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2019-02-19 15:27 | Report Abuse

On the first day of CNY, my friend told me that FVG left with RM1.00 a share, made many investors clueless. Today, CGM the 15th day of CNY, FGV is RM1.20 already (up 20%). I had believed that a thousand Ringgits inside your Savings Account should not be better that 1000 units of FVG which was at RM1.00 a share. 20% in 2 weeks. Even EPF only give you 7% in 52 weeks.


2019-02-19 14:17 | Report Abuse

Per the Annual Report for account as at 31 DEC 2017 ( at Bursa website)..The accounting equation is: Assets - Liabilities = Equity.
RM4,366,711,000 less RM1,956,975,000 = RM2,409,736,000 (the equity), then divided by the unit of shares issued 18,835,130,000 units (if the par value is RM0.10 per share), so after that the value per share is RM0.1279 ( so if the cmv is RM0.105, means under-valued). This is before any Goodwill attached to this organisation.


2019-02-13 19:09 | Report Abuse

..even without further analysis by the experts.


2019-02-13 19:06 | Report Abuse

I used to have UDA paid RM60 as dividend a year for for at least 2 years consecutively. I received the interim (RM30) & the final (RM30) and the market price than was about RM0.90 a share on the average. So, it is better than putting a thousand Ringgits in the FD. Morever, it has the potential of capital appreciation.

As for Perak Transit, if investor paying RM250 (1000 shares, basing on RM0.25 a share) can received say RM5 of yearly dividend (RM2.50 interim & RM2.50 final) then the return is 2% p.a. So, it should attract even overseas funds which are placed in their banking FDR the least which paying less than 1% a year. So, i look at the dividend paying and lingering around RM0.23 for some time is just under-value, with further analysis by the experts.


2019-02-11 20:37 | Report Abuse

Barring unforeseen circumstances,..tomorrow..RM1.00..


2019-02-11 16:55 | Report Abuse

Look at the sellers..just being weaken..i think anybody also can know how to make it to become RM1.00


2019-02-11 16:40 | Report Abuse

Sellers very few..


2019-02-11 16:39 | Report Abuse

Just now not enough sellers to block the advancement, how?
Can go up further easily now.


2019-02-09 18:55 | Report Abuse

Disposed on 29Jan and acquired on the next day. Why like that? Suppressing the price and buy at a lower price?

Surely EPF has been doing a great job all this while, i mean since years ago. This scheme really worked very well. Workers have their cash placed into EPF monthly, whereby EPF will have to earn the handsome profits from the investment using the workers' money. EPF just dare not declare any annual dividend which is lower than interest earned from a bank (e.g FD rate) because it appeared that EPF must have earned much higher profit so to enable it to pay a reasonably high dividend rate to the workers.


2019-02-08 18:14 | Report Abuse

Barring unforeseen circumstances and having increased by RM0.015 to RM0.875 a share today tend to reflect a preparation being carried out for the potential to improve further in the coming days.


2019-02-08 15:52 | Report Abuse

Who is strong? The person who can control his temper. 2. Who is rich? The one who is contended with his life/happy with his portion. 3. Who is smart? The one who is learning from everybody. 4. Who is honoured? The person who honours everyone.


2019-02-08 11:21 | Report Abuse

Sellers dwindling..


2019-02-08 09:26 | Report Abuse

Please don't dislike whether it is a black or white dog, if those data and information that being used are not doctored ones, translated into RM2.00 or lesser, just take it lah. It is like that. Best if the substantial holders can corner the open market, who don't like to control the market.


2019-02-08 09:17 | Report Abuse

I wanted to say if did not manage to buy at RM0.875 yesterday, at least buy at RM0.835.


2019-02-07 16:53 | Report Abuse

Pang, Another RM0.10? Third time? I will glad.


2019-02-07 16:50 | Report Abuse

last done 100K units..


2019-02-07 16:48 | Report Abuse

Can you call this an "value investment" venture?


2019-02-07 16:00 | Report Abuse

Maybe manipulated during the IPO, the same goes for the rest of the counters. But, Is it true that Carimin is one the contractors being awarded with tender worth hundreds of millions..


2019-02-07 15:47 | Report Abuse

The IPO price was RM1.10 way back in 2014. WILL the current state of affairs of the company going to be better very soon than during the IPO i.e. potential earning/amount of contract from Petronas? If so, then the immediate target should be at least RM1.10 instead of RM2.00


2019-02-07 14:26 | Report Abuse

Market will be resumed in 5 minutes.


2019-02-04 09:46 | Report Abuse

Average up. More units, more profits.


2019-01-31 21:49 | Report Abuse

The dividend is for FYE2019, meaning investors get paid without waiting until Dec 2019 like a FD Receipt from the bank. This is a very good one.

Although the dividend is only RM2.50 for each 1000 shares, but to pay for 1.3B of shares (1,300,000,000 / 1000 X RM2.50 = RM3.25M), it takes RM3.25M to fulfill this exercise. So, another plus point. I mean the ability in the cash-flow considering the nature of the business or the size of the company. Btw, each 1000 share costing say RM240.00 and earning RM2.50 means the rate is 1% which is at least a consoling one.

Going forward, if the market price can become cheaper, expectedly more people would buy more although the IPO price was RM0.15 each share. How low it can go? It has the landed properties also.


2019-01-31 21:10 | Report Abuse

Yes. He said RM2.00 TP. The sky is the limit...

Buying a francais in certain businesses do come with some advantages. One need not have to invent the menu/ingredients/formulas needed by your existing businesses. Most of all, you need not have the qualification or experiences related to the business offered by the principal.

Just like buying the shares in the banks, construction companies, IT firms or retail & food manufacturing companies. With some general knowledge and common sense, one can talk about the potential of growth in these companies which are listed in the stock exchanges.

For example, Mr Warren B is not a trained CoCa Cola maker, but he can like to drink coca cola also despite his investment in this company which is ever growing.

OK. Back to our KLSE.. one can do your investment by your own financial capability ( the least powered), gained the trust from your spouse/siblings/parents (more resources) or the Warren Buffet's way - start talking to your clan's members ( Association - Hokkien, Hainanese, Kwangtong). He approached his neighbors and friends to impart money with him to invest..people trusted him, that was how he started..he took incomes from the profits and distributed the profits in the form of additional shares from his company..Berkshire Hathaway. But here, deposit taking is an offense so ..find your way.. IF ONLY CAN GET MORE TRUST FROM MORE PEOPLE.


2019-01-31 20:23 | Report Abuse

Yes. A person may use a nominee so that the personal name will not appear in the substantial shareholders' list inside the AR. The shares are not under any encumbrances, no loan taken. You can appoint one or more custodian ,like Citibank (M) Nominee, so that your total wealth will not be known easily especially when your custodian (Nominee) is not suppose to disclose it.


2019-01-31 20:13 | Report Abuse

fr the AR FYE2018

AMSEC Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Bhd./
(Pledged securities account for AmBank (M) Berhad for Cipta Pantas Sdn. Bhd.)

Means, Cipta Pantas ( 1 of the 30 substantial shareholders) is a borrower of AmBank, loan secured by pledging those shares to the lender, the shares were held as collateral by a custodian on behalf of AmBank which is AMSEC.

Another, Mr Lee Chee Hong, has 1M shares held directly under his name.

Next AR, Mr KYY will be the another substantial shareholder.


2019-01-31 18:53 | Report Abuse

On 10 November 2014, the entire enlarged issued share capital of the Company comprising 233,898,000 ordinary
shares of RM0.50 each was listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”).
The gross proceeds from the Public Issue of 60,700,000 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 at an issue price of RM1.10
per ordinary share (“IPO”) on 10 November 2014 amounted to RM66.77 million and the status of the utilisation of the
proceeds raised as at 30 June 2018 is as follows:-
Details of utilization.........

i see ... 233.898 mil units X 0.50 = RM116.9M paid up capital, + (60.7M units X RM0.50 = RM30.35M ) = issued capital @RM149.385M,

... found the the date of the FYE on page No. 67 of the AR2018. It is 30JUNE2018.
As at 30/06/2018 the losses was RM25.4M..

Net Asset per Share RM0.58 as compare to RM0.60 few days ago..

QR 30/09/2018 and 31/12/2018 coming? Soon?

If in the coming QR got any sign of improvement or profit for first quarter (for FYE 2019), that could motivate the investors to buy more.. the value can appreciate further.


2019-01-29 13:44 | Report Abuse

Judeo-Christian Western Civilization created so many things..steam engine for the train, telegraph, medication, bulb/lighting..stainless can name many more..why? Ii is not because they have blond hair or white skin..or cleverer than others. Ii is because of this book called .....

Only the Bible mentioned the first book, first chapter, first sentence.."In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." So meaningful. So, next, His children, having read and believed, got the idea from this book, started to follow this ideal of creation..for example, stainless steel..God created/gave us the iron (one of the 14 items) and men added Carbon and turned it stainless steel.

We should not stop at what God has given to us but to be creative ..we are here only for 100 years? If only we are still working at 93 years old..but God is stucked with this bigger plan, permanently..the whole earth. All of us have a purpose/role to play during our life time, in His plan.


2019-01-29 13:02 | Report Abuse

You may have the resources and if you do not have the knowledge and the technology, others will make use of it. Just like the oil from the ground, people were looking for water to drink, and these "black gold" bursting out from the ground not drinkable and forget it. Until the westerners have noticed it and turn it into petrol. These Arabs have the western civilization to thank for..


2019-01-29 12:53 | Report Abuse

Just like the Japanese founded the instant noodle and another country founded the mobile phone, these Korean have have big dreams, and this food manufacturer is quite a big company..their noodle is in our market. They may to export instant noodle like how the are exporting the smart phone even though they are not producing and "gandum". Just like Nestle, they used your land, farmed the Cocoa, making Milo and asking you to drink every day. Nestle making millions of packets of Maggi Mee.


2019-01-29 12:22 | Report Abuse

There are resources and we need the technology and knowledge to make the raw materials into usable and marketable products.

The noodle maker may wanted to increase the assortment of products in their company. Btw, the residue from processing the fruits into oil could be the raw materials for making boards for carpentry industry.


2019-01-28 16:55 | Report Abuse

The important thing is to understand that God does not necessarily want you to be rich but He does want you to be obsessively occupied with serving the need of His other children and it should not surprise you in any way that the good and loving God with bestowed the enormous blessing and prosperity of not having to worry about money on people who obsessively busy trying to take care of other human beings. That is the central mind shift that has to take place.


2019-01-26 14:21 | Report Abuse

Political stability is one of the ingredients for any country's economy development. Coupled with social and market stability, the company (from the office boy until the CEO) can concentrate to improve the sales/production, unlock the hidden value in the Balance Sheet. In the case of FGV, it has plenty of lands with or without oil palm trees. The company can in the future, on top of avoiding any leakages and corrupt practices, monetize the assets like identifying certain locations for potential extraordinary income such having joint venture to construct certain facilities on the land. These facilities can be an airport, university township or housing/township. This company has the government to overseeing the weaknesses to be rectified because it can affect the economics of thousands of settlers.

As for now, after being reduced from the IPO price/as high as RM5.50 recorded. The current price of RM1.00 is just a meagre of RM5.50 and definitely better than a thousand Ringgits which are placed in the bank.


2019-01-25 13:14 | Report Abuse

If you don't believe that making money is an honorable & worthy occupation that our Creator smiles at, and if you have a problem with that, you will stay poor all your life.


2019-01-25 11:28 | Report Abuse

Unless you intent hold up a convenient store with your friends, report to the government when your friends have under-declared their income tax & rewarded as being an informer or having mugged a lady's for her handbag, the other way to a earn a few Ringgit honestly this morning was to buy FGV quickly at 1.05/


2019-01-22 15:52 | Report Abuse

manipulation by the market forces/ill-defined forces.


2019-01-22 15:37 | Report Abuse

Very fast from 0.78 back to 0.80 ,


2019-01-17 09:59 | Report Abuse

Bought back at .87, park at the road block @0.89, don't be greedy.


2019-01-17 09:36 | Report Abuse

like the passed 2 days, if only you can know the timing, morning trying to move upward, you sold at the higher @0.89, buy back later in the day, if you are lucky, even lower than the opening price, then last hour, be prepared to sell, it wanted to close high. Yes the ranges were 0.80 to 0.895 now.


2019-01-16 17:11 | Report Abuse

Mr Tek, keep the blue chip. Trade daily on other shares, don't be greedy, same day, low fees. This VS is under manipulation, last hour, like yesterday, moved upward.


2019-01-16 16:58 | Report Abuse

Yesterday morning sold 0.83, bought back at 0.80, sold at 0.87 Close.

Today, bought at 0.845, sold at 0.89

If only we can sure of the timing. If only...


2019-01-04 00:42 | Report Abuse

Some guys were yelling "Mr Wong this.. Mr Wong that.." but Mr Wong did not even bothered to respond. He bought more and more..working quietly to roll out more products. You can vouch his average price, even higher than the current price. He can't be buying so much without good reason. Likely he has confidence in his company and understand the future of his company.


2019-01-04 00:17 | Report Abuse

SBB is aimed to reduce the excessive quantity of shares in the market. After 3% of SBB, shares in the circulation is 3.6 Billions. If par value is RM0.10 , these SBB is not inexpensive for the company. Another way is to consolidate like "10 shares become 1 share", so the shares issued will become 360 millions only. And when SC do away with board lot of "100", I buy one MYEG share each time, like people buying one share of Warren's company share Hathaway, because further consolidation have caused the issued shares reduced to 36 millions shares only. Each unit is very valuable then.


2019-01-03 23:59 | Report Abuse

The announcement was posted on the website of Bursa after 9pm. In the past, the positive news were announced before the market are closed.


2018-12-14 18:49 | Report Abuse


maybe Mr K was out-played. Sad. The share value was intentionally being pressed down to frustrate him and then the gang accumulated many at the lower price. So, Mr K had given up/ sold all the ordinary shares and left with so much unsubscribed warrants together with many others.

Will the gang go and subscribe those unsubscribed warrants which are plentiful? Their entitlement, likely they will have to subscribe in full to show their full commitment and confidence in their company. Any other will follow through?

Unless the price of the shares can be appreciated above RM0.89 in the near future so one group of people could be working together with the directors/CEO in a "scheme". But this business/venture is very risky when looking at the financial position of the company.

In many other cases, directors would buy quietly before a good news.


2018-12-14 17:39 | Report Abuse

I found that the article with the title "Jaks - Winner Andy Ang" is just not convincing.

The Warrant is RM0.25 each. The conversion price is RM0.64, so the cost to have one share is RM0.89 already.

The current share price is RM0.44 each. Hence, this corporate exercise is not attractive. Not only the CEO, but anyone will have to subscribe more excessive warrants in order to increase their percentage of shareholdings.

Having so much unsubscribed warrants left, who will take up the available warrants when it is not free of charge. Possibly, Mr K was not interested and understandably had exited JAKS openly.

If I am the CEO (Andy Ang), I may share the sentiment like Mr K and why and how Mr AA can be the big winner in this warrants exercise is not convincing again.

It is only my opinion.

The Info from the article:

The corporate action was right issue of warrants on the basis of 1W for every 2 shares held as at 21 NOV 2018.

Jaks' issued shares = 545,943,372.

Total number of Jaks' shares held by Andy Ang = 49,654,102 (latest disclosure dated 13 June 2018) i.e. 9.10% shareholding.

Number of Jaks' warrants entitled for subscription by Andy Ang = 24,827,051 (disclosures dated 23 November 2018 and 29 November 2018 indicating that he did not dispose any Jaks-WR)

Assuming that all warrants subscribed are exercised in the future, the total number of Jaks' issued shares will increase to 648,371,802 shares. Post warrant exercise, this will increase Andy Ang's shareholding to 74,481,153 shares representing an effective shareholding of 11.49%.

At Bursa's website :-

The details of the subscription are set out below:-

No. of Warrants %
Acceptances 99,790,399 36.56

Excess applications 2,638,031 0.96

Total acceptances and excess applications 102,428,430 37.52

Total Warrants available for subscription 272,971,686 100.00

Under-subscription 170,543,256 62.48

In this regard, the minimum subscription level of 40,387,551 Warrants for the Rights Issue of Warrants has been achieved.

In view that the Warrants have not been fully subscribed for, the Board has resolved to allot the Warrants to all applicants who have applied for Excess Warrants.


2018-12-03 21:10 | Report Abuse

I had wanted to buy at RM0.52 but was reluctant, so i missed the boat today.


2018-12-02 17:51 | Report Abuse

Trading Volume - here is 338,829,500 (the number of shares)

In the Historical/Prices KLSE Screener mobile app, the 'Vol' stated 3,388,295 (means the number of lots).

So, this volume has different meaning, should be standardized in wherever, instead of the number of lots in one reporting and total number of shares in another media.

News & Blogs

2018-12-02 13:25 | Report Abuse

Alex, my own lesson learned, if the person loss lesser the he has made, it is very good already, still got profits, very admirable because they are actually not many such guys, given at any season, does not matters whether you are skillful or not that skillful. Is the Jaks big investor skillful?