 16:59 | Report Abuse

No moment of desperation, no one will give up, sometime the fear can kill than the disease


2020-07-09 14:19 | Report Abuse

Entered at RM10.20...

Make sense to you or not?
When the wicked people went to sleep, do not wake him up...for what? in the day make sins..dirty mouth, scandalous, deceitful, cursing people, framing others...

BUT when the righteous people sleep, make sure do not to read God's precepts, laws, instructions, Commands...some more need to focus on the share market(s)...


2020-07-08 15:42 | Report Abuse

Hundreds of sellers..

Only 2 parties can testify against you...your wife, she can see how you talk to your children, she sees if you engaging with any fakers,she sees if others wanted your life when you have unsettled bills, if you have cheated your customers/deceitful, politically correct kind of network..

The other party is your Creator, He sees everything about you, nothing you can hide, whether you steal, cheating, conspiracy, dishonesty...


2020-07-08 09:40 | Report Abuse

Yesterday alone, 194M units changed hand, is like the whole company being sold in the KLSE.


2020-07-08 09:36 | Report Abuse

NOS issued is 196M , not many, small as compare to other which got billions


2020-07-07 17:36 | Report Abuse

internet, radio see any creation,you know there is a creator, you see the brilliance of the creations you know the ability of our Creator, you see the purpose of the creations you know what our Creator wanted from us..


2020-07-07 17:22 | Report Abuse

No rest, you may ask when i can rest..can enjoy the guitar by the lake..everybody is on the to where? It depends on where are you running to..some running to the bus stand, some making plenty of money & it depends on how you made it..however, everybody is obliged to love the Lord. Some fear about being fired, can not get married, not enough money for the rest of your should know God, everything is about the knowledge of God.


2020-07-07 09:40 | Report Abuse

Give him a smack, all the RM3.80


2020-07-07 09:37 | Report Abuse

RM4 coming, watery mouth...


2020-07-04 22:43 | Report Abuse

Which 2 mountains are the most important ones? Aren't they are Mt Sinai and Mt Moriah?


2020-07-04 22:36 | Report Abuse

Everything is illusion. Only one thing we can control, the rest are all in the hand of the Lord. Whether you are short or tall, handsome or otherwise and rich or poor, they are in the hand of the Lord. Some people became rich with minimum effort and some can kill themselves many times but remained poor. The answers is..FEAR, fear from God, fear from making sin and the punishment. FEAR the Lord like you fear the law, the prosecutor, the judge and the Police.


2020-07-02 12:23 | Report Abuse

Take note, the Par value is RM0.40 AND the NTA is RM0.61


2020-07-02 12:19 | Report Abuse

Last week the P/E ratio was about 12 only. Half a billion shares issues unlike some others which got easily more than a billions of shares issued, disposed the assets that are not in the principal activities of the company, to channel the newly received funds to other more productive create value from the synergy, focus on the core business.


2020-06-24 18:16 | Report Abuse

How you are not shaking? If you are scared to be charged for a ticket issued by DBKL for the illegal parking, why you are not scared/feared about the coming of the Judgement Day?

As soon the Messiah come, He knows everything about you, all naked nothing can be hidden.


2020-06-22 13:08 | Report Abuse

It all depends on the talent invested in you by the Creator your God. If can slaughter a bull, plenty of blood burst out, everybody fainted and you still continue even with a cigarette in your mouth means that is your cutting edge over the others so carry on and keep that profession for the benefits of the community. On the other hand, what is the most difficult mitzvah, like a lady can not dress up modestly, most of the time half naked, so also keep the point and pay attention serious for the benefits of the community.


2020-06-15 09:54 | Report Abuse

RM0.54 got 5 mil units asked, go up further already


2020-06-14 15:22 | Report Abuse

What is happening here?

How do you know if God is still happy with you?

The answer is when you are getting involved with things that you never planned and the results are pleasurable to others. The Lord is sending you other people for you to help them or you are being sent by your father to solve his matter like... you are entrusted by your father to settle or negotiate with the lawyers/bankers/stock-brokers.

The rest are as usual...the Ten Commandments, the Seven Laws, you need to remember.


2020-06-12 17:28 | Report Abuse

Curiosity is in every person and even amongst the animals. That's why the animals can be caught because they responded and curious about the trap set up for them.

Anger, impatience, good-heart or honesty maybe found in some people and not everyone. But curiosity is in every person.
This is how God made the world.

Hope next week it will go higher.


2020-06-06 09:34 | Report Abuse

Is a baloney. Who can tell the future here? No need to tell now the reasons if the glove makers' shares have gone up by even 2 week ago. IF you can know the timing, you must have sold plenty of shares before the coming of the virus and just buy during the down time especially the glove makers'. Alternatively, others have built up their funds (borrowings even from mother-in-law) and waited the virus and invest. One thing that is certain in life is ..... but still nobody knows the time and in most cases people are caught with surprises because they have said goodbye to their loved ones and settled their debts.


2020-06-05 13:12 | Report Abuse

issue prepaid Visa cards...underserved segments, transactions move seamlessly & securely.


2020-06-04 16:36 | Report Abuse

When Moses cried to the Lord, "I did not receive anything from them...even I went in to rescued them from Egypt" Not even a Toyota. Moses is the most humble person ever in the human history.


2020-06-04 16:24 | Report Abuse

The only way to remove the laziness, anger, ego, etc... is through the .....


2020-06-04 16:22 | Report Abuse

the gym of the soul is the .....


2020-05-15 09:14 | Report Abuse

3 sen time , not buying, now paying the price, 100% profits.


2020-03-25 14:58 | Report Abuse

A religious teacher met his student after a long period of time. "My dear student, how's your spiritual life?", the teacher asked. The student replied "I am fine and I have no complaint about God". But the teacher said "I am worried if you have any about God, instead I am worried if God has any complaint about you".

In the current generation of , spirituality is not popular as materialism. Instead, dietary is more saleable.

Many Leaders of the nations are more self-centered than taking care of the common people, corrupt and bribery and amazed richest for themselves. Physical and spiritual not balance.


2020-03-25 08:12 | Report Abuse

Yes, the local indexes likely to go up.


2020-03-25 08:08 | Report Abuse

Thanks to Nixon. The US national debt increased the most was during Hussein Obama who is another traitor.

During his administration, with Hillary the crooked lady, the crisis in the middle was uncontrollable leaving refugees swam across the Mediterranean to dilute the composition of population in the Christian Europe. The Europeans are very naive fellows.


2020-03-25 07:58 | Report Abuse

During Nixon's presidency, the Dollar was no longer pegged to the gold. USD bills can be printed plentifully and issued into the US economy causing inflation or to boost the purchasing power. The US government purchased Bonds from certain bondholders in order to flush the market with liquidity to sustain their dampening economy. With this type of repetitive defensive measure on cumulative basis over the years, US could not still could not reduce the national debt which is terrifying.

Unlike other countries, circulation of your currency of money has to be supported by gold otherwise the currency will be less valuable when comparing to another. That's why China is continously buying gold to add into their national treasury.


2020-03-24 22:31 | Report Abuse

With His permission, may the vaccine be found soon.

Of all the religions, only in the Bible, in the first Chapter, 1st sentence, the Bible says "In the beginning, God created the heavend and earth" .

This is very important. Because of this word "creation", hence all those who had believed in God as mentioned in the Bible, got the idea of creating things (locomotives, banking system, vaccines, TV, Wase, High Tech , Telegrams, Telephone), so all these achievements for mankind is due to the Bible.


2020-03-24 00:20 | Report Abuse

As a result of the virus infection outbreak, the financial damage brought about by this tragedy is a humongous one. Many economies require their respective governments to inject liquidity in their financial system failing which the employees would lose their jobs when the companies going into bankruptcy due the shut downs.


2020-03-23 23:35 | Report Abuse

Lowest at 0.71 transacted on 19Mar and highest at RM3.01 transacted on 21Feb, means the huge fluctuation took place with a 30-day period. 75% of the value erased within that period of time. Not every person had lost 75 sen for each RM invested reason being not every purchased at the highest yet still holding.

Who can buy at the very low and sold at the highest price? Is the current price is low enough to attract the buyers?


2020-03-23 09:56 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter if they said that the USA lab made it, the Chinese ate the rats/bats, is the, is all felony, is our Creator made it, the virus.

Nothing can happen without His permission.
The facts we lose billions each minute, thousands of people dying, everything went down, the business, the markets...

God gave the last wake up warning you are going to get. The harder the warning is, the closer we are to the end.

When is the end? Don't know. No prophet here. Btw, God doesn't like fake prophet. But one thing you need to know, back 2003 the SARS, swine flu, 2008 financial crisis, people still go back to the wicked God said "no more!, I shut down many things for many weeks". By the end of this warning, anybody who has a brain, has to understand that after this there will be no more warning.